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Warcraft III GOLD =) (Demo Coming Soon)

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Level 3
Dec 25, 2005

(banner by modafoka)

Big thanks to Mr Apples and his WW3G map for inspiring me to create this!

Warcraft III Gold General

Warcraft III Gold (wc3g) is warcraft, but better! In wc3g, there is more to do, more warriors to train, more upgrades to research, more options to create your army with, and [more races (coming in version 2)]

Wc3g, comes in all the melee maps you are all fimiliar with, plus a handful of brand new maps!

With all the new upgrades and units to choose from, you can literally create your army exactly the way you want, you can create a swift army, or a brute army thats all about melee, or a sneaky army that will piss off your enemies, or if you have enough resources, create an army with all these strenghts!

THREE new heroes for each race! thats right, 3 completely new heroes for each race. The limit on only 3 heroes available is the same, but now u have a total of 7 to choose from! Each hero will be as balanced as possible by the time this project is officially rleeased to B.net. You can create your very own strategy and choose the hero that best fits your strategy, discover their strengths and weaknesses, there cunning poison, stealth and speed, there brute melee skills that will plow down anything in their way, or their crazy abilities that will practically disable the enemies with the right strategy.

With the release of this next generation of warcraft comes an all new battleset. The game is now more balanced, but the main key to winning is matching your method and strategy through your whole army. However, there are a few ways that might help you overcome our enemies easier, for instance, killing a level boss (see below) will reward you with some extra strength, or maybe completing one of the many unique quests throughout each of the levels could reward you with something special.


Quests are now introduced into melee maps (undecided), in each map, depending on the size, there will be a number of quests to do, some of them are crazy and nearly impossible, but the reward is as good as the quest is hard, and on the other hand ther are quests that you could easily finish in a flash, but obviosly the reward is not as great.


Bosses are now in each map. Each map has a different boss, and the number of players the map supports will determine how hard the boss is. 12 players means the boss will take a few attemps to defeat, 2 players means you could beat it with a moderate army. Bosses give u crazy rewards when defeated. Items, attack bonuses, hit point bonuses, resourcesm sometimes all of the above.

Ranking System (undecided)

I'm not so sure im capable of this, but im at least going to try to create a ranking system using a game cache to detect how many times a certain player has won. Since the normal melee map games on B.net have a ranking system, i thought id give this a try.


A site is currently being developed by modafoka, when its finished, a link will be placed right below this paragraph. At the site, you can learn all about Wc3g, you can learn some special strategies, hints and tips, you can learn about each unit, both new and old, each upgrade, backstories on heroes both new and old, backstories on bosses, strategies for bosses, rewards from bosses, information, credits, and a forum for suggestions, bug reports, general wc3g chat, requests, ect.

Link unavailable (site under development)


I am hoping that Warcraft III Gold will revolutionize melee maps and become very popular very quick, and maybe even have a few clans made or so. only time will tell.


A Demo Version that will include the only the human race updated a boss, and a few quests will be released here and at thehelper.net by the end of this month. It will be in the Emerald Gardens map. It will include all the new units of the human race, all the new upgrades of the human race, 2/3 heroes of the human race, roughly 3/4 of the new items, some of the new passive buildings, a boss, and hopfully some quests.

The actual project of wc3g, is as u guessed, a pretty sizeable project, and I have no idea when the whole thing will be released.

Please share your opinions with me here, and give ideas, advice ect. all help will be appriciated. thank you.
Level 22
Jan 10, 2005
That would be fun. Does it work like WC3CreepInstaller or sumthing?

Do all those new units and heroes also have new models or just the same models with some different colours u change in WE :p

and all those abilities for the new heroes. Are they custom or just the normal abilities with some different effect and stuff
Level 7
Oct 8, 2005
hey man that sounds REALLY cool. but its going to be extremely unbalanced with the way u have the mining set up. Heres why:
1. Undead starts with 3 acolytes and 1 ghoul. The reason that is balanced is because they cant get nearly as much gold as all the other races in the begining because it takes a while for the other 2 acos to be made. That means that EARLY GAME they wont be as good as other teams gold whise but LATE GAME they will have more wood than the other teams. thats fine the way it is and u were probably listening to newbs talk. Maybe wat u could do is make it so that they only mine 15 wood at a time! that would be even more balanced.

