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Team recruitment-Space Orcs Campaign

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Level 5
Oct 5, 2008
Hmm. Actually, the Terrain is a village. The tile variation is my fault because I've totally forgotten about that. Maybe I will be interested. BUT. Don't give me a Main Terrainer position.

I know that the terrain resembles a village, but because of the dominant role of the surrounding trees I thought it useful to give you a link to a forest tutorial. Once again, present something more polished and we can start talking about a part-time terrainer position :wink:
Level 1
Feb 13, 2010
Terrain Sample

Here's my edited terrain sample :spell_breaker:


  • Sample.w3x
    419.3 KB · Views: 113
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Level 5
Oct 5, 2008
Heres My Sample Terrain Work :mwahaha:

First of all, thank you for posting your sample map.
It still needs a lot of work, i'll give you a short overview of the things that could need improvement.
To start, don't use blizzard cliffs (unless making melee-maps), they look ugly and tend to be annyoing to work with. Use lower/raise to shape mountains and hills to give it a more natural look.
Also, try to place doodads the way they'd be positioned in a real environment (don't place igloos in a dungeon where there is no snow/make fire come out of snow etc.).
Same applies to the tiles, it looked strange to have paved stone tiles next to ice tiles (lacked smooth transition).
In addition to that, a large portion of the map was unused in the actual "mission" you designed for it which is something you need to avoid at all costs.
I could do some terraining, trigger work, and/or 2d art :grin:. I do not have much to show though. Here is a map I have been working on that has some good terrain (imo anyway). I do however like Blizzard cliffs in many cases :razz:. For some more natural terrain I will just use pathing blockers though. As for triggers, I am a great programmer, I just am not too familiar with Jass. But I can do some pretty good GUI. I have no resume for triggerwork :gg:. And for 2d art you can look at my resources and my devArt page. http://bigdub.deviantart.com/

Hmm You know, looking at that map it is not a great example of my terrain skills.
I will upload another map that shows a bit more.
Its hard to draw the line between playable and looks good.
I am going to put my maps into the Hive and give you a link.

Replaced attachments with links

Oh yes, and I would like to point out that Tides of Darkness, the more developed of the two, also has the following.

Environment Sound Effects! -Yes this frustratingly rare phenomenon in warcraft 3 maps does exist! If you move your screen over the beach you hear waves. Over a campfire, you hear the fire, in the night you hear crickets! Amazing! Someone uses sound in their maps!

Multiplayer Cinematics! -Every player will see the same good quality cinematic in the beginning of the game, regardless of whether they want to :grin: This cinematic starts out with a fade filter that gives the mapmaker credit, me :D

Shrubs! -The terrain actually has plant life besides trees! Its almost unheard of :( This map may actually have too many shrubs, but it still has them.

I also looked at your jungle terraining tutorial. I feel I could make terrains similar. Just tell me what you want :D
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That can be done.

I just have to say this is going to be awesome. I've read the thread showing the amazing back story, so I expect the campaign will have an equally amazing one. This team is pretty cool as well. We even have the General helping out. If this comes together this is going to be quite the epic campaign.

Question for foo sharp though.
Are the levels going to be as linear as the "Protect The Convoy" level, or as open as the "Frozen Throne Gate" level?

Here, entertain yourselves with the picture I drew :D
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Level 4
Jul 28, 2009
Hey, it's me again. And I'm back with some examples of terrain, also I just wanted to let you know that I'm all for concept art, too. I'll update this post with some concept art as soon as I can, but as for now, here's the terrain examples I want to show you:

Cataclysm Barrens - Pure fun, did this after the announce of Cataclysm, man that Expansion is going to be awesome!

These next 3 are from that map I said about my last post, the one I never finished.

