
Ice Crown E3 2013 - 2016

A Prototype that would be soon Final Release. Providing The Title had E3 2003, ECTS 2004.
Allowing to Testing Purposes Only, it is for Under Development.

Early E3 2013-2016 - The Early E3 Version will be Available for Prototype.
Pre-E3 2013-2016 - Once Started New Year. It's going to January Month after December is ended for New Year's Eve.
E3 2013-2016 - The Version had Almost Releases soon in the future.
Prototype - A Prototype Build that testing version.
Technical Preview - A Test Build for Technical Build for Fixing some bugs and improvements.
Insider Preview - The Build tests only for 5209 after Technical Preview is ended.
Monochrome E3 - A prototype allows for Monochromatic to viewing Book.
Test Release Months - The Test Release allows you given to get Testing Builds are under Development and it's beta.
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