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Unofficial 2D Contests: Fan Art

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Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
Bigger boobs are better boobs. ;)
Maybe in Fantasy (and in many men's fantasies), but in reality, I would have to disagree.

"Fall of the Betrayer"

Illidian wip

Amazing. Really quite good.
Level 15
Dec 21, 2013
lol, in reality, big boobs looks..... disgusting or something.
oh my fuacing goat, today is the deadline.
I should upload my updated draw!!!
Level 25
Mar 23, 2008
dont submit mine!!! I failed it!!

Hey mate. I've seen you trashing your own work a lot. Don't do that. If you are displeased with it, either try and fix it or ask for help, or trash it and note what you failed at and work at that particular thing to improve for the next work. Don't be destructive on yourself.
There is no such thing as bad art. Don't compare to others except to boost your productivity or motivation. You and all artists are just at different stages in their skill, at most. That doesn't mean your stuff is bad.

I can see faults at your work but I can see potential and good in it as well. If you don't want to enter this contest with your submission, I won't force you. Of course not. But just don't be so hard on yourself.

Try and see progress from your older works, try and see what you've been better at or what you've done better from your earlier work. And if you don't think you've improved, take a moment and think about what you need to work on in order to be more satisfied with your art.
I see faults in every artwork I do, there are things I am displeased with in every painting I make and there are issues with every drawing I sketch. But that doesn't stop me from being happy with what I produce. It's a constant work in progress, all the time. It never ends.

Aim for a healthier look at your work and it will be more fun drawing/painting as well :) And don't ever broadcast yourself as crap or whatever, it really puts down others as well. Just think of everyone who is way behind you in skill. How does that make them feel when they see you trash-talk your own work?

I really spiraled way out of control here. #valuable_lifelessons_from_Hemske
But it just saddens me to see artists put themselfs down.
Level 28
Aug 7, 2011

Good advice Hemske ^^ But being hard on yourself isn't that bad heh :cgrin: I do it all the time, trash my work, delete my studies.. Well, keeping designs and concepts arts is necessary though, cuz you could recycle them later.

As long as disliking your work doesn't put you down, do it. It's better than liking it... that could limit you.
Level 25
Mar 23, 2008

Good advice Hemske ^^ But being hard on yourself isn't that bad heh :cgrin: I do it all the time, trash my work, delete my studies.. Well, keeping designs and concepts arts is necessary though, cuz you could recycle them later.

As long as disliking your work doesn't put you down, do it. It's better than liking it... that could limit you.

Yeah well of course. I don't mean to say you shouldn't trash work that you are just banging your head against the wall on or did end up like complete crap. I trash A LOT of drawings, trust me. ;)
And you can dislike the stuff you do, but not in a demeaning way, use it as a carrot on a stick or as proof that something you tried did not work out.
Or, well, some days are just crap drawing days and everything looks like poop. Everyone has those.

I agree, you should definitely never end up being completely a hundred percent satisfied either, but that was what I meant with by art is a constant work in progress, or rather, constant struggle. Because that is what art is. It is a constant struggle. We can allow ourself to be happy with our art, but we always see our own faults in every painting we do. As long as you don't let your ego blind you you're good ;)

But a lot of times just a small change can make a huge difference, so before trashing anything, take a moment and think about it or just ask someone, ask other artists. You'll be amazed at what just a slight contrast change can do sometimes.

What I mainly meant with trash for Idaero was that he shouldn't trash-talk or look down on himself for the art he makes, rather than the literal word of trash. (as in throwing your art in the trash can) But glad you commented on that, it allowed me to cover that aspect as well a bit more :p
Level 15
Dec 21, 2013
Don't worry,When you fall You get up and keep moving forward that's what everyone's trying to say :) Just go for it! :thumbs_up:
Somethin like on Batma Begin, Alfred said "Why do we fall sir? So that we can learn to pick ourselves up. "

Thanks all. Your advice means alot for me. btw, a friend just asked me to draw Vincent from FF7. Firstly I thought I will draw a crap again. And in the end, I'm quite proud of the result. This make my spirit up again :)
Level 25
Mar 23, 2008
Last edited:
Level 25
Mar 23, 2008
@Mythic, Yeah I've talked with Pharaoh about it. So he'll help us with that.

@Daenar7 (7!), alright, I'll add us in it as well then. Hell yeah, that's why we enter this small contest with barely any rules on Hiveworkshop, to become famous! ;)

@Justice, well, we are artists after all. We are supposed to never be on time for deadlines, and never finish our work. Aren't we? :p
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