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Spell Request Thread [unofficial]

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Level 7
Oct 5, 2007
J_S: Hm... it's going to become a very huge request :)
But anyways, I'll make that ability for you, too. And, there's a little problem, as I already sayed in my last past: It isn't possible that both attack abilities have the same basic ability. That means for you: Either I use a little system to get one of these abilities (Defend, Magical Defense, Mana Shield, Immolation) work like beserk (no order-interruption) or I use another basic ability which will interrupt the unit. It's your desicision...

Indeed, that request isn't much easier than the first °_° cause the hit-system have been replaced by a gravity-system ;)

XieLong, thanks, more rep will come when u answer,

do i change the name on the 'Attacklvl' ?
I answered :]
Level 4
Dec 14, 2004
I've been changing things here and there, just making sure that it works well mostly after this post I noticed a hard-coding problem where it won't work with immolation(I used that as the base to take the mana over time) because even when I remove the immolation buff it's still there and it still creates the model around the character, I deleted the model from the buff(The one that should have been removed from the spell) and it took it away. but now if you wanted a character to have immolation it wouldn't work, or... you'd have to create a new buff and add it to immolation. But that kind of work around shouldn't be necessary. I just haven't had much time to work on it since I noticed that.

Other than that it's working.

BTW, just because I don't like the idea of re-inventing the wheel(Programming term, means re-making something that's already done) This requires Caster System(For casting the armor effect) and Attack Detection System(Because war3 doesn't have one of it's own, and you want an effect after an attack) Basically it just means you have to import those into any map too. They are pretty useful in general though, I would suggest learning them. Attack detection system is also known as the stacking orb effects system and your spell is basically an orb effect on the weapon. which leads me to why is it named freeze armor? why not disintegrating attack? What does the armor you're wearing have to do with the attack?
Level 29
Jul 29, 2007
so this will be called Ground Attack, and basically, because each Hero is flying, their flying height is 350, so this Attack ability should be the same as the one u just made however u dont need it to hit anything in its path, its supposed to be like, where it lands do the damage. the missile of it should come from the hero "so 350 height" and be adjustable to where it lands (so range and gravity to the ground)

Name: Ground Attack
Tooltip: dont need,(just put 'Attack Ground') already on Hero
lvls: 1
and adjustable in the trigger. It will use the same damage as the first attack trigger u have already made for me


You can just use the missles skill (lol don't remember name) with a very low angle (so it won't go up).
Level 2
Sep 16, 2007
Hi Zergleb,

About the immolation problem: Thats not a problem, i will add a buff on the model anyway, when the spell is activated.

About the caster systems: Can u give me the links where i can download them plz? So i can add them to the map.

About the spell name: The spell is the ultimate of a frost-based hero. (a blue-colored shaman)
If the spell is activated, it will make the claws of the hero so cold, that he freezes the armor of the enemy and destroy it more and more with every hit (the armor breaks through).
btw: if u have a better name, tell me :p

Thanks A LOT for your hard work.

Level 4
Dec 14, 2004
The systems will be included with the spell - I'm going to fix the immolation thing because I want it to be able to work as an anyone can use it spell for this thread and you can check out vexorian's systems at www.wc3campaigns.net/vexorian and you'll have to look for the attack detect system in the resources section of wc3campaigns.net.

I'll be able to check the forum, but I probably wont have time to do any work on it till wednesday when I have a shorter day at my real job(Mon and Tue suck, they are extremely long days)
Level 17
Nov 26, 2007
Alright, ive tried alot, but im just not good with Jass. And that thing isnt GUI friendly. I cant get a good grenade thing going, can you guys still help me out?

Detail: The marine throws the grenade <distance(Varies per level)> which bounces, and explodes after 2 seconds. Each level increases damage and range. Level 1 - 500 range, 150 damage. Level 2- 650 range, 225 damage. Level 3- 700 range 300 damage.

I need it to like, bounce off of cliffs, and the ground, like Elimination tournament. I understand if it might be hard (i heard). So if it gets rejected i understand. Thanks in advanced!
Level 11
Aug 25, 2006
@johannesr Could you put a link to the original post?(about the spell you want) I'll probably have some time today or tomorrow to do it.
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Level 17
Apr 24, 2005
Heres the spell i wanted:

Id like a kind of Meteor spell only it would have a knockback effect on it. And i want it to be like when the meteor hits the ground, all targets will be knocked away from the meteor's hit point (the units are within a 250 radius). This would probably need a dummy unit at the meteors hit point. Example: when dummy unit is facing north and the unit is behind the dummy, it will be knocked back towards a point in the angle of 270 degrees, unit infront of it will fly towards a point in the angle of 90 degrees. Hope you understand.
Level 11
Aug 25, 2006
Please rememer:
WAIT! Before posting, read these guidelines, and be sure that your request follows each and every rule described:

