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Warcraft movie teaser

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Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
I find your lack of faith disturbing.

Faith is something you have in church but yes I don't think you should judge a film just because it is a video game licensed one. You are right to be wary though.


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
it's going to be so disappointing, just like the star wars movie.
the movie is going to suck math!
Source, please.
Faith is something you have in church but yes I don't think you should judge a film just because it is a video game licensed one. You are right to be wary though.
Actually faith=belief; context related. He has the right to think whatever he wants.
Just sayin' man.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Source, please.

We both know he has no source there's no point in asking, I hardly doubt he is Chris Metzen in disguise who has gotten really frickin pissed and decided to spread hate on his own products. I don't think he's Mike Moreheim who decided that he's making too much money and need to spread some hate speech against his own film. He's only using the stereotype that video-game licensed films are all bad and that the past three Star Wars films weren't really the best. Or he possibly thinks that Disney is the worst company ever that is going to put half a dozen Frozen references in their new film.
Level 7
Jun 26, 2010
The only way this movie can possibly suck is if the soundtrack doesn't really fit, or it doesn't have ANY Warcraft theme songs in it.

I want the intro cinematic music from Warcraft 1, Legends of Azeroth, A Call to Arms, the Stormwind theme, and ALL the racial music from Warcraft 1 to be in the soundtrack.

I'd also like the full movie score released on CD if it has those.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
The movie can suck if it tries to recreate Warcraft games. RTS games with lots of combat are fun, but make for terrible movies. It needs to be about a few select people and build up their characters so that the audience is involved. Better would be if they execute it such that you feel sorry for both sides and ultimately they realize conflict is not a solution (which will obviously not be the case as this is Warcraft...).

StarCraft would probably translate better onto the big screen. They could easily make quite a deep movie out of Wings of Liberty as it follows around the Hyperion and its adventures and ultimately turns into everyone being dragged on a one-man crusade to save the last person most people would want to save.
Level 7
Jun 26, 2010
The movie can suck if it tries to recreate Warcraft games. RTS games with lots of combat are fun, but make for terrible movies. It needs to be about a few select people and build up their characters so that the audience is involved. Better would be if they execute it such that you feel sorry for both sides and ultimately they realize conflict is not a solution (which will obviously not be the case as this is Warcraft...).

This is pretty much what Duncan Jones says they're going for.
Level 19
Jul 2, 2011
the sources I have are for star wars so I really don't know how I can uses that to discredit the warcraft movie. but you guys do realise the warcraft movie isn't being written by the original blizzard owners and not by the original writers.

basically it's being made by people who know nothing about warcraft except little clips of a story they read.

any way here is the star wars source.

main writer fired


writing team fired due to strikes against under pay.


not only That but George Lucas says they didn't write it at all as what he intended

Level 29
Sep 28, 2004
I saw episode 1 yesterday again. I don't like Jar Jar and Anakin, but I still don't get what people have against the midichlorians. Maybe fans liked the mystery surrounding the force.

asically it's being made by people who know nothing about warcraft except little clips of a story they read.
but as far as we know the production team is full of people saying they used to play tons of WoW in their free time. And we already know the story is going to be about Last Guardian, WC1 and bits of Rise of the Horde. Nothing like other game-movies that had nothing to do with the source.

Anyway I'm hyped. 3 more hours for the trailer!
I saw episode 1 yesterday again. I don't like Jar Jar and Anakin, but I still don't get what people have against the midichlorians. Maybe fans liked the mystery surrounding the force.
Midichlorians are an answer to a question nobody ever asked.
Everyone was fine with the force being "space magic". And then Lucas shits out some ass-pull pseudo-science that goes against everything that was established in the older movies.
Like Jedis living the celibate. With Midichlorians, that wouldn't even make sense, since the possible offspring of two Jedis would be even more powerful.
In fact, the whole Jedi "culture" doesn't even make sense with Midichlorians. In the original trilogy the force was all about ascesis and finding your inner peace. Like some kind of space Buddhist. In the second trilogy, suddenly it's just "well, duh, actually it's just the bacteria in your blood...", and all the meditation and training is basicly pointless. I have more bacteria than you, BOOM! Vegeta, what does the scouter say about his Midichlorian count?
Level 11
Aug 24, 2012
Midichlorians are an answer to a question nobody ever asked.
Everyone was fine with the force being "space magic". And then Lucas shits out some ass-pull pseudo-science that goes against everything that was established in the older movies.
Like Jedis living the celibate. With Midichlorians, that wouldn't even make sense, since the possible offspring of two Jedis would be even more powerful.
In fact, the whole Jedi "culture" doesn't even make sense with Midichlorians. In the original trilogy the force was all about ascesis and finding your inner peace. Like some kind of space Buddhist. In the second trilogy, suddenly it's just "well, duh, actually it's just the bacteria in your blood...", and all the meditation and training is basicly pointless. I have more bacteria than you, BOOM! Vegeta, what does the scouter say about his Midichlorian count?

