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This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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Pandaren Singer/Poet who travels telling stories of heroid deeds.

In case of any confusion: his weapon is a lute, and the purple object under his arm is a bagpipe.

Credit to: Lord_T and Werewulf for helping with the model

Give credit if you use. Do not modiy without permission.

panda, bard, royal, leader, lord, king,

D.S.K.'s (Model)

D.S.K.'s (Model)

General Frank: (Not yet approved) [1-2-2008] - Place 'close' the UV-mapping on the front of this lovely model. - Better hat ! Looks to basic and unedited. - Better guitar, e-guitar just doesn't fit a cool bard. [IGNORED] January 19th...




General Frank:

(Not yet approved) [1-2-2008]

- Place 'close' the UV-mapping on the front of this lovely model.
- Better hat ! Looks to basic and unedited.
- Better guitar, e-guitar just doesn't fit a cool bard.

January 19th, 2008
This model is ignored for the following reasons:
-This model has a bug that makes it currently unplayable. This has an empty geoset that crashes maps!
PM another moderator or me if you have further questions or resolve the issue.
Level 6
May 13, 2007
Personally I think is almost truly awesome. Only things I see that make it not as good or downright lame:
1. Why a bagpipe!? Could just try to make him hold the Guitar like you are suppose to and make a 2 handed swing when attacking.
2. The Siege Engine skin style does not fit that guitar, try a more rock style (Red and white is classic or blue and white)
3. Not a problem but only a suggestion, make an animation to have him playing the Guitar, would make it a good model to have a duet with the Rocking Arthas model!
Overall score in my opinion: 6/10 (Won't rate until you give a yes or no to the suggestions so incase you do change I can rate better)
Level 45
Jun 3, 2005
he doesnt seem to be wearing bard like armour and you can easily remove the helm. Bard would prefer to puffy clothes, or brown and green leather not gold armour, to my ideal bard would associate with brown and green, not brown in red which would associate more with a warrior in my eyes. He still looks like a brewmaster, and thats the issue you have to fix, turn a brewmaster into a bardmaster. The issue here that is hard is that bard are often assiciated with english stuff and this would be oriental to the panderan, i dont know what a japanese bard looks like but...you get the idea of my thoughts.

tl;dr : He needs to look more like a bard, but in a sense where it will come to balance with a oriental panda being a bard.

if you need a hat that would suit more you can ask me, but there are 2 types of hats im thinking of that would suit a bard so if you choose to do so send a pic.
Level 3
Dec 28, 2007
Not bad, nice idea but could do with some improvements in my oppinion.
1) Keep in mind the Pandaren are Asian so bagpipes seem a little OOC (Out of Character) personally.
2) The lute's neck could be longer and it's missing a headstock. Also, try making the body curcular and the neck long and thin to make it look a little more Oriental.
3) The armour could be a little darker I think.
Maybe I'm just being picky though and I've not made any models (yet) so I guess it's not my place to judge. It ain't a bad model though.
