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Sanity's Edge Campaign

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Level 4
Feb 14, 2009
Oh yes, phase 10 updated : D

Check out the latest phase, 9. :)


Experience i expect the player to achieve from this boss.
This boss should get the player to use their common sense and be more aware of their surroundings. It should get them to progress from basic champion movement hopefully up to hard-core movement. I'll get them to think about their moves by having multiple events happening at the same time, this will increase the players feel to how other bosses will might react towards what the player does, it will make the player feel that it was aimed at him/her.

Also the environment/surroundings will be a huge part of this boss, the player will feel a new level of gaming from the layout of the area that the boss is in.

Story Line:
"Pass me the wine."
Leover places his hand on the arm of a chair.
"Don't you think you've had enough for today?"
Kara'mos smiles in delight.
"Don't tell me how much i should be drinking." He grins, only if Leover knew what he was up to, then he would understand what this meant to him.
"How long do you think you'll spend on this?" Asks Leover.
"How long do you think I'll be at it?" Kara'mos sits on an old rocking chair next to a burning fire.
"Well, with the rate you've been going at it: At least another year?"
"Another year?" Kara'mos stands up. "Another year!" I don't think you understand how delecet this matter is. Don't you remember when they came and took over our village? I remember the stench of death was horrifying..." Kara'mos waits for a response. "Well, do you?" Leover looks down, picks up an old, dusty wine bottle and pops it open. He slowly pours it in a glass for Kara'mos.
"Yes, yes i do, very vividly." He replys. Kara'mos sits back down on the rocking chair, lites yet another candle.
"It's cold at these nights." Kara'mos puts a blanket over his legs."Just like the night they came."
"Yes, i recall, it was very cold."
"Cold as his blood, if only i knew why he would of done this." Kara'mos sits up with his back straight and starts to rock in the chair whilst writing down some notes. "They came wave by wave, herds of them, no soul left in them, no heart---"
"They had nothing."
"But managed to take everything we had..." Leover pours another glass of wine, only for him this time and hands over the other one to Kara'mos. Kara'mos continues with what happend after taking a sip of his favorite wine... "They were horrible, flames every where, citizens crying, baby's running around, playing with swords and cross bows, playing with their parents dead bodies only to find out they were dead." Kara'mos looks up to a high on the wall. A painting of the scene, mostly flames and black sky, very dull indead. "They came one by one, we were lucky to escape." Kara'mos has a flash back.
"Kara'mos, are you OK?" Asks leover.
"You should be asking: Is he OK?" Kara'mos walks to the brown door, across the wooden floor boards and turns the door knob slowly.
"Where are you going?" Leover waited anoushly.
"Don't worry, make sure they don't take you away like they did to your mother." Kara'mos walked out, leaving Leover to live his life, kara'mos was out for revenge.

Getting to the Boss:

Finding your way to the boss can be tricky if you're not prepared with lots of healing potions, healing potions drop off of most monsters, monsters are marked with loot icons, it's important to go for the monsters with a mini-potion mark on top of their head, these monsters have low HP however can do a lot of spell damage. They also have tuff monsters protecting them.

First Group of monsters consist of:

Skeleton Mage:
HP: Low
Attack Power: Medium
Spell Power: High
Spells: Nova - Deals high Fire damage to you, this surrounds the Skeleton Mage..... Fire Impact: Shoots out an impactful Fire-Bolt at you, minimum damage: 2% Maximum damage: 6% This spell has a low cool-down and deals damage over time for 5 seconds, this stacks.
Item drop: When picked up heals you for 30% HP. 90% Chance to drop. along with other items

Arch Mage:
HP: Low
Attack Power: Very Low
Spell Power: Very High
Spells: Nova - Icy Bolt: This slows your movement speed by 15% It deals very low damage, however after it strikes you, you have five seconds to move away, if you're still in the area it casts a: Cone of ice, this freezes you and deals a massive amount of damage: Minimum: 20% Maximum: 30% Elemental bolt: This is his main spell, it deals huge amount of damage and a 20% chance to snare you for three seconds. Minimum damage: 7% Maximum damage: 17%
Item drop: When picked up heals you for 50% HP and 30% MP. 70% Chance to drop. along with other items.

