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Wrath of the Lich King Campaign

Wrath of the Lich King Campaign

Warning! If you re-download this campaign, make sure to TRAVEL BACK TO DALARAN! I will open it in the map selection so you won't have to redo all your progress If you used the Tirisfal Hearthstone in Dalaran and lost your tents, I recommend restarting. Cheats are not disabled so you can fast forward to your latest progress.

This is the sequel to my last project The Burning Crusade Campaign. Custom Story. The Infinite Dragon Flight went back in time the day Arthas killed Uther to kill Arthas as a death knight. A group of heroes were able to stop them but; Uther was left alive. This was the actual goal of the Infinite Dragon flight but for what purpose? Your journey will begin with a new Paladin Prospect named Vitae; he will be the main character in this changed world. The journey begins in Northshire, Elwynn Forest; when a day of training is interrupted by the enemy.


1. If you played the Burning Crusade Campaign it will be similar, but with improvements to all its gameplay, scale, and story.

2. Control of 12 heroes in epic sized maps, deal with exploration, crafting, problem solving, puzzles, maze, boss battles, and more as I come up with something new almost everyday.

3. Quest system. Certain Quests will be redoable (Like a daily quest) by just leaving and returning to the map; but most quests can only be done once, and will play a role in the worlds story, gearing and leveling up your heroes, and quest chains that will lead you to the unlocking of dungeons.


Warning! If you re-download this campaign, make sure to TRAVEL BACK TO DALARAN! I will open it in the map selection so you won't have to redo all your progress If you used the Tirisfal Hearthstone in Dalaran and lost your tents, I recommend restarting. Cheats are not disabled so you can fast forward to your latest progress.

Screen Shots

Image Description:Iron Dwarves


Image Description: Temple of Blood


Image Description: Conservatory of Life


Image Description:Azjol-Nerub


Image Description:Sapphiron's Lair



March 1, 2015 Released
March 8, 2015. Fix XP bug in Azjol-Nerub. Fixed Vitae and Alice Icons. Fixed Dalaran Shop Bugged quest.
March 9, 2015. Fixed quest Explorer's Will. Would not turn in and stopped games progress.
March 18, 2015. Increased Crystallized and Eternal Item drop chance. Reworked most bosses attack dice rolls.
March 29, 2015. Fixed Dungeon set bonuses that would not allow a critical strike. Fixed a bug in Halls of Reflections.
May 18, 2015. Finale tier vendor had patterns missing, added a shop for the Furblogs when you have completed all their quests.
June 27, 2015. Increased Vitae's movment speed, added more shops in Dalaran, Added more loot drops to Dungeon set Bosses, made Cloth, Leather, and Gem Crafting cheaper in terms of materials needed. Nerfed Agility Dungeon Set bonus speed reduction from 15% to 5%. Increased World drops for white loot.
July 11, 2015. Added a Hearth Stone for Tirisfal Glades, made Cloth, Leather, Gem, and Herbs cheaper in material costs. Added shops to all friendly camps, Nerfed Lich King Final phase from 25% haste increase to 10%. Changed Quest Log Text and Attribute Texts.
August 23,2015. Fixed some text and punctuation. Changed Vitae and Alice models. Fixed Tirisfalglades Hearthstone bug. Increased Vitae's attack speed. Increased Primordial Saronite loot drop in ICC and Ulduar.
August 24, 2015. Fixed Elwynn Forest.
October 7, 2015. The Queens Gemmed Key quest would sometimes bug and become undoable. Fixed
August 2, 2016. Final Update unless game breaking bug. Increased loot drops in many dungeons to speed up the game. You won't have to farm nearly as much. Nerfed starter dungeons slightly. Fixed some typos, rebalanced gear drops in final dungeons. Cobalt coins quests will always give stat bonus now.


-Blizzard Entertainment
-Jolly D
-Uncle Fester
-Marcos DAB
-Blood Raven
-Darkmoon Hero
-Destructor [DoR]
-The D3ath
-Apheraz Lucent

-Blizzard Entertainment
-Dan van Ohllus
-Mr. Bob
-Blood Raven
-Ujimasa Hojo
-Azure Dragon Elementalist
-The Weird Human
-Mechanical Man
-Scythy Dervish
-Wandering Soul
-Dwarven Paladin
-Truespin Fishbrain
-Uncle Fester
-Vermillion Edict

Warning! If you re-download this campaign, make sure to TRAVEL BACK TO DALARAN! I will open it in the map selection so you won't have to redo all your progress If you used the Tirisfal Hearthstone in Dalaran and lost your tents, I recommend restarting. Cheats are not disabled so you can fast forward to your latest progress.

Lich King

Wrath of the Lich King Campaign (Campaign)

15:57, 7th May 2015 Orcnet: As much as their is a huge story being brought upon this campaign, this game gives you worth the play time due to lot of maps, characters, and how to story would be. I really couldn't much spoil it, but to be...
Level 3
Aug 21, 2014
This is not in fact an ordinary campaign like anything u ever played, this is more like an MMORPG, with party of heroes, item drop, item crafting & the most important: dungeons. The only difference is you have to control all the party by your own which requires a pretty good micro skill. Just try to get use to controlling 12 because u won't be able to win next battles without anyone of them.

I understand what you are trying to say, but again, this is not a Final Fantasy game. Its not easy to control 6 heroes at once. First chapter was great because it had just 2 heroes and they were easy to control. If I have a hard time controlling 6 heroes, how can I enjoy this camping?
Level 9
May 17, 2012
I understand what you are trying to say, but again, this is not a Final Fantasy game. Its not easy to control 6 heroes at once. First chapter was great because it had just 2 heroes and they were easy to control. If I have a hard time controlling 6 heroes, how can I enjoy this camping?

Sorry, man. This campaign will only appeal to certain people.

