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Shadow of the Twilight's Hammer v1.4

Command the Horde in their war against Cho'gall and Twilight's Hammer.

Shadow of the Twilight's Hammer (aka Dawn of the Twilight's Hammer) is a custom campaign that follows the story of the Horde in the events of World of Warcraft: Catalycsm as they wage war against the corrupted ogre mage Cho'gall and his Twilight's Hammer cult.

- 12 playable maps, 4 submaps and 3 interludes.
- Custom music and voices.
- Variable difficulty.

Known Issues:
- Gazlowe's talents will reset after every mission due to an issue with Engineering Upgrade.

Patch 1.29.2

v1.0 - 24/11/2022
  • Released.
v1.1 - 29/11/2022
  • Merged the audio files into the campaign. You may now play without having to download the external files and enabling local files.
  • The fleshy corpses will now show up in Chapter 1.
  • Decreased the intial attack wave size in Chapter 3.
  • Added upgrades to the enemies in Chapter 6.
  • Anachronos will now be visible if you skip his cinematic.
  • Fixed lightning lord obelisks in Chapter 7.
  • Fixed Cho'gall's boss fight.
  • Made the 2nd part of Chapter 12 visible in the campaign menu.
v1.2 - 08/02/2023
  • Fireball tootip now shows how much damage it does.
  • Changed the Tauren Wyvern's projectile missile.
  • Renamed the Brave's Berzerker to Enrage and made it autocastable.
  • The Peons in Chapter 1 no longer cut trees fast.
  • Overseer Tregg and his guards now attack together.
  • Removed Bloodlust from Centaur Sorcerers.
  • Removed Endurance Aura, War Stomp, and Reincarnation from Centaur Khan.
  • The AI now longer attack at the same time.
  • Maraudon - Replaced the rock chunks with cages.
  • Removed Spell Immunity from elementals.
  • Removed Charm from Silithid Queen.
  • Removed Sleep from Silithid.
  • Removed Shockwave from Silithid Lord.
  • Removed Silence from Silithid Seer.
  • Removed Animate Dead from Silithid Emperor.
  • Removed flying units in Chapter 6.
  • Added upgrades to ogres in Chapter 8.
  • Changed Bloodaxe Legion color to Brown.
  • Gemstones in Chapter 10 are now undroppable.
  • Changed orc units models to blackrock units in Chapter 11.
  • Fixed the player AI in Chapter 12.
  • Removed Mana Burn and Sleep from Cho'gall.
  • Cho'gall's minions now drop rune of healing.
  • Fixed Sinestra quest description.
  • Changed the owner of spirit of fire to neutral passive.
  • Fixed Garrosh's Command Aura level requirement.
  • Fixed Toradin Greybeard's dialogue.
  • Fixed Eye of Oblivion that prevents Cho'gall from sending the next attack batch.
  • Heroes are no longer hostile when closing the gates in Chapter 12.
v1.3 - 16/08/2023
  • Fixed the difficulty.
  • Added two difficulties: Insane and Nightmare.
v1.4 - 24/11/2023
  • Fixed Garrosh's tooltip.
  • Replaced Garrosh's Charge with Battle Shout (Roar)
  • Replaced Garrosh's Command Aura with Cleaving Attack.
  • Garrosh's Berserker Rage no longer causes him to take more damage.
  • Fixed Brave's tooltip.
  • Replaced Brave's Enrage with Berserker Strength upgrade.
  • Renamed Defender to Watcher.
  • Renamed Seer to Druid.
  • Replaced Warlock' Soul Burn with Unholy Frenzy.
  • Renamed Gunner to Sharpshooter.
  • Removed the defeat cheat on insane and nightmare difficulty.
  • Difficulty can now be changed in-game (Requires Game Restart)
  • Fixed Gazlowe's skill points.
  • Added a path to the Hydralik island in Chapter 3.
  • Fixed Allies AI in Chapter 12.
  • Replaced Alchemist's Frenzy with Banish.
  • Renamed Conjurer to Shadow Priest and replaced his abilities.
  • Tauren and Trolls units can now be trained in orc buildings in Chapter 6.

@levigeorge, @General Frank , @Ujimasa Hojo, @johnwar, @Deolrin, @Explobomb, @Just_Spectating, @Khazmo, @JetFangInferno, @Kwaliti, @handclaw, @Gluma, @Tranquil, @bakr, @GreyArchon, @IamMclovin, @Norinrad, @SuPa-, @Tauer, @Sephiroth_VII, @Burning_Dragoon5, @tillinghast, @donut3.5, @Himperion, @assasin_lord, @Tarrasque, @MatiS, @-Grendel, @Filip95, @Direfury, @jj84, @takakenji, @Kuhneghetz, @Murlocologist, @Kirym, @Mike, @PROXY, @Sellenisko, @Vendro the Wind Mage, @Taylor Mouse
@Altruistic Anduin, @viiva, @Scias, @CRAZYRUSSIAN, @Mr.Goblin, @Sin'dorei300, @NFWar, @General Frank, @Marcos DAB, @PrinceYaser, @Blizzard Entertainment, @PeeKay, @Jimmy Page, @Hellx-Magnus, @MN Lahmar, @NO_exe, @BLazeKraze, @dansaDisco, @Murlocologist, @YubelHaouJudai, @Traggey, @stonneash
@Juice_F, @Hawkwing, @Val_09, @HungaryMaster (Magyar), @mattdraw
Spells & Systems:
@PurgeandFire - Walkability Check

Join my Discord channel for discussions and updates: https://discord.gg/3mkG693UCH

Shadow of the Twilight's Hammer v1.4 (Campaign)

While my time reviewing is less than before and because I played the previous version and remember it was good, I can only Approve this. Ah, the map thread description could give some details about the gameplay/campaign since not everyone has played...
Level 13
Jun 22, 2020
Yes. Insane and Nightmare can be challenging on a fresh new game without upgrades and items imo, which is why starting at max level may give you a little advantage. Although, if people are okay with it, I could make a option to choose whether you want to start a new game with or without the items you obtained in your first run.

There is also an easier way: just throw away all the items or sell them at the first Goblin shop you come across or just a message at the beginning of the game: If you want an extra challenge you can discard the items from your previous game.

