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Shadow of the Twilight's Hammer v1.4

Command the Horde in their war against Cho'gall and Twilight's Hammer.

Shadow of the Twilight's Hammer (aka Dawn of the Twilight's Hammer) is a custom campaign that follows the story of the Horde in the events of World of Warcraft: Catalycsm as they wage war against the corrupted ogre mage Cho'gall and his Twilight's Hammer cult.

- 12 playable maps, 4 submaps and 3 interludes.
- Custom music and voices.
- Variable difficulty.

Known Issues:
- Gazlowe's talents will reset after every mission due to an issue with Engineering Upgrade.

Patch 1.29.2

v1.0 - 24/11/2022
  • Released.
v1.1 - 29/11/2022
  • Merged the audio files into the campaign. You may now play without having to download the external files and enabling local files.
  • The fleshy corpses will now show up in Chapter 1.
  • Decreased the intial attack wave size in Chapter 3.
  • Added upgrades to the enemies in Chapter 6.
  • Anachronos will now be visible if you skip his cinematic.
  • Fixed lightning lord obelisks in Chapter 7.
  • Fixed Cho'gall's boss fight.
  • Made the 2nd part of Chapter 12 visible in the campaign menu.
v1.2 - 08/02/2023
  • Fireball tootip now shows how much damage it does.
  • Changed the Tauren Wyvern's projectile missile.
  • Renamed the Brave's Berzerker to Enrage and made it autocastable.
  • The Peons in Chapter 1 no longer cut trees fast.
  • Overseer Tregg and his guards now attack together.
  • Removed Bloodlust from Centaur Sorcerers.
  • Removed Endurance Aura, War Stomp, and Reincarnation from Centaur Khan.
  • The AI now longer attack at the same time.
  • Maraudon - Replaced the rock chunks with cages.
  • Removed Spell Immunity from elementals.
  • Removed Charm from Silithid Queen.
  • Removed Sleep from Silithid.
  • Removed Shockwave from Silithid Lord.
  • Removed Silence from Silithid Seer.
  • Removed Animate Dead from Silithid Emperor.
  • Removed flying units in Chapter 6.
  • Added upgrades to ogres in Chapter 8.
  • Changed Bloodaxe Legion color to Brown.
  • Gemstones in Chapter 10 are now undroppable.
  • Changed orc units models to blackrock units in Chapter 11.
  • Fixed the player AI in Chapter 12.
  • Removed Mana Burn and Sleep from Cho'gall.
  • Cho'gall's minions now drop rune of healing.
  • Fixed Sinestra quest description.
  • Changed the owner of spirit of fire to neutral passive.
  • Fixed Garrosh's Command Aura level requirement.
  • Fixed Toradin Greybeard's dialogue.
  • Fixed Eye of Oblivion that prevents Cho'gall from sending the next attack batch.
  • Heroes are no longer hostile when closing the gates in Chapter 12.
v1.3 - 16/08/2023
  • Fixed the difficulty.
  • Added two difficulties: Insane and Nightmare.
v1.4 - 24/11/2023
  • Fixed Garrosh's tooltip.
  • Replaced Garrosh's Charge with Battle Shout (Roar)
  • Replaced Garrosh's Command Aura with Cleaving Attack.
  • Garrosh's Berserker Rage no longer causes him to take more damage.
  • Fixed Brave's tooltip.
  • Replaced Brave's Enrage with Berserker Strength upgrade.
  • Renamed Defender to Watcher.
  • Renamed Seer to Druid.
  • Replaced Warlock' Soul Burn with Unholy Frenzy.
  • Renamed Gunner to Sharpshooter.
  • Removed the defeat cheat on insane and nightmare difficulty.
  • Difficulty can now be changed in-game (Requires Game Restart)
  • Fixed Gazlowe's skill points.
  • Added a path to the Hydralik island in Chapter 3.
  • Fixed Allies AI in Chapter 12.
  • Replaced Alchemist's Frenzy with Banish.
  • Renamed Conjurer to Shadow Priest and replaced his abilities.
  • Tauren and Trolls units can now be trained in orc buildings in Chapter 6.

@levigeorge, @General Frank , @Ujimasa Hojo, @johnwar, @Deolrin, @Explobomb, @Just_Spectating, @Khazmo, @JetFangInferno, @Kwaliti, @handclaw, @Gluma, @Tranquil, @bakr, @GreyArchon, @IamMclovin, @Norinrad, @SuPa-, @Tauer, @Sephiroth_VII, @Burning_Dragoon5, @tillinghast, @donut3.5, @Himperion, @assasin_lord, @Tarrasque, @MatiS, @-Grendel, @Filip95, @Direfury, @jj84, @takakenji, @Kuhneghetz, @Murlocologist, @Kirym, @Mike, @PROXY, @Sellenisko, @Vendro the Wind Mage, @Taylor Mouse
@Altruistic Anduin, @viiva, @Scias, @CRAZYRUSSIAN, @Mr.Goblin, @Sin'dorei300, @NFWar, @General Frank, @Marcos DAB, @PrinceYaser, @Blizzard Entertainment, @PeeKay, @Jimmy Page, @Hellx-Magnus, @MN Lahmar, @NO_exe, @BLazeKraze, @dansaDisco, @Murlocologist, @YubelHaouJudai, @Traggey, @stonneash
@Juice_F, @Hawkwing, @Val_09, @HungaryMaster (Magyar), @mattdraw
Spells & Systems:
@PurgeandFire - Walkability Check

Join my Discord channel for discussions and updates: https://discord.gg/3mkG693UCH

Shadow of the Twilight's Hammer v1.4 (Campaign)

While my time reviewing is less than before and because I played the previous version and remember it was good, I can only Approve this. Ah, the map thread description could give some details about the gameplay/campaign since not everyone has played...
Level 29
Feb 18, 2014
@Warseeker optional quest on mission 3 is bugged?View attachment 472976
I haven't tested this campaign on the latest version of the game, but it's probably related to that specific version like Ravager said.
I will look into this issue when I get the chance. Right now it is recommended to play this campaign on patch 1.29.
Level 5
Aug 29, 2021
I haven't tested this campaign on the latest version of the game, but it's probably related to that specific version like Ravager said.
I will look into this issue when I get the chance. Right now it is recommended to play this campaign on patch 1.29.
Ill just wait for an update, maybe in the futures updates u will add voice lanes ❤️