Btw, about Vitae's model, can u replace his sword by a paladin's hammer? I prefer the hammer as it's simply the symbol for justice, righteousness & leadership - which seems to be the case of Vitae (he isn't a completely fighter nor supporter in the team) :con:

About the item sets, the agility & tanker sets were pretty good while Vitae & Healers sets were a let down. Vitae's set gives 2 extra point for Str, Agi & Intel while in fact Vitae needs more mana & mana regen to heal (I expected his Righteousness would be a team aura somehow). Also the Healer Set only give mana regen, 3 items which + both mana & mana regen are obviously a better choice for a healers. :grin:

You get it! I do like those ideas. The team aura for the leader sounds great. I will note that for the next campaign.
Level 3
Aug 26, 2012
I understand what you are trying to say, but again, this is not a Final Fantasy game. Its not easy to control 6 heroes at once. First chapter was great because it had just 2 heroes and they were easy to control. If I have a hard time controlling 6 heroes, how can I enjoy this camping?

Ok, I see your problem. I'll write down all of my tips so u can try. This campaign took Spite a huge.... huge effort so I wouldn't stand that his topic would last for 4 or 5 pages.


1. Grouping: Grouping is the first thing you must practice in order to "CALL" your heroes faster (because u have 12 heroes so some of their ICONS won't be shown on your left side)

There are many ways you can try to group your heroes, but the point is don't split into many groups where u can't manage them. I personally split them in 2: the #1 Group - 6 "Player 1" heroes & the #2 Group - 6 "Player 8" heroes (u can know which Player side they belong to by holding your mouse over a hero or just press Alt + A - the "Player 1" will be shown in Blue)

Team 1: Vitae, Alice, Mountain King, Priest the Healer, Fidaelis & Warden
Team 2: Ice mage, Fire mage, Necromancer, Cammy (Holy knight), Bolster & Greenstar (Keeper of the grove)

This may not be the most logical way to group but it works for me, most of the heroes in Team #1 will be the ones u need to control first when engaged in a battle while Team #2 will be used later.

2. Quick-call hero: This is the way how u can target the hero you want in the fastest way

Team 1: The Team 1 icons will be shown on your left side, so there are many ways you can choose:
-F1, F2, F3: They are the fastest "Hotkey" to target your hero, F1 = Vitae, F2 = Alice, F3 = Mountain King. So you see how quick you can save your team with Vitae? Press "F1" to call Vitae and then press "T" (Holy light hotkey) & use it on your team. Want to stun a boss? Then "F3" & T (Mountain king's storm bolt), However, I avoid to use F4, F5 & F6 because my fingers may lose the accuracy so it's best for you to use F1 ,F2, F3 only, also because F6 = quick save.
-So how about the other heroes in team 1 (F4, F5 & F6?). Well you can just simply click on their icons on the left side with your mouse

Team 2: The team 2 icons won't be shown so the key to control them is: 1st Call the team by pressing "2", then personally pick them one by one. Here, you will use the "TAB" key (which allow you to switch on each hero in a selected team) or "Mouse click" for faster calling.
For exam: If I want to call the "Fire mage", I can press "2" and "TAB x1". If I want to call the Necromancer, press "2" & "TAB x2". If I want to call Greenstar, I press "2" & then click his icon shown below.

Another way to call your hero is to click on them "on the screen" individually, this is a bit more difficult but u can always use the tricks above.They are very good especially if your mind is being "messed up" by too many actions to take. Just practice a few times & u'll be good in no time :ogre_haosis:

3. Engagement order: The key for you to buy more time to set up your team formation, it always happens like this: Let your tanker make contact with the enemy, use "Taunt" on him and then let he take a few hits while you can have your time to cast the skill you need. If you gear up your tanker well enough, he surely will be able to take the boss on alone for ~ 10s, even when it's a powerful boss, Vitae's & Greenstar's Powerful Healing ability will take care of him in no time - Greenstar's is the best skill in this situation cuz you can still have other heroes cast their skills while your tanker is under the effect of Rejuvenation, if you tank's health is dropped down suddenly by some kind of a critical hit than use Vitae's instant healing.

=> So you see, it's not about controlling 6 or 12 heroes at a same time, but to control each of them but in a right order ^_^

Example: When fighting a boss (with Piercing Attack & some AoE skills): 1st I let Fidaelis to engage him & use "Taunt" to make sure the boss won't hit any of my other heroes, then 2rd use Mountain King's Storm bolt (5s for time stalling yoho :thumbs_up:). And then I start to move my other heroes in an area where Cammy's AoE healing can reach all of them, after that u can start casting skills like Healing ward & Mana pool, Warden's Armor reducing... The lats things to do are to keep healing your tank/your team & enjoy the battle :grin:

4. Hotkey & Skill Usage:
There's no better way for fast management than remembering the "Hotkey" for the skills you use. Fortunately they are conveniently placed on the left side of your keyboard by Spite's intention. Besides, they mostly involve some specific keys

"Taunt" - the skill to attract the boss (Fidaelis & MK) - Always "T"

"Healing" - most of the Healing involve "T" & "E" (except for Vitae's Ultimate :ogre_rage:) like: Vitate's Holy light & Cammy's Healing - "T", Greenstar & Bolster Healing - "E". The Priest's Healing should be turned on auto-cast during a boss fight most of the time.

"Minions Summoning" - only 1 key "W" - except for Necromancer's Infernals - "C". So with a chain action of: Press 2, then "W", then TAB, then "W", then TAB, then "C" I can quickly summon all the minions in less than 1,5s. See (Btw, I'm talking about my Grouping Formation - mentioned at 1) ^.^ ?

"Other damage effect" - "R": You have Alice's Ultimate, Warden's Reducing Armor, Necromancer's Poison, all in one, just pick them and target "R" to your enemy

Other are some other skills like Mana pool, Healing ward, Necromancer's Shadow strike, Warden's Ultimate, Bolster's Spirit link... Still most of the keys are on the left side, u just have to remember them

Skills Usage
- Saving your skill for the right time, like I said, some skills like Spirit link, MK's Avatar, Fidaelis's Howling, Priest's Armor buff have the same effect to buy more time taking damage from the boss, so use them one by one instead one at a time, or like the Healing abilities - try to heal your tank with a mix of different healing skill like Vitae's, Greenstar, Priest & Bolster so you can maintain their mana and avoid unnecessary "skill cooldown"; also remember to use mana regen item on your heroes (clarity or mana potion) during the fight

Those are the basic tips for control your 12 heroes. There are still a lot more tips for each boss/ situation, you can ask if you are having any difficulty with one. But really, it feels great after each battle - you see the boss is down at the time all of your heroes run out of mana, some almost died (or died for real lol) - that feeling definitely worth your efforts :wink:
Level 3
Aug 21, 2014
Ok, I see your problem. I'll write down all of my tips so u can try. This campaign took Spite a huge.... huge effort so I wouldn't stand that his topic would last for 4 or 5 pages.