More interesting would be the introduction of the option for HARD, Insane and Nightmare: From level 1 Hero do you want to start or from level 10?
Insane and Nightmare: Whoever chooses from level 1 will develop the Hero to the usual 10, and with Nightmare there will be no Inventory.
I haven't played on Hard and I don't know if the character can evolve past lv.10 but if he can, he will develop from level 1 to as much as possible.

This should give enough heat to those who like it very hot.


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
How do I do this? I can't create a new account because then I won't have Hard or Insane mode unlocked.
Yeah, those will be not be available on the new profile, sadly if they are cache based.
If you talk about deleting the campaign caches, you'll have to completely delete BOTH "Campaigns.w3v" and "Campaigns.w3p".
Those files are found in the "Users/[yourname]/Saved Games/Warcraft III/Profile" folders.
Be mindful that this will ALSO affect the vanilla campaigns' progression. If you want to continue the vanilla campaign as well, you might want to place the said files on anywhere else first.
If the author has made a custom file then deleting all campaign caches isn't necessary, only deleting the specific file.
Level 12
Mar 4, 2014
Hello, I started replaying this campaign and unfortunately, I got stuck at chapter 7 (The Fallen Kingdom) I don't know how to progress, there are some doors but they are closed and there are 2 riddles but even when I give them the correct answer it still says that is wrong..... so rip. :ogre_frown:
Level 13
Jun 22, 2020
Hello, I started replaying this campaign and unfortunately, I got stuck at chapter 7 (The Fallen Kingdom) I don't know how to progress, there are some doors but they are closed and there are 2 riddles but even when I give them the correct answer it still says that is wrong..... so rip. :ogre_frown:

Try the previous campaign version 1.2b. Both versions use the same SoTH v1.w3p so you can continue directly from chap.7. With 1.2b I have not encountered such a problem.

To Warseeker: the difficulty selection at the start of each level would be a good solution for players who encounter an insurmountable difficulty with a level. With the current difficulty system, if you want to go from Hard to Normal or Easy you have to start the campaign from the beginning. This is a big obstacle for a simple test of the game, and she is not completely free of bugs, especially since new ones appear with the new version. Version 1.3 greeted me with a bug that did not exist in 1.2b. This level can only be completed by cheating because Vol'jin can't get out.

Warcraft III Screenshot 2023.08.22 - or the level ended after killing the witch in the upper right corner. I don't remember exactly to be honest.
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Level 29
Feb 18, 2014
Hello, I started replaying this campaign and unfortunately, I got stuck at chapter 7 (The Fallen Kingdom) I don't know how to progress, there are some doors but they are closed and there are 2 riddles but even when I give them the correct answer it still says that is wrong
Can you be more specific? Which doors and riddles are you talking about?
To Warseeker: the difficulty selection at the start of each level would be a good solution for players who encounter an insurmountable difficulty with a level. With the current difficulty system, if you want to go from Hard to Normal or Easy you have to start the campaign from the beginning. This is a big obstacle for a simple test of the game, and she is not completely free of bugs, especially since new ones appear with the new version. Version 1.3 greeted me with a bug that did not exist in 1.2b. This level can only be completed by cheating because Vol'jin can't get out.

Warcraft III Screenshot 2023.08.22 - or the level ended after killing the witch in the upper right corner. I don't remember exactly to be honest.
The difficulty system of the game is broken, if you click continue or exit on the victory dialog, the difficulty will always reset to the default difficulty you set in the original campaigns which is why the difficulty in this campaign is cache based.

P:S. I am aware of that issue, the only way to advance chapter 3 for now is to use the victory cheat.
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Level 12
Mar 4, 2014
Can you be more specific? Which doors and riddles are you talking about?
Well. guess what... I had to capitalize the answers for the riddle to work. It seems a bit silly, though. The answer should still be correct even if written in lowercase letters. As for the doors, I failed to notice the concealed secret path behind the destructible rocks. My mistake. :ogre_rage:
Level 9
Dec 29, 2017
Well. guess what... I had to capitalize the answers for the riddle to work. It seems a bit silly, though. The answer should still be correct even if written in lowercase letters. As for the doors, I failed to notice the concealed secret path behind the destructible rocks. My mistake. :ogre_rage:
Wait till you hit the Rubik Cube puzzle

No. 1 Boss in the game no joke.
Level 13
Jun 22, 2020
Since I'm almost at the end of version 1.3 and I don't expect anything to surprise me, I'll share my experiences so far.

I started on HARD with the items from my previous game which was on Normal difficulty. Leaving aside the levels that previously made it difficult for me, in general, the following was obtained:
  • 90% of the levels I played with only the characters. I didn't need other units. HARD with boosted characters was soooo much easier than Normal difficulty with non-boosted characters.
  • I started with level 10 characters and it looks like they will stay level 10
  • under these conditions (HARD, lv.10 Heroes and items from the previous game) it's all just a formal run through the entire campaign to unlock the other two difficulties. An unnecessary waste of time. Better to have all difficulties unlocked from the start. If you are looking for a challenge delete all information from your previous game to start with lv.1 Heroes. And that should be the default for that difficulty level. Considering that Insane and Nightmare use the same AI as Hard, I think the game will be most challenging if on all difficulties the Heroes start at level 1 with 0 items in them. Insane - no upgrades, Nightmare - no upgrades and inventory.

- If Zorbin holds the keys to the cells you will only need 1 key to open all the cells. And it will even stay in your inventory.
- Bealdun Keep WRONG Start level

Bealdun Keep WRONG.png Bealdun Keep OK Start level Bealdun Keep OK.png

- Bealdun Keep END

Bealdun Keep END.png

Even when I was playing 1.2b, I was struck by how slowly these characters move without an item or aura to increase the speed by a few percent. This is the campaign with the slowest moving characters I've played so far even if they are level 10 EVEN the Agility character. Due to this, in the level with Nefarian, you will waste a lot of valuable time disabling the traps and going through them, and the timer will kill you. Don't be surprised if this level turns out to be impossible to pass.

