• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!
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  • It's no wonder why it's so popular.. those are really good prices!
    And when I mean good it's reaaalllllyy good.
    Omg, when I clicked "Show User Customizations", this lovely creature pops up everywhere. Its better than a tiny avatar, hehe.
    Yeah it's incredible.
    There are a few other people like that look really young but are actually older than you think.
    oh well, I am updating it now, bringing new things. but if you are too hasty, I will send you the link. there are already some on the pastbin
    Elainiel, one day I woke up, found that I got PM. The sender was telling me "Your Map is awesome as hell" . little later I saw my self next to a cloud, realizing that I got wings: of happiness ^_^
    How come everbodies mothers are so awesome, playing tekken with their sons and shit, while mine is a collector of angel decorations?
    My dad plays madden football, which is some pretty weird shit.
    lol I meant pet* and that pit pit is mistake double typed
    EDIT: i.e. the animal you raise: I mean the one in the avatar
    eh? I dont have pits around in the hive. But my real life pit fish (sounds awkward to me) died two weeks after I traveled and left her :( she must have missed me so much.
    I can see all your resources, try relog.
    Or clear your history.
    Or another browser.

    If nothing of this helps then idk.
    The resource tab is working fine?

    Anyhow if you are wondering about some resources, it might be because, you know a big amount of people left and took their resources with the,.
    That should be the site slogan/motto, 'cos really every single time I come here there just seems to be drama erupting everywhere.
    I've nearly seen more drama than modding at times.
    It's disgusting behavior really if it's actually happening. I'm not sure why someone would want to go that length over a modding/gaming website.
    Well I'm no icon expert but it looks good, the black part on the blade just doesn't look that nice though. The handle looks fantastic same with the background.
    Oh wow, that's some bright profile!

    Thank you, dear Elainiel, your message was a pleasure to read :)
    As for your question, I am not planning to do that any time soon.

    My best best regards!
    Oh okay. Where did you find it?
    I think it's a pretty cool picture, bulbasaur line is my favorite of the kanto starters :D
    I'll be around here and there, responding to vms&pms and also a bit in the maps section, giving people some suggestions.
    Ah okay I hope you have good luck with that, I'd like to try for a moderator but I'd probably get rejected haha.
    Alright I'll add you man!
    I might do the same, but I do have a good bunch of friends.
    Also what happened to your facebook account? Did you kill it or something man D:
    Ah okay, I'm not gonna go anywhere. I like it here and I'll stay for the community.
    Don't worry bro :D
    Saddly this site holds little interest to me after recent events.

    Still would like to see some models from you, be it wc3 ones or not.
    You have a great talent in modelling imo, or at least you have imagination, something i seem to lack these days.

    Anyway looking forward to seeing more of your work.
    You can read the Zero Tolerance thread.

    I was pushed to give them a reason to demote me, and unfortunately, I have been acting too emotionally. However, that's justified, because there was much stored up inside of me, due to personal problems and these recent events.
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