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Ultimate Battle v2.50

This bundle is marked as high quality. It exceeds standards and is highly desirable.

Warcraft: Ultimate Battle v2.50++
UB Development Team
@Unregret, @ZiBitheWand3r3r and @Wa666r

***Note: Map-pack required this package to work properly***
- Download package: [UB] Resource Package
- Read Me

- For WC3 TFT 1.26+: Put the map to your WC3 root directory (Ex. C:/Program Files/Warcraft 3/Maps)
- For WC3 TFT 1.28+: Put the map to "Your PC name"/Documents/Warcraft 3/Maps
- For WC3 TFT 1.30+: Under Development....

- Change the way resoures work.
- Tiny size map-pack, all required only one package.
- Fix Tavern Hero Spells.

Map Info

This is a total race compilation. You can play with original AI and custom AI at the same time. This map is exclusive for Hiveworkshop only. No permission to re-post it in other website.

*Note*: Avoid playing Night Elf AI, it may cause lag due to map terrain (Building order of Wisp is stuck by trees and Moon Well). Currently happened with Legacy maps.

*For suggestion about this project or show your interest to add your own race into UB, please create a thread in:
- Project Page & Main Forum/Threads: Warcraft: Ultimate Battle
- Download older version which work for multiplayer hosting: [UB] Legacy Versions
- Download unprotected version, for similar modders: [UB] Unprotected Versions

If I miss anyone, please tell me.

- Tech-tree Suggestion: @MogulKahn.
- Model Suggestion: @stein123, @Mister_Haudrauf.

- Spell: @Kam, @KILLCIDE...
- Tech-tree: @Sunreaver, @Skyfira...

- Buildings: @Ujimasa Hojo, @Mr.Henci...
- Units: @General Frank, @Apheraz Lucent, @Cavman, @Sellenisko, @PROXY, @stonneash, @NFWar, @JollyD, @Hayate, @Uncle Fester, @Kuhneghetz, @Kitabatake, @JesusHipster, @stan0033, @CloudWolf, @paulH, @FrIkY, @SinisterX, @Hawkwing, @Fokyip, @Legal_Ease, @MasterHaosis, @Wandering Soul, @skrab, @AndrewOverload519, @Tranquil, @Mechanical Man, @takakenji, @Ket, @paladinjst, @Callahan, @Fuzzyfury, @Darkfang, @Mr.Goblin, @morbent, @Sin'dorei300, @Tarrasque, @Grendel, @Kimbo, @Mecheon, @migB, @armel, @assasin_lord, @Haistrah, @CreatorD3292, @CeDil, @exfyre, @Storm_PCF, @Greeksaga, @4eNNightmare, , @dickxunder, @GooS, @Toroto, @Salmon, @AnemicRoyalty, @ReplikanT, @Frankster, @Shiv, @Ergius, @SamuraiPanda, @NatDis, @Elenai, @Norinrad, @kaycei, @Mc !, @Sephiroth_VII, @Illidan_09, @67_chrome, @Golden-Drake, @HandCLAW, @CRAZYRUSSIAN, @Marcos DAB, @Palaslayer, @Praytic, @Hadeis, @Killd0zer, @Mythic, @Pyritie, @s4nji, @Direfury, @CreatorD3292, @UgoUgo, @Ampharos_222, @infrenus, @Edge45, @Thrikodius, @Xelthyr, @The Grim Reaper, @Alastor, @WILL THE ALMIGHTY, @Afronight_76, @wingednosering, @donut3.5, @sigelang, @Dan van Ohllus, @bigapple90, @NFWar, @D.ee, @kitties :3, @CombatTheWombat, @Infinitynexus, @Serbianbeast, @KelThuzad, @Berz-, @JetFangInferno, @tjordell, @chr2, @Rmx, @cyberkid, @Dekku, @Dentothor, @L_Lawliet.


Andorhal (Map)

Booty Bay (Map)

Devil's Cauldron (Map)

Divide and Conquer (Map)

Dustwallow Keys (Map)

Echo Isles (Map)

Emerald Gardens (Map)

Gnoll Wood (Map)

Ice Crown (Map)

Lost Temple (Map)

Raging Stream (Map)

Twisted Meadows (Map)

Level 14
Jun 15, 2016
Hey, pretty good map there. Some questions I have:
1. With this framework you use, is it possible for you to port the custom races to other maps? Say something for 6 or 8 players instead of 12?
2. Are you considering to buff the 4 original races? Human, for example, is pretty lackluster compared to to the new races. Night Elf, too, feels a bit weak.