Lots of good and valuable items and only 6 slots. With so many good items, choosing what to leave and what to take is a pain.
  • Orb of the Fallen Gods +10 - what kind of orb is this orb that doesn't allow you to attack air units? I find this an extreme shortcoming. The lack of regular orbs also almost throughout the game. And air units are there and have been since level 1. The only one who can attack air units for almost the whole campaign is Vol'jin and when you play with only the heroes or 1 hero and a few units you can only rely on Vol'jin or Vol' jin + 2-3 units.
  • Gazlow: this character only has 5 slots! Why? Because every time he appears in a level, the item in his inventory at the top left is missing or replaced by something useless like Tom of Retrainig. At the same time, every time he appears in a level, he has fewer and fewer skills, and each time they are "zeroed". An extreme flaw. If you don't want to lose something important, better don't use this slot until you reach the end of the campaign.
  • Losing 2 valuable items in the level with Garrosh and Gazlow where they have to unlock a barrier with 2 diamonds because they can't go back for the item they left on the other side of the portal. 3 valuable items because of Gazlow's five slots.
  • There are items that are duplicated in terms of abilities. The only difference is in the picture.
  • Berserk items - very useful throughout the game. Orbs too. As soon as you can, build a shop and equip every hero with one without Vol'jin and don't replace them with anything else - not even a Coral Baton.

Very well selected for all levels.

Not much to say here. There are a few places in the game that I found extremely frustrating due to one of the flaws I mentioned and/or not having the right item in my inventory. To alleviate this situation I had to make some sacrifices and replay some levels to get the right items.

The level with Nefarian
A level with too much terrain to discover + battles + traps and too little time to do it + the speed disadvantage I mentioned above (here, besides Baine, it would be good to have at least 1 other character with a "fast moving" item or aura) + the lack of orbs to fight air units with. There are only 3 characters here for this purpose. If you didn't get Orb of Fire earlier just 2 characters; if you didn't also get the Coral Baton only Vol'jin. Enjoy the reveal of the level and the valuable items in it, or rush as much as possible to fit the time? BONUS: While Nefarian and his sister are talking to you, you cannot attack them and the timer is running. For me, this level is not at all properly made, or it is but all the same - I don't like it as it is.
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Level 13
Jun 22, 2020
A lovely update!

EDIT: Difficulty Test info

But if the idea is the difficulty to match the chosen one and what it says against Difficulty in Gameplay Options is important things don't quite fit, i.e. the first time you choose, for example, Insane in the options it says Normal but if you type -difficulty, Insane comes out. However, if you restart the level and choose Insane again, now everything fits everywhere as it should, i.e. it says HARD in Gameplay Options. I made more than 10 attempts at different difficulties and the result was always the same, i.e. a second restart was necessary. The good thing is that by "quick win" I passed several levels and the difficulty remains unchanged.
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Level 12
Mar 4, 2014
Ok, I just finished it and I am at a loss kinda, I remember the old version of the campaign I played in the past felt more epic and hardcore than this newer version, and I also remember some missions where we played as Thrall in the Desert and fought against some Egyptian centaurs or something, it seems that chapter has been deleted from this one.

Also, what's up with the extra difficulties? What do they bring to the table? It seems other than starting the campaign again with maxed-out heroes there is no other difference from hard, and if there is, then you should give a hint somewhere about what that is, otherwise what is the point in replaying the campaign if there is nothing to gain from it.

Other negatives:

- Lots of crates, but nothing of value in them, therefore destroying them is a waste of time.

_In chapter 3, early stage, it takes too much time to destroy the buildings, Add some siege units in the first group, otherwise the player is forced to use whosyourdaddy to speed things up.

Hydralisk is stuck on the island... the only way to get it out from there is to use townportal near it, but that is too much of a hassle just for 1 unit, I suggest changing the terrain so the hydralisk can just walk out of there.

In the submap, After I killed the last boss, nothing happened, I had to use a cheat code to win and go next map...

_Chapter 4:

- no vision of Kodos

- Enrage isn't cast automatically by the brave taurens (this happens in every mission we have those units)

- The submap of chapter 4 was one of the most boring missions I've played in my life, nothing interesting, these submap levels are just super boring, killing random units scattered throughout the map.

_Chapter 5

Gaslow starts with only 1 spell attribute despite him being lvl 3 already, and for every other future mission where we get to control Gaslow he will always have glitched spells, he will start with just 3 or 4 attribute points to spend only, which makes him kinda useless.

_Chapter 7

I think this was the best chapter out of all of them.

I have an idea for the riddles, There are these invulnerable neutral golems near the riddle statues right, but they have no role to play, they just stay there and die when you answer the riddle correctly, so what if when you give the wrong answer the golems become hostile while still being invulnerable, and with each wrong answer they become stronger and stronger, and, if you give 5 wrong answers they become super strong but also become vulnerable, this way if the players manage to kill them all then the statue will give the orb as a reward (this is to give the players that can't solve the riddle another path to complete the quest and get the orbs) what do you think?

- There was this key that I have no idea what was for:
wtf isth8s for.png

_Chapter 12

- Upgrades don't work, It says i need a stronghold but i have it already, it happens with the Trolls and Tauren factions only.

- This is one of the worst missions I've played in my life, i can't tell you enough how excruciatingly painfully annoying it is to play with your units while the A.I. controls them at the same time and makes them go back to base and do other stupid commands while I am trying to win the GOD DAMN MOTHER FUCKING BATTLE AGAINST THE OGRES!!!! :mwahaha:

I get what you tried to do here, but I've seen and played with this kind of similar "shared" A.I. army before in 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐬: 𝐃𝐮𝐬𝐤 𝐨𝐟 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐫 campaign and it also failed there, the A.I. will just go against your own commands most of the times and make matters worse, you have 2 options, you either give the A.I. full command of the units/base or you give the full command to the player, no in-betweens, otherwise is just plain awful.

Another example of the A.I. ruining the mood was when he kept moving my lumber workers to gold and I ended up with 20 gold workers and 2 lumber workers most of the time and I was wondering why I HAD NO WOOD FOR UPGRADES AND UNITS! :ogre_rage:


And the final mission in the submap of chapter 12 where we kill Cho'gall is just kinda lackluster, lots of mini-bosses but they are all the same, nothing unique and they die pretty fast, they die so fast in fact that their voice lines don't have time to catch up with the actual events that are happening, killing them too fast makes them overlap some of the voice lines. (same with Cho'gall).

Also, the final fight against Cho'Gall was meh, a shit ton of unit spam that was just annoying to deal with, also near the end of the fight he starts attacking but he is still invulnerable somehow, he becomes vulnerable only after a while.

Not sure I can say I am a big fan of this new version, I much prefer the old one.

