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Storytelling RP: Avataria #2

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Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
True, 'cuz I made this RP this limitless for all players, only to make the entire storyline myself! >:D
(joking aswell - that doesn't even make sense)

Oh and once I am finished adding the #1 posts to the wiki, I'll make a map, featuring all locations from #1 and #2. My goal in #3 will be to merge the lore of #1 and #2 :)

EDIT: Just noticed this thread has more than 500 posts! Yay! :D
Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
Clock said:
Summary around whats happened with Alaina, Aaron(All four of them) And Cadaos.

The Aarons:
Since your last post ([159]), nothing special happened to them. They are still marching towards Hillcrose Top in Asorath's rebel army.
There was a recent event, where the demon Clarox cursed a soldier in Asorath's army, who then killed a few other soldiers, but he was quickly taken care of by blue Aaron's ice magic ([175]).
However, I will ask you to please not write any posts including the Aarons until I'm finished with my next post.

Alaina is still in the Main Rebel Base Camp, where she has developed a friendship with Aina, because they have a lot in common, and some of her background was revealed in my post ([170]). But nothing other than that.

If my "summaries" weren't informative enough, please tell me, so I can try make better ones :)

Kanadaj said:
Yes, Lilith is the name of the demon seductress,
who leads the renegade demons who joined with the renegade angels to create Sanctuary. The angels are led by Inarius, and Lilith is taken care of by him.

Lol, that matches her upcoming story quite well :b
Level 15
Oct 18, 2008
Scumbag Diablo wiki spoiling the plot.
As of right now, shouldn't The King do something? He is not a stupid King which sits while some of his armies were slaughtered, and some of his armies were wandering aimlessly.

That was not the wiki, that was me reading the Diablo books (especially the Sin War triology) multiple times ;)

Amaar, how many weeks do you need to finish that post? :vw_sleep:

clockwork, which spitters do you mean? :)
Level 7
May 3, 2011
If I'm not mistaken, Vayne's original reason for leaving the rebel main camp was to find out more about Avataria and try to find a way for him and his friends to get home.

I'd say defeat that Reaper, and find some ancient Avatarian gateway that can get users wherever they wish (Thus both finding out something about Avataria and finding a way home). Then get Leo and Aina there, where they decide to stay on Avataria helping the rebels, knowing that the gateway will still be there when the war is over.

I'm just trying to give you inspiration, do as you please ;)

Will do, Captain!
Level 12
Jul 7, 2009
Scumbag Diablo wiki spoiling the plot.
As of right now, shouldn't The King do something? He is not a stupid King which sits while some of his armies were slaughtered, and some of his armies were wandering aimlessly.

Their armies aren't anywhere right now. He is planning his next move with Galros. :)

I still don't understand what Amaar meant by Asorath's army marching to Hillcrose Top.
Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
Scumbag Diablo wiki spoiling the plot.
As of right now, shouldn't The King do something? He is not a stupid King which sits while some of his armies were slaughtered, and some of his armies were wandering aimlessly.

Don't blame the wiki, I'm sure it contained spoiler warnings as most other wikis.
The King's job is to give out orders, it's not his fault that his minions sucks - but agreed, he should definitely be less passive in this war. Though, not being heard of in a while, only makes him more mysterious :)

Amaar, how many weeks do you need to finish that post? :vw_sleep:

Sorry, I'll hopefully be finished in a few days, but it really shouldn't be a problem for you. There's a lot of characters that you can use meanwhile (Keep in mind, that you are fully permitted to user other players' characters).

Will do, Captain!

Again, you don't have to do exactly as I wrote, it's just an idea ^^

I still don't understand what Amaar meant by Asorath's army marching to Hillcrose Top.

In [152], the rebels successfully defeated an attacking evil army led by Razet, Rave & Darkness. Just after the duke decided to split the rebel army in three, one part following him to take possession of the arena, another part stayed in the base where Am'ar was put in charge, and the last part (With the Aarons in it) was sent with Asorath towards Hillcrose Top, to establish a base there.
Thus his part of the rebel's army is referred to as Asorath's army, and they are on their way to Hillcrose Top. I don't see how that is hard to understand.

If you still don't understand it, please tell me what exactly you don't understand, and I will try tell it in a better way :)
Level 12
Jul 7, 2009
In [152], the rebels successfully defeated an attacking evil army led by Razet, Rave & Darkness. Just after the duke decided to split the rebel army in three, one part following him to take possession of the arena, another part stayed in the base where Am'ar was put in charge, and the last part (With the Aarons in it) was sent with Asorath towards Hillcrose Top, to establish a base there.
Thus his part of the rebel's army is referred to as Asorath's army, and they are on their way to Hillcrose Top. I don't see how that is hard to understand.

I see. Wasn't that sort of my idea? Well, vaguely at least. Gosh, just proves how much time I spent away from the RP.

I'll keep in mind to not post about Asorath, Darkness or Aaron(s).
Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
Arcisal said:
I see. Wasn't that sort of my idea? Well, vaguely at least. Gosh, just proves how much time I spent away from the RP.

