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[Strategy / Risk] Total WarCraft

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Level 3
Sep 7, 2013
Crappy name pending :wink:

Total WarCraft
A hybrid project, coming soon

The world, once broken, is on the cusp of its rebirth.

Five hundred years ago, wars of apocalyptic scale shattered its surface and scarred the land, and the few creatures who escaped took shelter from the firestorms by heading deep underground.

Now, they emerge to a world both familiar and unfamiliar.

A patchwork of terrains meet the eyes of the newcomers, five separate races, each with their own plans to rule the new world. Choose one of the factions, and guide them as they expand socially and militarily, coming into conflict with the others. For in the end, only one can triumph...

Five Races

High Elf Republic
The High Elves are the poster 'good guys' of the game. Like everyone else, they start as a ragtag group of a race, but soon their society evolves, from Autocracy, to Secularism, to Democracy, and finally to a Sphere of Influence. Their units are few, but specialised and very powerful. They thrive on controlling large amounts of land, and can cultivate it to speed up their progress.

Human Theocracy
The humans are an independent and tenacious race, uniting under a strong leader. Autocracy leads to Theocracy, leads to Divinity, and finally to a great Crusade of righteousness. Human units are synergistic, working best in unison with their fellows, and any relics found by them are put to excellent use.

Dwarven Monarchy
Isolationist and content in their mountains, the dwarven society is a defensive faction who can be hard to take down. Researching Autocracy puts them down the path, through Mountain Kingdom and Craftsmanship, all the way to Industrialisation. The dwarves can field incredible vehicles and their infrastructure in unparalleled.

Dark Elf Empire
From their forest hollows, the Dark Elves develop a communion with nature that later turns to exploitation. Their Autocracy breeds Dogma, turning into a brutal Terror State, and culminating in a global Holocaust where all that are not of the Dark Kin are to be exploited - and rendered extinct. Fast but fragile, the Dark Elves excel in early skirmishes and objective claiming, surgical and efficient.

Orcish Expansion
An unstoppable juggernaut of raw bodies, the Orcs control the goblins who serve as expendable meat. Clan Ties becomes United Strength, into War Councils, and finally a policy of Expansionism. Able to field incredible numbers of warriors, the Orcish Expansion can move like a tide, taking over the map and crushing all opposition.

Nine Tiers
The tech tree is massive and involved, with nine tiers of units seamlessly blending into each other. Stake your claim on the world, and advance your civilisation into a glorious age of prosperity!

Expand and Conquer
Nothing is handed to you - resources are scattered, and you must quickly build up a military force to find gold. Rumours also persist of relics scattered throughout the world, that may well play an important part in this war...

The map is massive, at 256x256, and every square of that is taken up by creatures, ruins, resources and prime real estate for cities, towns and outposts. He who controls the most territory will find himself in a position of great power.


So that's a sneak peak into the project as it stands. Currently, the terraining is well underway, and the tech trees for each civilisation is largely designed. In the future, you'll see all sorts of lovely things, like Dark Elf Necromancers sacrifing their slaves to create bone constructs, Orc Shaman uniting their tribes in an unstoppable wave of bloodlust, and Dwarven Gyrocopters clashing with High Elven Dragonhawks over a field of blood.

More to come shortly.
Level 3
Sep 7, 2013
It's more like a cross between Civ 5, WC3 and any game with capturable strategic points. It seemed to have a lot more Risk elements than traditional RTS. Guess it could count as both, but that's somewhat semantics.
Level 3
Sep 7, 2013
Here's the (current very unfinished) map for anyone interested!

Dark Elves are 95% complete, nothing else has been added except some of the terrain. Should give you an idea of the complexity of the tech tree, however.


  • Full-Scale WarCraft.w3x
    135.2 KB · Views: 68
Level 3
Sep 7, 2013
Yeah, I haven't finished Necromancer upgrade data yet. And I will transition to the corrupted models, probably through a trigger - once you research Naturalism, everything becomes corrupted.
Level 3
Sep 7, 2013
U wil have to base the Natyrlism upgrade with Chaos..

Yes, I'll have to edit that. Considering Naturalism doesn't actually unlock anything now it won't matter too much. Anyway, here's another version of the map, mainly for terrain feedback.

Also, for some reason you can train multiples of the Dark Elf Archon hero. Any idea what happened there, because it's supposed to be a unique unit.


  • Full-Scale WarCraft.w3x
    197.5 KB · Views: 56
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