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Simple Model Workshop

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Edit: @Retera, do you have any ideas for the Flaming Pegasus?

@BunnyAng Yeah, I made that one that you can download here, and I thought it looked pretty cool. Let me know if you need any changes made to it.


  • FlamePegasus2.png
    1.5 MB · Views: 183
@BunnyAng on your emergency need for flaming rock Powerfist missile, I took what you linked and messed with it. But, I did it from inside Linux, where I can't boot much stuff besides the MatrixEater (because they're all EXE files!) so anyway, my fault there but I can't current see what this model looks like, or if it looks bad. So anyway, maybe send me a picture. I'm hoping I did this right so it looks rock/lava-y.


  • Power_Fist5.mdx
    39.2 KB · Views: 53
Level 10
Jun 9, 2012
Oh my. That was unexpected. I'll take a look at it ASAP. Thanks a lot.

Edit: The power fist couldn't work for me in-game so i'm not really sure if it's the editor's problem. As for the pegasus, i love how you did with the animations although the walk animations are a little funny. I'd like the mane a little thicker, though that's all.
Last edited:
You were right about the powerfist. It was just a corrupt model, I shouldn't have tried to make it in linux where the computer could not use the Warcraft 3 editor.
Try out the attached one, and let me know what you think of it -- it ought to actually work!


  • Power_Fist5.mdx
    39.2 KB · Views: 71
Level 4
Mar 24, 2012
I recently set up a model request and was referred to here.
My request. . .
"The monster called a 'Chinese Vampire' has also been translated as a hopping corpse or hopping vampire, among other names. The Mandarin name is romanized as jiangshi, usually.
As the Chinese are always proud to claim, the concept of this monster developed independently of Slavic vampires - though there are similarities, such that 'Vampire' has often made it into the translated name. A typical Chinese Vampire drains life energy, like the Slavic vamps of old, though more and more jiangshi are draining blood while they're at it due to cross-cultural influence. Behaviour-wise, however, the Chinese Vampire is much more bestial in its monstrosity than its Slavic counterpart; it cannot speak, has pale skin, long claw-like fingernails, and a long prehensile tongue. It moves by hopping and always has its arms outstretched in rigor mortis. Often a bit on the decayed side, they typically wear shabby robes of the kind worn by the nobility in times gone by - nowadays, Qing Dynasty-style robes are the thing. Interestingly, a literal translation of jiangshi is "Stiff Corpse"; being dead, of course, the body is stiff from rigor mortis and has to hop as the subtle motions of walking are beyond it.
In some versions, it detects potential victims by the energy fluctuations caused by their breathing - one can hide, for a while, from one by holding one's breath. Some of these stories purport that if one manages to suck the creature's dying (and still held) breath out of it, it will fall inanimate and become an ordinary corpse. It may be controlled with a parchment inscribed with runes placed on its head. Legend has it that the jiangshi were corpses enchanted by sorcerers to return to their ancestral burial grounds, where they might be buried among their family.
Like Slavic vampires and Anglo zombies, a person drained of life-energy will become another of its kind - minus the robes, of course. Unless they were wearing them at the time."



Could someone please consider creating a model for me?
-Team colour included.
-Non hero.
-'Hopping' style of movement/walking preferably
Level 12
May 12, 2012
I'm back from my vacation :ogre_hurrhurr: so I'm gonna start helping you, is the list still the same in the first page or you have a new one?

as for the request it's 1 animation transfer (because I can't do it :goblin_cry:)
the request is I need the attack slam of Cairne/Tauren Chieftain to be transfered to a model of mine (Uther)... what do you think?
Level 12
May 12, 2012
hmmm, I see you have not updated it yet...
you don't have to put all the finished requests there because that table will only get bigger, let me try to update it

weeee... thanks! that's all left for me to learn...in the free tools....

Table Updates:
- all of my requests there are finished... besides the mini lightning thing, he cancelled it
- I think you already finished all your "revision work" there
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
Wow! That's a surprisingly huge list, man! I'm really impressed; you guys have been busy. That should definitely be at least linked to on the front page (since between the two of you, only one can "own" and make edits at a time.** Noice colors, though.
(Two notes: You misspelled the first instance of "Thiiago", and you don't have a link for the finished Coral Golem)

Good to have you back, Zyne.

//EDIT - **Or can you... Hey, try asking an administrator if you guys can't get "joint editing privileges" in this thread or on a certain post or something.

2 - Kyrbi0
4 - MasterTrainer
1 - juno
2 - BunnyAng
1 - ruleoffireon99
1 - SonicFlare101
4 - collinjames12
2 - Hera_
2 - Deathforge
2 - huy60vn
1 - NagaRulez
2- - Thiiago
1 - envenger
1 - bethmachine
1 - Xonok


Level 8
Nov 4, 2012
Hey there could someone please help me withediting the wolf models in warcraft.As you see there is a timber wolf,big wolf what ever they call it and a dire wolf.But I want is if you can help make the three diffrent wolfs look more unique.Not with any fancy just a nice plain looking wolf each one looking more vicious than the next.The name of the wolfs are alpha wolf,core wolf,elder wolf.So it goes like this.Timber wolf*Alpha wolf,Big wolf*Core wolf,Dire wolf*Elder wolf.So if you could help me make an epic looking skin or model that is obviously an edit of the real model it will be much epreciated.

Level 12
May 12, 2012
Oh, cool, I guess the request I just made fits this thread's description. If you're taking requests right now: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/requests-341/make-wizard-hat-separate-warlock-235923/
I don't know how to make attachments :ogre_icwydt:

May I request a helmetless Skeleton Orc and his portrait?

note:after removing helmet's verticles, there will be a hole, so it needs 1-3 verticles and few faces to fill the hole.
I'll take this
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