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Sartharion Lair v 1.05

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Sartharion Lair

This is a 96x96 melee map for 2 vs 2 players or FFA. It is designed with dungeon tile set. I copied the general layout for 4 players in 96x96 where players are at the corners at oposite sites.
The layout is an underground fire-red cave where you can find black dragons, kobolds, red lizards and rock golems.

Neutrals and creeps
-12 gold mines (1 per base, 8 expanding options: 4 defended with land orange creeps, mines of 12500 gold, 4 defended air orange creep, mines of 16000)
-2 goblin markets defended with orange creeps
-4 unguarded taverns.
-4 mercenary camp defended with orange creeps
-1 Black Dragon roost defended with a red creep

Creeps amount
- 8 green creeps (2 per player)
- 16 orange creeps (2 in markets, 4 in mercenary camps, 8 in goldmines and 2 defending nothing )
- 5 red creep (1 in the center, 4 in the player goldmines,)


There are many ways of attack. Some of the green creeps are in the center, and the two markets too , so those areas will be posible points of confrontation. After the green creeps, you can expand. The confortable expanding has air orange creep. The goldmines in the center have orange land creeps to benefit that expantion. In the center there is a melee Black Dragon Root (Lordaeron Fall, pasive neutral).

Fictional hystory

Every map I create has fictional history behind its creation, the enviroment will have relation with fictional history.

After the deafeat of Tyrande forces at the Death Gate of Ice Crown Citadel, many survivors organiced the defence of Borean Tundra, expecting the Lich King counter attack. One of them is Lyrlia Blackshield. Doing honor to her last name, she always used a short sword and blackshield honoring her family tradition. She was living in Undercity and working in the Royal Quarter, serving as emisary of Silvermoon city. She admired Sylvanas Windrunner and she won her favor in many times. After Tyrande campaing, Lyrlia lost her right hand in battle. Knowing this, Sylvanas ordered Lyrlia to return to Eastern Kingdoms, Lyrlia refused, and stated she wanted to continue her fight against the Lich King even if she has to loose the other hand. She equiped her shield in her right arm and proved Sylvanas she was skillfull with her left
hand. Strong in spirit and having a positive character, she did a lot of effort to rise the morale of her allies. She organiced a scout campaing with the dwarves minners in orther to gather minerals to continue Tyrande campaing in Northrend. She went to Sartharion Lair in Dragonblight to harvest rich minerals, with magic propierties. Dwarves use minerals to created powerfull mix of gunpowder. After many days of working, she planned to harvest dragon eggs, to rise them as mounts. Sartharion, The Onxy Guardian, is in charge of watching over the twilight eggs. Lyrlia, decided to act as bait for Sartharion while the dwarves steal the eggs. The dwarves did not liked such risky strategy. Knowing the peril, she equiped herself with the best fire resistant armor of the Horde. Knowing the dwarves were nervous she constaly joked about the quest.

Sartharion Lair Journal:
Lyrlia: don´t worry my dear dwarfy mate, your beards wont be roasted. And for me I always liked sun bath of Quel´thalas. When this quest is over I will beat all of you in a drink contest.

The quest was a success, nine eggs were harvested. but she was wounded by Sartharion fire. If it wasn´t for the fire armor, she would be reduced to ashes. She was sent to Quel´thalas to be healed of the magic damage of Sartharion fire. She survived but many scars could nerver be healed again. Lyrlia, still joked about her scars. The recovery was slow and she couldnt move fast, Sartharion magic stroke her badly. She was unable to fit for combat again. The city of Quel´thalas recogniced her heroic actions. With her wealth, she opened a weapon store. She was visited by Sylvanas many times, and many dwarves remembered her and send her quality weapons as token of friendship and to help her with the weapon store. Two years later, and feeling much better, she returned to Undercity and Sylvanas promoted her to Suply Chief in Undercity to Outland quests, her main work was to organice the Netherstorm suply from Undercity. Five years later she completly recovered from Sartharion magic effect, and returned to practice with her sword and shield in order to return to battle.

A week a go Lyrlia was defending Lordaeron wall, serving the Warchief of the Horde, Sylvanas Windrunner, against the Alliance in the Battle for Azeroth. She learned her lesson with Sartharion, she is careful and always charge behind or near a Tauren.

