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What's Your Favorite WoW Expansion?

What's Your Favorite WoW Patch?

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Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
The title is a little misleading it should be named "What's Your Favorite WoW Expansion". A patch is an update to the game that's made several times in an expansion. For example Cataclysm was an expansion while Firelands was the 4.2 patch and Twilight of the Aspects was the 4.3 patch.

My favorite expansion however is Wrath of the Lich King. It had good and diverse zones with enjoyable quests and as a Swede I felt right at home. ^^ It included Strand of the Ancients which is my favorite battleground to this day. It also included the Oculus my favorite 5 man dungeon to this day as well as some of my favourite raid bosses including Yogg-Saron and the Lich King. It in addition had 4 raid difficulties which unless you include Raid Finder as a legitimate difficulty is the highest amount of difficulties we've ever had you were also able to enter every raid twice in a week so you had much more to do. The music was at what I'd call it's peak with such masterpieces such Grizzly Hills zone music.
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Level 3
Sep 20, 2014
I don't know much about gameplay since I played only WotLK and WoD, but I followed lore very closely. So I will judge how I know the best.
I think Cata was the best. Whole world felt real like time passed. It made me that exictement what will happen next. Before that Grand Alliance and Horde were simply 2 factions or so it felt to me. Now those are 2 millitary strong alliances that are near confedeartion making you love/hate one kingdom or entire faction. I love that we saw story developement of Dwarves (main Allinace race for me) and Tauren whuch sametimes they were left out. And on top of that we have Twillight Hammer. Deathwing was amaizing villian. So powerfull, yet so cunning that he organized one full fanaticly loyal army from citezens of his enemy and rements of the Old Horde making chaos and panic.
Zones are really good and I like them far more then Vanilla (Wrath) one. Actually, those new zones gave me bigger sence of exploration then previous one. I'm really exicted to see Mount Hyul and Twillight Highlands because so far I love them. I heared Fireland and Bastion of Twillight were amaizing raids.

I understand that many people don't like it becuase of unoriginal battlegrounds, difficulty (from very hard to very easy) and Thrall central role. To be honest, I don't mind Thrall's role in Cataclysm, at least he actually had some motives and wasn't annoying like Tirion Fordring. I would likecto add that after MoP and Cata which is obvious that they put a lot of work, WoD feels unispried. Like they gave up, which can be seen with lack of lore and time-travel.
Level 17
Dec 11, 2014
The title is a little misleading it should be named "What's Your Favorite WoW Expansion". A patch is an update to the game that's made several times in an Expansion.

Whoopsie! I corrected the Mistake in the Post, But I think The Poll cannot Be corrected.
BTW, Sorry for my bad Vocabulary...
And thanks to Razosh who Corrected it.

Oh and thanks for the Feedback!
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Well WotLK has the same amount of votes as the rest of the expansion combined, that's my boy. :D That's not surprising though as WoW peaked during WotLK and started to go downhill in Cata. The numbers says it all. :D
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Well I've never played Vanilla so I can't vouch for that but in my opinion best experience. WotLK > MoP > TBC > WoD > Cataclysm.
Level 9
Jul 29, 2014
This is how the expansions are for me: MoP>WotLK>WoD>Vanilla>Cata>TBC.
MoP really awesome expansion. Good difficulty on the PvE. Cant say for PvP since PvP did suck alot. I mean its so unfair im walking around with like 371k health and some 873k health DK is running towards me like thats creepy as fuck. WotLK ah i remember when my friend told me about this game. Ah the rage. Trying to kill that goblin was complete nightmare alone. Since i needed to kill the goblin, but there were like 2 other orcs and some void guy. Now the quest is really easy. You just need to collect the goblins orb and thats it. Oh and cant forget getting ganked all the time in STV. Oh and the thing that i level to like 23 in barrens or so since i didnt know where to go next. WoD. Havent really played it that much. I think ive gotten to like 31 or so and thats it. So cant really say anything about this expansions. Vanilla. A very fun experience, but falls under WoD for some huge leveling issues(mobs respawning too slowly and casters running out of mana too fast). Cata. Not a good expansion. The lore, villains, villains and trailers were great, but i dont like the splitting of barrens and the cata zones are pretty terrible. TBC. The worst! On PvP it was pretty good, but PvE really sucked. The raids had WAY too much trash. Mostly BT. I mean even today when soloing at 90-100 the huge amount of trash can still really piss me off.
Level 1
Sep 19, 2015
My favourite expansion was Cataclysm,though I like Wrath of the Lich King expansion as well.I love playing WoW and spend most of my free time enjoy this game.Its characters and gameplay is awesome.Also thought of acheter world of warcraft this new expansion will also be an amazing experience playing.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
My favourite expansion was Cataclysm,though I like Wrath of the Lich King expansion as well.I love playing WoW and spend most of my free time enjoy this game.Its characters and gameplay is awesome.Also thought of acheter world of warcraft this new expansion will also be an amazing experience playing.