Your request must... :

* ... clearly describe the spell that you want. Be concise and precise!
* ... follow the Hive Workshop's site rules.
* ... be ORIGINAL. If the spell has already been made, why should I re-make it?
* ... contain the concerned spell's tooltip and name.
* ... contain the concerned spell's icon (link to the icon if it's not in the Warcraft III icon database).
* ... contain other necessary options (configurability? specific data information? levels?).
If you could give the above information (or at least a bit more then you gave) I would be happy to commence work on your spell. (It'll be done by Friday the latest)

I don't need information how to make it, I'll be able to do that myself. (Thats what I'm here for)

Key Information:
How many levels?
What changes every level?
How far should the push-back be?
*Anything else you can think of*
Level 17
Apr 24, 2005
Actually id like the model of the meteor to be the "star" from the premade wc3 spell "Starfall" (night elf spell) and a bit bigger if possible. And also stun after the knockback would be nice. Also the knockback shouldnt affect buildings.
Spell name would be: Starfall
Changes: Im not sure about the dmg, just make it editable. And L1: stun for 2
secs L2: stun for 3 secs L3: stun for 4 secs
AOE: 250
Push-back: I dont know how to tell u how far, maybe a few meters?
Tooltip:Calls down a star from the sky to hit a group of enemies, knocking them away and stunning them for x seconds.
Level 5
Aug 16, 2007
HINDY sorry for the late reply, but as I said i'm new to JASS so i've had to make a spell especially to show to you. It should be done within a week or so.
Level 4
Dec 14, 2004
Steel Stallion I haven't seen HINDY in post in this thread for a bit, but I was talking to him in chat and he said he was working on your spell(Unless he was speaking of another spell when he said for me to take one and him take another I thought he meant yours though). I have seen him do something similar as well, because he linked me to a video of one of his spells that did the same thing.

I'll see if he's still doing it if I see him in chat, I'm bet he is, I'll work on it a bit too. So Bomber you have that meteor spell covered?
Level 11
Aug 25, 2006
@johannesr I was wrong, I may not have 100% of the time I though I'd have today. So if you don't hear from me don't worry. Worst case I'll have it to you by tomorrow.

(Yes I have the star spell covered)
(Tomorrow is Friday)
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Level 15
Aug 18, 2007
ok, i would like a shockwave whit static damage (just a normal shockwave) but it should deal bonus damage based on an attribute.

Name: Arctic Wave
Desciption: this does nothing, type what you want :)
Icon: the Freezing Breath icon

well, the missile should be a Frost wyrm missile and it should be editable,
when launched, all units that get hit by the shockwave will suffer a bonus damage that is equal to the int of the caster *3

it shoulden pick, sience it should be avoidable, so the bonus dmg is first triggered as the unit is hit.

i hope you could make this :)

Scrap this one, need my system much more ;)
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Level 5
Jan 15, 2007
I would like a spell that makes the unit gain velocity as he moves for a short around 10 seconds (Adjustable).

So basically if the unit keeps moving straight in one direction, he will become faster and faster ( would like SetUnitX/Y for more than 522 speed ) and if he turns he will still slide and slow down in the direction he was moving in addition to moving in the new direction

Maybe effects such as phoenix fire ribbon on the hands/feet or something?

Name - Charge

Tooltip - The <unit> starts charging, increasing speed as he goes, he will gain momentum in the directions he moves, which will diminish quickly as he changes direction.

Icon - ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNMarkOfFire.blp
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Level 19
Aug 24, 2007
I would like a spell that makes the unit gain velocity as he moves for a short around 10 seconds (Adjustable).

So basically if the unit keeps moving straight in one direction, he will become faster and faster ( would like SetUnitX/Y for more than 522 speed ) and if he turns he will still slide and slow down in the direction he was moving in addition to moving in the new direction

Maybe effects such as phoenix fire ribbon on the hands/feet or something?

Name - Charge

Tooltip - The <unit> starts charging, increasing speed as he goes, he will gain momentum in the directions he moves, which will diminish quickly as he changes direction.

Icon - ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNMarkOfFire.blp

Looooooser (he cant make one) :grin::grin::grin:
learn vJASS

hmm like a car spell (Im %30 sure he wants this for a car)

Tip to everone else: Dont ever sig me
Tip to Kodoguy: You are doom3d
Level 5
Jan 15, 2007
New spell request.

