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Attachment. I did not created attachment for a long time... This is one of my most favourite weapons of all time - Valdris, dualblade of dark elves. Enjoy it. When HoS resources is released there will be one special unit wielding it (now enough for spoilers...)

Give credits also to GhostThruster if you use this, because he was the one who created such magnificent texture for this epic weapon.


Hope you like it and enjoy it.

Here is screen from ingame. So it should be all working properly.


Updated: Yes it does :D
Lets hope someone will make an icon for it. And hopefuly rest of my models...

SvH :)

Valdris, Sword, Blade, Glaive, HoS, Dark, Elf, Elves, Drow, Underground, Adamantium, Smith, Attachment, Hail the Sithis!, Assassin

Valdris (Model)

15:59, 17th Jan 2014 Misha: it's not showing ingame atm nice one, well done :)




15:59, 17th Jan 2014
Misha: it's not showing ingame atm

nice one, well done :)
That might be. But it is still bad in a combat situation. Prof game designers want to make it look good, and it does, but it's worthless on the field ;)

I changed my rating to 4. I realize the rating is for the model and not how practical it is.

But I stand by my earlier statement. The weapon is useless.
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This is freakin' awesome!

Solu9, it may seem useless to you, but it's not useless. Firstly, this is a model, it's for a game. In real life there aren't dragons and elves.

Secondly, with a person trained to use it, this would be very deadly. When parrying someone's sword, you could twist it around and stab them in the side even while parrying.

This is freakin' awesome!

Solu9, it may seem useless to you, but it's not useless. Firstly, this is a model, it's for a game. In real life there aren't dragons and elves.

Secondly, with a person trained to use it, this would be very deadly. When parrying someone's sword, you could twist it around and stab them in the side even while parrying.


See my second post about this being a game-weapon, because I agree with you.
That being said, the weapon is indeed useless. There are some real life weapons that are crooked and spiked, like the Sai and the Chinese hook sword. But they are made for that particular purpose of disarming the opponent.
Also these weapons mentioned have smooth edges not filled with points and spikes. The reason for that is because it is simply not practical and not reliable.

Find me a real life weapon resembling the weapon attachment uploaded here and I will indeed stand at attention.
But until then, I rest my case.

Sorry Sellenisko for debating here. Your attachment IS pretty cool.
There are some real life weapons that are crooked and spiked, like the Sai and the Chinese hook sword. But they are made for that particular purpose of disarming the opponent.

That right there is proof that they aren't useless. Disarming your opponent is pretty effective, and once you've done that, it doesn't really even matter how your blade's shaped, you simply kill them with it.

Yes, the real ones don't have notches, but I can see how notches could be useful. A person's sword would get stuck in one of those notches, making it easier for you to use this blade to pull the sword to the side.

I'm not saying it's ideal. Mastering something like that would be pretty difficult, and it would be foolish to give them to an entire army, but having just a few guys trained to use that sort of thing? People have used worse things as weapons in the past.

Just take a look at nunchakus, most people can't use them, and they aren't an effective weapon to give to your army, but when somebody masters them, they are very deadly. It's very difficult to fight against somebody who knows how to use nunchakus. I wouldn't want to.
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See my second post about this being a game-weapon, because I agree with you.
That being said, the weapon is indeed useless. There are some real life weapons that are crooked and spiked, like the Sai and the Chinese hook sword. But they are made for that particular purpose of disarming the opponent.
Also these weapons mentioned have smooth edges not filled with points and spikes. The reason for that is because it is simply not practical and not reliable.

Find me a real life weapon resembling the weapon attachment uploaded here and I will indeed stand at attention.
But until then, I rest my case.

Sorry Sellenisko for debating here. Your attachment IS pretty cool.

I hate to interject here and add to an argument where there is seemingly no need to, but your statement seems quite uninformed when you assume that there is no real life weapon resembling the attachment - due to the fact that it is based off of the real life weapon Valdris designed by Kit Rae, in which the picture had already been posted.

