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Level 2
Feb 8, 2010
Request for: Unarmed unit with melee and ranged attack

I was hoping to request from anyone some models which are identical to each other, both unarmed, but one model would have a ranged bow attack animation and one would use a melee animation. (if possible, I would like a 1 handed weapon attack animation and a 2 handed attack animation separately as well) I apologize if this request seems a bit too much to accomplish or if it's a lot to ask and I realize it would take some time if someone were to actually be able to help, but what I need is an unarmed ranged/melee 1 handed and two handed one male and one female of a human, dwarf, troll, blood elf, gnome and undead (an undead in the way WoW would have an undead but not actually from WoW)

If the ranged and the melee of each of those could posses the same traits (i.e. hair color, facial hair, clothes, ect..) This request is for a 3rd person RPG which has fully customizable heros in game. You choose a race and gender and start as a hero with no class. You buy you're skills from trainers with skill points and ranged/melee depends on the weapon you use.

Thanks a lot.
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Level 2
Feb 8, 2010

no, i was starting a thread.. and my cat walked on top of my keyboard and somehow managed to cause the thread to post before I even started typing. Thanks, I fixed the post. Sorry.

please delete this post or change the title to the appropriate title. (sorry)
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Level 2
Feb 8, 2010
are you aware of the models of Tenebrae

You must mean the many blade master edits with head attatchments that float above the head. They are all two handed. I am currently using two of them but looking for better replacements.

I just need something higher quality. Guess I'll think about removing weapons from blizzard models asa possibility.
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