No imported matierial has been used, only WC3 preset elements


Version 1.00 upload
Version 1.01 Update
-Changed orange creeps: red lizards in markets and dragons in goldmines
-Changed red creep defending the dragon roost, now level 28
-Added some wood and doodads
Version 1.02 Update
-Removed torches
- Increased gold of heavy guarded mines to 16000
Version 1.03
-Now the orange creeps have anti air defense.
Version 1.04
-No gaps between trees
Version 1.05
-Added rats (critters) to balance the necromancers


Map made by Ragnaros17

Sartharion Lair (Map)

1. Torches almost in midair :)? 2. Maybe rock chunks at the archways to the Dragon Roost and around it? 3. I usually disagree with mines having the same amount of gold even though placed either in a less or more strategical region or being guarded by...
Level 8
Feb 4, 2017
Nice map, looks pretty similar to your previous one, btw.

You have a tendency to put very low-level units with higher level units on this map. What I mean is, you put two level 1 Skeleton Archers in a camp where there's a Level 10 Dragon - the skeletons will pose no threat to the player other than blocking their pathing. It really feels like they're unnecessary. Also the Salamander camps - three level 5 Salamanders and and one level 3 one? Maybe it should be two level 5 and two level 3 to make it symmetrical (and less harsh - this is a level 18 Merchant camp, which is kind of a lot for an orange camp)?

Also, the gold mine dragon camps in north, west, south and east - I feel like camps which have flying units only limit the number of strategies available, since players will have to make anti-air units in order to kill it. This would be understandable if this was a high-reward Red Camp, but it's only an expansion which is supposed to be taken down by an Archmage and a few footmen/militia. I'd suggest replacing the smaller dragons with two Red Skeleton Giants and leaving the level 6 drake as it were. + maybe a bit more wood on the sides?

Apart from that, a good map, just like the previous one of its kind, Caverns of Dun Niffelem. I see you really liking those colored crystals ;)
Level 29
May 21, 2013
Nice map, looks pretty similar to your previous one, btw.

You have a tendency to put very low-level units with higher level units on this map. What I mean is, you put two level 1 Skeleton Archers in a camp where there's a Level 10 Dragon - the skeletons will pose no threat to the player other than blocking their pathing. It really feels like they're unnecessary. Also the Salamander camps - three level 5 Salamanders and and one level 3 one? Maybe it should be two level 5 and two level 3 to make it symmetrical (and less harsh - this is a level 18 Merchant camp, which is kind of a lot for an orange camp)?

Also, the gold mine dragon camps in north, west, south and east - I feel like camps which have flying units only limit the number of strategies available, since players will have to make anti-air units in order to kill it. This would be understandable if this was a high-reward Red Camp, but it's only an expansion which is supposed to be taken down by an Archmage and a few footmen/militia. I'd suggest replacing the smaller dragons with two Red Skeleton Giants and leaving the level 6 drake as it were. + maybe a bit more wood on the sides?

Apart from that, a good map, just like the previous one of its kind, Caverns of Dun Niffelem. I see you really liking those colored crystals ;)

more wood
change creeps, markets, goldmines with dragons, and center

all noted I will update it, thanks.

The Panda

Icon Reviewer
Level 59
Jun 2, 2008
yeah I agree, dungeon cave theme doodads are more limited than the underground, water and ice doesnt fit here and fire video secuence can be very annoying.
I will study what more can be done.

Your not limited to just one tile set doodad list, you can choose any other lists that have different doodads that match the theme of the map.
Level 29
May 21, 2013
Your not limited to just one tile set doodad list, you can choose any other lists that have different doodads that match the theme of the map.
yeah I know I used a lot the sunken ruins small red mushrooms, but cave theme doodads are limited for undeground, much more limited to dungeon caves, rocks, mushrooms, bones, some smoke and fire. and the crystals were nededded here more than the undeground maps.
I will see if I can add something of outland or black citadel, as you recommend.


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
1. Torches almost in midair :)?
2. Maybe rock chunks at the archways to the Dragon Roost and around it?
3. I usually disagree with mines having the same amount of gold even though placed either in a less or more strategical region or being guarded by tougher or weaker creeps.
4. Maybe some green camps near the Tavern for more XP since this is a 4 player map.

It's quite symmetrical but doesn't impress with its layout and monotone colouring.



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