• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • Muhahaha do you think it really matters?Everyone here knows this site but the goverment doesent give 2 fks about it >:D.....busta.
    But ist worth it!You and your crappy anti-pirate laws will leave you just watching my screenshots and crying about how you cant play it. >:D
    I should :p i think I'll base it off the warcraft3 lordaeron map not wows.
    And Its ok with me aslong as those bloodelfs are female.
    Yeah they are,the olnly thing is that i dont know the geography of Lordaeron which is like 80% of the empire...
    Nah he doesnt. He actually lives in the four-fingered foot of the destroyed statue, plus he is dead. Smokey made Ben kill him.
    What are you talki... fock! So thats why I couldnt go through the ash, bamboo and your fence and that why I moved so quickly and people were scared of me. I thought I forgot to shave *Disactivates Smoke Form*
    Thats better!
    I cant! Every time I try to go through your sonic fence it repells me. Same thing with ash someone left around my house and bamboo in which people who met me jumped.
    I was answering with a long post and the internet went off >.<

    Anyway, I won't do anything with Wasteland map for now, because it needs a lot of reworking to fix player drops.
    Oh hello! I didn't work on Fallout map much because after a few tries I clearly see that I should add some PvP or spend too many time on quests (which I don't have now due to family :P) to make it interesting.

    Instead I'm creating a Dwarf Fortress map, and I intend to finish this one. It's based on the game which is the best ever but maybe one of the hardest.
    Anyway if you're interested, 3 days in the works:
    Now I have more stuff and script raids and sieges already :P.
    Just wait til Cthulus gets into action.

    And to tell you a secret *whispers* "Ктулху сохавает моск!"
    What do you mena has no connection? Shib-Niggurat and Cthulhu are buds forever!
    Also, I joined Yog Sotot cult as well.
    So? Anyway, I just reactivated my account in Destiny Sphere and now am building my awesome sote!
    Actually its the Central Gate. It allows you to go in your Neutral Sota(dont remember how its in English) and Central Sota and actually the whole world. Then you can build Transringal Gate which allows you to travel to other gates.
    How can you say no to banana farms? It's the birth of the Banana king and the Banana phone, along with the Banana hell and the Banana pie!
    My good friend, GyroCORP is running, but I´m absent due to technological problems (my laptop is dead). You Island looks great by the way ^^
    How can you say that? I'll put you under trial of Craft!
    Also you are know a peasant operating a SCV, I think?
    Anyway when I saw map of Draenosh I made I was thinking a lot and had inspiration to remake all our history to make it non-warcraftish. I like all our stuff so much I made a universe, where you have steampunkish role.
    Well did you see how may different homes I and Trolman had since the beginning?
    You have noly had three. Catacombs, Cave and Island.
    Right! Anyway, it would be good if you moved to Orebor if your island got... I dont know, nuked from inside?
    well as far as i know their "democracy" sucks really hard. and if you look at the international rankings, their state is no good :|
    Hmmm... Wat patch?! :D
    You know, all MMORPGs have patches that either fix bugs or add new content.
    i was just wondering... how on earth have you THAT MANY suicides in Lithuania? o_O
    especially men as it seems. i thought that finno-ugric people are depressed, but you beat us almost twofold :|
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