2. Wisps mine wood plenty fast enough. if u change them to mine wood at the same rate as others they will mine about 200% as much wood as everyone else in the same time frame. Heres why: Wisps dont have the problems that other races do were they have to return wood to their main building. This means that they are mining the wood atomaticly at the same rate as the other teams because in the amount of time it takes another race to return wood to their main the wisps have already mined twice. Also another great plus to wisps mining is u can scout with them or put them by a tavern to wate for a hero that u want to buy (when ur upgrading ur tier) and they can be mining the entire time! People whine about wisps when there still not good at wc3, but once they learn how good they really are the realize that they are probably the best wood miners (with the exception of ghouls and the goblin shredder of course).

If you keep the game the way u say your going to (mining wise) then poor undead wont be able to mine nearly as fast and night elf will get so much wood it will be obscene. they would get about twice as much as undead is currently getting (20 per return)

You also said your going to have 3 new heros per race right? thats SWEET!!! but plz.... make sure you spend a lot of time with a lot of beta testers balancing them. not against each other but against regular heros. I make maps and youd be amazed how easy it is to make a custom hero unbalanced.

As for Team Killers, excellent idea to make is so they can be stopped, but you cant make them die as soon as they target an ally. Heres why: The trigger your going to use to kill them will also work for the player's own units. Even though you use the condition: Is an ally of played (owner of (attacked unit)) = true it will still also kill the player (or whatever event ur going to use) if hes just attacking his own unit. this means that there will be no killing a wounded unit so the enemy doesnt get the exp, a strategy that a lot of people use,! Also what happens if the player misclicks? I misclick all the time when im microing and sometimes i accidentally order a unit to attack an ally. That would GG me!?! How about this instead: Set a variable up for each player. Every time the player attacks an ally you set the variable to the variable + 1. If the variable ever reaches say 15 it will defeat the player. This will still allow for a FEW misclicks and for killing a FEW allied units to stop the enemy from getting the exp, but this would also stop allys from destroying say, your main. Or if you dont like that system you could make it so that the allyed player only gets defeated if he targets one of your buildings. Or you could do what i did with my map We were footmen... to prevent backstabs. Whenever a unit attacks an ally i set the attacking unit's health to 1. That way it can be killed easily by the ally thats getting attacked but if its a misclick the units still alive and can go heal. Or what you could do is not punish the player "in game". Instead the backstabbed ally saves the replay, sends it to you on the website to review and if you see a player did indead blantently backstab and it wasnt a misclick then you can create a trigger in future versions of the game that at ellapsed game time 1 second check every player's name (using the conditions of string comparison) and if his name is equal to blah blah blah kick him out of the game. If you'd like i could send you a sample trigger for this because i have a good way that you could do this very easily yousing the (or multiple conditions are true) trigger.

Also how about this for a cool idea: As soon as a team is defeated the game doesnt end. All players will have say 10 seconds to talk to each other, but the main reason for this extra 10 seconds is that the player who won will get a ranking! using variables and a game cache you can set it up so that at the end of the game it will load the game cache (or create a new one if there isnt one) for the player that won and set the variable that that game cache is storing to plus 1. Then durring any game a player can type -stats (Player name) and see how many wins the player has. also you can store players stats on the game's web site. the only thing is that you cant store losses under this game cache. the reason being if a player quits before the game is over he wont get a loss! That will be hard to do but it would be sweet.

Also i must say that is one daunting task your looking at man! that for EVERY wc3 map there is?! thats gonna take you a while. If you complete this task then that is very impressive, kudos to you
*bows respectuflly*

the game sounds cool though. cant wate to play and i hope my suggestions helped. :D
Level 7
Oct 8, 2005
oh ya one more thing, the name Warcraft III GOLD is not taken, but the game Warcraft III has already "gone gold". it went Gold when they released it so u might want to change the name. Also im pretty sure there would be no legal ramifications for you since this game is property of Blizzard software. According to their terms and notice, this game is under the legal rights of Blizzard Entertainment. So Blizzard couldnt press charges against you because they are the legal owners of any games created for WarCraft III including, but not limited to, yours.



Level 3
Dec 25, 2005
"Do all those new units and heroes also have new models or just the same models with some different colours u change in WE"

About half and half.

