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This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
just a simple art, it's called Yellow Rose :p

if u use it on your map Credit both me And PrinceOFFame!

we both hope you like it ^^

Yellow, Yellow Rose, Rose, Flowers, Flower, plant, plants, art, arts

BTNYellowRose (Icon)

16:33, 24th May 2009 zombie2279: As pointed out before, the rose itself is totally out of focus. It ought to look like a spiky vine of some kind, but you really need to put more shading, lightning and maybe remaking the leaves in whole. Also, what...




16:33, 24th May 2009
zombie2279: As pointed out before, the rose itself is totally out of focus. It ought to look like a spiky vine of some kind, but you really need to put more shading, lightning and maybe remaking the leaves in whole. Also, what the hell is that random yellow blob in the top right part of the icon?

Resource rejected until sufficient updates are made.
Level 6
Mar 2, 2009
It shows the stalk of the rose with red thorns the way I see it. When you name an icon 'YellowRose' you're supposed to put the ROSE in focus dammit. Which I don't see.
You need to show more of the sun, make the rose smaller so you can see both the stalk and the bloom itself, and also define the contrast between the rose, stalk and all and the background. The stalk is also too thick when compared to the leaves. Thorns are too small. And the light from the sun should blend smoothly into the background not stand out from it due to the overwhelming contrast. Overall the icon isn't very realistic.
And WTH's a shlang???
Level 6
Mar 2, 2009
1. Make the sun rounder, then blend it nicely into the background.
2. Decrease the size of the whole rose so the flower itself is visible.
3. Decrease the thickness of the stalk(and only the stalk). If you do that, there will be no need to change the size of the thorns.
4. Draw the flower out and make sure it's placed as the man focus of the icon(you don't have to put it in the center, just make it bigger than the other features will do)
5. Sharpen the flower, stalk, leaves and make sure they are clear cut from the background.
That's about all I guess. I'm not a good icon maker so you'll have to experiment with what works. Anyway do try your best :) Hope this helps.