1. Grouping: Grouping is the first thing you must practice in order to "CALL" your heroes faster (because u have 12 heroes so some of their ICONS won't be shown on your left side)

There are many ways you can try to group your heroes, but the point is don't split into many groups where u can't manage them. I personally split them in 2: the #1 Group - 6 "Player 1" heroes & the #2 Group - 6 "Player 8" heroes (u can know which Player side they belong to by holding your mouse over a hero or just press Alt + A - the "Player 1" will be shown in Blue)

Team 1: Vitae, Alice, Mountain King, Priest the Healer, Fidaelis & Warden
Team 2: Ice mage, Fire mage, Necromancer, Cammy (Holy knight), Bolster & Greenstar (Keeper of the grove)

This may not be the most logical way to group but it works for me, most of the heroes in Team #1 will be the ones u need to control first when engaged in a battle while Team #2 will be used later.

2. Quick-call hero: This is the way how u can target the hero you want in the fastest way

Team 1: The Team 1 icons will be shown on your left side, so there are many ways you can choose:
-F1, F2, F3: They are the fastest "Hotkey" to target your hero, F1 = Vitae, F2 = Alice, F3 = Mountain King. So you see how quick you can save your team with Vitae? Press "F1" to call Vitae and then press "T" (Holy light hotkey) & use it on your team. Want to stun a boss? Then "F3" & T (Mountain king's storm bolt), However, I avoid to use F4, F5 & F6 because my fingers may lose the accuracy so it's best for you to use F1 ,F2, F3 only, also because F6 = quick save.
-So how about the other heroes in team 1 (F4, F5 & F6?). Well you can just simply click on their icons on the left side with your mouse

Team 2: The team 2 icons won't be shown so the key to control them is: 1st Call the team by pressing "2", then personally pick them one by one. Here, you will use the "TAB" key (which allow you to switch on each hero in a selected team) or "Mouse click" for faster calling.
For exam: If I want to call the "Fire mage", I can press "2" and "TAB x1". If I want to call the Necromancer, press "2" & "TAB x2". If I want to call Greenstar, I press "2" & then click his icon shown below.

Another way to call your hero is to click on them "on the screen" individually, this is a bit more difficult but u can always use the tricks above.They are very good especially if your mind is being "messed up" by too many actions to take. Just practice a few times & u'll be good in no time :ogre_haosis:

3. Engagement order: The key for you to buy more time to set up your team formation, it always happens like this: Let your tanker make contact with the enemy, use "Taunt" on him and then let he take a few hits while you can have your time to cast the skill you need. If you gear up your tanker well enough, he surely will be able to take the boss on alone for ~ 10s, even when it's a powerful boss, Vitae's & Greenstar's Powerful Healing ability will take care of him in no time - Greenstar's is the best skill in this situation cuz you can still have other heroes cast their skills while your tanker is under the effect of Rejuvenation, if you tank's health is dropped down suddenly by some kind of a critical hit than use Vitae's instant healing.

=> So you see, it's not about controlling 6 or 12 heroes at a same time, but to control each of them but in a right order ^_^

Example: When fighting a boss (with Piercing Attack & some AoE skills): 1st I let Fidaelis to engage him & use "Taunt" to make sure the boss won't hit any of my other heroes, then 2rd use Mountain King's Storm bolt (5s for time stalling yoho :thumbs_up:). And then I start to move my other heroes in an area where Cammy's AoE healing can reach all of them, after that u can start casting skills like Healing ward & Mana pool, Warden's Armor reducing... The lats things to do are to keep healing your tank/your team & enjoy the battle :grin:

4. Hotkey & Skill Usage:
There's no better way for fast management than remembering the "Hotkey" for the skills you use. Fortunately they are conveniently placed on the left side of your keyboard by Spite's intention. Besides, they mostly involve some specific keys

"Taunt" - the skill to attract the boss (Fidaelis & MK) - Always "T"

"Healing" - most of the Healing involve "T" & "E" (except for Vitae's Ultimate :ogre_rage:) like: Vitate's Holy light & Cammy's Healing - "T", Greenstar & Bolster Healing - "E". The Priest's Healing should be turned on auto-cast during a boss fight most of the time.

"Minions Summoning" - only 1 key "W" - except for Necromancer's Infernals - "C". So with a chain action of: Press 2, then "W", then TAB, then "W", then TAB, then "C" I can quickly summon all the minions in less than 1,5s. See (Btw, I'm talking about my Grouping Formation - mentioned at 1) ^.^ ?

"Other damage effect" - "R": You have Alice's Ultimate, Warden's Reducing Armor, Necromancer's Poison, all in one, just pick them and target "R" to your enemy

Other are some other skills like Mana pool, Healing ward, Necromancer's Shadow strike, Warden's Ultimate, Bolster's Spirit link... Still most of the keys are on the left side, u just have to remember them

Skills Usage
- Saving your skill for the right time, like I said, some skills like Spirit link, MK's Avatar, Fidaelis's Howling, Priest's Armor buff have the same effect to buy more time taking damage from the boss, so use them one by one instead one at a time, or like the Healing abilities - try to heal your tank with a mix of different healing skill like Vitae's, Greenstar, Priest & Bolster so you can maintain their mana and avoid unnecessary "skill cooldown"; also remember to use mana regen item on your heroes (clarity or mana potion) during the fight

Those are the basic tips for control your 12 heroes. There are still a lot more tips for each boss/ situation, you can ask if you are having any difficulty with one. But really, it feels great after each battle - you see the boss is down at the time all of your heroes run out of mana, some almost died (or died for real lol) - that feeling definitely worth your efforts :wink:

Thanks for the tips. I will probably play this camping one more time and I will try to follow these tips.
Level 3
Apr 19, 2015
i try getting into the streker forge and utgrade pinnacle but nothing happens?what should i do?
Level 3
Aug 26, 2012
Where can I find the Corrupted Ashbringer in Naxxramas Spite :vw_wtf: Please don't tell me it's a random loot :eekani:
Level 2
Apr 27, 2015
Ok, I see your problem. I'll write down all of my tips so u can try. This campaign took Spite a huge.... huge effort so I wouldn't stand that his topic would last for 4 or 5 pages.


