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[Strategy / Risk] War of the Clans

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Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
I am almost sure he was sarcastic :p

The terrain is yet to be added for example, and even without the terrain we've extended the 8 mb limit. Not to speak of how annoying it will be to merge the 2 maps. I don't want to be Argos when that happens. But yeah I was as surprised as you Wa666r, I thought it was a little odd :p
Level 12
May 11, 2014
Oh, So the level 20 heroes were intentional?

8 mb is so damn small >.< I wish it was more like 8 gb.
hahaha merging the two will be very annoying. Even with the NewGen merging.
8 Gb ?! Too much , i think 15 mb would be the best
Level 2
Oct 7, 2012
Alpha Released!

Ladies and Gentlemen, we are proud to present you our latest version of WAR OF THE CLANS!
Our team worked really hard for the project to be born. We hope you will enjoy this trial demo version and prepare for upcoming Beta which will include completely new HD terrain and fully finished clan storylines.
Go play it!

Damn cool Grunts :ogre_datass:
Anyways, I'm still hoping that the AI mode will make it.
Level 10
Oct 16, 2012
Beta coming soon = a looooong time

I have no doubt that merging two maps will be hard work, but I think it's nothing impossible. As soon as I fix my f*cking NewGen WE I'll start working again. I'm quite used to copying stuff and doing annoying things.
Level 10
Oct 16, 2012
Nothing, just too much work and not enough time.

Strydy is still working on the beta terrain so we cant progress much further without it. Me, Chaosy and Wa666r are trying to fix all alpha bugs and our modelers are busy with real life.

There's not much progress to show right now. The project thread however still manages to occupy first 10 spots in Map Development, if we drop further down, i will try to share as much updates as i can. It would be nice of you if give us some feedback from alpha, here is the playable version: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/pastebin.php?id=hiu32n
Strydy is still working on the beta terrain so we cant progress much further without it. Me, Chaosy and Wa666r are trying to fix all alpha bugs and our modelers are busy with real life.

Include me. Sorry if i cant continue your terrain bro. Same reason like others , im busy in real life too. Maybe i come back after halloween. See ya guys :)
Level 28
Oct 28, 2011
Strydy is still working on the beta terrain so we cant progress much further without it.

This is why I always advice mappers to practice every aspect of map making. If you actually want to make maps you should at least need to know all the world editor works like triggering/coding, terraining and object editor editing since its hard to always pass the map from one person to another. One person says that he is busy and the whole train will stop rolling. Stuffs like 3D and 2D can be left on their own phase since you can always use place holders and can even release the map without the requested arts unlike terrain since it is where you play the map.
Level 10
Oct 16, 2012
If you actually want to make maps you should at least need to know all the world editor works like triggering/coding, terraining and object editor editing since its hard to always pass the map from one person to another.

The terrain, units, ideas... you can see in alpha version are all made by myself. Chaosy made some useful systems and helped me to create some harder triggers. Wa666r remade all abilities to be shiny and interesting. Z00rtaz and takakenji some requested models. Teamwork is what im trying to reach here. I hope Strydy didn't left us forever, in the meantime i will continue working on his legacy.

Don't worry sonofjay, we do not give up so easily and i promise you that the map WILL be completed sooner or later.
Level 28
Oct 28, 2011
Teamwork is what im trying to reach out for here, if you dont like it, please atleast dont make such negative comments.

I've re-read my comment and cannot find a single remark hinting that I don't like your purpose. Also I still cannot think of it as a negative comment. It just contradict the purpose of trying to encourage(which is positive right?) you to take the job of your member who will be inactive for a while.

The terrain, units, ideas... you can see in alpha version are all made by myself.

If that was the case then why don't you pick up the work that Stryder left off. You should ask him for the map.
Level 10
Oct 16, 2012
I've re-read my comment and cannot find a single remark hinting that I don't like your purpose. Also I still cannot think of it as a negative comment. It just contradict the purpose of trying to encourage(which is positive right?) you to take the job of your member who will be inactive for a while.

If that was the case then why don't you pick up the work that Stryder left off. You should ask him for the map.

Sorry, if i insulted you.

He sent me the map already. I submited my comment too fast before i was able to edit it properly and think harder about what i say. You're reading too fast :p
Level 28
Oct 28, 2011
I just feel that you're trying to find bad things instead of good in our project.

You already feel like that when I haven't even said any thoughts about your Alpha release? Crap. You may not want me to check your map then. Actually, being harsh(but still in the border of sense and respect) is the best way of giving feedback. Saying the good stuffs are only mere praises and doesn't really help you improve your map.
Level 10
Oct 16, 2012
Hey Argos, when are you gonna get rid of that poll?

I wish I knew how. I told you how to add it, but never figured out how to remove it. Asked resource moderator already, still no answer.

An amazing, yet confusing quote, you aren't implementing WoW characters into this, are you?

Either way, Kudos with the project...

Lol, no it's 100% unique ;)

Yeh those kodos are too mainstream, maybe I'll rename them on Golks or something.
Level 10
Oct 16, 2012
Chaosy found smaller leaks in Wa666r's spells, but there are too many and remaking them all would take enormous amount of time. We encountered many weird problems with the alpha overall.

1. People on battle-net are annoyed by some sort of lag, possibly caused my those memory leaks, but it still remains a mystery.
2. Mode voting works only for player red, though it seems it should be working for everyone.
3. Horrible glitch that causes control point to be knock backed away when tower upgrade is researched. This glitch only works in WESTERN part of the map, which makes no sense at all.
4. Mercy and Pact of Blood modes malfunction (they doesn't work)

Interesting is that Chaosy receives no such errors. I thought the problem is with VJass coding, but I simply can't find a solution.
Level 16
Sep 24, 2009
Sadly, I don't have time to help you, but if someone can, please help this man ! Maybe ask some other more experienced map makers, what problem might me?
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