In 2012, there will be AN SOLAR STORM N ALIENS N STUFF ...........................
But seriously, I find it hard to believe that any human-being would give in to this type of shit.
Just look at how many people commit suicide before Y2K. There are a lot of things that people
predicted in the past .. and all those things (except for a few of Nostradamus' predictions and
global warming in 2006) did not happen.
- Y2K - Apocalypse
- May 21, 2011 - Rapture
- October 25, 2010 - Rapture
- September 26, 2011 - Comet
- August 4, 2011 - Massive Solarflare (Although there were a lot of sunspots, nothing really happened)
- 1976 - Some wacko said the world's going to end in this year after interpreting some biblical readings or something like that
- 1900 - Mayans gathered on some plateau waiting to be "rescued"
I remember one prediction that actually came true though
It was November 4, 2010 and the prediction was made by some bot. It predicted that the US Economy is going to get f*cked.
The date was a bit off, but it was close.
Despite the fact that I'm ridiculing all the believers, I actually do believe that they're onto something.
Every ~1500 years (according to what's been going on for the last few thousands of years), a very large earthquake destroys the entire western part of the Middle East.
This creates tsunamis, killing millions everywhere.
There is some evidence for events like this that happened in the past.
If you'd look at the sand in Africa, you'd notice that it contains salt.
This salt must've come from the ocean/sea. Tsunamis (Very large ones) must've taken place in the Mediterranean Sea.
These large tsunamis must've been caused by large earthquakes.
The capital of Lebanon (Beirut) has been built, destroyed and rebuilt countless times throughout history.
Even today, you'd find a plethora of cranes in the city.
I fear an earthquake might happen some time in the coming years. My building is over 40 years old and I don't think it could handle a magnitude 6 earthquake yet alone a magnitude 8 one...