I don't understand what's your problem with midichlorians...they are just a manifestation of the Force, they are not purely "biological"...remember Anakin was created by Darth Plagueis by using pure Force.

And even if they are purely biological, the Force is a form of energy generated by living beings...it obviously has physical manifestations and its not all about ascending into a transparent Ghost.

But its hard to get more off-topic than this:))
Level 7
Jun 26, 2010
I keep hitting the replay button!



I never, EVER say or do anything like this, ever. But I'm gonna go out on a limb here.

If the movie is what this trailer tells me it will be... I feel as though the movie will tell a superior Warcraft story to the one Blizzard's been putting out for the last 21 years.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
If the movie is what this trailer tells me it will be... I feel as though the movie will tell a superior Warcraft story to the one Blizzard's been putting out for the last 21 years.

Past 21? What was wrong with WarCraft III's story that was the best part of the game?
Level 7
Jun 26, 2010
Past 21? What was wrong with WarCraft III's story that was the best part of the game?

Honestly? Not a hell of a lot. I mean, naga. That's what was wrong with it. Too much naga.

But then again I just hate naga.

Overall, though, Warcraft III was a fluke. The story there was good, but while Blizz had good ideas in the other games, they just couldn't execute them very well in ways that made sense. Not even the novels were as good as this movie looks to be, story-wise.


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
I want the intro cinematic music from Warcraft 1, Legends of Azeroth, A Call to Arms, the Stormwind theme, and ALL the racial music from Warcraft 1 to be in the soundtrack.
Or, they can just make original music.
That can only be beneficial to the movie.
George Lucas is like an ADHD-genius. He has one good idea and then you better lock him in his room and let others build upon it. If you give him free reign, you get JarJar and Medichlorians.
Not necessarily. That's somewhat like having your ideas stolen.
Jar Jar may have been a little bit too much but the chlorians is not a bad idea if it's a bit more thought out.
I don't understand what's your problem with midichlorians...they are just a manifestation of the Force, they are not purely "biological"...remember Anakin was created by Darth Plagueis by using pure Force.
Oh, boy. This complicates things. It's either Leia or Luke now. But Luke was in one vision as a Sith...

About the trailer... Holy Molly!
Did the orcs (brown=non chaos) just side with the humans? Maaan... I don't know...

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Too much micro content? I mean as it is they are struggling to justify LotV purchase due to a lack of content and now they want to sell you even less content down the line separately. Worse is they want to encourage arcade mappers to make pay to win content.

The Warcraft movie trailer looks good. Seems like they are giving it depth after all with a group of Orcs trying to help the Humans to find peace. Not sure why a Human is riding a Gryphon though since usually Dwarves do that.

The Heroes of the Storm content is lame. So Legacy of the Void is under 4 days away and we instead get 2 new Warcraft maps and 3 new Warcraft heroes? None of them are even big high demand heroes like Archimonde. They could have at least given us 2 new StarCraft heroes and 1 map, I mean who would not want Karax? We basically get a dog man, a fawn girl and a guy with two heads and less intelligence than Murky.
Level 21
Jul 6, 2014
Too much micro content? I mean as it is they are struggling to justify LotV purchase due to a lack of content and now they want to sell you even less content down the line separately. Worse is they want to encourage arcade mappers to make pay to win content.

The Warcraft movie trailer looks good. Seems like they are giving it depth after all with a group of Orcs trying to help the Humans to find peace. Not sure why a Human is riding a Gryphon though since usually Dwarves do that.

The Heroes of the Storm content is lame. So Legacy of the Void is under 4 days away and we instead get 2 new Warcraft maps and 3 new Warcraft heroes? None of them are even big high demand heroes like Archimonde. They could have at least given us 2 new StarCraft heroes and 1 map, I mean who would not want Karax? We basically get a dog man, a fawn girl and a guy with two heads and less intelligence than Murky.
Come now Dr,it's not that bad.I agree that they could have added someStarcraft stuff but remember,there is a Warcraft movie and a new WoW expansion on the way so it is fitting that they add some Warcraft stuff

We basically get a dog man, a fawn girl and a guy with two heads and less intelligence than Murky
We've gotten worse.Have you seen some of the skins,such as Candy King Muradin,Bikini Stitches(or whatever it's called),Roller skate Nova(Again,not sure about the precise name)and others?

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Come now Dr,it's not that bad.I agree that they could have added someStarcraft stuff but remember,there is a Warcraft movie and a new WoW expansion on the way so it is fitting that they add some Warcraft stuff
I fully agree. However it should be tied in with their releases and not StarCraft.