Skeleton Hunter:
HP: Avrage.
Attack Power: Avrage.
Spell Power: Very Low.
Skills: Evade: Has a 20% chance to evade, also when hit has a 15% chance to stun or blind you for 2 seconds. Power Thrust: Increases attack speed and movement speed by 25% this activates when the: Hunter is under 60% HP also if you're under 20% HP, the: Hunter increases attack speed, movement speed and HP regain by 60%-127% Also whenever he attacks whilst this is activated has a 5% chance to snare you, else if you are under 11% HP it has a 100% chance to stun you, however when you are stunned it heals you up to 30% HP, this will cause the Hunter to attack twice as fast and deal up to twice the amount of damage, also a greater increase in critical chance. Critical deal up to four times damage. The stun lasts for 1.5 seconds. The under-lined part will only activate once, however the rest will always activate.

Skeleton Warrior
HP: High.
Attack power: Above avrage.
Defence: Medium.
Spell Power: None.
This is to defend off monsters behind him EG; Skeleton mage, Hunter and Arch Mage.

As you advance their names will change and their looks, their spells and power will also increase.

Phase One

There are four orbs holding The Which Doctor in the air, there's a single red beam that shoots towards the which doctor and a Force Shield around The Which Doctor. The Shield is like the paladins bubble ability but purple at the bottom and the default color from the top half, the shield is defeated once you destroy it.

Entering the battle you'll notice four orbs on around The Which Doctor. One red, one blue, one green and one yellow. To start off you'll notice that the boss changes color or elements: Fire/Ice/Nature/Lightning. The Which Doctor won't take any damage in Phase one, Phase one is about taking down his Force Shield, to do so you'll need to attack the orbs around him, this will change what weapon element you have on you. If The Which Doctor is enhanced in red, then you'll need to attack the red Orb once, this will deal AoE damage to you, at the same time it will also deal damage-over-time to you. This is when you will be able to attack his force shield with the fire element.

Different elements whilst in Phase 1.

Fire (Red Orb.) - This will deal damage-over-time to you, also causing The Which Doctor to cast Fire Nova at where he's standing causing AoE damage around him. He will also say: "Burn baby, Burn!" He will also say something.Attacks: Disabled.

Icy (Blue Orb) - This will slow your movement speed by 50% and your attack speed by 35%. The boss will cast Cone of Ice around you causing him to say "Behold the power of ice!" After this a timer will appear, if you're not out of the Cone Of Ice within five seconds The Which Doctor will cast Ice Nova dealing double damage if you're still in The Cone, else, it'll deal normal damage to you.Attacks: Disabled.

Nature (Green) - This will allow The Which Doctor to use the spell: Natures Grasp. This will cause you to be trapped in the ground for five seconds (This spell has a ten second cool-down time.) The further you're away from the boss: The more damage he will deal with his ranged attacks. He will say: "Don't come closer, stay back!"Attacks: Enabled.

Lightning (Yellow) - This will make The Which Doctor go into turbo mode increasing his attack power by 25% and his attack power by 65%. There's also a one out of three chance that he will blind you for five seconds after each successful attack you do to his force shield. He will say "Don't run from what you can't get away from... Come...Come closer to what you want..."Attacks: Enabled.

You should be able to experience all of the orbs and a random orb that The Which Doctor will Recover for his Force Shield. It should take you around one - two minutes per Orb. If you don't have the right element on you, you will not be able to do any damage to his shield and it will deal 80% damage back to you. In this phase he is Magic Immune.
Phase two

He's now let down from the beams (That the orbs were holding him up by.) The orbs are also destroyed and he's now free to attack.

In this phase he will let out a crazy laugh and say "Let me show you a little something i put together." He will then rapidly chuck bottles of "medicine" around the room dealing fire AoE, slowing movement speed if you get caught in it and dealing damage over time. The damage increases each second, this will last for ten seconds. The Which Doctor will take 45% less damage if you're on fire, will make The Which Doctor attack 35% faster and The Which Doctor will deal 50% more damage. He will toss the: "Medicine" around each twenty seconds and each forty seconds in other phases. (However not in Phase one.)

Each time The Which Doctor drops by 5%HP in this phase it will make The Which Doctor say the following "Now look what you've done!" (If he summons "Rapid dog.") Or "Now you're in for it!" If he summons "Rabid dog."

Rapid dog: This will take around nine or ten blows to take him down, he has increased attack speed, movement speed and will cause The Which Doctor to attack 25% faster... (And yes, that is stacked if you're on fire.) Rapid dog has fast attack speed, however lower damage.