Starter Village



Well, I hope you like what you see, and like I said, I'll post up some concept art once I get the chance. Thanks.
Hey, Vengeance, I can help you with the Sound Manager (I'd call it, since you want us to have access to a variety of sounds and not actually make them to consider ourselves as artists) position, cinematic and some parts of the terraining. You alreay are aware of my work, so it's up to you. I'd receive a part-time work, but I don't bother if you place me in the core management of the respective section. Especially for the cinematics, I can give you ideas and try to find fitting models for the purposes of them. For the voice acting part, I can also help you, but, in case you need an orc, I don't think I'm able to voice act that; i mostly sound like Tauren than Orc, but if there's any other race unit you might want male or female, let me know.
Hey, Vengeance, I can help you with the Sound Manager (I'd call it, since you want us to have access to a variety of sounds and not actually make them to consider ourselves as artists) position, cinematic and some parts of the terraining. You alreay are aware of my work, so it's up to you. I'd receive a part-time work, but I don't bother if you place me in the core management of the respective section. Especially for the cinematics, I can give you ideas and try to find fitting models for the purposes of them. For the voice acting part, I can also help you, but, in case you need an orc, I don't think I'm able to voice act that; i mostly sound like Tauren than Orc, but if there's any other race unit you might want male or female, let me know.
Well, actually, you should be asking foo_sharp for this position, but i would really appreciate it if you could help me with the cinematics. And i guess you could have a core team position, since there are 2 positions available, foo_sharp already told me that the story is finished and it's been sent to the story writers for them to take a look at it, then everyone will receive it aswell, and i suppose then, foo_sharp will tell us what cinematics we have to create.
So yeah, if foo_sharp takes you into the team, then i would be really happy :)
Hah, didn't notice that the thread was initiated by foo_sharp, because I mostly see your posts Vengeancekael. Now for the core positions, I was speaking of part-time, because I am also busy with other stuff, that's why I don't want punctuality issues. I will be as responsible as possible though.

P.S. Elvamage, you really need to improve your terrain. :/
Hah, didn't notice that the thread was initiated by foo_sharp, because I mostly see your posts Vengeancekael. Now for the core positions, I was speaking of part-time, because I am also busy with other stuff, that's why I don't want panctuality issues. I will be as responsible as possible though.
That'll do ;D
Level 5
Oct 5, 2008
I could do some terraining, trigger work, and/or 2d art :grin:. I do not have much to show though. Here is a map I have been working on that has some good terrain (imo anyway). I do however like Blizzard cliffs in many cases :razz:. For some more natural terrain I will just use pathing blockers though. As for triggers, I am a great programmer, I just am not too familiar with Jass. But I can do some pretty good GUI. I have no resume for triggerwork :gg:. And for 2d art you can look at my resources and my devArt page. http://bigdub.deviantart.com/

Hmm You know, looking at that map it is not a great example of my terrain skills.
I will upload another map that shows a bit more.
Its hard to draw the line between playable and looks good.
I am going to put my maps into the Hive and give you a link.

Replaced attachments with links

Oh yes, and I would like to point out that Tides of Darkness, the more developed of the two, also has the following.

Environment Sound Effects! -Yes this frustratingly rare phenomenon in warcraft 3 maps does exist! If you move your screen over the beach you hear waves. Over a campfire, you hear the fire, in the night you hear crickets! Amazing! Someone uses sound in their maps!

Multiplayer Cinematics! -Every player will see the same good quality cinematic in the beginning of the game, regardless of whether they want to :grin: This cinematic starts out with a fade filter that gives the mapmaker credit, me :D

Shrubs! -The terrain actually has plant life besides trees! Its almost unheard of :( This map may actually have too many shrubs, but it still has them.

I also looked at your jungle terraining tutorial. I feel I could make terrains similar. Just tell me what you want :D

I have taken a look at your ressources. I prefer your icons/concept art over your terrains (if you have any questions as to why that is so, pm me).
If you are also able to make loading screens you'd get the 2D-Art position right away, if not, you could still do icons only and I'd have to look for someone doing loading screens only.
In the end, it is up to you whether you'd like to do terrains or 2D-stuff, tell me which one you'd prefer to do (if you want to be a terrainer, I'd like to see another piece of work though, I'll give you more information if you're interested in that position).

Hey, it's me again. And I'm back with some examples of terrain, also I just wanted to let you know that I'm all for concept art, too. I'll update this post with some concept art as soon as I can, but as for now, here's the terrain examples I want to show you:

Cataclysm Barrens - Pure fun, did this after the announce of Cataclysm, man that Expansion is going to be awesome!