I know I tend to say an opinion can never be wrong but cataclysm? I agree the raids were pretty good but compared to any other expansion there was a very low quantity of bosses. The battleground were just copies of WSG and AB. What in your opinion made the expansion so good?


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
I missed the poll? damn it.

Anyway, I'd say Cataclysm as well. I am too tired (3:40 AM atm) to write a bible about it, so I will keep it short.

1. Dungeons pre-nerf was wonderful
2. Zula'man + Zul'Gurub revamp was really good, truly enjoyed it.
3. Firelands, BoT and some BwD bosses were really fun.
4. PvP was fun as well, I played over 3k arena matches in 2v2 on my paladin. and 2k on my druid.
5. Azeroth quest revamp was REALLY good.

Dragon soul patch ruined it though, the raid was not bad (I cleared the whole raid HC :3), but geez 1 year patch.

Cataclysm had pretty boring lore though, gotta say. WotLK would likely be the best one in terms of lore. TBC in terms of raiding.
Level 29
Feb 18, 2014
You know.. I've never play World of Warcraft before but of course I know a little WoW (Story - Units .Gameplay...) but I'm not intersting about it. Why ?

It because I don't like MORPG games. Beside it a multiplayer game not solo...
But if you're asking what it thr favorit expansion of WoW I choose : Wrath of the Lich King ( I like the story)
Level 25
Jul 30, 2013
My list is the weirdest for all WoW players, though some may agree if they want to.

1.MoP-Best for me. The story is just well written than any other expansions(if you count much smaller/minor stories it will be WotLK but for me the main story matters the most and WotLK's main story is just plain). It introduced new mechanics(pet battles), new cool zones, endgame content(Timeless Isle/Brawler's Guild/Etc.) and more.
2.WotLK-The theme is one of the best WoW ever had(next to Cataclysm) and this is where the zones start to look great and where leveling starts to be fun(though leveling itself is slow and harsh) Also the dungeons are fun but are pretty repetitive if you're stuck in your level and it's the most slow period of leveling. Though it really had some reaallly great new features, a great class and many many more.
3.Cataclysm-this is what changed the world and this is where leveling became convenient and great. If someone would tell me that I never experienced Vanilla leveling, I played through TBC and Eversong Woods is a horrible place to level and Azuremyst Isles is meh(at least better than Eversong). It also introduced transmog :D And two new races which have the best starting zones. It have great raids(no not you DS).
4.WoD-I played through the starter edition of WoD and the Frostfire Ridge is a fun experience. This proved that leveling improved through the years. The Garrison is a good concept but it's badly executed and ruined some aspect of the game. As a casual player and someone who is not that social somehow I wished I could play more of the Garrisons but at least I didn't get to the boring parts.
4.TBC-My opinions for WoD and TBC is pretty much equal. Though TBC has great dungeons and raids(I enjoyed BT and TK even after running it several times) so maybe TBC feels better for me. I liked Hellfire Penisula but the other zones are just bad I didn't last for 30 quest for them except for HFP as said. Lore is pretty messy though, and it adds to the bad points of the expansion.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
You are weird.

