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The Elven Tribes

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Level 3
Nov 22, 2004
Elven Tribes

I'm starting up a new project now, the "Rion 'n Woja - Project" went down as Goliath the God didn't have time. SO now I'm starting a new one. And I was kinda hoping to get help from some people.

This is going to be an Open RPG. This means I need a save/load code, a complicated one, so it is "unhackable". And it has to save items, money, character :roll:, and level. And I can't make it myself... So, when that times comes.. when all heroes and items is done, I need someone to make that for me. Till now.. I only need skins/models and nice ideas!
So.. I'll post my requests in Request Forum, please post your comments on this and ideas here :wink: and thanks for your help! 8)

This is gonna be great! :twisted:

Her comes the Storyline: 8)

:: Storyline ::

The elves was once upon a time a peaceful people, they lived in the green fields of Dormun,
mostly close to the green deep forest where the kids used to build huts in the trees and play
wars with bows and sticks as arrows. The day was filled with fun and happiness.
But even the elves didn't feel completely safe, as there was other livings on this world,
not only humans but trolls and orcs.. and There was this myth about an undead legion in
the south of Gorthmore. The elves never went there so they didn't belive in the stories,
and the humans was mostly nice people. The orcs lived far, far to the north, and the trolls
in caves. So they thought that they would be safe for eternity, therefor they had no big army,
only a few elves knew how to use a sword, but alot knew the ways of a bow. But they didn't use
much arrows, they used sticks. Just to have fun. They had competitions every year.
But never had they thought that they would be separated from each other in a war,
wich wasn't just a war, it was the ending of the old times, and the start of a new empire.

The Undead Legion had been silent and mysterious for so many years, they had only been
prepearing a war, all the time they had only been a myth, wich noone belived, to
everyone, hardly anyone belived in it, and those who did left their people to live
a safer place, high up in the mountains some humans made their new cities, with
great armies to protect them.

There was no elf that believed in this myth and therefor no interest in prepearing for war.
Passing by humans told the elves about the dark smoke over Gorthmore, and the fear among the
people close to the great city.

Late, one night, the undead legion left their lairs going in to war, the first village to fall was
Lurmath north-west of Gorthmore, later the proud kingdom of Runin XII. The war couldn't even be
named a war, as it was only battles of loss to the humans all the way. No village could stand against
the wrath of the undeads.

When the legion came to the orc camps they asked to join forces, as orcs were quite evil themselfs.
But the lord of the undead, Horumon, refused and burnt the camps of Gorall the great down to ashes.
Some orcs managed to escape into the mountains of Jurmandur, where the trolls were living.
The discission of the trolls were to stand together with the orcs against this ruthless enemy.

When the undead legion came to the lands of elves the elves were unprepeared and had to run away,
that way the undeads did not get to kill one single elf, they didn't even get a close look at them.
But the elves were now splitted into groups. Some ran into big caves or made new ones, these elves
had to stay in the mountains for years. That way they got the color of their skin changed,
they got darker and now they didn't name themself elves no more, elves were no longer their friends
- to dark elves, elves were like the undead. The dark elves lived alone in their caves for so long
they no longer knew was happiness was, they only knew anger. The dark elves were raw warriors,
and they could at any time go to war against an other tribe.

Some elves managed to run past the legion of undead warriors and now live in the plains of Carman,
where the undead never has been. They call themself High Elves, and live in tall wooden towers.
They study alot and know quite alot of surviving. They does not depend on warrior, but do have their own
legendary heroes, who has fought against the Horde many times. Their strongest enemy is the weather,
they think.

The elves wich were lucky enough to be playing in the forest when the undead burnt their villages
has been named Wood Elves by the humans around, the dark elves call them little elves - this because
of the size of a wood elf.. he is only half as tall as a normal elf, and do not carry armor as
they are weak. Their only protection is the trees and their bows.

There is also those who still live the way they did before, the elven villages not seen by undeads.
Here the elves live like they have done for centuries, not knowing of the undead or the war that past.

All elves, exept the ordinary ones, consider all other people as enemies. Elves is the only ones
who think of everyone as a friend.

The humans battle the Horde everyday, the undeads live in their dark villages thinking of nothing else
than war, they still want to take controll over the world, but as the different people live so many
different places there is no way of defeating them all. Th high elves live in peace aswell as the elves,
dark elves live in their great halls, always prepeared to battle. The wooden elves live their lifes,
wich is very short, in the forest - always in fear of whats around the next corner.


Now, you have been so lucky to be an hero, of whatever elven tribe you want, you shall live your life and
prove to every other elven race that your race is the strongest. You cannot defeat them, but at least you can
fight them and have your way of fun in the great world of Amelon.

Choose your character wisely, as they are quite different in the ways of fighting.
Level 6
Mar 25, 2005
We need more information to help out:
1. How big is the map?
2. How many players?
3. Storyline?
4. Races, characters etc.

I might be interested in helping out, but I need more information. Thx
Level 10
Jul 2, 2004
i think storyline and plot is very important. compare legacies : tots and cot.(other than the save/load codes). you can see there's actually alot of difference (oh and the camera too)
Level 3
Nov 22, 2004
Map size: 256x256

I think I will go for 8 players, as it will lag less then, I hate it when full house and takes over ten minutes to load map...

There's going to be four races -
Dark Elf (Paladin, Bladedancer, White Mage, Rogue),
High Elf (Archer, Royal Knight, Priest, Prophet),
Wood Elf (Druid, Assassin, Ranger, Shaman),
and Elf (Warlock, Gladiator, Scout, Cleric)

It won't be more heroes to select/save/load than that, but it will be alot of heroes around, to kill for experience and looting.