1. Grouping: Grouping is the first thing you must practice in order to "CALL" your heroes faster (because u have 12 heroes so some of their ICONS won't be shown on your left side)

There are many ways you can try to group your heroes, but the point is don't split into many groups where u can't manage them. I personally split them in 2: the #1 Group - 6 "Player 1" heroes & the #2 Group - 6 "Player 8" heroes (u can know which Player side they belong to by holding your mouse over a hero or just press Alt + A - the "Player 1" will be shown in Blue)

Team 1: Vitae, Alice, Mountain King, Priest the Healer, Fidaelis & Warden
Team 2: Ice mage, Fire mage, Necromancer, Cammy (Holy knight), Bolster & Greenstar (Keeper of the grove)

This may not be the most logical way to group but it works for me, most of the heroes in Team #1 will be the ones u need to control first when engaged in a battle while Team #2 will be used later.

2. Quick-call hero: This is the way how u can target the hero you want in the fastest way

Team 1: The Team 1 icons will be shown on your left side, so there are many ways you can choose:
-F1, F2, F3: They are the fastest "Hotkey" to target your hero, F1 = Vitae, F2 = Alice, F3 = Mountain King. So you see how quick you can save your team with Vitae? Press "F1" to call Vitae and then press "T" (Holy light hotkey) & use it on your team. Want to stun a boss? Then "F3" & T (Mountain king's storm bolt), However, I avoid to use F4, F5 & F6 because my fingers may lose the accuracy so it's best for you to use F1 ,F2, F3 only, also because F6 = quick save.
-So how about the other heroes in team 1 (F4, F5 & F6?). Well you can just simply click on their icons on the left side with your mouse

Team 2: The team 2 icons won't be shown so the key to control them is: 1st Call the team by pressing "2", then personally pick them one by one. Here, you will use the "TAB" key (which allow you to switch on each hero in a selected team) or "Mouse click" for faster calling.
For exam: If I want to call the "Fire mage", I can press "2" and "TAB x1". If I want to call the Necromancer, press "2" & "TAB x2". If I want to call Greenstar, I press "2" & then click his icon shown below.

Another way to call your hero is to click on them "on the screen" individually, this is a bit more difficult but u can always use the tricks above.They are very good especially if your mind is being "messed up" by too many actions to take. Just practice a few times & u'll be good in no time :ogre_haosis:

3. Engagement order: The key for you to buy more time to set up your team formation, it always happens like this: Let your tanker make contact with the enemy, use "Taunt" on him and then let he take a few hits while you can have your time to cast the skill you need. If you gear up your tanker well enough, he surely will be able to take the boss on alone for ~ 10s, even when it's a powerful boss, Vitae's & Greenstar's Powerful Healing ability will take care of him in no time - Greenstar's is the best skill in this situation cuz you can still have other heroes cast their skills while your tanker is under the effect of Rejuvenation, if you tank's health is dropped down suddenly by some kind of a critical hit than use Vitae's instant healing.

=> So you see, it's not about controlling 6 or 12 heroes at a same time, but to control each of them but in a right order ^_^

Example: When fighting a boss (with Piercing Attack & some AoE skills): 1st I let Fidaelis to engage him & use "Taunt" to make sure the boss won't hit any of my other heroes, then 2rd use Mountain King's Storm bolt (5s for time stalling yoho :thumbs_up:). And then I start to move my other heroes in an area where Cammy's AoE healing can reach all of them, after that u can start casting skills like Healing ward & Mana pool, Warden's Armor reducing... The lats things to do are to keep healing your tank/your team & enjoy the battle :grin:

4. Hotkey & Skill Usage:
There's no better way for fast management than remembering the "Hotkey" for the skills you use. Fortunately they are conveniently placed on the left side of your keyboard by Spite's intention. Besides, they mostly involve some specific keys

"Taunt" - the skill to attract the boss (Fidaelis & MK) - Always "T"

"Healing" - most of the Healing involve "T" & "E" (except for Vitae's Ultimate :ogre_rage:) like: Vitate's Holy light & Cammy's Healing - "T", Greenstar & Bolster Healing - "E". The Priest's Healing should be turned on auto-cast during a boss fight most of the time.

"Minions Summoning" - only 1 key "W" - except for Necromancer's Infernals - "C". So with a chain action of: Press 2, then "W", then TAB, then "W", then TAB, then "C" I can quickly summon all the minions in less than 1,5s. See (Btw, I'm talking about my Grouping Formation - mentioned at 1) ^.^ ?

"Other damage effect" - "R": You have Alice's Ultimate, Warden's Reducing Armor, Necromancer's Poison, all in one, just pick them and target "R" to your enemy

Other are some other skills like Mana pool, Healing ward, Necromancer's Shadow strike, Warden's Ultimate, Bolster's Spirit link... Still most of the keys are on the left side, u just have to remember them

Skills Usage
- Saving your skill for the right time, like I said, some skills like Spirit link, MK's Avatar, Fidaelis's Howling, Priest's Armor buff have the same effect to buy more time taking damage from the boss, so use them one by one instead one at a time, or like the Healing abilities - try to heal your tank with a mix of different healing skill like Vitae's, Greenstar, Priest & Bolster so you can maintain their mana and avoid unnecessary "skill cooldown"; also remember to use mana regen item on your heroes (clarity or mana potion) during the fight

Those are the basic tips for control your 12 heroes. There are still a lot more tips for each boss/ situation, you can ask if you are having any difficulty with one. But really, it feels great after each battle - you see the boss is down at the time all of your heroes run out of mana, some almost died (or died for real lol) - that feeling definitely worth your efforts :wink:

Great job! I was about to type the exact ideas and we have the same grouping because of their colors :D and formation :thumbs_up: but I'm still in the Lightning Hall I just played today for like 7 hours..

