• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • Hmmm, I'm not sure. It makes it sound like it's the official spell workshop for the Hive.
    Gua OL di rumah, Issei.. ya gue suka tuh kelakuan mesumnya the best lah.., nah genre lu apaan?, jump system?, lompat antar cliff gtu??
    I take long time cuz VM aren't notifications i get on my phone, so i don't receive them instantaneously,
    you don't get it hein...:
    An item (powerup type)
    Give it an item ability that gives 30 hp ok?
    and create a similar one but this time it gives -30 hp (SHIFT + Double Click to add negative values)
    When you give the first item to the hero, he gains 30 hp, and when he gains the second: -30 hp
    So, the 4th spell has stacks that give 90/120/150 hp or in other words : (3x30/4/30/5x30) so to add a stack on level one, you will have to give the item 3 times to the hero (create 3 items and give them to the hero) , to remove a stack on level 1, you will give him 3 items of the -30 hp
    Get it?
    NOTE: There is a chance that it won't stack together :p maybe :p, if it doesn't work tell me
    I think you need help with the stacks, right?
    For it: Create 2 powerup items that give +30 hp and -30 hp
    To add one stack : (at level 1) give the +30 to the caster 3 times (90hp) - 4 times (lvl 2 - 120 hp) - 5 times (lvl 3 - 150 hp) to remove the stacks, same thing but with the -30 item, store the stacks in a hashtable to make it MUI or you can use one Variable that has array, the array number will be :
    Set Stacks[Key(Unit)] = (Stacks[Key(Unit)] +1)
    whoever finishes first will get chooeychoco's spell
    Bunnyang's SP is hard (takes time)
    yes, when she's done ;)
    i am making tomoraider's Spell since it's super easy: DPS + timer = Spell lol xD and when dead, if timer is not done, HEAL/DAMAGE xD
    For dark's 3rd spell:
    A trigger that activates when the hero attacks, 30% chance, for the effect, since he doesn't want them to be stunned, you can do te following:
    Make 2 dummies, one that will cast impale (the impale abilty has allowed targets: NONE) this will make the spikes, for the damage, the second dummy will cast a shockwave without missile, you can make the dummies bigger (size) to increase the size of the spikes
    :( i guess you should read my desciprition more its very simple why you didn't get it ok my 3rd as i mention it passively all enemy in front of him so its like aoe Basic attacks launch spikes that deal 20/35/50/65/80. Spikes grow wider as Immortal levels.
    Nope , its just like howl of terror but do things that i said in my descpriton
    i used waits to just make it a quick one, not go throw triggered waits which will take 5x more time:p
    the model is from the hive:
    lmao omg. and here i thought it would be something cute and innocent too. >_>
    okay, your ulti is a bit easy, but cool:
    Instantly Strikes a target Unit with the power of the light, dealing to him 1.3/1.6/1.9/2.2/2.5/2.8/3.1/3.4/3.7/4x your Agility. Target will be stunned him and his allies for 3 seconds. Deals 60% less damage to enemies in 275 AoE and knocks them back by 250 units.
    Has a 300/350/400/450/500/550/600/650/700/750 cast range.
    Cooldown: 60/55/50/45/40/35/30/25/20/15.
    Manacost: 20/40/60/80/100/120/140/160/180/200.
    The jump is an ability you get when you are close enough to a cliff, you can only jump down, and the ability is temporary you will loose it when you're not close to a cliff, a trigger will add or remove the ability if the unit get in a region
    Jump will allow you to go down a cliff, you will jump alittle and an animation will play "Jump", and you will be pushed forward, then you will keep falling and an animation will play "Fall", When the Unit reaches the ground the animation "Fall alternate" will be played, during everything, the unit will be paused
    here is the Main Variables:
    Jump Height: 150
    Falling speed: 500
    If you need any help you can ask Daffa the Mage or MaTiJa97
    yes i used it, right after i took the screenshot :p
    and no for the missile, i will use something else that the golden light for the missile:
    Reason: the birth animation of the missile (golden light is awefull i will use something else ;))
    okay for the missile, if i have another more fitting i will make it, (it is ranged don't worry)
    this is the best thing i found, fits with light, looks a bit divine, a girl lol :p and very low size, this will be the skin/model, ideas are popping out of my mind, definitely this one :p
    great for the name, BUT, the wisp model is taken, see on dotca's thread, the image i posted, you will see the wisp hero
    Check the skin
    hey, i haven't found a suitable model for you hero, if you didn't find anything, i'm goinf to search the skins and models on hive to see what there is
    ummm, i made a quick one, i used waits for the speed, use timers (it will take more time to be made than waits but waits are unwanted - even i added them it's just to give you a preview)
    I also used local variables, which if you do not know, like variables but they can not be changed by any other trigger than the current trigger i also added a custom effect to make it look like the icon ~DARK~ provided
    you can use custom model but not more than 100 kb 150 kb max, abilities, haven't began yet

    Wait and i will give you a test map for the ability
    oh, and, you will have to choose the proper name of your hero :p
    of that:
    ********** (proper name) the Divine Light

    NOTE: your hero will have 1 ulti, 1 att bonus ability and 3~4 base abilities, he is an exceptional hero (Type of hero)
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