Guess I'm weird too then, I would just switch place on WotLK and Mop and put Cataclysm at the bottom. I remember in 3.3 when I said WotLK is by far my favourite expansion yet (I've been max level since patch 2.1 so I haven't played Vanilla). Whenever I said that it was my favourite expansion everyone looked at like I was a stupid casual who was ruining the game. Now favoring WotLK seems like the mainstream action.

Chen said:
1.MoP-Best for me. The story is just well written than any other expansions(if you count much smaller/minor stories it will be WotLK but for me the main story matters the most and WotLK's main story is just plain). It introduced new mechanics(pet battles),

Well I would lie if I said I didn't have some 50 pets or so at level 25 so I'll give you points and admit I enjoy pet battles occasionally. :)

new cool zones, endgame content(Timeless Isle/Brawler's Guild/Etc.) and more.

My thoughts on the brawlers guild was quite negative since it was designed only for DPS's I would say that the proving grounds were much better. But Timeless Isle is without a doubt my favourite zone ever made and tops my second Mount Hyjal by quite a bit.

2.WotLK-The theme is one of the best WoW ever had(next to Cataclysm) and this is where the zones start to look great and where leveling starts to be fun(though leveling itself is slow and harsh) Also the dungeons are fun but are pretty repetitive if you're stuck in your level and it's the most slow period of leveling.

Oh the old-school corpse runs, they were truly dreadful and the one thing I really hated in otherwise pristine dungeons. I'm going to spit up another opinion that was unpopular in WotLK and say how much I adored the Oculus which introduced a whole new way to do dungeons that has never been seen again it also removed the need for super long corpse runs which I loved. ^^

Though it really had some reaallly great new features, a great class and many many more.

Hell yeah I was about to quit WoW until I fell in love with my new blood Death Knight. ^^

3.Cataclysm-this is what changed the world and this is where leveling became convenient and great. If someone would tell me that I never experienced Vanilla leveling, I played through TBC and Eversong Woods is a horrible place to level and Azuremyst Isles is meh(at least better than Eversong).

What can I say you should have picked Horde, I promise you blood elves are epic. ;)

It also introduced transmog :D

That system is epic.

And two new races which have the best starting zones. It have great raids(no not you DS).

It had some really enjoyable bosses though I would say that WotLK bested cata with bosses like Yogg-Saron, The Lich King and Sindragosa. Not to mention WotLK had 55 raid bosses and Cata had 31 raid bosses and one heroic only boss.


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
From a subjective view I rank it:


From an objective view:

Burning Crusade had the best end game content, end of story. And the time you spend in the end game is much greater than the leveling experience, thus its importance is greater.
If you compare story telling in BC and MoP/WoD, you're simply unfair. The WoW team has expanded greatly, and so has the experience of Blizzard.

Me and my friend always debate about MoP, he claims MoP deserves a top three spot, which I call him a retard for. I simply don't get it. Everything but the story in MoP was absolutely useless. In fact, MoP is not the best in any aspect.

I claim that ALL expansions are better than MoP in terms of raiding.
WoD was better than MoP in terms of story telling and level experience.
MoP was the worst expansion theme wise.
All expansions but possibly WoD had better PvP
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Best Expansion ever:
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Why..... Didnt anyone..... vote for goddamn TBC and Vanilla.

I wasn't max leveled by the time of Vanilla and I never saw the appeal with TBC, to be honest WotLK was superior in every way compared to TBC in my opinion.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009

I highly suggest you watch this, old video but the message remains the same.

I don't know how much I agree with of what he says, he says that the numbers speak for themselves and a lower difficulty results in a lower subscriber base. This even despite the fact that the subscription base was still growing in WotLK and that it started dropping at the beginning of Cata when they increased the difficulty compared to WotLK. And yes in the beginning and midlife of TBC the growth of the player base was ferocious but the growth also reduced significantly towards the end.