I suggest you to renew the model of Vitae and Alice I see Cloud and Aerith and her two brothers is Link and I don't know the other one..
And a little increase in mana regen please hahaha xD
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Level 8
Apr 22, 2015
I suggest you to renew the model of Vitae and Alice I see Cloud and Aerith and her two brothers is Link and I don't know the other one..
And a little increase in mana regen please hahaha xD
Hello and Tina to be change as a melee because the melee are to less and range already they are to many also they are weaker than the melee ,is just to hard to control them all.
Level 9
May 17, 2012
I suggest you to renew the model of Vitae and Alice I see Cloud and Aerith and her two brothers is Link and I don't know the other one..
And a little increase in mana regen please hahaha xD

I've gotten some pm's about changing the models, and some here on the comment section as well. At this point I will consider it, and start searching for models that will suit them.

Hello and Tina to be change as a melee because the melee are to less and range already they are to many also they are weaker than the melee ,is just to hard to control them all.

The dps are kept safer by being ranged, and it's also easier to switch targets without having to run up and down a room. I know that it is difficult to control them, but by creating unit groups, using @ngxkhoi tips, and practice, you can succeed in bringing down Titanic opponents. The starter zones quests (when you have all your heroes) are a great place to get in tune with the campaigns play style.
Level 2
Apr 27, 2015
I've gotten some pm's about changing the models, and some here on the comment section as well. At this point I will consider it, and start searching for models that will suit them.

The dps are kept safer by being ranged, and it's also easier to switch targets without having to run up and down a room. I know that it is difficult to control them, but by creating unit groups, using @ngxkhoi tips, and practice, you can succeed in bringing down Titanic opponents. The starter zones quests (when you have all your heroes) are a great place to get in tune with the campaigns play style.

I agree that 3 melee units is already too much I say because 1 cast of rejuvenation and pain suppression will keep 1 melee unit alive and 2 of the melee unit have taunt the other one is weaker in magic and the other one is weaker in normal attacks so taunt the monster with magic with the one who is more weaker in normal attacks read armor and attack type for soloing boss :)

Uhmm I have one question for now Mr. Creator of this quiet exquisite amazing campaign..

What would happen if I destroy the tower with 4 magical stepping stone with 4 guards of Dragon in Dragonblight?
I thought it would trigger the quest of Alexstraza and the other dragons around her and I thought to after destroying it would actually make Malygos come out.. :D

Can you help me about the Cobalt Coin quest Mr.Creator in the DragonBlight Area I kindly found 4 coins out of 5 now I'm missing one would you be willing to show me where the other one is send me a PM :D I've been searching all of it and finishing the whole area even if its not my main quest..

~ I'll keep playing this map till I accomplish all quest and events and after that I'll ending it.. I'll be active and keep posting message in this thread :D ~
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Level 3
Aug 26, 2012
I'm in the stage of gear farming after defeating Kel' thuzad who drop purple sets. But seriously farming is become more & more boring, because now all the pattern require the highest level material, Titansteel bar, Brilliant Spread, Salvage leader... Here's my recommendation, I haven't played this campaign for days because all the stuff I'm about to do when loading is just.... moving & farming

-Item stack: I'm talking about stacking the materials - maybe 5 at a time, so we can stock more in our inventory. I'm not sure how it is from Spite's perspective but usually I have to go around for 2 far away trips from Dalaran to create 1 ultimate material - especially Brilliant Spellspread

-Checkpoint: With a game like this, I think it's reasonable, since everytime I need water element, I have to go from Dalaran => Dragonblight => Bodrean Tundra, a really really long & boring way cuz I already fought those creep in Dragon blight for ...... unknown times.

-About the process of turning xx Crytalized into Eternal xx when there's a chance of the Element will "Consume" my stuff for real, can you turn in into non-fail crafting? Of course I see that's the difficult point of crafting but in my case, I always save & load until I succeed in turning those crytalized (personnally I don't consider it cheat anyway) - which I think it unneccessary
Level 9
May 17, 2012
Uhmm I have one question for now Mr. Creator of this quiet exquisite amazing campaign..

What would happen if I destroy the tower with 4 magical stepping stone with 4 guards of Dragon in Dragonblight?
I thought it would trigger the quest of Alexstraza and the other dragons around her and I thought to after destroying it would actually make Malygos come out.. :D

It is a quest, but its part of a chain quest. You will need to do the Red Dragonflight Quests in Amber Ledge, Borean Tundra. That will begin the chain quest!

I'm in the stage of gear farming after defeating Kel' thuzad who drop purple sets. But seriously farming is become more & more boring, because now all the pattern require the highest level material, Titansteel bar, Brilliant Spread, Salvage leader... Here's my recommendation, I haven't played this campaign for days because all the stuff I'm about to do when loading is just.... moving & farming

-Item stack: I'm talking about stacking the materials - maybe 5 at a time, so we can stock more in our inventory. I'm not sure how it is from Spite's perspective but usually I have to go around for 2 far away trips from Dalaran to create 1 ultimate material - especially Brilliant Spellspread

-Checkpoint: With a game like this, I think it's reasonable, since everytime I need water element, I have to go from Dalaran => Dragonblight => Bodrean Tundra, a really really long & boring way cuz I already fought those creep in Dragon blight for ...... unknown times.

-About the process of turning xx Crytalized into Eternal xx when there's a chance of the Element will "Consume" my stuff for real, can you turn in into non-fail crafting? Of course I see that's the difficult point of crafting but in my case, I always save & load until I succeed in turning those crytalized (personnally I don't consider it cheat anyway) - which I think it unneccessary

-What I did when playing through is only craft to complete 4 of my heroes first Epic set. I recommend gearing up at least one tank and 1 healer. With that, I was able to continue through Icecrown Citadel pretty well. After I had some Icrecrown gear, I went into Ulduar. Save whatever materials you have after that, because you will come across another tier when you get deep into Icecrown and Ulduar. You are almost finished with the campaign!

-Item Stack shouldn't be needed, but I won't say I won't make it happen.

-For traveling around and farming, I did have an Idea of adding the Crystalized Forest zone. Its purpose was going to be for easy farming of all materials, but I just gave up on the idea when I felt okay without it.

Let me know what you think, and if I should add something like the Crystallized Forest.
Level 2
Apr 27, 2015

It is a quest, but its part of a chain quest. You will need to do the Red Dragonflight Quests in Amber Ledge, Borean Tundra. That will begin the chain quest!