"and all those abilities for the new heroes. Are they custom or just the normal abilities with some different effect and stuff"

again about half and half

"1. Undead starts with 3 acolytes and 1 ghoul. The reason that is balanced is because they cant get nearly as much gold as all the other races in the begining because it takes a while for the other 2 acos to be made. That means that EARLY GAME they wont be as good as other teams gold whise but LATE GAME they will have more wood than the other teams. thats fine the way it is and u were probably listening to newbs talk. Maybe wat u could do is make it so that they only mine 15 wood at a time! that would be even more balanced."

I see...
usually when im playing as undead i have more lumber than i know what to do with, i guess i could try out the lumber income for undead a few times with beta testers.

"2. Wisps mine wood plenty fast enough. if u change them to mine wood at the same rate as others they will mine about 200% as much wood as everyone else in the same time frame. Heres why: Wisps dont have the problems that other races do were they have to return wood to their main building. This means that they are mining the wood atomaticly at the same rate as the other teams because in the amount of time it takes another race to return wood to their main the wisps have already mined twice. Also another great plus to wisps mining is u can scout with them or put them by a tavern to wate for a hero that u want to buy (when ur upgrading ur tier) and they can be mining the entire time! People whine about wisps when there still not good at wc3, but once they learn how good they really are the realize that they are probably the best wood miners (with the exception of ghouls and the goblin shredder of course)."

wisps gather 1 wood every 2 seconds. thats 5 wood at an interval of 10 seconds. If you ask me 10 seconds is a pretty long time to wait. for 5 wood. maybe ill set it at 5 lumber every 8 seconds or something? because when im playing as night elves i have to set up tons of wisps before im getting enough lumber to support my army.

"You also said your going to have 3 new heros per race right? thats SWEET!!! but plz.... make sure you spend a lot of time with a lot of beta testers balancing them. not against each other but against regular heros. I make maps and youd be amazed how easy it is to make a custom hero unbalanced."

oh yea i hear you, i made a dota last year and it was horribly unbalanced. =/ thanks for the advice heh heh...

"As for Team Killers, excellent idea to make is so they can be stopped, but you cant make them die as soon as they target an ally. Heres why: The trigger your going to use to kill them will also work for the player's own units. Even though you use the condition: Is an ally of played (owner of (attacked unit)) = true it will still also kill the player (or whatever event ur going to use) if hes just attacking his own unit. this means that there will be no killing a wounded unit so the enemy doesnt get the exp, a strategy that a lot of people use,! Also what happens if the player misclicks? I misclick all the time when im microing and sometimes i accidentally order a unit to attack an ally. That would GG me!?! How about this instead: Set a variable up for each player. Every time the player attacks an ally you set the variable to the variable + 1. If the variable ever reaches say 15 it will defeat the player. This will still allow for a FEW misclicks and for killing a FEW allied units to stop the enemy from getting the exp, but this would also stop allys from destroying say, your main. Or if you dont like that system you could make it so that the allyed player only gets defeated if he targets one of your buildings. Or you could do what i did with my map We were footmen... to prevent backstabs. Whenever a unit attacks an ally i set the attacking unit's health to 1. That way it can be killed easily by the ally thats getting attacked but if its a misclick the units still alive and can go heal. Or what you could do is not punish the player "in game". Instead the backstabbed ally saves the replay, sends it to you on the website to review and if you see a player did indead blantently backstab and it wasnt a misclick then you can create a trigger in future versions of the game that at ellapsed game time 1 second check every player's name (using the conditions of string comparison) and if his name is equal to blah blah blah kick him out of the game. If you'd like i could send you a sample trigger for this because i have a good way that you could do this very easily yousing the (or multiple conditions are true) trigger."

Hm, after reading this part of your post, I've jsut decided to make TKing impossible by making a unit stop its attack as soon as its ordered to attack an ally.

"Also how about this for a cool idea: As soon as a team is defeated the game doesnt end. All players will have say 10 seconds to talk to each other, but the main reason for this extra 10 seconds is that the player who won will get a ranking! using variables and a game cache you can set it up so that at the end of the game it will load the game cache (or create a new one if there isnt one) for the player that won and set the variable that that game cache is storing to plus 1. Then durring any game a player can type -stats (Player name) and see how many wins the player has. also you can store players stats on the game's web site. the only thing is that you cant store losses under this game cache. the reason being if a player quits before the game is over he wont get a loss! That will be hard to do but it would be sweet."

ugggghhh, that'd be really hard for me, id probably need some help with this. Because i hardly ever work with game caches. Ive never made any campaignes, and only a small handful of maps that need game caches. But it sounds awsome, so ill give it a shot.

