
  1. Thunderprime

    Help with Leaderboard and Duel Arena

    Hi, so I've been recently remaking some old hero arena map. The game is almost playable but I need to fix the leaderboard and duel arena to fit togheter as when the countdown timer for duel reach 0, the player with most kills in each team enters the arena to duel. then the leaderboard reset for...
  2. impulse

    [Solved] How to solve this trigger

    hey! I made a leaderboard trigger for kills and i followed a tutorial but now the boarder is there and it says only "Kills" no player no nummers. Code I want ofc that it will know how many players are in the map and count for them when player 12 (brown) unit dies.
  3. Xzere

    [Solved] Damage leaderboard

    How do you make a leaderboard based on the total damage dealt? I've tried this, but this does not seem to work properly. The biggest issues i'm having here is that it only detects player brown (Computer) for some reason, and with every attack he does, the damage dealt tracker is increased by 1...
  4. Thendar

    "Leaderboard / Timer" doesn't work together

    Hey all, I bet there is a threat similar to this but I was unable to find it. Ill tell you what happens and what the problem is: > A leaderboard is created > Leaderboard looks fine > a timer is created > the leaderboard gets "scaled down", it becomes a thin bar What can I do that the...
  5. matin45


    Hi again. I want to make a leaderboard like this picture: How I can make it?
  6. Sinandur

    [General] Multiboard Query

    Hello, Hive. I'm working on a Risk map and I have two resources - gold and renown. Now, a leaderboard for gold only is pretty much standard, but I can't really see a way for me to include renown on that same board. Note: I don't want the leaderboard to display current gold values, I want it...