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What makes me a noob?

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Level 12
Jun 1, 2010
The players that are online on Garena can be sometimes disrespectful and rude. Sometimes when I play on melee maps, the map starts and all the sudden my ally calls me a noob and quits, making me search another map. Some people quit when I play melee or mock me because they think I am a noob. I do not train melee often and I suppose that I am not the only one that has the problem with being rejected just because others think I am a noob. Did you had problems with being called a noob? I do not understand why someone calls me a noob, I played this game for a very long time and I joined THW 2 years ago. How do I deal with this? Should I stop playing melee maps on Garena and accept my fate of being called a noob?
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
It's hard to deal with this. Probably the best way is to go Battle.Net where based on your stats you will have same level allies and opponents as you. Garena can be real tough place, especially as you can't name your games like "3v3 noobs only".

Usually the skill level drops dramatically the bigger the game is. So join bigger games, that's one option. Or go to battle.net. Or find friends who are same level as you're.
Level 2
Feb 15, 2013
Above, so untrue, you get a mixture of players 2 may be good, one may suck in Bnet, equal players my ass.

Because apparently, you are a noob, OP. For me it is enough to see what someone is doing the first minutes to know if it is worth continuing further...

I won the respect of Chinese players who play 24/7 only because of good teaming and solo skill, even though I never played team games so much.
Level 2
Feb 15, 2013
You didn't follow their holy Gospel of Playing the Right Way.

Apparently you know nothing of competitive gaming, so why not take a break and not argue about everything even there, where you shouldn't? Competitive does not mean competing for tournaments, winning money. Laddering or even leveling in GGC is enough... you know how stupid it is to play with someone that can't do a damn thing? Kills the fun, the game, better not waste time.

To answer the question, what's the fun of doing one thing over and over again such as in melee? Well, like you may enjoy a beatiful soccer game, or any sports match, playing it or watching some good game makes this enjoyable, some crazy game you particpate in, it's beautiful! GEE GEE is the fun, even if you lose.
Level 13
Mar 23, 2008
I don't really see how you're helping him not being a noob Blackthorne.

If I were you Animalpower, I would google some builds, and maybe see some youtube videos, you can learn a lot there, and from then on, it's just play play play. Maybe you can start playing on the b.net 1v1 ladder, although that might be hard and "scary" in the beginning :)
Level 14
Sep 27, 2009
Apparently you know nothing of competitive gaming, so why not take a break and not argue about everything even there, where you shouldn't? Competitive does not mean competing for tournaments, winning money. Laddering or even leveling in GGC is enough... you know how stupid it is to play with someone that can't do a damn thing? Kills the fun, the game, better not waste time.

To answer the question, what's the fun of doing one thing over and over again such as in melee? Well, like you may enjoy a beatiful soccer game, or any sports match, playing it or watching some good game makes this enjoyable, some crazy game you particpate in, it's beautiful! GEE GEE is the fun, even if you lose.

Wow you sound angry, calm down. You didn't even give any reasons why I would be wrong.
Level 13
Mar 23, 2008
Apparently you know nothing of competitive gaming, so why not take a break and not argue about everything even there, where you shouldn't? Competitive does not mean competing for tournaments, winning money. Laddering or even leveling in GGC is enough... you know how stupid it is to play with someone that can't do a damn thing? Kills the fun, the game, better not waste time.

To answer the question, what's the fun of doing one thing over and over again such as in melee? Well, like you may enjoy a beatiful soccer game, or any sports match, playing it or watching some good game makes this enjoyable, some crazy game you particpate in, it's beautiful! GEE GEE is the fun, even if you lose.

You don't play competitively with complete strangers on your team. Nuff said.
Level 14
Oct 6, 2008
Apparently you know nothing of competitive gaming, so why not take a break and not argue about everything even there, where you shouldn't? Competitive does not mean competing for tournaments, winning money. Laddering or even leveling in GGC is enough... you know how stupid it is to play with someone that can't do a damn thing? Kills the fun, the game, better not waste time.

To answer the question, what's the fun of doing one thing over and over again such as in melee? Well, like you may enjoy a beatiful soccer game, or any sports match, playing it or watching some good game makes this enjoyable, some crazy game you particpate in, it's beautiful! GEE GEE is the fun, even if you lose.
Funny thing the way you describe it, really sounds like you are the one knowing nothing about competitive gaming.

Alas the OP was asking about the syndrom of the noob in the garena community. Pretty much everyone on every game does the same there. It's how you eventually ''grow'' and start calling other people the same stuff. But pardon me for not caring what some guys with '97 at the end of their nickname think, I can practically be their father.