"Also i must say that is one daunting task your looking at man! that for EVERY wc3 map there is?! thats gonna take you a while. If you complete this task then that is very impressive, kudos to you
*bows respectuflly*"

Yea its going to take some time, but not over a month I'd say. All im going to do is export all data from object editor, import editor, trigger editor, ect. and import it into all the other maps.

"oh ya one more thing, the name Warcraft III GOLD is not taken, but the game Warcraft III has already "gone gold". it went Gold when they released it so u might want to change the name. Also im pretty sure there would be no legal ramifications for you since this game is property of Blizzard software. According to their terms and notice, this game is under the legal rights of Blizzard Entertainment. So Blizzard couldnt press charges against you because they are the legal owners of any games created for WarCraft III including, but not limited to, yours."

ach ok, ill think about changing the name



Level 3
Dec 25, 2005
ohh, im also hoping to have a few clans made after the release on b.net ^_^;



Level 3
Dec 25, 2005

ive made some progress.

there are now quests in all wc3gold maps, the main ones will say like "Destroy omg's army!" and the optional ones will like tell be "slay the level boss" so yeah.. lol
Level 3
Aug 6, 2004
Questions To Ask

Do you think you could make forms for people to fill out, like, on your site?

Example: New Ability Application Form

1. What Is The Name Of The Ability?

2. What Is The Abilities Effect?
Increases Attack Speed, Lowers HP Regen.

3. Anything Else?
40 Second Cooldown, Ability Is For Grunts

Like I Said, Just An Example.

And also, how are you going to get beta testers? When will they test? Will they be mentioned in games? Can anyone become a beta tester?
Level 2
Aug 28, 2004

Here are my suggestions to the balancing of the resources:
Humans - Excellent, no change suggested.
Orc - Make an upgrade that increases the peon's attack speed while harvesting trees.
Undead - Reduce lumber income to 15, but also decrease its food by 1.
Night Elf - I suggest creating a move that would allow the wisp to harvest twice as fast at the expense of health, kind of like trying to trap an immolated demon hunter. It would increase early game lumber rates but remain balanced.

The TKing - It cannot be stopped, and will not be stopped, but your idea will definately help the problem. Perhaps make a 3 strikes rule? Attack an ally 3 times and your base and units are immediately leveled.

Food Limit - How will you change the upkeep accordingly? If you've left out upkeep, it's going to be horrible having 50 food from max and getting 40% of gold harvested.

You seem a little in over your head when it comes to the game play balancing, I suggest finding someone who can.

One more thing, when it comes to adding the new units, don't just throw in the campaign blood elves and say "yep, its all new..." Honestly, it takes 1 week (if even that) of experience on the world editor to do that. Also, 3 heroes per race sounds like a little bit of overkill. I would suggest 1 to each and maybe 2 to the tavern, or maybe heroes that can be aquired only after completing in-game quests.



Level 3
Dec 25, 2005
Re: ...

MadCat said:
Here are my suggestions to the balancing of the resources:
Humans - Excellent, no change suggested.
Orc - Make an upgrade that increases the peon's attack speed while harvesting trees.
Undead - Reduce lumber income to 15, but also decrease its food by 1.
Night Elf - I suggest creating a move that would allow the wisp to harvest twice as fast at the expense of health, kind of like trying to trap an immolated demon hunter. It would increase early game lumber rates but remain balanced.

The TKing - It cannot be stopped, and will not be stopped, but your idea will definately help the problem. Perhaps make a 3 strikes rule? Attack an ally 3 times and your base and units are immediately leveled.

Food Limit - How will you change the upkeep accordingly? If you've left out upkeep, it's going to be horrible having 50 food from max and getting 40% of gold harvested.

You seem a little in over your head when it comes to the game play balancing, I suggest finding someone who can.

One more thing, when it comes to adding the new units, don't just throw in the campaign blood elves and say "yep, its all new..." Honestly, it takes 1 week (if even that) of experience on the world editor to do that. Also, 3 heroes per race sounds like a little bit of overkill. I would suggest 1 to each and maybe 2 to the tavern, or maybe heroes that can be aquired only after completing in-game quests.

Humans: ok i wasnt planning on changing anything.
Orcs: will do
Night Elf: ill consider it...
Undead: sounds good.