When the older version was an 85 out of 100 this one is more of a 60 out of 100.
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Level 13
Jun 22, 2020
Ok, I just finished it and I am at a loss kinda, I remember the old version of the campaign I played in the past felt more epic and hardcore than this newer version, and I also remember some missions where we played as Thrall in the Desert and fought against some Egyptian centaurs or something, it seems that chapter has been deleted from this one.

Also, what's up with the extra difficulties? What do they bring to the table? It seems other than starting the campaign again with maxed-out heroes there is no other difference from hard, and if there is, then you should give a hint somewhere about what that is, otherwise what is the point in replaying the campaign if there is nothing to gain from it.

Other negatives:

- Lots of crates, but nothing of value in them, therefore destroying them is a waste of time.

_In chapter 3, early stage, it takes too much time to destroy the buildings, Add some siege units in the first group, otherwise the player is forced to use whosyourdaddy to speed things up.

Hydralisk is stuck on the island... the only way to get it out from there is to use townportal near it, but that is too much of a hassle just for 1 unit, I suggest changing the terrain so the hydralisk can just walk out of there.

In the submap, After I killed the last boss, nothing happened, I had to use a cheat code to win and go next map...

_Chapter 4:

- no vision of Kodos

- Enrage isn't cast automatically by the brave taurens (this happens in every mission we have those units)

- The submap of chapter 4 was one of the most boring missions I've played in my life, nothing interesting, these submap levels are just super boring, killing random units scattered throughout the map.

_Chapter 5

Gaslow starts with only 1 spell attribute despite him being lvl 3 already, and for every other future mission where we get to control Gaslow he will always have glitched spells, he will start with just 3 or 4 attribute points to spend only, which makes him kinda useless.

_Chapter 7

I think this was the best chapter out of all of them.

I have an idea for the riddles, There are these invulnerable neutral golems near the riddle statues right, but they have no role to play, they just stay there and die when you answer the riddle correctly, so what if when you give the wrong answer the golems become hostile while still being invulnerable, and with each wrong answer they become stronger and stronger, and, if you give 5 wrong answers they become super strong but also become vulnerable, this way if the players manage to kill them all then the statue will give the orb as a reward (this is to give the players that can't solve the riddle another path to complete the quest and get the orbs) what do you think?

- There was this key that I have no idea what was for:

_Chapter 12

- Upgrades don't work, It says i need a stronghold but i have it already, it happens with the Trolls and Tauren factions only.

- This is one of the worst missions I've played in my life, i can't tell you enough how excruciatingly painfully annoying it is to play with your units while the A.I. controls them at the same time and makes them go back to base and do other stupid commands while I am trying to win the GOD DAMN MOTHER FUCKING BATTLE AGAINST THE OGRES!!!! :mwahaha:

I get what you tried to do here, but I've seen and played with this kind of similar "shared" A.I. army before in 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐬: 𝐃𝐮𝐬𝐤 𝐨𝐟 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐫 campaign and it also failed there, the A.I. will just go against your own commands most of the times and make matters worse, you have 2 options, you either give the A.I. full command of the units/base or you give the full command to the player, no in-betweens, otherwise is just plain awful.

Another example of the A.I. ruining the mood was when he kept moving my lumber workers to gold and I ended up with 20 gold workers and 2 lumber workers most of the time and I was wondering why I HAD NO WOOD FOR UPGRADES AND UNITS! :ogre_rage:


And the final mission in the submap of chapter 12 where we kill Cho'gall is just kinda lackluster, lots of mini-bosses but they are all the same, nothing unique and they die pretty fast, they die so fast in fact that their voice lines don't have time to catch up with the actual events that are happening, killing them too fast makes them overlap some of the voice lines. (same with Cho'gall).

Also, the final fight against Cho'Gall was meh, a shit ton of unit spam that was just annoying to deal with, also near the end of the fight he starts attacking but he is still invulnerable somehow, he becomes vulnerable only after a while.

Not sure I can say I am a big fan of this new version, I much prefer the old one.

When the older version was an 85 out of 100 this one is more of a 60 out of 100.

To be honest, your review reminds me of some of my reviews that I later regretted after playing the respective campaign again after some time. And one of them is right here for this campaign and right when I played it (the new version) for the first time.

For some things in your review, I feel like you are talking about some other game. Your idea about the Golems is good! I also agree that the early version of the game had a lot of charm too. I also agree that the campaign has its flaws.

I also get the impression that you didn't read the posts on this page and the previous one until about the middle starting from the last one where you could have found some answers.
I also recommend you read Warseeker's last post on Rise of the Destroyer. That will also give you some answers.
From experience, I will say that the game is the same on all difficulties - items, maps, opponents, etc. The difference is only in increasing the level of difficulty.

In conclusion, download the campaign again, which is already version 1.3b, pay attention to my last post (Difficulty Test info) and after a while give the game another chance on Hard, Insane or Nightmare with a lv.1 character of course. For this purpose you must choose that you do not want the items from your previous game.
Level 29
Feb 18, 2014
A lovely update!

EDIT: Difficulty Test info

But if the idea is the difficulty to match the chosen one and what it says against Difficulty in Gameplay Options is important things don't quite fit, i.e. the first time you choose, for example, Insane in the options it says Normal but if you type -difficulty, Insane comes out. However, if you restart the level and choose Insane again, now everything fits everywhere as it should, i.e. it says HARD in Gameplay Options. I made more than 10 attempts at different difficulties and the result was always the same, i.e. a second restart was necessary. The good thing is that by "quick win" I passed several levels and the difficulty remains unchanged.
You can't change the difficulty mid-game which is why Chapter 1 will always show Normal in Gameplay Options no matter what difficulty you chose, but it shouldn't be a problem as there is no AI in that chapter and the only thing that changes is the enemy handicap, this is the case for all no-building missions. Besides, even if you chose Insane or Nighmare the difficulty will always appear as Hard in Gameplay Options. In the old version of the campaign, you were able to change the difficulty mid-game but it doesn't take effect not until you complete the mission.
Also, what's up with the extra difficulties? What do they bring to the table? It seems other than starting the campaign again with maxed-out heroes there is no other difference from hard, and if there is, then you should give a hint somewhere about what that is, otherwise what is the point in replaying the campaign if there is nothing to gain from it.
Read my posts above.

