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WoW RISK Pandaria .3beta

World of Warcraft RISK is a RISK styled map based off the features of World of Warcraft. Different games offer diverse experiences, but it all comes down to working on a system not dissimilar to that of the RISK board game. The main goal is to conquer the enemies bases with units trained by your own bases. Several bases form regions, that fully conquered give money and units.

This map has undergone many changes since 2010 and is still in development. The newest Version is now WoW Risk Pandaria (download above).
New features include: Cataclysm terrain updates, Pandaria, new races, hero balancing, some minor bug fixes and more.

The map has now been taken over by Nickel510 with Priwin's permission.

The map was originally made by Meai and officially continued by Priwin and now Nickel510.
The terrain was taken with permission and edited from Azeroth Wars Legacy Reborn made by Avrion.
Special Thanks to Gex for GMSI.
This map is protected.

wow risk, wow, risk, priwin, bhor, cataclysm, pandaria, nickel510, world of warcraft

WoW RISK Pandaria .3beta (Map)

16:03, 12 Sep, 2008 Rui: Approved. "WoW Risk" is a Warcraft III Risk map which bases itself on the Warcraft lore. It was originally created by Meai and is now being developed by Priwin. You can see my review of good/bad points here.




16:03, 12 Sep, 2008

"WoW Risk" is a Warcraft III Risk map which bases itself on the Warcraft lore. It was originally created by Meai and is now being developed by Priwin.
You can see my review of good/bad points [self="http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/resource.php?t=81283#post814091"]here[/self].
Level 1
Mar 16, 2008
WoW risk is great. the map is made really god - just like the real one. and the units is great for all the races. the alliance vs horde mode is really nice made.
Level 1
Apr 20, 2008
The only problems with Alliance vs Horde are:
1. You need to have players who arnt noobs and quit when there lossing whitch destrorys the game.
2. hard to get a full house on battle net.
3. as with any map laggers

GREAT mode other then those things.
Whish I had 12 pcs all land lined!
Level 2
Aug 31, 2008
OMFG!!! This map is great! It's the best map I've ever seen! I've played World of Warcraft and in this map every detail is just like in the game! Congrats to all the people who made this map.



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
Rui's Review
[+]Fun Factor/Gameplay: The map is entertaining: it contains the Warcraft feeling, after all. The gameplay is just like another risk, however.
The options to customize your gameplay were a good addition.
[+]Bugs: I found no bugs that could interfere with the gameplay, but I did not explore the map fully.
[+]Spelling & Grammar: I found no grammatical mistakes. I did not explore the map fully, as I said.
[+/-]Hive Workshop Requirements: The map contains a valid name, an author name, and is in it's right type. However, it has a wrong category, and the description if for a brief text regarding the map gameplay & information, not for changelogs.
[+/-]Terrain: A well made terrain... not made by you. This is clearly Avrion's work from Legacy Reborn.
[+/-]Originality: The map is original to a certain degree. As I stated earlier, it's the only (known) risk with Warcraft as a theme. What takes it down is the fact that it's just another risk: you train units, you go conquer territories, and you end up fighting the player that rules the other half of the map, or you get squeezed by a player with more territories (and thus more gold) than you.
[+/-]Balance: I cannot say the game is imbalanced: from what I saw the game was actually pretty decent, but I don't think I played a game with people who used their gold fully, so I can never be sure.
[-]Machine/Net-Friendly: Drawing aggro from Legacy Reborn has it's downsides: the game is laggy now. At least it was when I first played v2.81.
[-]Object Editor Work Quality: CP Troop production structures, and units. It's all a risk needs, not what an original risk needs.

My rating for this map is 3/5 (Useful).
~Thank you for using the Hive Workshop
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Level 10
Feb 7, 2005
Were you given the terrain from Azeroth Wars or did you just take and edit it?

I also notice it says that the map was originally made by Meai, did he give permission or did you edit it without permission?

I ask this because taking credit for another persons work is frowned upon, and if the map was open source when you edited it, the map you submit must also be open source.

and as far as reviewing goes, this is a well made Risk style game with some cool elements, good job. 4/5
Level 6
Jun 7, 2006
I have permissions from both Avrion and Meai, you may check it and ask them if you want to. And im sorry for the lag, i already tried everything to reduce it, but it seems the map is just too big... you better get a good comp if you wanna play the map. And Ive got two accounts on hive (risk_fan2 & Priwin), so im not faking.
Level 3
Mar 13, 2009
This map is just Great! I like it very much. Portal to outland is cool. Good job all who builded this map!
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Level 2
Mar 1, 2009
I think that the map is awesome!I dont like that Lich King is allied with the Horde but it is Horde vs Alli map after all:D
Level 2
Aug 3, 2008
just a sugestion
you should consider adding some custom models
jus at the point of not making it too heavy
iit would be more variety and it would look preetier :3
Level 1
Jun 25, 2010

If you add in the triggers for Computer AI by putting Event as Map Initialization and Action as Melee Game - Run Melee AI scripts (for computer players) then people can play one player. but for exodus you might want to make the computers randomly choose Stay or Go. :thumbs_up:
Level 1
May 7, 2010

Before I begin, I'd just like to say that you, Priwin, are a God-King, and your map is easily my favorite on b.net.
I'd also like to say that my opinion is educated - my library of wow risk replays is, well, copious, and I'm at the point where I need to find new ways of evening the playing field when I'm not against people whom I know to be pro, like sitting for the first 30 turns.
Anywho, I've a few words about 2.95a, or, just go to TL;DR at very bottom of post.

First Impression; Huzzah, geographic. Less turtling at Azuremyst pleases me greatly, and other more subtle changes are all agreeable - plus, Broken Isles kicks ass.

Second Impression; Where, in the name of the great merciless bounty-fed army, is domination? Please, in the name of all this is good, tell me that this is only temporary, and that this mode and HvO and the likes will return in short time. Domination was always my favorite mode.

Other; This 'Outland' portal mode appears to kick no end of ass. I'm the kind of guy that likes to attacks 10 places at once, and people noobs always used to bitch about shiproutes - they're not shiproutes, they're portals! >:)
80% = victory isn't entirely agreeable with me, because I've had more than a few games where the several minorities take down the big majority (who was just a lucky noob).
Gold cost of army is an EXTREMELY cool function though. 'tis cool when you've got an army which is worth every last penny you've earned through turns - but not due to a LACK of fighting - and this function just makes it easier to tell when you've got that sort of army.

Didn't notice much else... because unfortunately, I haven't actually had a game of more than just me and my friend (yet) because b.net isn't so active these days.

Love forever (appropriate signing off line, much?)
Ra9, US West.

TL;DR. Very win, but bring back Domination and AvH, please.
Level 3
Jun 21, 2010
Everything is nice but i dont like the path to Darnassus
It should be water and then you should go with the boat to darnassus

Same with Exodar from Exodar you can walk to Ferales or Darkshore cant remember wich.

Hope you will work on it :)