selection bug

  1. stacksu

    Display text on specific unit selection not working anymore.

    It's been a few months since I've put in any serious work on my map. Using GUI. I've got this selection event trigger set up to display text to a player, and it was working perfectly the last time I checked. Now.... It does absolutely nothing, and I can't figure out how it could've possibly...
  2. cokoqu

    [Solved] Custom Tree with bad selection?

    Hello, so i had a custom tree, with all the animation and additional model as tree0, tree0S, tree0D. but while in-game the tree cant be selection, so the worker cant cop the tree, any clue?
  3. Daethz

    [General] Selection Bug?

    Several people are reporting Selection bugs on my LoaP (LoaP Ascension). What could even cause this? From what I gather they lose the ability to click things. Theres nothing in the game that messes with the players ability to select units.