I have an idea for the riddles, There are these invulnerable neutral golems near the riddle statues right, but they have no role to play, they just stay there and die when you answer the riddle correctly, so what if when you give the wrong answer the golems become hostile while still being invulnerable, and with each wrong answer they become stronger and stronger, and, if you give 5 wrong answers they become super strong but also become vulnerable, this way if the players manage to kill them all then the statue will give the orb as a reward (this is to give the players that can't solve the riddle another path to complete the quest and get the orbs) what do you think?
It's a nice idea but not really important.

- There was this key that I have no idea what was for:
Use it to unock the door near the sea giant mini-boss.

- This is one of the worst missions I've played in my life, i can't tell you enough how excruciatingly painfully annoying it is to play with your units while the A.I. controls them at the same time and makes them go back to base and do other stupid commands while I am trying to win the GOD DAMN MOTHER FUCKING BATTLE AGAINST THE OGRES!!!! :mwahaha:
I have no idea why this is happening. I did everything right. From my experience, I never had this issue on 1.29.
Level 12
Mar 4, 2014
Read my posts above.
No... I don't want to read any posts to be able to understand something about the game, Once I start the game there should be an answer inside it, I shouldn't need to find the answer myself in any posts or comments on the site, because that is bad design... when you introduce something like a new difficulty after you finish the campaign on hard, then you should describe what that new difficulty brings to the table (inside the game), otherwise, as I said, there is no point in replaying the campaign again if everything is pretty much the same, I am not sure why would anyone not understand this.

v1.3 - 16/08/2023
  • Fixed the difficulty.
  • Added two difficulties: Insane and Nightmare.
Like here, you added that but you also have to describe what those difficulties do, other than just naming them.

In conclusion, download the campaign again, which is already version 1.3b, pay attention to my last post (Difficulty Test info) and after a while give the game another chance on Hard, Insane or Nightmare with a lv.1 character of course. For this purpose you must choose that you do not want the items from your previous game.
I think you were the one who didn't understand, I already finished this "new" version on hard, I started with lvl 1 heroes and completed the campaign, so my problem was why add these new difficulties only after I finished the campaign on hard if those said difficulties don't add anything new to the game... You get what I'm saying right?
I also get the impression that you didn't read the posts on this page and the previous one until about the middle starting from the last one where you could have found some answers.
I also recommend you read Warseeker's last post on Rise of the Destroyer. That will also give you some answers.
I shouldn't have to read any posts to be able to enjoy and understand a map/campaign, all the answers should be inside the game and not in some random chest at the bottom of the ocean (forums/posts).
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
(on 1.31, Normal)


Garrosh's revival tooltip reads Blademaster.

Tauren Brave tooltip still says they have Berzerker.
Enrage doesn't autocast, and when used manually it tells you to pick a target but doesn't work on anyone but the caster.

Pulverize research tooltip calls Defenders Primals.

Enchantress caster tooltips doesn't mention the Scroll of Protection spell, Pyromancers don't mention Firebolt.

Alchemist's Frenzy should be autocast on training.

On levels where you have every subfaction, buildings should be tied to the main building's tier regardless of subfaction (so trolls/tauren/goblins can build casters with an orc Stronghold and vice-versa) instead of having to build each town hall then upgrade it. The way Tavern heroes work, basically.

Regeneration Aura buff: She -> It

Berserker Boots tooltip: "increases by +4 the Agility and Strength" -> "increases Agility and Strength by 4"

Something I noticed on some maps: Wirt's Leg and Wirt's Other Leg show up but in different places every time I load a save.

First level:

Garrosh doesn't react to the doomsday cult?

Second level:

A lot of the map feels flat, with only a few rounded areas here and there.

Second sublevel:

There shouldn't be doodad (non-destructible) cages if there's also destructible cages containing units.

Music takes a while to start up during the boss cutscene.

Third level:

Teal base should be faster to take out, what with the limited troops and no siege damage.

Music doesn't loop.

Puzzle should be solved when all the buttons are pushed down, not up. Took me a while to figure out stepping on a pushed button counted as activating it, not to mention the critters going around activating them.

Razormane Chieftain: Uhhh... OK. Quite a voice he has.

I found the
, how do I get him off the island?

Third sublevel:

Prisoners should be a sidequest so you can keep track of how many are left.

Axe Throwers don't have Ensnare.

Fourth level:

No quest reward for the quillboar boss?

Baine's last line ("Well done" etc.) is from Cairne (and don't we all wish it could be).

I think this level isn't well-balanced for a level 2 hero, just about every attack on a base I ended up losing Baine because he simply gets focus-fired too fast. That and since the siege units are melee, quite often they can't get to the buildings due to other units in the way.

Fourth sublevel:

Loading screen: "innocent who opposed" -> "innocents who opposed them".

Mountainer -> Mountaineer

Weird bug after Toradrin is dealt with: all unit portraits went black and clicking them didn't center the camera on them. Saving and loading fixed that though.

There's too many spell-immune units for a level where 2/3 of your ranged units deal Magic damage.

The last battle killed most of my units in two or three Breath of Flames that don't seem to cost mana. I won, but it was quite close.

The scorescreen faction icon for the elementals is a green square.

Fifth level:

Zorbin: "start the experience" -> "start the experiment"

Ended up with a spare Gate Key for some reason.

Fifth sublevel:

On starting the level, Gazlowe had a Tome of Retraining effect play on him, was still level 3 but with no abilities, and had only a single skill point to spend.


recognize -> recognized

sound -> sounds

Sixth level:

Intro: old gods forces -> Old Gods' forces

You can research Envenomed Spears but not build Wyverns.

Garrosh can hit level 5, everyone else caps at level 4, is that supposed to happen?

Scepter cinematic:
-Only a foolish -> Only a fool
-assitance -> assistance
-Cho'gall and cultists -> Cho'gall and his cultists
-shattred -> shattered
-Ahn'Qiaj -> Ahn'Qiraj

Scepter quest mentions talking to 3 dragons instead of killing the minibosses.

After getting all three parts, the "main quest updated" message showed up twice.

Scepter description: openes -> opens

Sixth sublevel:

Intro: warrios -> warriors

... Why would you give an enemy Charm when your units can't be replaced?

Are the lightning traps supposed to be deactivated somehow? I ended up having to kite the miniboss far from them before killing him to avoid getting killed by them.