Any more questions?
Level 6
Mar 25, 2005
Ok 150x150 might be a little small for 8 player map but whatever. I'll be willing to help out. I don't want to boast, but I'm a good terrainer, pretty good triggerer, and pretty good unit balancer. I have bare to minimun knowledge of jass, so if you plan on using that, I cant help you with that part. PM me if you want my help. I am best at terrain, but I can do just about anything. Thx

Couple of questions:
1. Are there going to be cities, if so how many cities are there going to be for each race? 150x150 is quite small for grand cities...
2. Is this a tribal game (meaning that you are loyal to your tribe only) or is this an allied game (where all players are allied with each other)
3. Can you declare war against other elves?
4. Can you be the undead or not?
5. Max level?
6. The objective of the game?
Level 3
Nov 22, 2004
I canged my mind pretty quick.. I have set the size to max.. 256x256 (And actually it seems a bit small..)

It is going to be at least 5 cities (Villages) 1 for each elven race and 1 human city, the undead shall only have small camps, same for the Horde.

It is tribal, yes. All heroes in your tribe is allies, and all other units in the game is ur enemy.
I guess that answers next question too.

I don't think the undead, humans or Horde should be playable.

Max level 200 Perhaps.

The objective is to completely destroy the Undead camps, aswell as getting high level. Bonus objective would be destroying the Horde.
Level 6
Mar 25, 2005
Is there going to be any battling between the tribes of elves? And if you want to tell me how to lay the stuff around, I can start terraining if you want. Thx

P.S. How much custom models can I use for terraining if I terrain?
Level 3
Nov 22, 2004
I could probably fresh up the game by making battles between the tribes, yea..

For the terrain.. I'll draw a quick map for u, post it in an hour or so.. Then u can make terrain :D

About the models.. remember that the max size of a Battle.net map is 4mb (Am I right?) And since I was planing to use custom models (A few at least) and custom skins for the elves.. 4+4+4+4=16 16 Custom Skins/Models
Lets say they are all around 100kb (Quick Number) means 1,6mb .. Hmm the map itself 500kb.. 2,1mb That means I have 1,9mb left .. maybe some more models and skins, like weapons is needed, lets say 1mb for that.. then its 900kb left.
Lets say u can use 600kb for ur terrain! Sounds ok?
Level 3
Nov 22, 2004
World Map




The city wich it is written Humans is where the human city will be, Gorthmore should only be ruins.. Maybe a few undeads living there.. make it look like a old burnt city :D

Else its a undead village up north-east and the horde should have camps close to mountains in the north-west.. aswell as one or two in the south-west.

2 Villages where it is written Elfs, 1 big at Dark Elfs, Remember towers at High Elfs, and just some small huts at wood elfs.. Good Luck :)
Level 6
Mar 25, 2005
Alright. The only custom models I use shouldnt take up that much room anyways. Small plank type things for what? you'll see. I'll get to work.

*EDIT: Do you care if I use world edit unlimited or should I use just regular world edit? I'll use regular world edit for now.
P.S. How soon do you need this map? Thx
Level 3
Nov 22, 2004
You can use any editor u want as long as I can edit it later :p And I only got normall WE

Actually, there's no hurry.. so if it is done at end of week? If u got alot of homework priority that instead of the map :p
Level 6
Mar 25, 2005
Alright. So I got the Woodelf village done, but I might have to redo it seeing as it takes up to much space. Or just reduce the size of it.
I should be able to have it in by the end of the week, and mid next week at the latest. Thx
Level 6
Mar 25, 2005
Can I make these changes?
1. Woodelves - 1 village? Its pretty big and I don't want to try to fit another one in.
2. Villages are going to be pretty small for elves. you want villages or just one big city like thing?


*EDIT: By the way, why do the dark elves have a white mage? lol
Level 3
Nov 22, 2004
1. It's ok to make wood elf have a village instead of just random huts :p

2. Maybe one village is better for elfs too :p

And about dark elfs.. I really .. don't know why :p I just though he looked cool, and he definately do not fit as a black mage or something.. so I just made it so. And, just because they are called Dark Elves doesn't mean they are evil, or black magicans, right? Their name is because they have lived in the mountains with so little sunlight their look is darker than normal elfs :p And I though Dark Elves sound cool ^^
This seems to be some good quality map idea, mind if I join in? You could sure need some help for some stuff, right?

Well.. Skinning and Triggering are probably what I'm best at, making units is way to easy to ask others for, I guess.

Nice storyline btw. And I see all the dark elfs are from Lineage II :twisted: Thats a great game :p I'll have a go on some of them.. but I can't get gmax to work with exporting, so don't expect any models :wink:
Level 6
Mar 25, 2005
Wow.. Hey i got the world edit to work again. I'm back to work. Thx

*EDIT: I guess I forgot to ask an important question for terraining. Is the game camera going to be regular warcraft camera, first person view or what? Thx
Level 6
Mar 25, 2005
Ummm.... I made the map for a third person view, which means that the player basically sees the stuff behind the character. Some parts of the map will look awkward when played in regular camera. I'll fix this. I should have the map ready by the end of next week. Sorry for the delay, but world edit wasn't working. Thx
I'm halfways with the terrain now, sorry for the delay, summer vacation and all... Well, here's the link: Try it out! http://www.wc3sear.ch/?p=Maps&ID=5825

The Dark Elves in a mountain was a lil bit hard, so I had to make it so that they lived on a sort of platform, surrounded by mountains. And the human walls seems a lil weak, but.. there isn't really much of choice.
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