I'll keep in mind to not post about Asorath, Darkness or Aaron(s).

The splitting-in-three was my idea, but basically I am following your ideas, so I guess you can say that :)
And thanks :)

-Peper- said:
Btw Arcisal, are you planning to use Zaarnoth sooner or later? Because I don't see him actually doing something. Darkness is probably hiding, and where's Claira? Still on Aaron's party?

Why should we use Zaarnoth? He's a God, and is most likely meant to only be mentioned from time to time. In #1, a God was included as one of the main characters - that was a big mistake, if you ask me. Everything becomes totally exaggerated, with stories where deities are not deities, but beings like everyone else, but that's just my opinion, and you are free to make him join the battle, if you want. I'm just giving you advise not to.

Darkness escaped after losing (again) at the battle of the rebel base - you'll find out the details in my next post :)
And Claira, I have no idea. I remember her introduction in the Citadel's underground prison with Aaron, but I have no idea what happened to her then. If anybody knows, please tell me :)

EDIT: The post I have been talking a lot about is finished, and I'm quite satisfied with the result. I only need the awzum OAO (Optional Artistic Object) for it, which is in great progress as well, but if I do not finish it tomorrow, I'll post the post without OAO (And update it with the OAO later ^^). So, I guarantee that it will be posted tomorrow :)

EDIT 2: Some lore from #1 (And #2 as well) that you should know -

Avataria Wiki said:
Magic energy (Also called Magic) is the energy any sorcerer or sorceress uses, when casting spells. Magic energy flows through the wind, and enter magicians or magical items, in need of it. There are several different kinds of magic energies, like holy energy and fel energy, used for different kinds of spells, but combining magic energies can be very dangerous to the caster, if not done correctly.

However, in #1 fel energy and dark energy is described as the same, but I was thinking of making a retcon, so that each God (-Peper- once stated that Avataria had 7 deities) have their own unique magic energy, with Dark energy being unique to Zaarnoth's minions? :)
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Level 7
May 3, 2011
Summary for my long post :D (Don't expect it to be good XD)

I fought with the other me, and it all ended him knocking into me, literally, he went inside of me. There, I met my two other of my conscious, the white, angelic one, who has the kind and honest side of me. Then there was the black one, who represents the evil, cruel side of me. They have explained why am I here, and how I would get out. I have tried to escape my mind, but they blocked me, and said that I need to pass a test, to defeat and understand, thus accepting the darker me. And with that, they've disappeared, and the darker me who I was fighting with in reality, appeared. He gave his first strike, knocking me down on the ground, but it seems that he could not control his own speed, and crashed into the wall. I reacted like how I should have, and grabbed my weapon, rushing then aiming my sharp weapon at him. As I were about to finish him, memories started to gather, as if they were reminding me to stop. The memories was, like my birth, at the hospital I was taken to, when I was said to have been knocked on the head, causing an amnesia. The innocent face of Aina, had reminded me of what I was supposed to do in the first place. Then I was back at Avataria, with the other me knocked out opposite of me. I had started to remember my goal, in my world and even at this world. To protect those dear to me. I stood up, and the word of the examiner flashed into my mind. You will have to face your inner self, and must learn to accept it as your own. I actually realized that I need the Grim Reaper's powers, in order to fulfill my goal. We became one, and thus, I set out to the school which I had just "pass" the exam. Once I've arrived at the library of the school, and I started to look through every possible book that has to do with the world, Avataria, and at last I have found the book. I scanned through the contents, and then took it with me. Now I have to fulfill the second requirement of world travelling. The highest point would be the gateway. I've looked around the world of Avataria, and only the balcony of the Evil Castle was in sight. That was the gateway, and the first and fourth requirement was too, fulfilled. Now I have decided to rest at the camp situated west of the rebels camp, and then I will infiltrate the castle, along with my friend, and will get them back to where we belong.
Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
I didn't finish the OAO, so I uploaded my long post without it. The OAO may come later though, since it's a cool concept and I would hate myself if I don't finish it ^^

But you can use the characters again, if you want. Since it's a long post, I made a quick summary of it, for those of you who are lazy ;)
But I would really suggest reading the real deal, as it's an important part of the storyline and I put much effort into make it as exciting as possible - I'm sure I did a good job :)

Asorath leads his army to Hillcrose Top, but they are attacked by evil poachers. His army easily overwhelms them though, but in his blood lust he follows an escaping warrior of evil, into the ruins of Razet's once feared tower, down to the basement, which was Razet's lab. He kills the creature, but finds himself trapped in the dark basement.
Soon after Darkness appeared, and the two fights. Darkness, who is strong because of the darkness in the room and Asorath's hate towards the kingdom of evil, easily defeats the human commander, and locks him in a prison in the corner of the room.