Cheer up and don't care. Learn.
Level 2
Feb 15, 2013
Funny thing the way you describe it, really sounds like you are the one knowing nothing about competitive gaming.

Coming from someone who knows nothing about me, that speaks a lot. But sure "must be me"

You don't play competitively with complete strangers on your team. Nuff said.

True. Perhaps I shouldn't have used the word 'Competitive' since this is far from it and indeed one would go Arranged Team or take part in ESL cw. I should have said - People like playing SKILLED 2-sided games, to enjoy a GG - this is specially for 2v2 where such games could happen. Now why waste time when you see someone's build order in the 1st minutes?

Please, I've been playing melee in war3 all the time to know to judge, and others like me can see when someone's just wasting the time.

OP says he barely plays melee then asks why he is bad? Well, duh? Either play 3v3++ e.g 4v4 6v6 where no one from the more serious wants to play, or L2P
Level 2
Nov 14, 2012
If several people call you a noob, then you should try to improve. Obviously.
Warcraft 3 strategies have developed for 10 years. It's pretty normal that you're not very up to date yet with all these tactics, counters, etc...
But if someone can tell you're a noob during the first 5 minutes of the game, you're probably doing stupid shit. Like not making your peons work after they finish a building, making the wrong buildings, letting units die... pretty basic stuff anyways.
Level 21
Mar 27, 2012
If you want to learn how to play better, then it can be a good idea to look at how exactly the AI does things.
I still have problems with beating the insane AI, because my build order doesn't fit for anything.

The insane AI represents one tactic to counter - balanced rush.
I don't know if you are past that, but if not, then you can first try to counter this one.
Level 30
Jul 31, 2010
don't stop what you like playing its not your problem why they are like that, think about it your playing in a internet zone where anyone can be the target of trolling, cyber-bullying, and mass trash talks these people are either just young people probably kids or people that just wants to ruin games online

I've been called names like that before and they all end up in a same category: 'trash-talk'
Level 12
Jun 1, 2010
Most of them on the servers act like they are leet players. There are many more trained players than me thats for sure. When I played once, I tried to imitate the tactics of my enemies and allies. For example I used my heroes to attack enemy base ASAP. I think that some players on Garena are more harder to own than owning Insane AI. I do not play much WC3, so it should not suprise me that I was called a noob.
Level 36
Feb 5, 2009
If you want to learn how to play better, then it can be a good idea to look at how exactly the AI does things.


As for being called a 'noob', the only thing that could make you a 'noob' from that could be taking people seriously when they call you a 'noob'. Playing with randoms on the internet can be pretty bad like that, anyway, unless you're like me and can't be called a noob by anybody ever.

Cause I'm too pro. So I don't have none of that.
Level 6
Sep 20, 2012
The best way to deal with assholes is just not to give a f**k. If some buddy came here to ruin my day, well, he's welcome to try.
Level 6
Sep 20, 2012
what if it's a she? what if it's your mum? what if your mum is trying to ruin your day? WHAT DO?

Well, she's welcome to try as well... But, you see, I'm into girls. If a girl calls me a noob, well, it's quite a start of a relationship!
Level 6
Sep 20, 2012
so if my mum calls me a noob, then i have a relationship on my hands? niice, i'm glad you clued me in on this, now i don't have to be so lonely ^^

Well, if a mum is a sexy girl, then... I don't know. :ogre_hurrhurr:
But, really. If a girl calls me an 'asshole' or a 'shit', then it's typical and pathetic. But if a girl calls me a 'noob'... Wow, that girl is already interesting. Maybe she is even a gamer. Maybe she is even a Starcraft II gamer. Maybe she is even a Starcraft II pro. Maybe she is even a sexy Starcraft II pro! Can you miss such opportunity?!

no girls play warcraft

Why not? Day9 cast a Starcraft II game of his channel's moderators and one of them was a 16-years old girl, in Platinum league. If girls play Starcraft II, why don't they play Warcraft?
Level 2
Feb 15, 2013
If you want to learn how to play better, then it can be a good idea to look at how exactly the AI does things.

rofl, learning builds from AI !?!?!?

Playing vs insane AI: Just go early game harass the shit out of him, build shop, build your buildings in his base, put towers, build expand on the place of his main, become lvl 5 from workers kill, playing vs AI is waste of time. Watch some pro 2v2 replays, learn from them instead.

In sc2 playing vs AI may be good if you do it from a top replay but idk if AI can take command of replay, another player will be still better.
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