Tking: it can be stopped with a pretty simple trigger:

events: a unit is attacked
conditions: owner of attacking unit it an ally of owner of attacked unit
actions: order attacking unit to stop
(written freehand)

upkeep: the upkeep will be changed, dont owrry that hasnt slipped my mind.

balancing: yeah i know that by now. i now have 2 partners and they are supporting my weak points.

new units n stuff: heh... im no newb at the world editer >.> dont worry, all the units are new, as well as the upgrades, however i do admit some of the models for some of the new units are from campaign.

Nah, ill keep it at 3 new heroes per race. doesnt seem overboard to me and a lot of other people ive spoke to. the max amount of heroes you can have remains 3, but now there are a total of 7 to choose from...

*updated thread ^*
Level 7
Oct 8, 2005
Re: ...

Tking: it can be stopped with a pretty simple trigger:

events: a unit is attacked
conditions: owner of attacking unit it an ally of owner of attacked unit
actions: order attacking unit to stop
(written freehand)

Unfortunatly ur wrong. That trigger doesnt check aoe damage so as long as someone tells a unit to attack GROUND they wont be stopped, but ya that trigger will stop most offenses.

Also i kind of agree about 3 heros being overboard, heres wat i would do: make 2 new heros for each race to make an even 6 and then completely fill the tavern with neutral heroes.

also try throwing in this trigger into ur game, i used it in my map We were footmen... and everyone loved it.

        Player - Player 1 (Red) types a chat message containing -cam 1 as An exact match
        Player - Player 2 (Blue) types a chat message containing -cam 1 as An exact match
        Player - Player 3 (Teal) types a chat message containing -cam 1 as An exact match
        Player - Player 4 (Purple) types a chat message containing -cam 1 as An exact match
        Player - Player 5 (Yellow) types a chat message containing -cam 1 as An exact match
        Player - Player 6 (Orange) types a chat message containing -cam 1 as An exact match
        Player - Player 7 (Green) types a chat message containing -cam 1 as An exact match
        Player - Player 8 (Pink) types a chat message containing -cam 1 as An exact match
        Player - Player 9 (Gray) types a chat message containing -cam 1 as An exact match
        Player - Player 10 (Light Blue) types a chat message containing -cam 1 as An exact match
        Player - Player 11 (Dark Green) types a chat message containing -cam 1 as An exact match
        Player - Player 12 (Brown) types a chat message containing -cam 1 as An exact match
        Camera - Set (Triggering player)'s camera Height Offset to 2000.00 over 0.50 seconds

id suggest doing like i did in my map and having like 3 or 4 different cameras. camera 1 being the default camera height offset and cameras 2-4 being offsets between 1800 and 2600.

BTW have u considered making it so that upgrades work on heroes to like in eota?



Level 3
Dec 25, 2005
i dont get it, how could 7 heroes total be overboard, i mean you still can only have 3 per game, its really no difference, other than expanding your options...

ah well, at least the trigger will sotp msot offenses... ill see if i can find a way to like heal a unit it its attacked by AOE or something....

lol, we were footmen... funny name, but neat idea, ill try it out thanks

yea ive considered giving heroes their own upgrades. Ive already made various speed upgrades, so i guess it wouldnt hurt to do some hero ones...
Level 2
Aug 28, 2004
Perhaps you misunderstood me on a few subjects, here's my reasoning.

TKing cannot be stopped because if you manage to keep them from attacking allied units, the TKers will simply block their ally in with structures or units. The ally cannot attack the TKer in such no real difference is made.

3 heroes per race is a good idea, but I suggest keeping it to 1 for the following reasons:
1. The custom heroes may be unbalanced in some way that wasn't detected at first because of the spread focus of all the heroes instead of more accurate focus on the individuals.
2. The release will be much sooner, and your remaining heroes can be released in patches.
3. As if there weren't enough heroes with the tavern already, it's going to be hard for you to find some original ideas that aren't lame. Lame Ex - Murloc-riding Troll.

I have faith that you are more than capable, but humans make mistakes. To lessen the mistakes take it slowly and more cautiously.



Level 3
Dec 25, 2005
lmao... murloc riding troll... niice.

no lame ideas like that >.> ughh

anyways im just going to keep it at +3 heroes per race... because i like the idea too much to throw it away, plus I've found some people who like that 7 heroes per race thing. a lot.

