• Listen to a special audio message from Bill Roper to the Hive Workshop community (Bill is a former Vice President of Blizzard Entertainment, Producer, Designer, Musician, Voice Actor) 🔗Click here to hear his message!
  • Read Evilhog's interview with Gregory Alper, the original composer of the music for WarCraft: Orcs & Humans 🔗Click here to read the full interview.

crusade over europe

  1. SNIper of DARKness

    [Trigger] How to make this Trigger once per player.

    Hello, I have these triggers that activates when someone builds a barracks. There are 4 races and 20 players, how can I make it trigger only once per player? Also I think my trigger will make it so the text appears to everyone, how to make it appear only to the triggering player? Quest WE...
  2. COE_SMALL.png


  3. SNIper of DARKness

    Elect new Pope trigger

    Hello, I'm trying to introduce a Pope system in my map simulating papal elections. The easiest way I can see to make it in wc3 is this: Bishop gets trained at Cathedral and if no Pope exists the bishop becomes Pope, once he is pope (hero instead of unit) he will expire in X minutes (dies), a...
  4. SNIper of DARKness

    Crusade over Europe needs your help

    Hello! I am currently working this summer on revitalising an old project called Crusade over Europe, I have managed to bring the old team (Shush,Oranki) together and release a new version after 4 years of stagnation that fixed many issues, but it's not enough. I am looking to release a complete...
  5. The British Isles Unsubmerged

    The British Isles Unsubmerged

  6. (0.51)  North Africa & the 2 Peninsulas

    (0.51) North Africa & the 2 Peninsulas

    Newest Terrain screenshot from 0.51 . Feel free to give feedback.
  7. (0.51) Europe Minimap

    (0.51) Europe Minimap

    The Minimap of the Crusade over Europe map, doesn't get much simpler than this.
  8. A Fatal Flaw

    A Fatal Flaw

    I have made a fatal flaw, but let's first ask for opinions, give me everything you can think of, all the feedback would be greatly appreciated.