These next 3 are from that map I said about my last post, the one I never finished.

Starter Village



Well, I hope you like what you see, and like I said, I'll post up some concept art once I get the chance. Thanks.

In my opinion, the terrain showed in the screenshots is too simple (lacks tile variation, use of environment doodads [apart from the trees which seemed to serve as borders] and the something like the unique touch, they all looked like generic Ashenvale locations). Don't let this discourage you though. Also, if you are able to do loading screens, you'd be a great asset to the team (since you said you were interested in concept art and such).

Hey, Vengeance, I can help you with the Sound Manager (I'd call it, since you want us to have access to a variety of sounds and not actually make them to consider ourselves as artists) position, cinematic and some parts of the terraining. You alreay are aware of my work, so it's up to you. I'd receive a part-time work, but I don't bother if you place me in the core management of the respective section. Especially for the cinematics, I can give you ideas and try to find fitting models for the purposes of them. For the voice acting part, I can also help you, but, in case you need an orc, I don't think I'm able to voice act that; i mostly sound like Tauren than Orc, but if there's any other race unit you might want male or female, let me know.

Vengeancekael recommended you and I trust his judgement. You can have a part-time (or core) position as a cinematographer. I would prefer it though if you could send me some sort of previous work as a confirmation of your skills.
Edit: Nevermind, I had already watched the cinematic Vengeancekael linked to some time ago, I just hadn't noticed it was made by you.

Count me as triggerer.

I helped tiche3 with the heroes. my triggers are lagless & effective. I have made only 3% tiche3's triggers. Other maps are mine, but still not finished.

I've send you a pm, anwering your request.
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I would gladly take the 2d art position. But I feel I could also contribute in the terrain dept.
As for a loading screen, what exactly did you have in mind? I can start with preliminary drawings immediately, but I need to know what you want first.

If you want your terrain to look like D3W's terrain then count me out, I am afraid that is way over my talents. But I think I could make some decent terrains. What kind of gameplay are you planning on though? Will it be linear progression through levels or a much more open feel?

But yes, I will take the position of 2D artist. Loading screens are not much harder than icons. Just need to work bigger. :grin:
Level 5
Oct 5, 2008
I would gladly take the 2d art position. But I feel I could also contribute in the terrain dept.
As for a loading screen, what exactly did you have in mind? I can start with preliminary drawings immediately, but I need to know what you want first.

If you want your terrain to look like D3W's terrain then count me out, I am afraid that is way over my talents. But I think I could make some decent terrains. What kind of gameplay are you planning on though? Will it be linear progression through levels or a much more open feel?

But yes, I will take the position of 2D artist. Loading screens are not much harder than icons. Just need to work bigger. :grin:

Are you aware of the exact procedure of making working loading screens (as far as I know, they have to be models, but I could be terribly wrong about that)?
Gameplay details will be discussed within the team after the story has been read by everyone and will afterwards be presented in some sort of official thread dealing with the campaign's progress.
Level 4
Jul 28, 2009
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I have implemented a loading screen before. In my Mage War map I had one. I will look into it and tell you how. You do need a model, then you replace the textures. I am attaching the model.
In the map editor under map loading screen you choose imported file and choose this model.
In order to put your own image on it you simple import a texture and set the file path as "FullScreen.blp"
For the picture we will want either a 800x600 or a 1024x768.
There are other methods that require four different textures, each a portion of the full texture, but that way is messy and hard to fix.

But you still have yet to tell me what you want the loading screen to be of...


  • LoadingScreen.mdx
    1.3 KB · Views: 81
Alright, I made a new map specifically aimed at terrain.
Take a look at this and tell me whether you like the terrain or not. I did it like you have been saying with no blizzard cliffs. The thing I don't like about this is if 1 unit has a blink, or there are any transports, or builders, it is very exploitable. I could make it unexploitable but that would take many many many more pathing blockers.
And I used a doodad for the water, just experimenting.
Make sure to play the map, I think it is kind of fun. If you micro manage it correctly you can win. I did it myself with three nearly dead units remaining.
Level 5
Oct 5, 2008
But you still have yet to tell me what you want the loading screen to be of...