Rabid dog: He is a heavy hitter unlike the rapid dog and will take you slightly longer to take down. Each time he attacks you it will heal The Which Doctor 60%-100% (Random)

This phase will end once he is at 85% HP, predicted to last around two-three minutes. If the rabid dog heals The Which Doctor above 95%, 90% or 85% He will summon another dog if he gets lowered back down to 95%, 90% 85%.


Phase Three

The Which Doctor will open up two rifts both at the sides of the room (far left and far right.) These rifts will start summoning waves, The which Doctor will say "The past is better." (This is the wave kara'mos was talking about in the story line.
The Which Doctor will then jump into the air he will not be able to be attacked from here. He just stays in mid-air with a power around him that lets him summon.

Wave - One - Scout, low HP, normal attack rate, nothing special, they normally come in herds of five each (A total of ten, five each side.)

Wave - Two - Undead Lots of armor, this is what takes you down, The Undead will go after you like you've never seen, it will take a while for you to take one down. Normal Attack rate, slightly higher damage. These comes in herds of two. (One from each side.)

Wave - Three - Grappler. A slow walker, normally comes in packs of four (A total of eight, four each side.) These are incredibly slow, you however they increase the movement speed of Scouts and The Undead by 250%. A total of Ten scouts and one Undead will also come. (Five scouts from each side and one undead from each side.) The grappler will only spawn one each side however these pack a punch.

Wave - Four - Horror Huge HP, a lot of attack and fast attack speed, these will also use the skill "Slam" this deals damage to you using a Thunder Shock effect and will also slow your movement speed.

After you have killed all four waves it will deal 5% damage to The Which Doctor. This will leave him on 80% HP and it will also destroy the rifts.
Phase Four.

The Which Doctor is lowered to the ground. He will cast multiple AoE spells all the the area. He will also cast blink dealing AoE damage around him where he blinks, after The Which Doctor does blink he will go into Shadow Stalk. He blinks each thirty seconds.

Fire Pillar -Storms a Fire Pillar onto you causing you to move 25% slower. Activated each ten - twenty seconds. The Which Doctor will say: "Burn baby, burn!"

Ice Pillar -Storms a Ice Pillar onto you causing you to move 40% Slower (Yes this stacks.) Activated the same time as Fire Pillar. The which Doctor will say "Ice is your friend!"

Death Horizon. -Causes you to be stunned for five seconds. Activates each thirty seconds. The Which Doctor will Shout.

Pillar Of Doom - If you're stunned this deals double damage, if your movement speed is slowed more then 30% it will cast a storm of blizzard and slow you down by 20%. Activated each twenty four seconds. If you're free of stun and movement then it deals normal damage and causes you to attack 25% faster, however you will be delt back 110% of the damage you do. This lasts for 5 seconds. The which Doctor will say: "Meet your doom!"

Grasp -This is basically Enchanted Roots, sticks you to the ground however, this deals no damage over time, however it does slow your attack speed and movement speed by 15%. This is activated after Pillar of Doom. The Which Doctor will say: "Stay!"

Shadow Stalk - The Which doctor will teleport away from you then blink towards you, this deals a lot of damage to you, it has a casting time and can't be interrupted. When the Witch Doctor blinks towards you he will then go into Shadow Walk after five seconds, The Which doctor will first say "Try this for size!" The Wind walk will poison you and make you move slower by 15% it will make you cast 15% slower and it will also deal an added 450% damage on the which doctors attack. You are given time to heal up so that it does not kill you. The Which Doctor will also have increased attack speed by 30%, the Which Doctor is teleported away from you giving you more then enough time to heal. This is activated after Grasp.

This Phase will stop when The Which Doctor is at 60% HP. This Phase will ignore Phase 1.
Phase Five.

Phase Five is the same as Phase 1. The Which Doctor will take no damage. However when the Force Shield is destroyed The Which Doctor will create AoE when he gets lowered back down.
Phase Six

This Phase is the same as Phase Two, however the waves are harder, The Which Doctor this Phase will allow Phase One and Phase Six will end when all the waves have been completed, The Which Doctor will be lowered down to 50% HP after this wave.
Phase Seven

In This wave The Which Doctor will say "How dare you? How dare you try and finish me off?" He will cast the following spells in order. Each spell will have a three second cast time and The Which Doctor will wait around two - four seconds before casting the next spell.