Diablo event gave us...
  1. Johanna
  2. Butcher
  3. Leoric
  4. Monk (forget name)
  5. Rexar (not Diablo)

StarCraft gave us...
  1. Moraels
  2. Artanis
  3. Not StarCraft character Worgan guy
  4. Not StarCraft character Dryad woman
  5. Not StarCraft character Ogre
You see that kind of defeats the point of a StarCraft event.

We've gotten worse.Have you seen some of the skins,such as Candy King Muradin,Bikini Stitches(or whatever it's called),Roller skate Nova(Again,not sure about the precise name)and others?
Except those are skins. Their true selves are fine. Unfortunatly these are not just skins, you will be able to play as a Worgan (as playing as a Wolf as Reghar clearly was not enough), or as a half fawn half woman Dryad (I just wonder what on earth Tychus will think when killing her).

The Ogre guy is kind of ok actually and fits in well with the rest of the Hoard roaster as something one would expect to see.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
I thought the HotS arena game mode sounded really interesting, I think the Dryad was a bit of a long shot when there were so many more famous characters though.

I think that both Brightwing and Lunara are both going to be featured in Legion which means if they weren't going to be added now it would always be somewhere along the line so why not?

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Wait Brightwing was a main character in World of Warcraft? I thought she was just some quest monster you had to kill and was only added because of how crazy she sounds with that childish voice.

The Dryad being a main character or not has nothing to do with it. Its the fact they are up and coming characters during a StarCraft event which has only brought us 2 StarCraft heroes so far is the problem. StarCraft also has lots of key characters who need inclusion. There are at least 3 Terran, 2 Zerg, 2 Protoss and 2 XelNaga characters that could be included.
Level 21
Jul 6, 2014
Monk (forget name)

You see that kind of defeats the point of a StarCraft event.
Yes,I see what you mean,and I agree

Except those are skins. Their true selves are fine. Unfortunatly these are not just skins, you can now play as a Worgan (as playing as a Wolf as Reghar was not enough), or as a half fawn half woman Dryad.

The Ogre guy is kind of ok actually and fits in well with the rest of the Hoard roaster as something one would expect to see.
You have a point there but the new heroes aren't bad,aside from the fact that they are in the Starcraft event

As for the rest of the content,it may not be Starcraf based but the new map is fitting since It's Halloween themed and it was Halloween recently.The map it self seems pretty unique,the cores are shielded and can't be attacked by heroes,you have to use the altars

The arena mode sounds like it can be quite fun and competitiveIt seems very interesting.

Anyway,we should continue this discussion in the Blizzcon 2015 thread or with VMs since this isn't the proper place,this thread is about the Warcraft movie teaser,not about the upcoming content from Blizzard
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Wait Brightwing was a main character in World of Warcraft? I thought she was just some quest monster you had to kill and was only added because of how crazy she sounds with that childish voice.

Brightwing has never been seen in WoW.

The Dryad being a main character or not has nothing to do with it. Its the fact they are up and coming characters during a StarCraft event which has only brought us 2 heroes so far is the problem.

I had no idea there was any StarCraft event going on at all but I've been away from that game for a while. Where is it said that there's a SC event in HotS going on?

StarCraft also has lots of key characters who need inclusion. There are at least 3 Terran, 2 Zerg, 2 Protoss and 2 XelNaga characters that could be included.

If you want to speak numbers I think wow's really missing the most. And if you say well there are less StarCraft characters than WarCraft characters then justifiably they should focus on Overwatch characters. Overwatch only has one announced character which is Tracer.

And of course all games are missing representation this early on in the lifespan of the game.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
there is no sc event, they even said it in an interview. But some people keep thinking that becaue of the release of LotV and Artanis and Medic being released within short time.
And the change of the background from Heaven to a planet. And the change of music style.

The big question though is if there is not a StarCraft event then why not?
trailer is really nice.

i wonder if they're gonna include medivh at some point.

I feel like they're putting off showing too much of Medivh and Garona so as not to reveal too much of the story in the trailer.

One thing about a lot of modern trailers is that they tell the whole damn story. Since this trailer excluded Medivh, there is still a lot of stuff to be hyped for. :)
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
I'm sorry but that trailer is a disgrace, totally my biggest fears were confirmed, and i have a feeling that this won't be fan fiction but actually replace the story of warcraft 1 as cannon...

I think your opinion of "disgrace" is a bit harsh, we haven't really seen the movie yet so I don't really think it's fair to say how the film will be. When you make a trailer you always take out the best parts of a film and it's just use to give you hype, whether or not that is false hype or not still remains to be seen. But I agree I do slightly worry what will happen to the original story-line of WarCraft I.
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