You'll receive further information on what the loading screens are to look like if you join the team. Also, good that you already have experience with them :wink:

Alright, I made a new map specifically aimed at terrain.
Take a look at this and tell me whether you like the terrain or not. I did it like you have been saying with no blizzard cliffs.

A lot better than the previous one. A couple of things though:
The map was lacking vegetation, the trees stood very alone in the landscape.
The stones placed on the cliffs/mountains/hills looked odd in most of the places, usually, you don't have a bunch of big rocks scattered among cliffs.
Also, lower them a bit more, so you don't see the ugly 2D-stones attached to them anymore. In addition to that, try to stick with one style in one place. Having stones overgrown by vegetation next to completely blank ones.
Some parts of the map were extremely narrow, keep in mind that the player will have to be able to move vehicles around the map.
Apart from the terraining, there were also a few other small issues (no need to correct them though, since this was intended to be a terrain preview).
One of your environment sounds was off (waterfall on the right of the map, sound was played south-west of it).
The Orc Medic had a Nightelf soundset.
You weren't able to abort the cinematics.
It looked a lot like you were randomly choosing creeps that fit the jungle theme in one way or the other, might have been done better, but wasn't that much important.

The thing I don't like about this is if 1 unit has a blink, or there are any transports, or builders, it is very exploitable. I could make it unexploitable but that would take many many many more pathing blockers.

No units are going to have a blink-like ability, can't tell you much about the rest yet, but there's not too much to worry about there either.

Make sure to play the map, I think it is kind of fun. If you micro manage it correctly you can win. I did it myself with three nearly dead units remaining.

Simple, not astonishing, but entertaining enough for the time it takes you to beat it. Definitely possible to do that by the way. Had 4 units left with about 50% hp each. Balance sucked nonetheless, was way too hard, but that wouldn't be part of your job anyway :wink:

I am back! And my test loading screen was a success! Take a look:

Loading Screen Test

So now I have knowledge on how to import images as loading screens, and hopefully, if I get the job, I'll be able to make some great concept art for you guys.

As of now, I prefer Big Dub's concept art, but nothing's decided yet. I guess I'll take about this with some of the other people too before making a final decision.
Why not? :D
I do need to work a bit on the terrain, it was 12am and some of it was still very blank looking so I just rushed a bit of doodads. This is also why some of the rocks don't match, and some of the areas just have trees and hardly anything else. I just wanted to finish it a bit.
As for the skipping of cinematics, I know how to do this, it is just very annoying. So I left them unskippable.

Elvamage, as he has said, nothing is decided yet. I could end out with neither.

Oh yea, and the medic's soundset was not elven, it was the sorceress. xD
The orcs don't really have any female voices, and I think it would be too unsettling if it were to sound like a tauren or something.

Your definitely right on the vegetation however. The trees need some buddies. Something besides shrubs. But what could I use?

I found a viny plant in the sunken ruins tileset, I am going to work on the terrain a bit because I really enjoyed this map. :D

=More edits :D=
Basically I was putting in random creeps xD. Idk what story is supposed to be so I just put a little of everything. As for the rocky cliffs, the one of top of the map did have too many rocks, but many of the other cliffs I did not like leaving as just plain rock terrain. I wanted something to cover it, but I guess rocks were not the best choice.

You know I just barely remembered that jungles have flowers... Lots of flowers.

In my defense with the whole vehicle thing, you said jungle, and I thought amazon. Not very vehicle friendly there. Pretty much if there isnt a road, vehicles aren't gonna make it through.

Ehh, I see what you mean about the elven voice. She certainly says elves a lot.

Okay I redid some of the terrain, added a lot of vegetation, and changed the voice of the medic. Redownload it and see how it looks now.
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Level 5
Oct 5, 2008
Why not? :D
I do need to work a bit on the terrain, it was 12am and some of it was still very blank looking so I just rushed a bit of doodads. This is also why some of the rocks don't match, and some of the areas just have trees and hardly anything else. I just wanted to finish it a bit.
As for the skipping of cinematics, I know how to do this, it is just very annoying. So I left them unskippable.

Elvamage, as he has said, nothing is decided yet. I could end out with neither.