-What I did when playing through is only craft to complete 4 of my heroes first Epic set. I recommend gearing up at least one tank and 1 healer. With that, I was able to continue through Icecrown Citadel pretty well. After I had some Icrecrown gear, I went into Ulduar. Save whatever materials you have after that, because you will come across another tier when you get deep into Icecrown and Ulduar. You are almost finished with the campaign!

-Item Stack shouldn't be needed, but I won't say I won't make it happen.

-For traveling around and farming, I did have an Idea of adding the Crystalized Forest zone. Its purpose was going to be for easy farming of all materials, but I just gave up on the idea when I felt okay without it.

Let me know what you think, and if I should add something like the Crystallized Forest.

Actually Its really good to farm this crystallized items in different areas its bringing me joy :D
Level 2
Apr 27, 2015
Levi + Sephiroth = Leviroth!

:ogre_rage: Dungeon Creeps are hard to pass even if the Dungeon difficulty is Easy.. I hate how Leviroth (Kraken) can't be attack by your melee units and his crap skill tidal wave :goblin_cry: but he didn't last long until I lured him out of his defense and ff him with all-out attack..
But when he was defeated I shouted "F***** you Leviroth don't mic mic the name of Sephiroth and Levi" then he sunk to his chamber once again hahahaha:ogre_haosis: :ogre_datass:
Level 3
Aug 26, 2012
:ogre_rage: Dungeon Creeps are hard to pass even if the Dungeon difficulty is Easy.. I hate how Leviroth (Kraken) can't be attack by your melee units and his crap skill tidal wave :goblin_cry: but he didn't last long until I lured him out of his defense and ff him with all-out attack..
But when he was defeated I shouted "F***** you Leviroth don't mic mic the name of Sephiroth and Levi" then he sunk to his chamber once again hahahaha:ogre_haosis: :ogre_datass:

That's good for u haha :thumbs_up:
Level 9
May 17, 2012
:ogre_rage: Dungeon Creeps are hard to pass even if the Dungeon difficulty is Easy.. I hate how Leviroth (Kraken) can't be attack by your melee units and his crap skill tidal wave :goblin_cry: but he didn't last long until I lured him out of his defense and ff him with all-out attack..
But when he was defeated I shouted "F***** you Leviroth don't mic mic the name of Sephiroth and Levi" then he sunk to his chamber once again hahahaha:ogre_haosis: :ogre_datass:

LOL. Yeah, you have to kite him closer to the shore. Should be a strait forward fight after that.

I hate tose spirit from Dalaran ,they sometimes eating my items.

Yeah it has a chance to proc, but @ngxkhoi found a way to always win at it. Just do that, I'll fix it next patch.
Level 3
Aug 26, 2012
Well, think back again, maybe my suggestions about items stack isn't that neccessary, this project took you more than 2 years and we don't want to finish it that quick, and neither do I. Also I didn't expect another tier of gears, thought the purple was already the last haha :grin: 1st time I thought my caster would be able to survive without the item sets (as I said, provide mana regen + health but no mana pool, pretty bad choice compare to other types of Jewery) but after the fight with Kel'thuzad I had to think again, he was a real badass, even his minions got me in more trouble than I had with his fellow Anub Arak, cannot imagine what would be with the Lich King :goblin_boom:

And btw, to all fellows, just found an off-hand shield with mana regen + 15%, "Best gear of the season" cuz I never found such a thing back in lower dungeons :thumbs_up:
Level 2
Apr 27, 2015
Well, think back again, maybe my suggestions about items stack isn't that neccessary, this project took you more than 2 years and we don't want to finish it that quick, and neither do I. Also I didn't expect another tier of gears, thought the purple was already the last haha :grin: 1st time I thought my caster would be able to survive without the item sets (as I said, provide mana regen + health but no mana pool, pretty bad choice compare to other types of Jewery) but after the fight with Kel'thuzad I had to think again, he was a real badass, even his minions got me in more trouble than I had with his fellow Anub Arak, cannot imagine what would be with the Lich King :goblin_boom:

And btw, to all fellows, just found an off-hand shield with mana regen + 15%, "Best gear of the season" cuz I never found such a thing back in lower dungeons :thumbs_up:

Where can I find your off hand shield any clue? Btw is there any higher gear tier rather than Red than the ice shard of Ahune and Heart Hakkar?

And where are the 3 atiesh I need to find I just triggered it today while forging sets? I have one guess is it Ahune, Hakkar and the mysterious one I haven't fought yet
Last edited:
Level 4
Jul 29, 2011
I believe that the combat would be much better if there were fewer heroes (for example 5), BUT bosses had spells that would force you to control them really well. playing with 12 heroes has some disadvantages, some of them are:
- you can't see them all in the left part of the screen
- getting 5 new heroes at once can be a bit overwhelming
- there are some minor pathfinding bugs when you move large amounts of units at once
- it makes using all the spells perfectly almost impossible

Instead, if you stick with less heroes, but give some fancy spells/adds to your bosses, you can actually increase the difficulty and playability at the same time. By those fancy spells i mean something like this:
- chain lightning that increases its damage with each target it hits
- summons adds with strong lifesteal and slow movement (requires kiting)
- hitting the same hero 5 times in a row causes instant death
- boss takes control of random hero for some time every X seconds
etc. I think that it would make this campaign much more enjoyable, because the fights would be unique and people wouldn't get bored like me.
Level 9
May 17, 2012
Where can I find your off hand shield any clue? Btw is there any higher gear tier rather than Red than the ice shard of Ahune and Heart Hakkar?

And where are the 3 atiesh I need to find I just triggered it today while forging sets? I have one guess is it Ahune, Hakkar and the mysterious one I haven't fought yet

The Red Gear and Bosses are Artifacts and secret bosses. Those are some of the best items in game besides the Legendary items. The Spliter of atiesh have a small chance of dropping from Hard and Heroic Dungeon bosses in Northrend. There is also one more Red Boss in the game for a total of three.

I believe that the combat would be much better if there were fewer heroes (for example 5), BUT bosses had spells that would force you to control them really well. playing with 12 heroes has some disadvantages, some of them are:
- you can't see them all in the left part of the screen
- getting 5 new heroes at once can be a bit overwhelming
- there are some minor pathfinding bugs when you move large amounts of units at once
- it makes using all the spells perfectly almost impossible

Instead, if you stick with less heroes, but give some fancy spells/adds to your bosses, you can actually increase the difficulty and playability at the same time. By those fancy spells i mean something like this:
- chain lightning that increases its damage with each target it hits
- summons adds with strong lifesteal and slow movement (requires kiting)
- hitting the same hero 5 times in a row causes instant death
- boss takes control of random hero for some time every X seconds
etc. I think that it would make this campaign much more enjoyable, because the fights would be unique and people wouldn't get bored like me.

