• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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income generation

  1. GanisCraft: Mineral Income Generation

    GanisCraft: Mineral Income Generation

    One way to obtain Mineral in GanisCraft is to capture Mines such as this. However, Mines are not as frequent as ore fields. Commanders will still be harvesting ore with their workers on the field.
  2. .DotQ

    [Trigger] help me for income system syst

    Hello im about making a unit spawning in a area like the legion TD sending to the enemy which you send them so i want to put some income so they will spawn a unit in an area because the income increasing as you bought a unit to attack the enemy automatically. IMG_20200127_222432 by .DotQ posted...
  3. .DotQ

    [Trigger] INCOME SYSTEM

    Hello im about making a unit spawning in a area like the legion TD sending to the enemy which you send them so i want to put some income so they will spawn a unit in an area because the income increasing as you bought a unit to attack the enemy automatically. IMG_20200127_222432 by .DotQ posted...
  4. Adorm

    [Solved] Question about an Income Trigger

    Hey Guys, I'm developing a Map similar to the style of Maps such as Greece. Risk, and so forth and I'm having a bit of trouble trying to have an income system based on the number of acquired buildings. I've seen pseudo-code such as this obtained from How do you make buildings that generate...