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  • não tô inspirado pra Risk agora t_t

    pra mim só falta saber o resultado do Enem pra pegar bolsa do ProUni, a faculdade já tá garantida :D
    tô beleza, tava com vontade de mexer em algum mapa novo, mas ainda to pegando inspiração. xD

    e você? como foi nos vestibulares lá man?
    eu acho que tem um jeito q tu faz de que se a vida dele chega a 1 e nas actions tu passa pra 100% da vida again ele n morre. estranhamente, funciona, q eu me lembre.
    Nice title, but even if you're talking to multiple Forsaken you still write Forsaken not Forsakens :)
    Hmm, to bad I removed the Kor'kron from the Undercity, I'll kill you later. Also, you're no the only one with secrets..! Lok'tar Ogar! For the Horde!
    Sillent, little Banshee, you already died 3 times, YOU are weak, I'll first kill all of your Val'kyrs, and then kill you!
    Traitor Sylvanas! If you do so, I will kill you at the samr way I killed Garrosh! The Night Elves must fall! Go talk with your sister, she's killing Blood Elves and Trolls! XD
    Maybe someday you will. Anyway thanks! My friend is providing me some aid. Anyway a secret question on your secret project! It's a blood elven right!!

    Edit: Oh, Its not a campaign. So what is it?
    I feel sad about when you are not working anymore at Tides of war! I really like the characters (specially Vereesa!).
    Sim kkkkk
    por algum motivo ele e o archimonde supreme acham que eu, vc e o tomo somos a mesma pessoa, ou q agnt já se conhece kkkk
    Well Heinvers, in some days will have good and bad news.
    The bad could be good as well, depends of the point of view! xD
    Don't tell me you're going to pause one project for another one. :p
    bah eu até tava afim de mexer no WE esses tempos, mas tô bem atrapalhado aqui man, infelizmente n rola :S
    eu faria tipo um tempo que "a cada x segundos" "o dono do control point (condição não seja o neutral passive)" "recebe X de gold"

    da pra fazer as ações pra todos os control points num só evento que é o tempo periódico, caso cause lag usa um timer que fica dando "looping infinito", mas acho q nem vai dar lag....

    foi isso que tu queria saber né? kk xd
    Hey Forsaken! I have looked back into the thread of Shaodows of the Horde and I'm inspired to continue it. I want to work on a MoP campaign before the WoD campaign because you know...there's a few resources yet. So can you send me the unfinished campaign?
    Não tão soon assim XD
    Ainda tenho q arruma umas coisas, e eu decidi coloca mais um chapter no Beta, e agora eu tbm meio q aprendi a fazer os cines serem avançados, e eu ainda tenho q estuda pras finais. Mas se vc quiser, eu mando, mas PRONTO mesmo são só 2 cines, o chapter 1 eu tenho q arruma a AI, por algum motivo ela não ataca, e arruma as AIs, quests e cines dos outros chapters, EU ODEIO AIs!
    Hey. I've noticed you and Go'el plotting against me in your language. Be warned,banshee.....king... I do not apreciate it when mortals plot against me. Ill be watching the two of you..
    Sim, acaba ficando chato, e td hora eu fico parando pra faze alguns terrains q eu nem vo usa pra nada, colocando/tirando Hero Glow de alguns models, e agora eu to fazendo um terrain pra um cara ai, sla o nick dele, ta nas minhas VM. Pod se XD
    Eu to trabalhando na GttS, mas ta mt devagar pq eu to meio sem ideia. Claro :D
    Forsaken, can you give me some advices/tips cause I'm will be doing the terrain any moment now. Anyways, it's outland.

    Edit: Forget it. I will try myself, Thanks, anyways. :D
    Jass AI is the only kind of Jass I can use. :p
    I can understand parts of Jass spells for example, but that's it. I'd never be able to create them myself (I'm also too lazy to learn all the JASS stuff^^).

    Jass AIs are the ones Blizzard used for the original campaigns/melee AI as well. I realized that these AIs are much less buggy than the ones from the AI Editor.
    Yeah, I don't like the AI Editor either.^^
    I use Jass AIs for my own projects, they work a lot better.
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