Your map's description is lacking and needs improvement. Check the Map Submission Rules to know what you have to do exactly for your map's approval.
Anyway, I thought of testing the map and I found out that the gameplay is very quick to understand and the concept extremely simple. You play in rounds and for each enemy player you shall choose whether to "Block" or "Attack". This kinda gets very boring and repetitive since the gameplay doesn't develop at any point. It's just choosing between two options and then it's all luck.
Overall the map cannot be accepted. I have to vote for rejection.
This map is not based on luck.
If you do some trick, you can rise your win or force enemies lose with 100% chance.
It is based on luck since you do not know where you will be attacked and where the enemy will block. There's no trick or way to let others lose 100%, it's all according to what AI does.
Even if the game is not luck-based, that's not the main problem. The gameplay still gets repetitive as nothing changes throughout the whole game. I have nothing against luck-based games because that makes games pretty exciting and replayable yet I do have something against a game which doesn't evolve for the whole duration of the gameplay.
You dont get a point.
In 1v3 bot game: this is totally luck base game.
In 4 human game: this is psycho game.
If you keep attack someone, he will keep defense.
So, what will happen if you stop attack ?
I got the point, really, but in my previous message I stated that the main problem is that the gameplay is repetitive and gets boring after some time.
Are you sure it will be repetitive in all human game ?
If you want, i will remove bot from this map.
The game doesn't change, it's all a matter of choosing Block or Attack, nothing more than that, plain and simple. There isn't any other thing to do.