Oh yea, and the medic's soundset was not elven, it was the sorceress. xD
The orcs don't really have any female voices, and I think it would be too unsettling if it were to sound like a tauren or something.

Your definitely right on the vegetation however. The trees need some buddies. Something besides shrubs. But what could I use?

I found a viny plant in the sunken ruins tileset, I am going to work on the terrain a bit because I really enjoyed this map. :D

=More edits :D=
Basically I was putting in random creeps xD. Idk what story is supposed to be so I just put a little of everything. As for the rocky cliffs, the one of top of the map did have too many rocks, but many of the other cliffs I did not like leaving as just plain rock terrain. I wanted something to cover it, but I guess rocks were not the best choice.

You know I just barely remembered that jungles have flowers... Lots of flowers.

In my defense with the whole vehicle thing, you said jungle, and I thought amazon. Not very vehicle friendly there. Pretty much if there isnt a road, vehicles aren't gonna make it through.

Ehh, I see what you mean about the elven voice. She certainly says elves a lot.

Okay I redid some of the terrain, added a lot of vegetation, and changed the voice of the medic. Redownload it and see how it looks now.

Couple of things still bother me:
You should lower the rocks, looks better, have said that in my previous post.
The water is moving upwards at the end of the small river you cross.
Vegetation is still somewhat scarce, but could do in its current form if necessary.
Experiment a bit with the fog, there's a section in the forest-tutorial I linked to somewhere in this thread that explains how to do a good one.

There was something else I wanted to mention, but I forgot what it was while writing this post :p
(I'll edit it, once I remember what it was).
Okay... I have added even more plants. I think it is too much though. Its a 'Tiny' map and it has already used 1/8 of the maximum doodads. If you want larger maps in your campaign you are going to have to settle for much less doodads. That many doodads may be great for terrain or cinematic maps, but if you want a playable map the rules change.

As for the water flowing up. I have no idea what you are talking about. All the water in the map is flowing towards the lake, the lowest point. It is like a small valley.

I couldn't find many rocks with the 2D showing. Many of the ones that did have them they were on the ground and looked good. There were a couple on the cliffs that I sank to hide em, but I didn't find many.

As for the fog the tutorial was not very specific at all.
It said zstart 500-1000 zend 5000-7000 density .15-.5
That is not very specific, but I will edit the fog and try to find something foggier.
Level 5
Oct 5, 2008
Do you forgot this post?

Didn't forget it, it's just that the writer positions (which are responsible for ideas and such) are all taken. The rest of the suggestions comes from within the team. Suggestions from other people will be taken into account, but I assume that's mainly going to feedback from future pre-beta releases and similar (this does not mean that we're not going to take any helpful, constructive suggestions we get).

Plus, if you need a Concept Artist, I'll always be here.

Link to references please.

Okay... I have added even more plants. I think it is too much though. Its a 'Tiny' map and it has already used 1/8 of the maximum doodads. If you want larger maps in your campaign you are going to have to settle for much less doodads. That many doodads may be great for terrain or cinematic maps, but if you want a playable map the rules change.

I am aware of that, but as this was mainly supposed to be a terrain sample rather than a playable map I suggested increased use of doodads.

As for the water flowing up. I have no idea what you are talking about. All the water in the map is flowing towards the lake, the lowest point. It is like a small valley.

Well, I can't really post a screenshot showing it, can I? :p

I couldn't find many rocks with the 2D showing. Many of the ones that did have them they were on the ground and looked good. There were a couple on the cliffs that I sank to hide em, but I didn't find many.

Correct, there weren't too many left, still, thought it worth mentioning.

As for the fog the tutorial was not very specific at all.
It said zstart 500-1000 zend 5000-7000 density .15-.5
That is not very specific, but I will edit the fog and try to find something foggier.

Emphasis was on the "experiment" part in my sentence, but you're right, the tutorial isn't all too specific (it is, after all, a matter of personal taste). Nevertheless, it gives you something to start with.
Level 4
Aug 27, 2008
I haven't really released a map ever, however I find my self quite good with triggers and stuff like that, I might wouldn't be able to take the heavy stuff, however if you are in need of a triggerer for quest and smaller things like that I might would be able to do it ;)
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