Now as to why I think that WoW is losing subscribers I would say that it is due to two main factors. First we have the fact that WoW is an immensely repetitive game and I talk to people all the time who are fatigued by that and I understand why it isn't a pleasant feeling having to restart from square one in every new expansion. And that goes especially now with WoD an expansion that was twice as short as MoP, costed 66% more (at least for me) and was far less popular than MoP as seen by our poll. Second thing we have on the list is that there are an increasing amount of other WAY cheaper MMO's to play out there that all also have their own player base. If you say WoW is the best of the available MMO's out there I and I assume most people would agree with me but the price of WoW is unappealing especially when there are so many other alternatives out there. I do agree that a good portion of the hardcore players have been lost in WoW due to lowered difficulty but I hardly think you can claim that all the 6,4 million people who've left since Cata was released can be blamed on a lack of difficulty.

This is just my thought of what the truth it just as well as yours can be completely incorrect but this is what I've long theorized to be the problem for WoW.
Level 5
Oct 29, 2012
My favorite expansion was Wrath of the Lick King too. Mostly because all of the lore and stories from Warcraft 3 were concluded, Mostly because of the story of Arthas. Also my favorite armor set in the game is the Orange Variant of the ICC tier warrior armor. which I am transmoging on my warrior that I've played since just before Wrath came out. Also I've played a little bit of Cataclysm when it came out but I never got to the raiding because I took a break from the game and just started playing a few months after WoD came out. So I also don't have a opinion on Mists, mostly because I missed it.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Really my favorite character always was Malygos ever since I read Day of the Dragon. It is a shame that Alexstrasza had to kill him, at least I feel that I got my justice in Dawn of the Aspects. (An entire book with Malygos as the main character and he kicked f-ing @$$. ^^) I always found the fate of Malygos to be one of WotLKs weaknesses. It felt like Blizzard had to kill Malygos to give rise to Deathwing as they had worked up Malygos to be much more powerful than his younger brother.
Level 5
Oct 29, 2012
Really my favorite character always was Malygos ever since I read Day of the Dragon. It is a shame that Alexstrasza had to kill him, at least I feel that I got my justice in Dawn of the Aspects. (An entire book with Malygos as the main character and he kicked f-ing @$$. ^^) I always found the fate of Malygos to be one of WotLKs weaknesses. It felt like Blizzard had to kill Malygos to give rise to Deathwing as they had worked up Malygos to be much more powerful than his younger brother.

What if I made Malygos a just about un kill able boss in my map. Also wasn't the dragon or demon soul destroyed giving the aspects there power back. and why wasn't Malygos crazy then?
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
What if I made Malygos a just about un kill able boss in my map.

^^ I love that I still remember though what Malygos said when Alexstrasza and her children appeared. "It would appear that your benefactor has made their appearance but they are to late. The powers contained here are sufficient to destroy the world TEN TIMES OVER! What do you think they will do to you?"

Also wasn't the dragon or demon soul destroyed giving the aspects there power back.[/QUOTE]

Yes it was in the events in Day of the Dragon which took place during the second war.

and why wasn't Malygos crazy then?

Oh he was a lunatic in Day of the Dragon, I've been trying to explain why it took him 10 000 years to take action though. The only reasonable explanation I can come up with was that seeing Sindragosa as a mindless husk pushed him over the limits. If you knew half the fan theories I've made of Malygos you'd wish I worked at Blizzard. ;)
Level 5
Oct 29, 2012
^^ I love that I still remember though what Malygos said when Alexstrasza and her children appeared. "It would appear that your benefactor has made their appearance but they are to late. The powers contained here are sufficient to destroy the world TEN TIMES OVER! What do you think they will do to you?"

