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War of the mech's coming soon (idea/info forum)

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Level 3
Sep 18, 2004
Hello, I am the proud owner of war of the mech's map coming out in about a week beta testing... It is a map sorta like Battleships but well in my opinion much better, it has the same concept like u 6 diff items means 6 attacks and diff items do diff things and all that... Being the Big map it is im hoping it is small enuf to run on WC3... IF it isnt i will have to make it worse and it might not be as fun but keep ur fingers crossed

Ihave many ideas for it but am not sure how great theyll do...here they r!
-ranking system, after 5-10 kills or so u gain a rank they can be saved and loaded therefore giving u sumthing to show ur pro. it is only a 3 number code for conveniece of users...

-medic, he goes out on battle field to repair his allies although he is still in a basic terran suit and is very vulnrable , his secondary job is to heal NPC's at the sick bay and gain money-i might add when u heal them they r better and may go back out to fight

-all CUSTOM's yes its very exciting, robots to tanks to choppers to high tech buildings to 7 diff mechs!

-(mandatory)your items do dmg for EX: u can buy a machine gun item and then a LRM(long range missile) u will have 2 attack the machine guna nd the LRM

-2 modes ... there will be normal which u go have fun playing it normally or u can do SUPER which of course makes u super giving u like 30000 gold and allowing you to use strategy early game do distinguish your foes...

-rank,kill,death multiboard...

there is more... but i must go please list comments questions or complaints on this forum and i will answer ASAP please rate this idea in your post
Level 6
Mar 25, 2005
They are good ideas. Ignore when people say I hate that type of map or something. Inevitably, some will hate it, some wont care, and if the map is made well, some will praise you.
1.Here are several things I want to point out:
*If you intend to make everything custom models, check your file size. Custom models can make your project huge quite rapidly. Even if its small enough to play on Bnet, no one will host it if it is quite large, and many will lag.
*Just how much does the ranking system effect the game play? If it doesnt effect the game play, then 3 digit codes are fine. But if it effects quite a bit, either make them bigger codes or disable the game from being played in single player, otherwise it will be cracked quite easily.

2. Here are some ideas that might work:
*Like the map elimination, you could custom modify skills such as shockwave to be your firing system. This will add a "taste" to the game because you will have to aim where you fire, and your enemy can avoid those powerful missles rather than just clicking "a" then clicking a region for your mech to attack.
*If you are really up to it, add an ammo system. Once the ammo is out, you cannot attack. If you are using the modified firing system, you can just remove the attack to start with and remove the skill for firing once you run out of ammo
*You might think of having your hero be a pilate, not the mech. Mechs will be demoblized, if their isnt a pilate in it. Using a modified version of cargo and some triggering, you could detect when a pilate is in the mech, then make it move. Not really necessary, but this might allow players to farther purchase mechs after the initial one they chose, having multiple mechs, but still only able to control one.

Those are some of the things I'd like to point out. Wish you luck in your map project. Good luck
Level 23
Mar 29, 2004
If you're worrying about filesize (and I know this is shameless self-publicism), I've got quite a substantial collection of mech-type units that are rather small sized, and all use the same two or three skins, and they also compress very well in the final map size. And I'm talking half the size marked in the import manager.
Level 6
Mar 25, 2005
lol. I think he means to use your models Rao. They are pretty cool, and also happen to be like the only mech units on the site. Keep up the work. Too bad my map has nothing to do with mechs or futuristic, because I would use your models.
Level 3
Sep 18, 2004

alright guys thanks... here are replies
Rao dao zao... i must say you are outstanding with models i ahve used almsot all your models in this game i wuld be hapy to show it to you...

Also the firing system is automatic when you are near a enemy your items/weapons willl attack automaticly as they have no attack...you, yourself do not do damage its you ITEMS!
Level 6
Mar 25, 2005
Well that poses a problem. Thats not really a good idea since then you have absolutely no control of where or who to shoot. You could try to kill this one mech that has really low health, but alas, your items attack the tower first. Then what will you do? You do have to realize that once u get into a mech if u were controlling one, you arnt just going to put everying on auto pilot. Heres my advise:
Stick with the item idea. Its a good idea, but make the items be a useable skill. that way you can control where and who to fire using your number pad keys. That should solve the problem. Good luck
Level 6
Feb 4, 2005
131ueDragon said:
Well that poses a problem. Thats not really a good idea since then you have absolutely no control of where or who to shoot. You could try to kill this one mech that has really low health, but alas, your items attack the tower first. Then what will you do? You do have to realize that once u get into a mech if u were controlling one, you arnt just going to put everying on auto pilot. Heres my advise:
Stick with the item idea. Its a good idea, but make the items be a useable skill. that way you can control where and who to fire using your number pad keys. That should solve the problem. Good luck

Yeah, do it like Desert Battle...
Level 23
Mar 29, 2004
Rao dao zao... i must say you are outstanding with models i ahve used almsot all your models in this game i wuld be hapy to show it to you...
I'd like to see what you've got, if you're willing to show. I'm always interested to see what the community wants to do with my stuff... If you need me to do some upgrading (like adding attachment points to older models), just PM me. It would be a pleasure to lend a hand.
Level 6
Mar 25, 2005
Couple of more ideas that I just happened.

1. Change the cam to first person view for the mech. It'd make it more realistic.

2. Still insisting on the ammo system

3. Weight System. Have different mechs have different speed, the faster the mech, the lower the weight capability. Have the items have weight, and once the max weight is filled, you can no longer equip. (Can be easily done through triggering. Ex: (Assume that the mech has 300 max weight, and the machine gun weighs 20 lb.)
Event: Unit acquires an item
Condition: Item type = Machine gun (or whatever)
Action: If/then/else multiple function
*If: X(Mech's total weight)+20 is equal to or less than 300
*Then: Set variable X=X+20
*Else: Drop the acquired Item and diplay message "Too heavy!"

You could probably have something written something that shows the total weight used.

Thats my ideas for today. Hope the project is going well.
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