-The five hero thing was always a thought. I really had fears going in with 12 heroes, but I found a way to make it work in the (Dungeons). This leads to a whole new type of gameplay, the five heroes rpg has been done before, so I wanted to break that here.

-The starting zones and quests are very easy and slow paced. Use that time to get to know your heroes. The Boss fights in the world are pretty strait forward and easy, so when you finally get into the (Dungeons), that's when the Boss fights show what I was aiming for.

-I do feel like I should have created a tutorial now, because this type of gameplay is complex without micro managing. @ngxkhoi showed how he handles the heroes, which is an adaptation that I was looking for from players. I can give you some tips on how I grouped my heroes while questing. Group One = All the healers. Group 2 = All your Dps. Group Three = The Tanks.Group Four = Tank and Healers. Group Five = All heroes. While questing and exploring the world, get use to their key binds and icons.

-Let me know where you are in the game and if you are stuck. If you have any questions you can ask here or PM me. With practice you can break through the 12 heroes disorder, and create order. That will in turn create months of RPG gameplay for you.
Level 19
Jul 2, 2011
This has got to be gayest game I have played in a long time


Super lame

I was busy banging my brain out on my computer screen while I had to listen to 'A sound plan' every time I gave my dude an order

man does he run slow

fucking boring!

you start the game and instantly they start giving you orders, no sense of free roaming and fuck sooooo fucking boring Damn


Fucking boring!

I kept wondering around thinking what's the point of all this garbage
Level 3
Aug 26, 2012
I think i know somebody who have the item i believe it's Loken the fight with him will not be easy but my forces are ready to combat his mighty strength.
Thanks for information.

Actually Loken will be one of the easiest fights you'll ever have, his difficulty level is only normal & so you will not find a primodial saronite with him :grin:
Level 2
Jun 9, 2015
Crystalized FIre

Where can I find this Crystallized FIre.... Damn It never dropped to me, but it have to be one of the easist thing to find because it's asked by so many items.... it really made me give up from the game....
Level 2
Jun 9, 2015
WTF FIRE ELEMENTS DOING IN A FROZEN LAND? What a point? It is not Logical :) Sure i coudn't find it out. And one more thing why heroes are so slow? Do you know maind rule of WC3? Buy boots of speed to your hero it is just 150 gold! Otherwise it will die often :) Haven't you play ladder? Nice Compain guy :) In General, but t

PC- about slowlyness i was serious because they day from one skill of good boss, and it hard to make them move as they stuck to each other. With boots of speed would be much easier
Level 19
Jul 2, 2011
Hello fellow hiver. I decided to post a less slurred review in the hopes that it would benefit/reach you before being deleted.

Over view after the completion of stage 1

There are many aspects to this game that are good. It has the feel of free will and the adventure of progress. I think to me, those are the most important qualities of this genre of play.

however this game is not ready for release.

The simple truth is, playing this game was torture!

the hero runs too slow
quests are assigned with absolutely no direction as to where to go. meaning you now have to figure out where to go, disrupting game play.

weapons and armor are not supplied to you, adding another delay before you can go off and fight.

spells/abilities I have none.

what would be awesome is as a noob hero, to have a crafts master.

someone a player can learn from

right from the very beginning of the game.... a player gets assigned his first mission.

to craft a weapons.

and depending on which quest he chooses to take, what iitem's he brings back to his master crafts men, he gets a different weapon.

you could have

a master crafts of the art of fighting, weapon building, spells, shields and armour.

each assigning a different advantage before you begin to play.


currently this game feels overly unsatisfying. as a player you feel like events would be so much better if only....
Level 2
Jun 9, 2015
What kind of player you are? You never played in hard difficulties?
You crying for this campaign ,it has more to offer than some others.
You're not accustomed to updates.
Maybe you are slow in the game.

Hard difficulties or just mistakes of maker? What i mean is ...
1) There is no TP to any location, for example i am in Dalaran and i need to go to Trisfal Glades or whatever it is called... I have to go to Dragonblight....or whatever it is called.... wait a Vitae to run (with his movement speed in his stats written as "slow" ) the entire man for 12 players from one corner to another, and get to another map, then the same thing with other map ..... and after half of the hour i get to where i need to be. Why don't create a Tp stones after you get to dalaran for example... which makes you move to any map you need.... those runs are boring and torture...
2) Too many items to create one blue item or purple.... you need to run around the entire 6 maps to collect what you need... and yet only some creeps gives you what you need like Crystillized fire only in one place... which you have to know to move there... but every Iron(needed) item will ask you for fire, and Iron you get in first chapter while Crystillized fire is asked after Dalaran.... anyway
3) Most heroes besides that small girl and Warden are very slow, some bosses makes Wave with one shot one kill, and if you forgot about the game for a moment they can easily kill all of your healers, cuz healers are too slow to run away.
4) That's not called Hard level, that just a mistake of creator... if you would ever make your own map you would know that you have to give to test to others, because alone you can't see everything.
5) Heroes really need to have more levels than 10, i got lvl 10 to all of them before arriving to dalaran and what next? It become boring to hunt creeps as they give no xp anymore... only items...
Level 8
Apr 22, 2015
Hard difficulties or just mistakes of maker? What i mean is ...
1) There is no TP to any location, for example i am in Dalaran and i need to go to Trisfal Glades or whatever it is called... I have to go to Dragonblight....or whatever it is called.... wait a Vitae to run (with his movement speed in his stats written as "slow" ) the entire man for 12 players from one corner to another, and get to another map, then the same thing with other map ..... and after half of the hour i get to where i need to be. Why don't create a Tp stones after you get to dalaran for example... which makes you move to any map you need.... those runs are boring and torture...
2) Too many items to create one blue item or purple.... you need to run around the entire 6 maps to collect what you need... and yet only some creeps gives you what you need like Crystillized fire only in one place... which you have to know to move there... but every Iron(needed) item will ask you for fire, and Iron you get in first chapter while Crystillized fire is asked after Dalaran.... anyway
3) Most heroes besides that small girl and Warden are very slow, some bosses makes Wave with one shot one kill, and if you forgot about the game for a moment they can easily kill all of your healers, cuz healers are too slow to run away.
4) That's not called Hard level, that just a mistake of creator... if you would ever make your own map you would know that you have to give to test to others, because alone you can't see everything.
5) Heroes really need to have more levels than 10, i got lvl 10 to all of them before arriving to dalaran and what next? It become boring to hunt creeps as they give no xp anymore... only items...
I'm agreed with you in some aspects of the game as you maybe are agreed that the campaign is created for long time to play ,is like in Formula1 where the drivers run with theyre care 40 round ,is very boring .
The healers are very slow so yes you need to bee very focused on them.
About the fast running in all the places on foot ,the only problem here is killing creeps you won't take gold for this .
I too reached to level 10 and i figured that is more than boring using theyre small spell cast.
You maybe played in attack only with healers well you saw how weak they are and only theyre tipical damage make difference beetwen they.
Level 9
May 17, 2012
@ theLordofChaos