Darkness begins channeling a spell, with the goal of turning Asorath into one of his own kind, and Asorath feel an immense pain, as his skin darkens quickly.
But before Darkness could finish the transformation, Asorath manages to use his newly gained powers to command the shadows to pick up his magic blade and stab it into Darkness' back, making the dark being explode in a mix of light and darkness.

Darkness will no longer haunt the world. However, a new shadowy being has been born to take his place.

*Rebels have taken control of Hillcrose Top.
*Darkness is dead, but Asorath will take his place (None except for Asorath knows about this though).
Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
I didn't know that you still remember Razet's lab :O

I created it, so of course I do ;)

Isn't that sorta like the ending of Diablo I?
Summary(from the game):
Player kills diablo, becomes his vessel.
Eventually loses control and becomes a demonic terror.

Never played Diablo, but pretty much the same, yeah :)
Lol, we sure have had a lot of diablo references lately :b
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Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
I'm going to post a model request for Am'ar Gaardos, with drawings for all of his animations (Using colors - that's something new for me!).

Here's the first one - Stand (Front), thought you might find it interesting to see him in colors, so I uploaded it here.

If any of you can do models and want to help me with this, it'd be awzum! :)
Level 15
Oct 18, 2008
Ive finished the final version of Dracors art, will digitalize it, overpaint, add colors and shadows and then upload it. I hope I can finish it in a day at most, will see though ;)

Well yea, there were quite some Diablo references, but I can add even more :p
Already thought about adding an archangel, but I decided on an archdemon ^^
Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
Ive finished the final version of Dracors art, will digitalize it, overpaint, add colors and shadows and then upload it. I hope I can finish it in a day at most, will see though ;)

Well yea, there were quite some Diablo references, but I can add even more :p
Already thought about adding an archangel, but I decided on an archdemon ^^
Awzum! :D
To me, angels are beings of christianity, and do not belong in RPs, but that's just me. And I appreciate the demon - will probably use him to expand the little demon-lore from #1 ^^
I can do it Am'ar, I am a proud modeller. One thing, I can't fucking animate.
Wow, can't thank you enough! <3
Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
I have a question about the Arena - how does it look? Is it located in the Arachi desert? :)

Aaaand here it is! :)
Awzum, you should have done this in the start instead of including those other artworks! :b

Am I really the only one here with no drawing talent whatsoever?
You can still make good OAO's, by making terrain screenshots, or perhaps you can make up some new way to express your stories? And if not, no worries, it's not a requirement you know :)
Level 15
Oct 18, 2008
Awzum, you should have done this in the start instead of including those other artworks! :b

Haha, I'd have done that if I had the time to do that, but this is the last week of school, I can't work because of the time school consumes and we do nothing, so I practiced drawing on classes :D As I said, it took me a week to draw it, and redraw it like 7 times :p

The color is still strange, will edit it a bit tomorrow so I can implement the scales and the colors do not have an edge ^^ Will cut and upload it as an avatar as well.
Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
Lol, he looks awzum so far :b
For the vest, I thought of it as made from thick leather, like kodo skin or something, but I have no idea how to make it look good with color :b
Are the teal parts teamcolored or simply teal? :)

With Am'ar's new model, I was thinking of making an "Avatarian Arena" map, taking place in the Arena :b
And additionally this makes it easier to make terrain-based OAO's for me. Yay! :D
Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
I know it looks boxy, and I'm probably gonna change that somehow in the future. This gun has been in RP stories for as long as Am, and gone through as much evolution as he have - if you are interested, check this pic from the old Daily Peon, introducing Am's ancestor Peon Amargaard and the GC3's ancestor, a green camera :b

I had imagined her as more steampunkish and less future-robotish, but she looks awzum nevertheless. And I'm impressed by your drawing skills, I must say :)
Oh and for your information, I'm sure Arcisal wrote that she had sharp claws once ^^
Level 8
Jun 28, 2010
Quick WIP, Am'ar now has the green (actually white) gun and axe. Just a warning that the filesize will be not 100kb-ish, but more.
To do :
Give the axe and the gun texture.
Give bone
Animate (meh)

On the other hand, I got the sketch ready for coloring, but not yet because I don't have scanner (you guys are free to buy me one, muahahaha) and camera ruin details.
Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
My awesome stationary computer has been fixed!! Yay!! Dunno why you should care, but I'm so happy I feel like telling anyone :D

Quick WIP, Am'ar now has the green (actually white) gun and axe. Just a warning that the filesize will be not 100kb-ish, but more.
To do :
Give the axe and the gun texture.
Give bone
Animate (meh)

On the other hand, I got the sketch ready for coloring, but not yet because I don't have scanner (you guys are free to buy me one, muahahaha) and camera ruin details.

Wow, looks awzum! Except that he don't have an axe, but a staff :b

And you guys buy one for me as well! :b

Peper, do a ~90 degree shot on the drawing, open PS or GIMP and redraw it on another layer, using the handdrawn one :) It worked for Dracor as well, but I'm gonna add texture to that image when I've got the time

That's how I made my avatar as well ^^
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