-Name <To Be Determined>
-Description: The <Hero> charges starts charging. If he hits any unit, that unit will be pushed back and stunned, and if he hits a wall, He will be stunned. Lasts 7.5 seconds or until collision.

Icon - War Stomp

What it does - Description + 650 ms per second. Should be able to turn and cast spells while charging, but not be able to walk normally.
Level 15
Aug 18, 2007
ok, scrap my shockwave, i realised that i need a system for bows and throwing axes:

OK, it should work abit like the weapon system in the spell category, but theres a few differences:

Bow: Ok, each bow should have a adjustable amount of range. When it is equipped, the hero's range is set to the bows. If the shall fire, it need arrows. Arrows are useables whit an adjustable amount of arrow in them.
when used, the bows charges goes up by the number of arrows. Whenever the hero attacks, the arrow count goes down by 1. when all arrows are used, the bow should NOT disapeer, just be unable to fire.

Throwing: Throwings works like bows, exept that they dont use arrows. When a throwing weapon is picked up, it have a set amount of charges. Every time its thrown (hero attacks), the charges goes down by 1. If it hit 0, the weapon is destroyed. To get new "charges" another weapon of the same type should be picked up (etc: The Bloodmage got a Throwing Axe of accuracy weapon whit 30 charges. He picks up another Throwing axe of accuracy whit 50 charges. Now he got 1 Throwing axe of accuracy but whit 80 charges.

Icons and Description are unnecesary.
no levels need, just adjustable so different ranged weps will have different range and "ammo"

it may be both gui or jass, i dont care :) (there should just be a how to adjust tutorial :))

Edit: Attacks should be normal, not spells
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Level 7
Oct 5, 2007
Hey Just_Spectating, as I said (I hope I did so) I'm very busy about my exames... Keep patient, I'll make it til sunday (27th), ok?
Level 29
Jul 29, 2007
Lord_of_sausage, You could simply use items with charges that go down every time you shoot and a condition that if you attack (because attack = STARTING to attack) and you don't have any charges, it will order your unit to stop.

Is that so hard making by yourself ?
Level 11
Aug 25, 2006
@johannesr I completed your spell. I just need to get it off my usb drive. (Someone else is borrowing it.) I should have it back today or tomorrow. Sorry for the additional wait...
Level 11
Aug 25, 2006
what about my spell? when will one start on it? just ca?
I personally probably won't do your spell. There are several people who make spells, and I just don't have any more time today, tomorrow, or the rest of this week. (Maybe I'll be able to squeeze you in, but I don't think so)
@johannesr Your spells done. I used all my free time today doing it.

BEHOLD! (Hold your applause) It requires vJass


  • Starfall.w3x
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Level 15
Aug 18, 2007
I personally probably won't do your spell. There are several people who make spells, and I just don't have any more time today, tomorrow, or the rest of this week. (Maybe I'll be able to squeeze you in, but I don't think so)
@johannesr Your spells done. I used all my free time today doing it.

BEHOLD! (Hold your applause) It requires vJass

thats fine, ive got time enough to other look at it :)
Level 11
Aug 25, 2006
You need to copy both spells. (and the dummy unit) One spell, the dummy spell is in charge of both damage and stun. Check that you did that correctly. I only have about 10 minutes of freetime today, so I have to spread it out. If your still having problem's post the map and I'll try to get to it tonight or tomorrow.
Level 11
Aug 25, 2006
I doubt it. As I said post the map, and I'll check that the integration is working correctly.

For readers: I fixed a small bug in the spell and helped finish the spell integration. If you need it pm me or him.
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Level 7
Oct 5, 2007
Good spoken, Just-Spectating :)
Btw, I'm nearly finished with your spell...

Believe it or not, here it is!
I hope your pleased with my realization, otherwise tell me.


  • Attack for Just_Spectating.w3x
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Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
If any of you have time...

I can't get my spell working. It's a spellbook of selectable arrows. You choose one and it goes into your normal skill area (Out side of the book). You choose a different one, it switches. Get it?

Now I can't get it to work right. I select an arrow, then when I try and switch it won't. It just keeps the arrow I selected before. I did the exact same thing with selectable auras, and it worked. Now it won't for the arrows.

My other problem. One of the arrows reduces armor. I used a dummy unit to cast farie fire. It works, but I have to use "A unit is attacked", because the WE does not pick up on auto casts. I can't use "Starts the effect of an ability". This causes problems because you don't need to cast the armor reduction arrow, you only need it to be the selected arrow.

Hope you understood it all. Hope you can make it for me in JASS.
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