• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • Oh, thanks for the pack's link. It might turn out useful on my project. If incase I will be using this, credits to you.

    And a late greetings of Happy New year!
    Oh yea, I forgot it again: Happy New Year!

    Well, holidays. I've been studying during christmas (and it's not only christmas, but the second day (26th of December) is my name day too). We had a party yesterday and now I'm feeling terrible because of both hangover (damn, I couldn't eat the entire day and now I'm starving) and the thought that I'm having 3 exams next week and I spent 2 days without studying because of New Year's Eve. And because I have no g'damn clue what happened after 11 p.m. (Hungarian brandy too stronk - the home-brewed one we drank contained more than 60% alcohol). So ehm yea, let's just say that I've been better :'D

    I already quit WC3 modding. I'll try to work on IID in the future as well, but I won't start a new project. I'll try to make "real" games instead - possibly for phones as well. I completed an graphics introduction class where we learned the basics of OpenGL and various things about rendering and such, and I want to sign up for the OpenGL and the advanced graphics courses. I really enjoy these things :)

    What about you?
    Well what can I say.... that terraining you did for the contest is shocking :O
    Allowing kids to use them is overkill. Most of them are retarded and they play stupid pranks.
    There'll still be a whole bunch of annoying fireworks making noise when I am trying to just sit here in peace.
    Oh my! I didn't see that coming! Of coarse I'm interested. I'm always looking for good stuffs to use on my terrains. ;)
    Oh yeah.. Did it think that far when I said it. But no, you are not a dick head. you are a dick.

    New year.. Gah. They disturb me with all that noise. They always do. Every year. The same stupid thing.
    Oh my god O.O

    Happy new Year too!

    Toby!, yes I had a lot of fun.

    I will be in Japan until the 3rd of January it seems. (From 23rd of December).

    The stone is somewhat similar to what I really vision the map borders will be like!.

    I am trying to make a "Mining field" model on the "Bottom right" of the map..
    It never gets done though.
    (This will be for the campaign I am planning.)
    (Where you have to infiltrate the mining field. (Inside is a hidden laboratory.))

    I got the floor plan done when I am making merc.

    (Check out google drive).

    (Its really big, so I could fit more details inside, but it never gets updated :p)

    If you are making custom models for merc, I think it could be used in the stand-alone I am planning on! (Mercenaries Stand-alone game).

    Thanks for the present Toby!,

    I was hoping I could surprise you too.

    but seems like I will be gone till then. :ogre_frown:
    Reputation (+1):
    (Post) Really really nice terrain! Amazing work, might be a little influenced by the music, but good move on that one! ;)
    Eram sigur ca faci modding-ul asta din placere nu pet gaming. Oricum faci o treaba excelenta!
    Am observat ca la primul episodul nu era implementat The Toby light engine! Dar totusi arata extraordinar. Buna treaba;)

    -_- xC
    Te plictisesti?
    Nah! Greseala mea! Postat la mine in loc sa post la tine.
    Prima data cand am vazut acest sistem am ramas uimit sincer. Oricum WC3 e deja un RTS clasic dar imbatranit! Oricum tu si Talavaj va descurcati excelent in ce priveste sistemel de lumini si umbre:)
    Sa fiun sincer nu prea vreau sa mai muncesc prea mult la el pt ca oricum era experimental si cred ca o sa-l grabesc spre terminare. O sa las ep 3 ca fiind Capodopera mea.
    Te-ai saturat deci. Apropo, nu ai din intamplarecoloanele acelea din albumul tau?
    Yeap, had so much fun. Especially because it's the first time I celebrated the holiday with 2 hivers and my special someone. :D

    How about you?
    Well, it's not my fault my grandma's internet and PC is so slow. :<

    I haven't even seen the video but I do agree the site is pretty swell. :3
    I'd submit it to the tutorial section and simply post a link to it in the arena thread.
    Merry Xmas you too, haha yeah I was made it out of boredom and picked one which had a.. uhh.. so-so smile.
    Yo! Merry Christmas too! Good luck on all your future activities, real life and here!
    Lol, Merry Christmas dude ! Excuse my lack-of-replyness, I wanted to pm you a bunch of times now but something always got in my way.
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