ACtually its based on Kit Rae sword Valdris

I happen to know for a fact that this weapon is real - because I own one. Unlike the bottom picture of the Elf dual-handing the weapon, the real Valdris is rather small (Much smaller than the attachment itself) one-handed and quite comfortable to wield.
I happen to know for a fact that this weapon is real - because I own one. Unlike the bottom picture of the Elf dual-handing the weapon, the real Valdris is rather small (Much smaller than the attachment itself) one-handed and quite comfortable to wield.

And where did you get it?
Do you have an article where it mentions the use of this type of weapon?

I dare to venture a guess before you answer.
You got the "weapon" from Kit Rae's site.
I also believe that Kit Rae makes.. da da dadaaa... Fantasy weapons.

The key word here is "fantasy" meaning "not real".

So again. Point me in the direction of a site, article, wiki or whatever that show, tell or just mention the use of this weapon.

The weapon you have is a fantasy (again, not real) or in this context not real as in not used in real combat. It is a novelty item, nothing more, and have certainly not been used to kill anyone (assuming you didn't kill anyone of course ;) )

I wanted to add a disclaimer. I think the knife looks great and is totally badass for a fantasy weapon. I'm not arguing that it exists in a physical form. I'm arguing that it has never seen real combat, and is completely useless if it did (well if the opponent has no weapon I withdraw that comment :p )
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The weapon you have is a fantasy (again, not real) or in this context not real as in not used in real combat. It is a novelty item, nothing more, and have certainly not been used to kill anyone (assuming you didn't kill anyone of course ;) )

Whether or not something is used in real life combat isn't really an effective measurement of whether or not it would have been effective against other weapons of a particular time frame. Not everything that's used is actually effective, and not everything that isn't used is actually ineffective. There are always good apples that get thrown out, and bad apples that get brought home to the table. Things like that just happen sometimes.

Let's take a look at muskets, for example. Crossbows and Longbows are definitely superior to muskets, even though they existed for centuries before muskets, and were discarded to use muskets instead. Europeans discarded their bows and crossbows and every soldier began using a musket, which was less deadly, less accurate, with lower range and a lower rate of fire, than crossbows, longbows, and compound bows, which were all functionally superior to muskets, and were definitely superior to the sorry excuse for a pistol that people were using back then.

People don't always use what's most effective. Just because something isn't used, doesn't mean it isn't effective. Sure, people didn't use this blade. People also stood in lines and took turns dying, politely waiting their turn to attack.

This blade could certainly be effective in combat. The way it is shaped would allow the wielder to parry an opponent's attack, hook their weapon in one of the notches, and disarm them. A disarmed opponent then doesn't stand a chance, and the weapon has long points to pierce through armor and kill the target.

The reason things like this weren't used has nothing to do with whether or not they would be effective. Things like this would be incredibly difficult to make with a hammer, and additionally, people weren't trained to use this weapon; they were used to swords and axes. There wouldn't be demand for something like this; people wouldn't want it, and people would definitely not want to sit around with a hammer trying to make something like this when they don't even know anyone who would want to take the time to learn how to use a completely new weapon.

Let's take a look at cultures around the world. It's clear that many types of swords, including the gladius, the katana, and the claymore, were very effective, and people around the world traded with one another and had access to these different weapons. So why is it that Europeans didn't start using Katanas, and Japanese people didn't start using Claymores? Because they already knew how to use their own weapons. Why would they want to take the time to learn how to use a completely different blade when they already knew how to use the normal ones that everybody else around them used? The same goes for this sort of blade. It would probably be effective if someone trained to use it, but why would anyone dedicate their life to learning to use a weapon like this, risking it being a waste of time, when they could just dedicate their life to learning how to use what everybody else uses, and function in unison with them? It's just how it is; when it comes to weapons, people tend to choose the same things. They don't even know why they do it; they just do, because everybody else does. A large part of why the native americans were unable to fight off Europeans was because they gave everything they had to get their hands on muskets, when what they should have been doing was using their simple bows, which would have silently and effectively fought off the threat. The muskets were their downfall, but they wanted them anyway, because everybody else used muskets, and if everybody else does it, it must be the best, right? Sadly, no.

I'm not saying this would be the almighty weapon that changes the fate of the world. I'm just saying, don't write something off just because it wasn't popular. If time's proven anything, it's that the majority has always been really good at making poor choices and having poor taste. Heck, just listen to what people are calling music these days.