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Texturing Contest #19 - Golem

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Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129




An artificially created being brought to life by supernatural means, or a mechanism that can move automatically.
Further details in the rules.


  • No submission may violate any of the site rules.
  • If a submission does not follow the skin submission rules the creator will be disqualified.
  • Your submission must be posted before the deadline. The post containing your final submission must also contain the following:
    • An in-game screenshot showing your submission in action.
    • The file(s) in the appropriate format.
  • You must show at least one unfinished preview of your submission, before the deadline, as proof that it’s yours.
  • Your submission may not be started/made before the official launch of the contest.
  • Judges may not participate.
  • Teamwork is not allowed.
  • Textures must be no larger than 512 pixels in any dimension when submitted as final entry.
    You may work in 1024 (or higher), but the texture must be resized down to 512 pixels on equal dimension textures when submitted.
  • Your chosen unit must be an existing WCIII model and you may not edit the model in any way.
  • You must choose an organic unit and turn it into a Golem.
    • A Golem is a being brought to life either by mechanical means (an automaton) or magical means (excluding undead).
    • The Golem must be made out of these materials: minerals, metals, processed wood (treants are not allowed) and/or clay (ceramics).
    • The Golem can be decorated, armoured or detailed otherwise with any non-synthetic material (moss on rock, for instance).

  • First Place: 40 reputation points and your entry on the award icon
  • Second Place: 25 reputation points and an award icon
  • Third Place: 10 reputation points and an award icon


  • Dentothor


Does the unit fit into the WCIII lighting environment? Is the source of light consistent? Does the unit have a realistic 3D shape enhanced by the shading? Is each individual part shaded according to the material?/30%

Does the design of the unit suit the model it is wrapped on? Has the author come up with creative ways to change parts of the model into something new? Does the unit fit into the style of WCIII or is it too creative?/40%

Does the unit appear blurry and bland in-game? Are the details appropriate and realistically placed? Are the materials used easily recognized?/30%
  • 75 % of the winner shall be determined by the contest's appointed judge(s).
  • 25 % of the winner shall be determined by the results of a public poll.


  • The contest shall begin on 24th January 2011 and conclude on 28th February 2011, 11:59 PM GMT
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Im pretty sure you can. I think you were banned for only one contest.
And I think Ill join.
Some questions-
*Does it have to be a golem or just have to fulfill the organic->non-organic rule? Cos in my mind a golem is just a "insert material here" humanoid.
*Could you use other things other than a humanoid e.g a dog (not that im making a dog)

Anyway, I'm gonna use an ancient and turn it into some clockwork thingy, so try not to use ancients as well if possible.
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Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

Per definition, something that seemingly live (mainly by the power of magic) and consists of inorganic parts (whether one inorganic material altogether or several different ones) is a golem. Thus, by fulfilling the organic to inorganic transition, you have a golem and your entry will (most likely) be accepted. Be sure to post ask specifically if you're in doubt so that you have time to make something else if it won't be accepted.

That's looking sexy, Pyra.
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Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

Rocks are inorganic, so turning an organic unit into a unit consisting of rocks, engravings or no, is acceptable.
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
Everyone seems to be going for metallic\mechanical stuff.
Just you guys don't forget that there's also stone golems(wild, or animated statues), magma golems(subcategory of stone golems), flesh golems, puppet\cloth golems etc... Pretty much anything that's not alive(e.g., a treant wont count as a golem) can be a golem. :/

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

A flesh golem, by my understanding, is made of flesh. Flesh is organic, so I don't think it suits the theme. :\
I'm up for debate on that though.

Organic in this context means a living organism, and the criteria for being one is quite simple:
It is a contiguous living system that is capable of responding to stimuli, reproducing, developing and maintaining homoeostasis as a stable whole. That means it needs natural senses, a means of maintaining a population without interference from another species, a body that naturally develops itself from one state to another as well as naturally maintaining itself. Animals and plants are, for instance, organic.

So if I am to understand this right, an inorganic unit would be without all of these. That means it does not have senses (bear in mind technology, or magic, can represent senses like sight), the only way it can be made is by an outside force (a mage or a mechanic, for instance), it can only develop by adding things to itself that already exist (it does not naturally grow) and does not naturally maintain itself. Rocks and metals are, for instance, inorganic.
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Level 10
Sep 26, 2010
good thing i have no classes tomorrow. right, i'm joining this.
i'll be using felhounds

edit: first WIP of the Jagdhound


its still a WIP, i'll fix some highlights tomorrow.

Holy fuck, I love that mask. But it seems like it isn't wrapping right. I dunno, it looks like that for me.

BTW Building's are allowed? Ok, you know what i'm going to do obviously when I ask'd that ^^

EDIT: Wip time.


Now my dilema would be what to do with that beard, and I should lighten the face a bit....


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Level 10
Sep 26, 2010
I took an ancient because they're like the only "units" that look a little like golems (well, exept for the golems ^^). And we need more building textures. And I've got an idea about it.
That's not to debate here, the only thing to debate are the WIPs. I've lightened it a little. Will upload once i do more.
Level 38
Jan 10, 2009
Well, I think ancients are pretty organic looking. Inorganic stuff in wc3 is downright mechanical, like the steam tank.

I don't know about that, elementals are usually inorganic but the phoenix could be considered either, depending on weather the creature is made of fire or just on fire. Ancients and abominations, and generally all types of undead could be considered inorganic by the most of the definitions shiiK gave as well, though considering they are made of organic materials they still feel more alive than most other types of magically animated creatures. In some fantasy works undead are listed as golems, to.

If you look at the ancients they seem to be made of blocks of wood and stone though, in some parts of their texture you can see tree rings on their wooden bits, they generally look more like golems made from trees than actual living creatures. They strike me more as a plant equivalent to the abomination that isn't rotting.
Level 10
Sep 26, 2010
Wip 2: I'd love to make the beard team colored, but the editor doesn't support the beard being both transparent and team colored :(
I'll lighten it up so it gives the feeling of him being an old legendary golem. That's something new, i guess ^^


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Level 10
Sep 26, 2010
Reminds me of the Rockbiter from The Neverending Story(NC reviewed that movie once, that's how I know :p).

Yea... He hates Neverending story 3 the most ^^

Wow, nice work, ganondorf :)
Here comes my first WiP too :p
I think the Eredars are pretty organic...

Thanks. I like that head too. I'd consider shading the face-shadow parts a little more.

EDIT: I'll color the beard to be red. So it would remind of me ^^
Level 23
Dec 20, 2009
WiP time.
Howeve thanks to Debode and my own try I just found out that the sword of the model is alphaable, which pretty much fucks up my concept. However there is already that much effort in my work, that I doubt I will change the skin but instead adjust the concept a bit.



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Level 10
Sep 26, 2010

I like This Ganondorf a lot. He looks so Wise and powerful, Though not too "Golemish" I suppose. Maybe because there was never a Golem with hair, but what can you do with a model like this?

I'll edit the leg, don't worry.


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Level 10
Sep 26, 2010
i think it looks pretty good with the hair. Take into account that all the golems in "Shadow of the Colossus" have hair. (for those of you who dont know, its the game in the screenshot on the first post).

Yea, was Game of the year. Unfortunately, my cousin who had a PS2 wasn't interested in it. "It had no combos nor did it have enemies..." Stupid fucker.
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