Sure, i noticed something when using old AI of 4 races and AI of custom races at the same time. Eventually, I will improve AI for Human, Orc, Undead and Night Elf in future versions.

About porting maps, i have a big plan about it, these parts need helps from other professional terrain designers who i will contract later. For now, enjoy custom races of this map and train your tactics, strategy and combo skills.
Level 1
Jan 22, 2017
Hey I recently tried out this map in single player and was having a lot of fun with it until it crashed. I tried to start a new match but it continued to crash upon starting. After that every time i start a match with it Warcraft 3 crashes. I'm currently on version 1 of Warcraft 3 (Frozen Throne) and cant update by game because of some issues I have been having on my computer. I was wondering if there's a way to make it not crash, or if i just cant play this do to Warcraft being on an old version.
Level 14
Jun 15, 2016
Hey I recently tried out this map in single player and was having a lot of fun with it until it crashed. I tried to start a new match but it continued to crash upon starting. After that every time i start a match with it Warcraft 3 crashes. I'm currently on version 1 of Warcraft 3 (Frozen Throne) and cant update by game because of some issues I have been having on my computer. I was wondering if there's a way to make it not crash, or if i just cant play this do to Warcraft being on an old version.

Of course, you must have version 1.26 or higher. Nothing unusual.
Level 1
Jun 20, 2016
Well i did found a bug here,that ogre hero seems to be missing his models in the games and could you use the same ogre models from previous twilight maps.Also a change in that phoenix models is greatly appreciated.Then thats all i found for now.Thnx for making these compilation bro.Keep up the good work.:)
Level 14
Jun 15, 2016
Well i did found a bug here,that ogre hero seems to be missing his models in the games and could you use the same ogre models from previous twilight maps.Also a change in that phoenix models is greatly appreciated.Then thats all i found for now.Thnx for making these compilation bro.Keep up the good work.:)

Did you mean magma dragon or shadow phoenix? Anyway, i will fix it very soon.
Level 14
Jun 15, 2016
The twilight forces at the moment are quite overpowered because of some glitches.

-The mini twilight combatant can pass the cap limit
-Their mine when reaching zero, continues to produce gold, going into the negatives.

Thank you very much, I also notice that. Next update will fix them and also AI bug when custom AI overwrite Night Elf original race.
Level 1
Apr 13, 2017
Help i just downloaded this map but when i try to play it in warcraft3 version 1.27 it says " map file is too big, please choose another map ". help me with this i really wanted to play this map
Level 1
Jun 20, 2016
Umm do u plan to revert the ogre models to the original twilight maps models?Cuz for me it looks better that way.Also when pick that ogre hero the game crashed.Hope u can fix this.
Level 14
Jun 15, 2016
Umm do u plan to revert the ogre models to the original twilight maps models?Cuz for me it looks better that way.Also when pick that ogre hero the game crashed.Hope u can fix this.

I decided to keep it that way because they are all conflicted with other existing models inside the map, which lead to missing model as you saw. Anyway, i already restore the hero model and upload new link, please re-download the map (Don't forget to delete the old one before starting the game). Have fun :)
Level 2
Nov 16, 2016
Man with this map you make my biggest dream come true, I didn't play it yet but I will after work certainly, I can say from what I see that you have done a great job congratulations for all the hard work and time that you spent on it. Keep up the good work and can't wait for new updates. 5/5
Level 14
Jun 15, 2016
Man with this map you make my biggest dream come true, I didn't play it yet but I will after work certainly, I can say from what I see that you have done a great job congratulations for all the hard work and time that you spent on it. Keep up the good work and can't wait for new updates. 5/5
Thank you for great rating. It really makes me feel better. We will keep update game system and add more races. Upcoming race is Corrupted Night Elf (Satyr).
Level 6
Jul 10, 2016
Hello sir I saw the video of your map and I would want to play it but whenever I open it in Warcraft 3 it says file too big. could you help me out? I would appreciate your help thanks in advance
Level 14
Jun 15, 2016
Hello sir I saw the video of your map and I would want to play it but whenever I open it in Warcraft 3 it says file too big. could you help me out? I would appreciate your help thanks in advance

Did you update your WC to 1.27b? Here is the link:
Patching Classic Games

Choose warcraft, install the update (its actually 1.28) then see if the problem still persist.
Level 6
Jul 10, 2016