TK: ohh, well TKers dont really appear in every game u know its like 1/70 games (at least for me it is) and the average TKer will just rush you with militia or such, ill just go with my best efforts to stop what TKing i can though i know i cant stop all tKing.

Yes, everyone makes mistakes i know that very well.. heh heh.. well anyways I am taking this project cautiosly, rereading everything fixing typos, bugs, constantly testing the map, ect. I dont want this project to end up being jsut anouther map on b.net, i want it to be the next generaiton of Melee maps, and i am ensuring that everything works perfectly and it is grade A quality.



Level 3
Dec 25, 2005
lmao... murloc riding troll... niice.

no lame ideas like that >.> ughh

anyways im just going to keep it at +3 heroes per race... because i like the idea too much to throw it away, plus I've found some people who like that 7 heroes per race thing. a lot.

TK: ohh, well TKers dont really appear in every game u know its like 1/70 games (at least for me it is) and the average TKer will just rush you with militia or such, ill just go with my best efforts to stop what TKing i can though i know i cant stop all tKing.

Yes, everyone makes mistakes i know that very well.. heh heh.. well anyways I am taking this project cautiosly, rereading everything fixing typos, bugs, constantly testing the map, ect. I dont want this project to end up being jsut anouther map on b.net, i want it to be the next generaiton of Melee maps, and i am ensuring that everything works perfectly and it is grade A quality.



Level 3
Dec 25, 2005


The project is coming along nicely and the demo should be out within a 2 day range of the end of this month.



Level 3
Dec 25, 2005
There was a serious glitch detected, took a bit to fix, but it has been fixed.

unfortunatly, the glitch has delayed the release date of the demo. sorry for any inconvinience.
Level 3
Feb 2, 2006
i got some ideas

1. Make Naga a playable race but add a lot more buildings and units plus upgrades for them as well as making the royal guards be finally build.

2. Make a even greater diffuclty level for computers because insane seems too easy for me still.

3. Make neatural buildings like taverns or something like that to purchase upgrades that all races can buy to increase their armies strength.

4. Make a slow motion trigger for the world editor :)

5. Have a custom editing shop as well as a upgrade building to buy armor and weapons for you so you looks cooler but are not really items. Also allows color changing for some parts. I know that sounds wierd but it would be cool as well as removing weapons from blademasters for instance and buying maces for both hands.

6. Start making trap abilities including the hunter's frezzing traps in WOW :) I love seeing them frozen like that.

7. Make a command to make any ability autocast because it's boring pressing all those same buttons all the time.

8. I know this is really hard but make a solo command. Here how it goes. Every unit has a small portrait on top of the screen which says solo. When you press it the camera zooms in so you see the selected unit very closely and the camera follows the unit as you move them. When this happens your base is controlled by a computer to decide what to do next for your abse untill you click the same button again to not solo and then you get full control of your base again.

9. Be able to make commands that you give computer player allies to do something for you like capture orange base, kill a specific hero or something like that but make a condition or whatever to not make the allie agree all the time because he may have to prepare himself for enemy invasions or for a creep assult.

10. Make a special unit classified as a wounder for every race so it can be made once. They can be produced from the last level of the capital for 3500 gold & lumber and 20 food. Also takes Build Time= 150. Also when made a message pops out saying that the enemy or allie has completed the production of a wounder unit. Note all race wounders must be balanced evenly but with different strengths and weaknesses.

11. Make 2 build commands so you can produces a lot more buildings and make there be 5 capital levels but i bet it's hard to do.

12. Treasure time people :lol: but seriously in a map there could be a golden obelisk in each map a total of 4 in each. Some have 3,2, or 1 depending on the map size. When you go with a hero on a obelisk you get part of a rune. When you go to all obelisks they automaticly form into a rune map and if you right click it shows a exact copy of the map you're playing with with an x pointing to the location. Each worker of every race has a digging ability but can learn it at 2nd level of the capital. The prize of cource is a building item called the Gold Palace. When you build it close to your base all workers gain 25% extra movement speed, attack speed, food limit increases to 150, gold and lumber gathering increaes by 10 and all building time for units is reduced by 5 as well as any upgrades you didn't finish. I bet only Blizzard can do that with a lot of help but i guess there is a chance for you to do it.

Well im out of ideas,for now but don't worry, more will come out soon. :wink:
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