• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!


Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
Have fun taking a look at the previews I made. Don't be shy to give me feedback. Tell me what you like or dislike.

As requested I created a short video showig how the Hero Creation/Customization menu looks in action. As bonus you gain a small preview of the knockback physics.

In this preview you can see some ingame action right from the current Beta Build that is currently tested by my Betatesterteam. The main focus in this video lies on the itemsets, the drop and loosystem and the new enhanced scrolling combat text. Besides to that, you get an impression of the talenttree and the dynamic coloring actionbar. Have fun watching this.

This is the latest preview and shows the current v0.0.60 build that my betatester team is testing.

I managed to create realistic day and night lighting. This will allow me to have nice lighting effects of light sources in the night which will help to give DW a more realistic look. The time in this preview is running with 500% of the real speed. You can see the daytime in the bottom right tooltip. I use the german version of game, sorry for that :)


Older videos:

Darkwind RPG - Demo Preview01
Arrowmovement System
Gameplay Preview01
First Architectur

Or take a look at my Youtube channel:

Last edited:
Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
Truly epic stuff.

My only issues were that when you learnt a new ability, it showed up in the GUI menu. I think you should make it so that it appears in a sort of "spellbook" that contains all of the abilities, or just keep them in the character/ability menu for the player to drag to the actionbar. I also think you should redo the hero... All the other models look incredible, but the hero looks rather ugly. No offense.
Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
I love the action bar and talents the most. Should look into making the spell icons have a cooldown animation though.

Thanks. I thought about that, but decided to have a kind of countdown shwon in a button when it's on cooldown.
Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
Hm, adding a kind of cooldown animation... That will need a semitransparent quare in front of the icon. Problem is, that the process will require a kind of animated texture or a square with really many segments. And the animations needs to by synchronized tot the specific cooldownduration. I think it's worth thinking about it, but for now the countdown works^^
Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
A square devided into 20 similar segments with the ability to show every single segment one after another requires 20 polynoms that. Each polynom requires 2 keys for visibilty. Of course it can be done, but I'm not sure if wc3 can handle that amount of data displayed on the screen when 12 different abilites are on cooldown. I think I have to test it^^
Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
A small video to show the prinzip of moving enviroment. The grass and the trees are animated and simulate a movement forced by the wind.

Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
Here you can see a small ingame preview of the new human male NPC/Hero model. You can see the 3 stands, stand stealth, walk stealth, walk, walk fast, stand ready and the 4 attackanimations. Further a small system I wrote that uses both arms for attacking. That system will choose the correct animations if wearing different weapons.

Level 14
Jun 13, 2007
Here you can see a small ingame preview of the new human male NPC/Hero model. You can see the 3 stands, stand stealth, walk stealth, walk, walk fast, stand ready and the 4 attackanimations. Further a small system I wrote that uses both arms for attacking. That system will choose the correct animations if wearing different weapons.

Seriously cool!
Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
Here you can see a small ingame preview of the new human male NPC/Hero model. You can see the 3 stands, stand stealth, walk stealth, walk, walk fast, stand ready and the 4 attackanimations. Further a small system I wrote that uses both arms for attacking. That system will choose the correct animations if wearing different weapons.

Awesome. I think the hand to hand attack animations should be sped up slightly, though. But otherwise? Awesome.
Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
And another preview of some animations. This time I show you the attackanimations for fistweapons. Further you can see the kick, doublestrike(fistweapon) and combostrike(fistweapon) animations. The combostrike can be upgraded with a knockback via the talenttree. And don't mind he not reaches his target while combostriking. Due to the fact you see your hero from behind most time it won't be noticable.

Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
Another day, another preview. Today the attackanimations for onehanded swords,axes and maces(dual wield or onehanded). For eyecandy I added some attached weapons. This will be the last preview of this kind for now cause I not want to show everything before the game is released^^ But I can tell you, that almost every kind of weapon comes along with a unique attackstyle.

Level 15
Jun 11, 2007
Wow. Never noticed how ambicous this project is. It looks awsome, from the previews that is, in quality. I love the talent tree and action bar :)

I really hope you keep the motivation up on this project, really, can be something unique :)
Should you need anything related to story-writing or lore-building, I'm here :)
Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
wow, how did you make him pull out the sword when he attacks?

All my models got a special set of attachment points. So if your hero enters combat, he will grap his weapon(s) and hold them in his hands. When leaving combat he will put them back again. Thats simply done by storing the effect of the weapon in a variable and then adding that effect to the correct attachment point.
All my models got a special set of attachment points. So if your hero enters combat, he will grap his weapon(s) and hold them in his hands. When leaving combat he will put them back again. Thats simply done by storing the effect of the weapon in a variable and then adding that effect to the correct attachment point.

oh ok that makes sence
Level 7
Mar 24, 2008
Thy, you are amazing! What is up with German people and being so good at Wc3 Mapping? lol This is honestly the best map that I am looking forward to, your models, and systems are just simply unbelieveable... You never give up until you get the system working xD, this is so MMORPG like-ish. GL with the map, hope you release a lil demo soon this year ^_^
Level 21
Dec 9, 2007
Thy, you are amazing! What is up with German people and being so good at Wc3 Mapping? lol This is honestly the best map that I am looking forward to, your models, and systems are just simply unbelieveable... You never give up until you get the system working xD, this is so MMORPG like-ish. GL with the map, hope you release a lil demo soon this year ^_^

German people are making so awesome games!
Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
At this moment the heromodel has 49 animations on 40 bones and 24 animated attachment points with a total animation time of 75.1 seconds. It uses one stadard texture and one replaceable. The size of the file on harddrive is 417 kb. In the import manager it is about 412 kb. For now the used textures are in 512x512 high resolution ~683 kb.

Those are btw only the base animations for the different weapontypes. There will follow special animations used for the spells, knockback/stunned animations intertaction and even mounted ones. So I think the model itself will be around 1,2 mb when finished.
Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
512^2 pixels and they are in HIGH resolution. That means they are detailed and handdrawn, no real texture.
Level 4
Oct 7, 2008
It's like it's not WarCraft anymore. WTF are you doing making this?! Get hired by Blizzard or Bioware for fuck's sake. xD

The model is kinda stiff though.
Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
WTF? 512^2 resolution means 512 pixel x 512 pixel... a normal icon has 64^2 (64x64) so one texture of an icon is ~6 kb. One Texture for a complete armorset is 683 KB if uncompressed. Thats not that big at all. And DW will be single player, so who cares about filesize?
Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
I better should have used "" to make it easier to understand. For now the used textures are in 512x512 "high resolution" ~683 kb... got it now? Could we now plz stop this kinda useless discussion?