Seas Oracle -> Oracle of the Seas

Tides Ravager -> Tidal Ravager

Whenever there's a "gate is open" message it really should ping which gate just opened.

There should be a hint for the gate that needs a Sun Key.

Eh... not a fan of the modern riddles, it breaks immersion.

"and am surrounded by wood always" -> Personally I'd replace it with "yet am made of wood", my first guess was
the lead itself

Maybe have different messages from the heroes, otherwise it makes you think attacking isn't the right move and there's a secret to killing him.

End cinematic: "you, guys" -> "you guys"


"we're not match" -> "we're no match"

"him is his" -> "him in his"

"who returned to destroy the world! Me and the Earthern Ring" -> "who has returned to destroy the world! The Earthern Ring and I"

"Nefarian, although" -> "Nefarian. Although"

Seventh level:

Intro: "they won't go down easy of us" -> "they won't go down easily"

No Zorbin?

This one could have used more creeps, but overall it was a good one. I even managed to see all three allies sending a coordinated attack at the same time towards the purple base. Shame they didn't bring remotely enough anti-air, but it's the thought that counts.

More later.
Level 29
Feb 18, 2014
Thanks for the feedback @cleavinghammer !
Something I noticed on some maps: Wirt's Leg and Wirt's Other Leg show up but in different places every time I load a save.
That's strange. I wonder if it's related to patch 1.31....
Garrosh doesn't react to the doomsday cult?
He normally does, I remember him saying something when approaching the base.
how do I get him off the island?
My bad, I didn't pay attention to him. @Shellshock found a temporary solution which is using the Scroll of Town Hall to get him out of there.
No quest reward for the quillboar boss?
I will add a reward for him.
I think this level isn't well-balanced for a level 2 hero, just about every attack on a base I ended up losing Baine because he simply gets focus-fired too fast. That and since the siege units are melee, quite often they can't get to the buildings due to other units in the way.
Yeah that level needs to be nerfed.
On starting the level, Gazlowe had a Tome of Retraining effect play on him, was still level 3 but with no abilities, and had only a single skill point to spend
Yeah sadly Gazlowe's 3rd skill removes his other skills that he learned after he is loaded in a new chapter. So I gave him the tome to reset his skills as a temporary solution but forgot to scale his unspent skills points to his level. I'll try to find a better solution to this problem next time.
Garrosh can hit level 5, everyone else caps at level 4, is that supposed to happen?
Why would you give an enemy Charm when your units can't be replaced?
You're right, that ability is overpowered. I need to replace it.
Are the lightning traps supposed to be deactivated somehow? I ended up having to kite the miniboss far from them before killing him to avoid getting killed by them.
They should normally deactivate after you destroy the nearby power generator.
No Zorbin?
Yeah, Zorbin only shows up in Chapter 5.
Level 9
Dec 29, 2017
There is also an easier way: just throw away all the items or sell them at the first Goblin shop you come across or just a message at the beginning of the game: If you want an extra challenge you can discard the items from your previous game.

More interesting would be the introduction of the option for HARD, Insane and Nightmare: From level 1 Hero do you want to start or from level 10?
Insane and Nightmare: Whoever chooses from level 1 will develop the Hero to the usual 10, and with Nightmare there will be no Inventory.
I haven't played on Hard and I don't know if the character can evolve past lv.10 but if he can, he will develop from level 1 to as much as possible.

This should give enough heat to those who like it very hot.
Hard mode is already unlocked at the beginning though?

I played through the entire game on Hard Mode?
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
So of course the notepad where I wrote these down got deleted. Starting over:

If Zorbin is only for one level he shouldn't have an inventory. Although maybe he could be there as an NPC to guard bases in later levels (and add a line about him staying behind instead of accompanying Gazlowe.

Raptor Riders should not have Medium armor since they're intended to be used as melee units and not anti-buildings like Raiders.

For levels that end with a boss and the boss drops a unique item, it'd be nice if the heroes had to move to the exit to finish the level, leaving us the time to look at the item and seeing what to drop for it.

Ninth level, part 1
Mountainner -> Mountaineer

The teleport cave that leads to a teleport circle is kinda pointless and messes up pathfinding, maybe put the circle somewhere else so the area only contains the gold?

Night-day cycle is still active.

This might be because I used Hex on him, but Angerforge spent most of the time outside the boss room. Because the golems weren't particularly hard to beat, there were times when he still had the Divine Shield sfx but was vulnerable.
Maybe you could instead have him "pilot" the golems instead, and limit his Avatar to once he's out of golems.

This one was disappointing loot-wise, not so much that it was low-level but there were no unique drops (the best was a +6 Belt that I didn't even take as all other options were better).

Tenth level, part 2 (I'd remove the "part X").

  • "they takes us" -> "they take us"
  • There was an item visible onscreen, presumably the Wirt's Leg bug.

On one run I missed Garrosh's gold coin, so when Gazlowe picked one up it was Garrosh who said the line.

Waygates are one-way, so you basically have to lose two items if you didn't give the Blink dagger to one of the heroes.

Night-day cycle is still active.

Music stops looping after the reunion.

No comment on the giant-ass two-headed hellhound being named Beauty?

Minefield could use a lot more warnings (corpses, skulls-on-sticks, comments by the heroes...). You also can't fully clear it out with clockwerks, they're killed halfway across for no reason.

No hints for the 4-lever puzzle?

Game crashed after finishing the level. Fortunately I can still play from the campaign menu.
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Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Eleventh level, part 3

Nefarian's messages come from Lord Victor Nefarius even though we first see him as a dragon.

"We need two keys, let's split up" message should have a bigger trigger area, I only ran into it after both gates had been opened already.

Potion of Invulnerability doesn't protect from the ground fire traps.

Wall fire traps aren't deactivated after Chimaeron's death.

There should be waygates after the second set of bosses as well.

Onyxia's hero name is Onxyia.

Maybe play different music once the final bossfight starts.
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Twelfth level: I haven't finished it yet, and may need to cheat past it. The allied AI keeps ignoring orders (I tell them to build towers, the workers decide they'd rather do something else), sending defenders back to the other side of the base instead of where the attacks come from, sending heroes alone into enemy bases, and half the upgrades and units aren't available because they need a different upgraded town hall also called Stronghold / Fortress (only Garrosh's forces have all the damage upgrades, Vol'jin can't build batriders, etc.).

