
  1. emperor_d3st

    A modern Inventory and Equipment system prototype

    Hey folks, I've been working on this for a few weeks now in my scarce insomniac free time. Currently the code is a mess (had to rewrite everything a couple of times as I learned about new bugs and shortcomings of Warcraft). There are probably leaks. There are probably possibilities for desync...
  2. Knight of Arsford

    [SD/Misc] Empty Equipment Icons

    I've browsed around the spells section and found a few systems using icons that represent empty equipment slots (Helmet,Gauntlets,Armor,Amulet, etc.) Thing is, I don't know where they got these icons as there are no credits for them. Does anyone know where to get these said icons? I've used...
  3. Peach Schnapps

    [Solved] PAYING$ Set Witcher's Inventory System to not allow heros to equip items based on attributes/levels

    Helllooo, I am just having issues with the last real thing I'll hopefully have to pester you guys for but I would appreciate more than I can put into words assistance with setting this inventory system - MUI Multiboard Inventory/Equipment System v.6.0 Which has been modified thanks to you...
  4. Anchorist

    [Role Playing Game] The Railway

    Current State: Prototype About The Railway is a semi-coop RPG map featuring extensive usage of items, equipments, quests, dungeons, raids, arenas and class progression The Railway is fully written in Wurst, also all items, units and heroes are created by code, code itself will be released to...