- just bored :p

Highborne - just bored :p

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Reactions: DragonMax_HCM_
Is there any chance I could get the Panther rider and the three heroes in the front? (Two melee and archer). I would understand if not. Also if you don't mind, could I also have the Dreadwing from your model edits?
Sure man! i will send you a test map with the night elves/highborne resources from my pictures (and a lot of other bonus stuff on them), but you need to wait 'till monday, 'cause i will be very busy on this weekend u_u
The Hero in front and the panther riders were awesome like the footman I asked for, and the one's on dragonhawks look familiar, Medivh is something new.
The dragonhawk is a skin from the substandard section if I recall, and the medivh one is from ujimasa Hojo's model thread

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