• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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naga brute:
Last WIP:

More or less what i wanted, well?

naga brute: Last WIP: More or less what i wanted, well?

your suggestion will indeed shade the chains darker, but it will ruin the alpha, making the chains look ike some black cloth with chains painted =S
yes, but not sure when o_O
all keep tellin' me to put a custom skin on him o_O
i need Chrome for custom skin o_O
Grr, I forgot it would ruin the chains Alpha. =/

There must be way of shading models, can a Geoset animation do it?
not quite, they only give a crapy recolor that is worse than vertex coloring in WE
I think that it would be fine without a custom skin. But you have to ask yourself, "will it get accepted?" Hive moderators are annoying. They dont look at models based on usefulness. They judge it purely on quality. Honestly i dont think that there is enough to this model to be accepted. So i think that it needs a custom skin before you submit it. But it doesnt necisarily have to be a new skin. You could use some older naga skins to make him.
Lol you think they judge models on quality. Lack of really.

I think they judge them on whose is the lowest polies and has the least particles.

Barely anyones PCs nowadays even mine has a problem rendering lots of particles or polies.
Just make sure no-one ends up past the "maximum" limit the engine pushes forward.

For example Pyritie made Misha cut his particles to 30 from 60. That was unnecessary as Blizzard frequently uses 50+ particles for models, AND this model is a hero!
They make people reduce polies and billboard things that don't need to be billboarded. =/

As I said earlier, it doesn't look like Chrome wants to do a skin, however if he did I would "beg" that he chooses something out of the ordinary and not the same blue/green/orange/yellow colour schemes. Somthing like Yellow and Orange would be interesting! o_O

As all you need is a simple shading, I think that the Geoset Animation is enough. Just check "Use Colour" and choose a lightish grey and see what it looks like. Vary the grey until they looks darkerish (<-- Is that even a word o_O). I am assuming that the chans and shoulderpads are a seperate Geoset and that should work fine.
Elven.. that'll ruin the model worse than alpha lack (at least ingame) >_> i know, i tried >_> since noone wants to help i tried and discovered that. >_>

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