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Level 1
May 18, 2017
Hello there is a race of blood elves is created by sunreaver and also your race of trolls I would like those two races to only a small thing I do not know if it bothers you if you can put a system of victory and defeat is that the times that I play and To win does not leave that announcement of victory and derrorta online game but sometimes I want to play with the computer and is very good map has everything I just wanted those things for the next version thanks
Level 14
Jun 15, 2016
Hello there is a race of blood elves is created by sunreaver and also your race of trolls I would like those two races to only a small thing I do not know if it bothers you if you can put a system of victory and defeat is that the times that I play and To win does not leave that announcement of victory and derrorta online game but sometimes I want to play with the computer and is very good map has everything I just wanted those things for the next version thanks

Ah, yes :D. I fully understand. Victory condition trigger is currently disabled due to conflicting with others. We will create a new one when all custom triggers are converted to Vjass. So keep checking this thread for more updates.
Level 1
Jun 10, 2017
Hello there, I would love to play the map, however I can't see it when I am in game.
I have game patched up to 1.27b. Do you know what might cause that?
Level 14
Jun 15, 2016
Here are possible causes:

1. You change the name of the map.
2. If you create too many smaller sub-folders in WC3 root directory with the map inside, the map will show itself but can not start
=> copy the map to Maps in WC3.
Level 1
Jun 20, 2017
Hi , i could use some help whenever i start the map it loads to about 25% and then it stops and task manager says it is warcraft is not responding
Level 1
Jun 25, 2017
Hi, im trying to play this map with a friend via Battle.net with patch 128.4.7608 (latest update) and we can't because when me or he enter the map the map is download but it starts at 42% and stuck in there. We have the map placed in "Warcraft III/Maps". help pls :´(
Level 2
Jun 20, 2017
Where can I find people to play this with?

Nobody ever stays in pub games because the map is too big.
Level 1
Jun 30, 2017
Awesome map, tho there are couple of races I would love to see added to it (seeing they're not mentioned in New races concept): Gnomes (with their inventions and especially the Mechanostrider if possible), Tauren, Taunka, Centaurs, Sayaad (Demons race, consisting of Succubus and Incubus) ,Nerubians, Tuskarr, Vrykul, Harpies, Mogu, Eredar, N'raqi (Faceless ones) (In this particular order)
Level 14
Jun 15, 2016
Awesome map, tho there are couple of races I would love to see added to it (seeing they're not mentioned in New races concept): Gnomes (with their inventions and especially the Mechanostrider if possible), Tauren, Taunka, Centaurs, Sayaad (Demons race, consisting of Succubus and Incubus) ,Nerubians, Tuskarr, Vrykul, Harpies, Mogu, Eredar, N'raqi (Faceless ones) (In this particular order)

Thank you, I already note Gnome is a very good one to be consider a separated race, similar to Goblin. Centaurs will have a par with Harpies to create a race.
Tauren and Tauka maybe not included because they already exist in many races (Tauren, Chaos Tauren...) while Sayaad is succubus on the other hand.
Nerubians, already check. Tuskarr, someone is making it (hidden name) and that's my target :cool:
Mogu? Sure why not. They MUST be a race to opposite to Pandaren. However due to lack of resources, we can not sure they can be a race or not
Eredar is already in Burning Legion and appear in Demon races
Faceless Ones is still in progress by Wa666r, we can wait :D
Level 1
Jun 30, 2017
Thank you, I already note Gnome is a very good one to be consider a separated race, similar to Goblin. Centaurs will have a par with Harpies to create a race.
Tauren and Tauka maybe not included because they already exist in many races (Tauren, Chaos Tauren...) while Sayaad is succubus on the other hand.
Nerubians, already check. Tuskarr, someone is making it (hidden name) and that's my target :cool:
Mogu? Sure why not. They MUST be a race to opposite to Pandaren. However due to lack of resources, we can not sure they can be a race or not
Eredar is already in Burning Legion and appear in Demon races
Faceless Ones is still in progress by Wa666r, we can wait :D

Awesome mate, can't wait to see them, especially Gnomes :D
Level 2
Jul 7, 2016
I have played this map several times and enjoy the freedom of choice and different races and the different strategies and builds this allows you to explore. I cannot seem to change the factions of the ai it keeps telling me wrong slot and to use the computer slot. I do not understand what that means personally so could someone explain what I am missing. Overall an awesome map.