As a side note, maybe give each faction's buildings unique names otherwise it's bound to get confusing.

Tauren wyvern uses Envenomed Spears, maybe give it Slow Poison instead.

Ogres use Tauren Totem as a building.
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Level 29
Apr 6, 2010

OK, finally beat it thanks to air spam, but that AI really needs fixing.

Further highlights include losing 12 Flying Machines because yellow's AI decided to send them back to base straight through the pinks (why can't they have their anti-ground attack for this one?), orange deciding their wyverns were needed elsewhere (they weren't, so half my air force wasn't at the battle), AI HEROES SELLING THEIR ITEMS IF YOU MOVE THEM TOO CLOSE TO A SHOP (Scepter of Healing and Ancient Tablet, gone) yellow (again) losing all their turrets because every time I tried to rebuild one or repair them the worker had better ideas, and I spent most of the gate fights moving the non-Hero units back to the fight at the gate instead of their home bases...

Gazlowe remains bugged, starting with 3 skill points no matter the level.

Can we please have zeppelins for this mission? Town Portal works but is tremendously inefficient since it doesn't work on the allies' units (not to mention the danger of leaving AI heroes near the shop unsupervised, see above). Or at least give the orcs some in-combat healing and the trolls some dispels.

Update: Tauren wyverns have Envenomed Spears, but the ability remains disabled after researching it.

Hero responses at the gates (seeing the gate, under attack, half dead, etc.) trigger other heroes' response as well.

There should not be two enemies with Animate Dead spawning next to each other, that's 12 extra units dumped on you without warning. I actually thought something was using Death and Decay on seeing healthbars going down so fast.

... Speaking of Animate Dead: reanimated a Faceless One Deathbringer, and his response was surprising to say the least.

Gazlowe participates in fights during his gate. Also his transmissions show him as purple.

Minor one, but: Baine died, Reincarnated, was now able to attack the enemies, and since the counter kept ticking he won once the gate took every enemy with it (at the cost of being literally the last man standing, see "Animate Dead" above).

Also, from the intro: "They are now in league." -> ?
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Level 29
Feb 18, 2014

OK, finally beat it thanks to air spam, but that AI really needs fixing.

Further highlights include losing 12 Flying Machines because yellow's AI decided to send them back to base straight through the pinks (why can't they have their anti-ground attack for this one?), orange deciding their wyverns were needed elsewhere (they weren't, so half my air force wasn't at the battle), AI HEROES SELLING THEIR ITEMS IF YOU MOVE THEM TOO CLOSE TO A SHOP (Scepter of Healing and Ancient Tablet, gone) yellow (again) losing all their turrets because every time I tried to rebuild one or repair them the worker had better ideas, and I spent most of the gate fights moving the non-Hero units back to the fight at the gate instead of their home bases...

Gazlowe remains bugged, starting with 3 skill points no matter the level.

Can we please have zeppelins for this mission? Town Portal works but is tremendously inefficient since it doesn't work on the allies' units (not to mention the danger of leaving AI heroes near the shop unsupervised, see above). Or at least give the orcs some in-combat healing and the trolls some dispels.

Update: Tauren wyverns have Envenomed Spears, but the ability remains disabled after researching it.

Hero responses at the gates (seeing the gate, under attack, half dead, etc.) trigger other heroes' response as well.

There should not be two enemies with Animate Dead spawning next to each other, that's 12 extra units dumped on you without warning. I actually thought something was using Death and Decay on seeing healthbars going down so fast.

... Speaking of Animate Dead: reanimated a Faceless One Deathbringer, and his response was surprising to say the least.

Gazlowe participates in fights during his gate. Also his transmissions show him as purple.

Minor one, but: Baine died, Reincarnated, was now able to attack the enemies, and since the counter kept ticking he won once the gate took every enemy with it (at the cost of being literally the last man standing, see "Animate Dead" above).

Also, from the intro: "They are now in league." -> ?
Thanks again for the feedback! I know that chapter 12 is frustrating because of the AI behavior but honestly I don't know what is wrong with it. I looked into it many times and failed to see anything unusual.
If anyone can look into that chapter in the editor and fix it, I'd appreciate it.
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Well it's decisions that do make sense from the AI's point of view: It thinks that leaving its base undefended is bad, so it recalls units to it constantly, and sees items with a very high value and thinks selling them for gold is a smart move (maybe because the items aren't those used in melee games or something?).

Maybe you could set their AIs to be defensive as long as their respective enemy base is active, and once there's no longer any risk the AI shuts down, leaving the player in sole control?

Thirteenth level:

Goblin units have no upgrades whatsoever, unlike all other factions.

Spear Thrower's icon at the Barracks is the Warlock.

Feludius' dying quote is Arion's, Ignacious' from Terrastra, Terrastra's from Feludius, and Arion's from Ignacious.

One ogre model is bugged: when they use Reincarnation, they play the Stand animation before reviving.

After a while, Cho'gall stops channeling and joins in the fight, but is still invulnerable. Is that supposed to happen? I can't get past him because of it, the adds are hard enough but he keeps Dark Portaling free reinforcements in.
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Level 13
Jun 22, 2020
After a while, Cho'gall stops channeling and joins in the fight, but is still invulnerable. Is that supposed to happen? I can't get past him because of it, the adds are hard enough but he keeps Dark Portaling free reinforcements in.

This is the way it should be. The goal of this battle is to stay alive long enough until Cho'gall is completely exhausted from summoning units from the portals. When he's completely exhausted you'll hear him say it and then you can finish him off.

Level 12: The craziest thing I've encountered here is how your fighters leave the Hero to close the portal on his own without any protection. What is there in these bases that constantly attracts them - I don't know, but does it start closing if you don't constantly give the "Attack" command while the process lasts, the hero remains alone. With so many signals about the behavior at this level, and since everything is fine with him according to Warseeker's inspection, we have no choice but to assume that some mysterious force is affecting everyone except the Heroes. "Chaos Chaos Chaos"
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Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
OK, tried it again, and now I'm stuck in a different way.

This time the portals disappeared before he started fighting so I didn't have to face portal waves + Dark Portal, he became vulnerable, he fought, he died...

And now nothing's happening. The quest marked as completed, but my units are now trapped in the room with no way out and the other quest is undiscovered.
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
OK, playing on 1.30.4 didn't fix the Cho'gall dying bug, so I force-passed the level.