-I'll add items to make the hero faster.
-Quest logs will give directions like North East from Goldshire. If that's not good enough for someone I can't sympathize.
-Armor and weapons will be earned. It's part of character building in rpgs
Level 9
May 17, 2012
Hard difficulties or just mistakes of maker? What i mean is ...
1) There is no TP to any location, for example i am in Dalaran and i need to go to Trisfal Glades or whatever it is called... I have to go to Dragonblight....or whatever it is called.... wait a Vitae to run (with his movement speed in his stats written as "slow" ) the entire man for 12 players from one corner to another, and get to another map, then the same thing with other map ..... and after half of the hour i get to where i need to be. Why don't create a Tp stones after you get to dalaran for example... which makes you move to any map you need.... those runs are boring and torture...
2) Too many items to create one blue item or purple.... you need to run around the entire 6 maps to collect what you need... and yet only some creeps gives you what you need like Crystillized fire only in one place... which you have to know to move there... but every Iron(needed) item will ask you for fire, and Iron you get in first chapter while Crystillized fire is asked after Dalaran.... anyway
3) Most heroes besides that small girl and Warden are very slow, some bosses makes Wave with one shot one kill, and if you forgot about the game for a moment they can easily kill all of your healers, cuz healers are too slow to run away.
4) That's not called Hard level, that just a mistake of creator... if you would ever make your own map you would know that you have to give to test to others, because alone you can't see everything.
5) Heroes really need to have more levels than 10, i got lvl 10 to all of them before arriving to dalaran and what next? It become boring to hunt creeps as they give no xp anymore... only items...

-There's a Hearth Stone you can purchase in Dalaran. It will port you to Dalaran; its the only one, but I could make more.
-Crafting is a part of the game but, it shouldn't be your only concern.
-After arriving to Dalaran if you're lvl 10 you should start clearing the Dungeons, following quests Jaina and Rhonin give. The shop quests which I think you might be doing, are useful, but not the main goal.
Level 9
May 17, 2012
Hello,my warlock carry 3 (Spaulders of Shadow) item it says it give him plus shadow ability but i don't see the ability and same i gived him to a mage but the same, well the others are the same?

The way the set bonuses work is you need all three separate pieces. For example to get the Shadow Power ability you need to be wearing [Crown of Shadow], [Spaulders of Shadow], and [Vestment of Shadow]. If you are wearing three [Crown of Shadow]s it won't work.
Level 2
Jun 9, 2015
-There's a Hearth Stone you can purchase in Dalaran. It will port you to Dalaran; its the only one, but I could make more.
-Crafting is a part of the game but, it shouldn't be your only concern.
-After arriving to Dalaran if you're lvl 10 you should start clearing the Dungeons, following quests Jaina and Rhonin give. The shop quests which I think you might be doing, are useful, but not the main goal.

But Dungeons bosses kicks my ass if I don't have good items :) So i have to craft, i really like this campaign of yours, and I did maps alike your before by myself. Please don't take my critics is something bad... but I wanted to be useful, and give some advice. I know how hard it is to make a map all by yourself, and you can't see everything.... If you have other versions of this map with perhaps TP stones as you said, and others it is really cool! Damn, talking to you guys here made me feel like playing this campaign once more :) I'll try it out :) ha ha
Level 9
May 17, 2012
But Dungeons bosses kicks my ass if I don't have good items :) So i have to craft, i really like this campaign of yours, and I did maps alike your before by myself. Please don't take my critics is something bad... but I wanted to be useful, and give some advice. I know how hard it is to make a map all by yourself, and you can't see everything.... If you have other versions of this map with perhaps TP stones as you said, and others it is really cool! Damn, talking to you guys here made me feel like playing this campaign once more :) I'll try it out :) ha ha

NP it helps. For Dungeons start with Riplash Ruins and Utgarde Keep. At level Ten you should be able to beat the bosses there and farm them for gear. After that you can start doing the Medium difficulty Dungeons.
Level 1
Dec 24, 2008
Its a great campaign, yeah, there are some things they are not perfect(in Example, the terrain), but the Gameplay is great. Thats a campaign I have ever wished for :D

But I have some little questions ;)

1. How can I craft, I dont know how to do that :(
2. How Canb I use the Guides, there are some NPCs which are these Guides
3. what are the qhite Question Marks(?)

I hope this was not your last campaign ;)
Level 9
May 17, 2012
Its a great campaign, yeah, there are some things they are not perfect(in Example, the terrain), but the Gameplay is great. Thats a campaign I have ever wished for :D

But I have some little questions ;)

1. How can I craft, I dont know how to do that :(
2. How Canb I use the Guides, there are some NPCs which are these Guides
3. what are the qhite Question Marks(?)

I hope this was not your last campaign ;)

-There're certain items used for crafting. If a NPC has a light bulb on their head, they will create crafting materials for you. Best place for this is Dalaran. Also if you purchase or find patterns, just gather the materials along with the pattern in someone's inventory and the item will be created.

-Just click on the Guides and they will speak.

-If a NPC has a Grey Question Mark that means only Vitae can speak to them.