• Listen to a special audio message from Bill Roper to the Hive Workshop community (Bill is a former Vice President of Blizzard Entertainment, Producer, Designer, Musician, Voice Actor) 🔗Click here to hear his message!
  • Read Evilhog's interview with Gregory Alper, the original composer of the music for WarCraft: Orcs & Humans 🔗Click here to read the full interview.
"Westfall shall stand"

After the announced evacuation civilians were transported to Azshara and Echo Isles. But for some reason army not only it re

"Westfall shall stand" After the announced evacuation civilians were transported to Azshara and Echo Isles. But for some reason army not only it re

Kewl... But since thus High Priest dude is an asshole, I guess they'll fail.

Oh, and do you want to make this story all alone, or am I allowed to aid Legion?
Alone please. You have Yogg Saron and C'thun. I promise that fearless won't get destroyed. Unless you do it your self. It is time for the plan.
I'm moving to Northrend after C'thun, then you can do with Stormwind what you want.
Can I use then non fearless undead?

And those are local soldiers. Footman armor is to expensive for them.
I guess some Fearless would decide to stay with Legion. And I would leave a few to watch over Stormwind. Actually, I think I would use it as an outpost.
Its dark.

Chr2 after this question will be if there will a rock left from Stormwind.
Not city it self. The land he wants. Actually I am doing this for him to kinda.

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