The final mission is unavailable in the campaign menu, had to force-win the twelfth level to get sent to the thirteenth. After beating it, there's nothing between the twelfth and the epilogue.

Garrosh got instakilled by a hidden blue fire trap, making the Elemental Monstrosity yell "ANNIHILATE!" (I was using whosyourdaddy and iseedeadpeople on this run).

So how many waves of reinforcements are you supposed to endure (I counted 13 on the bugged playthroughs)? Or is it a hidden timer?


he's doom us all -> he's doomed us all / he'll doom us all

Eh... I realize this is how it goes in WOW, but the whole epilogue comes out of nowhere since at no point do any of the characters mention they don't like what Garrosh is doing.

Different ending on Hard? Eh... maybe if the bugs get fixed.

Solid work overall, some large bugs but they can be worked around. Good campaign, hope to see more.
Level 9
Dec 29, 2017
Does anyone remember which map has the most tomes?

Using allyourbasearebelongtous. I can repeatedly try to gain more and more attributes. I wanna see how strong the characters can become and then try playing on the hardest difficulty lol.

Also bonus question whats your guys's item composition? I need 3 of the 4 heroes need that dark minion thing which lets them attack air.
Level 6
May 21, 2013
This four watchers are real watchers :ogre_haosis:
I destroyed the generator and still watchers are inv. and can`t attack me. It`s a glitch or i dont know how to activate this watchers ?

Level 4
May 10, 2023
wow this was a good campaign, I really enjoyed it, when i played i put 37 armor on Garrosh 70% dmg reduction witch was insane XD
i did have 2 problems with the campaign
1.bain and vol'jin were always 1 level lower than Garroth and i saw someone else say that and you said they should all be the same level
2.Gazlow the tinker goblin hero, so either this was a glich for me or the campaign itself but every mission i had gazlow he was a high level but he could only learn 2 ability's so i had to finish the last mission with him at level 10 but only had 2 level 1 ability's
other than that it was all good i will give it a 4/5 :)
Level 29
Feb 18, 2014
In Chapter 7, where's the Secret Passage?
I don't know what you mean by Secret Passage?
Does anyone remember which map has the most tomes?

Using allyourbasearebelongtous. I can repeatedly try to gain more and more attributes. I wanna see how strong the characters can become and then try playing on the hardest difficulty lol.

Also bonus question whats your guys's item composition? I need 3 of the 4 heroes need that dark minion thing which lets them attack air.
Chapter 7 if I recall correctly.
I am really enjoying this "RTS" with variety of "RACE". Thank you very much.!!
BTW, is all new voice you made?
The voice acting is extracted from WoW.
This four watchers are real watchers :ogre_haosis:
I destroyed the generator and still watchers are inv. and can`t attack me. It`s a glitch or i dont know how to activate this watchers ?

View attachment 449695
What version of the game did you play the campaign on?
Level 29
Feb 18, 2014
I got this glitch too. This was on 1.31.1 The latest patch before Reforged
It's probably related to a common issue with 1.31.1 that causes some specific unit events to break upon loading a save game. Although, I don't remember using specific unit events in this campaign unless I forgotten.

Bonus thing Warseeker. The Levels and abilities and items don't crossover for other heroes besides Garrosh.
Level 6
May 21, 2013
It's probably related to a common issue with 1.31.1 that causes some specific unit events to break upon loading a save game. Although, I don't remember using specific unit events in this campaign unless I forgotten.

And i used 1.31.1 . Only restarted campagn and all was ok.
Level 10
Feb 21, 2015
This is a great campaign, but it has problems like Gazlowe losing ability points every chapter. By the time you reach the final chapter, you only get to level up abilities 3 times, with no existing ones. Also, in chapter 12, you're allowed to use the other bases but not allowed to at the same time. The other 3 bases are treated as allied forces. Whenever you give a command to a unit, it obeys but after a second it refuses the command and follows the AI instead. Likewise, the harvesters are forced to right click on the gold mine even if you told them to go harvest lumber. After a few seconds, you'll find them hugging the gold mine instead. Also, you're not allowed to upgrade the units past level 1. You're not allowed to recruit some units even if you satisfied the requirements (ex. upgrading to fortress or building the market). Just all around unifinished chapter, in my opinion. At some point, I just whosyourdaddied the whole chapter cuz it was getting ridiculous.

Other than that, the story is good and I like the campaign. barely made it to 5/5 for now.
Level 9
Dec 29, 2017
The Allies might be fixed. but the Enemy AI in chapter 12 has been screwed lmao.

The enemies don't attack your Allies. They attack Garrosh though. So Yeah that problem exists now...

You can attack them but like they are Neutral units.

EDIT: also for the final mission the Goblin Race don't have maxed out stats. None of them have there upgrades or spells or maxed out armor/weapons. The Tauren Units also don't count as any food.

EDIT2: The items and levels don't crossover outside from garrosh.
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Level 29
Feb 18, 2014
The Allies might be fixed. but the Enemy AI in chapter 12 has been screwed lmao.

The enemies don't attack your Allies. They attack Garrosh though. So Yeah that problem exists now...

You can attack them but like they are Neutral units.
EDIT2: The items and levels don't crossover outside from garrosh.
Sorry for my english. Could you please rephrase your question in a simple term? I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "crossover"...
Level 9
Dec 29, 2017
the items that carry over to mission 1 when you start the game again.

The option to carry over items when you finish the game so you can start mission 1 with more items. That only applies to Garrosh. All other heroes are level 1. with no items.
Level 2
Feb 21, 2023
Some suggestions based on what I remember:
Chapter 7:
  • It's quite odd that statues in the Warcraft lore know about a "pencil" and even a "keyboard". Maybe it would be better if the puzzles can be changed to something more fitting.
  • I'm not sure if the "dagger of escape" item is appropriate here because it might disrupt the exploration sequence in the subsequent levels.
  • The same yellow sheep can be clicked multiple times and the counter will still increase, which makes the puzzle too easy.
Chapter 10A:
  • The Shadow Priest's "Charm" skill is so IMBA. And if enemies are charmed during the last boss fight, next waves will not spawn correctly.
  • The design of this level feels rushed, to the point where I don't think it's suitable to be called a "bonus" for completing the hard difficulty.

Overall, I like the terrain design and most of the gameplay, but there might need to be more dialogue for the storyline.