Oh he was a lunatic in Day of the Dragon, I've been trying to explain why it took him 10 000 years to take action though. The only reasonable explanation I can come up with was that seeing Sindragosa as a mindless husk pushed him over the limits. If you knew half the fan theories I've made of Malygos you'd wish I worked at Blizzard. ;)

1. you should work for Blizzard. 2. I don't know how but if it doesn't take to much space I think there's away to import sounds like for special events. But I don't know for sure if it is possible. 3. And if the aspects had there full power what was the purpose of Cataclysm?
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
1. you should work for Blizzard. 2. I don't know how but if it doesn't take to much space I think there's away to import sounds like for special events. But I don't know for sure if it is possible. 3. And if the aspects had there full power what was the purpose of Cataclysm?

1. Thanks. ^^
2. I think Pharaoh_ and not I am the correct person to pose that question to but I think it should be easily achievable. His sound file can be found on youtube and a few other places. I've never attempted to import sound though so don't take my word for it.
3. The purpose of Cataclysm is beyond even the smartest people. Essentially the Aspects were created to stop Deathwing in the future and that was their only purpose. The only problem is that Deathwing was one of the Aspects so had they not been given their powers there would not be a role that needed filling.

As to why it took the four of them plus green Jesus to defeat Deathwing it was because he was empowered by N'Zoth. Prior to N'Zoths involvement Deathwing was almost obliterated by Alexstrasza as proven here.

Level 5
Oct 29, 2012
Slowest wizard duel ever but looks awesome. Also he should have just destroyed stormwind when he landed there.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Slowest wizard duel ever but looks awesome. Also he should have just destroyed stormwind when he landed there.

He isn't a monster mind you, when Varian hangs Deathwings childrens heads on his wall he is justified but when Deathwing burns his outhouse and knocks over a few statues somehow he is some sort of irredeemable monster. :D
Level 5
Oct 29, 2012
does the Wow universe have a proper hell. I've read about something with Sylvanis commiting suicide but got saved by the Val'kyr.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
does the Wow universe have a proper hell. I've read about something with Sylvanis commiting suicide but got saved by the Val'kyr.

Ah yes that one's a mystery. Sylvanas did commit suicide after the death of Arthas. Her spirit ended in some sort of hell-like place where she knew only torment. The Val'kyr then resurrected her at the cost of their leader and so only 8 remained. (Obvious Naz'gul reference, and that makes Sylvanas to Sauron.) The short story ended by Sylvanas making Garrosh shit his pants.
Level 5
Oct 29, 2012
Well its 1am here so I got to go to bed. More lore tomorrow.

Edit: well 12:30am but it will be 1 by the time I sleep.


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
Ah yes that one's a mystery. Sylvanas did commit suicide after the death of Arthas. Her spirit ended in some sort of hell-like place where she knew only torment. The Val'kyr then resurrected her at the cost of their leader and so only 8 remained. (Obvious Naz'gul reference, and that makes Sylvanas to Sauron.) The short story ended by Sylvanas making Garrosh shit his pants.

I heard some speculation about the Val'kyr making her hell-like experience for their own purpose, in order to make Sylvanas accept the pact with them for some unknown reason.
Aka, saying that there is no hell.

In LOTR she is more like Talion from "Shadow of Mordor" they have quite a bit in common actually.
Dies, but is resurrected. Those close to him/her are killed (aka their people), Got spirit like beings to help them, they live(ed) for revenge, they have the ability to make others serve them unwillingly.
Great game by the way if anyone wants to try it :p
Level 25
Jul 30, 2013
Hmm well, WotLK seems winning. Hmm well, It's pretty cool really fighting the Lich King but actually Ice Spores are true final bosses of the expansion, they managed to kill me but Arthas can't even after the fury of frostmourne thing stuff. The WotLK 2 will feature Ice Spores as the main villain. One can dream.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
I heard some speculation about the Val'kyr making her hell-like experience for their own purpose, in order to make Sylvanas accept the pact with them for some unknown reason.
Aka, saying that there is no hell.

That is a thought that has also crossed my mind though that is peculation and based on very little at that.
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