Electrical Charge - The Which Doctor shoots a bolt a lightning at you, this will cause The Which Doctor to say "Be gone with you." It will throw you across the room, away from The Which Doctor. This deals AoE as you land and cause a lot of impact damage. The Which Doctor will then say "Come and lend me a hand." This will summon two: Skeleton Archers and four: Skeleton Warriors. The Which Doctor can't attack whilst these add-ons are alive.

Grasp - You will be unable to move, this will lower your attack speed by 30% and movement speed by 100% (Unable to move.) The Which Doctor will cast this as soon as you land from Electrical Charge. Sparks of lightning will come out of the roots you're trapped in. Graps will end as soon as all the Skeleton Warriors are killed. The archers will gain +90% attack speed and 50% movement speed when the Skeleton Warriors die.

After killing the add-ons it will give you around 5 seconds to start running away.

Fire Wrath -Run! Run when The Which Doctor says "Feel the Burn!" He will start casting for five seconds, the whole arena will be lit into flames slowing your movement speed by 75%, attack speed by 100% (For ten seconds) and lowering your armor to -50. The flames will start off dealing one damage a second to you, the damage is multiplied by two each one second. (Starts off at one, then two, four, eight sixteen, after it gets to ten it will be set to X3 damage starting from twenty, sixty ninety etc.) The room will be lit on fire for twenty-seven seconds. The Which doctor will say: "Don't escape from what you can't run from!

Nature Force -You will be given fifteen seconds to attack The Which Doctor, Skeleton Archers will spawn around the room with increased attack speed and power by 0.5% each time they attack. After all the Skeleton Archers are killed The Which Doctor will cast Fire Nova, you have to lower his "Power" by One-Thousand. (The Which Doctor will not take damage however the "Power" does.) Fire Nova will increase damage it does each time it has been cast, once you have lowered the power to half The Which Doctor will use "Grasp" on you, however you keep your attack speed on the condition you're in attacking range of him. Once the power is lowered to 0, The Which Doctor is stunned and will take extra damage. The Which Doctor will say: "I have the Power!"

The Which Doctor will rinse and repeat these steps (Each time he does it will increase in damage.) This Phase will end once he is lowered to 20%HP.
Phase Eight

The Which Doctor will summon rifts like Phase Three and will also summon Elemental Orbs like Phase One. However this time the waves will repeat itself and you will have to destroy the Force Shield whilst fighting off the waves. After the Force Shield is defeated it's your chance to go for the killing blow. The Which Doctor will use all of his spells at random, you will also have to change your weapon Element as you fight him. The Elements will take off his HP. This Phase will continue for Phase Nine as well.

Phase Nine will start as soon as The Which Doctor is lowered too 15% HP.

Phase Nine

The Which Doctor is ready to be killed, he says "This is it, if this doesn't do the trick, i don't know what will... Arrrrgh!" The Which Doctor summons Mirror Images of him self, they deal ranged damage and cause your movement speed to be decreased by 15%and your attack speed by 10%. This can stack up to two times. If you manage to lower the real Which Doctor to 5% HP and the Mirror Images are still alive, The Which Doctor will say "Bring me my power!" This will cause the room to explode dealing huge AoE and will force you to kill the Mirror Images before The read Which Doctor can take any more damage.

The End?

You have now slain The Which Doctor.

Story Line Part: Two...
Leover looks down at the floor boards and sits in the arm chair. "If only i was brave like him, i would be able to help him." Sighed Leover. A heavy bang at the door, Leover drags himself to the door, he turned the door knob and remeberd the stench of the horrifying attack something did. Leover quickly turns the door knob, only to find his long-lost friend, a beat down lower ranked citizen was standing at the front door.
"Well. Won't you let me in?" He asked.
"Alexzander! Is, is that really you?" Alexzander smiled.
"Is this how you always treat your fellow comrades?" Leover smiled.
"Come in, let me pour you a glass of wine." Leover helped him in, he didn't want Alexzander to see the paper work on the desk, he sat Alex on another chair away from Kara'mos's work.
"Where's Kara'mos?" Alexzander asked.
"He's gone." Leover looked down, Alexzander knew that face, he was disappointed. Leover walked over to get a glass to pour some wine.
"Gone?" Alex asked.
"Yes, he just left here a minute ago."
"Did he say anything about where he was going?" leover took a sip of the wine he poured earlier.
"Well did he?"
"Not that i can recall." Leovers passes the wine glass to Alex.
"By the hairs on Balthazars chin..."
"The glass, it's all dusty."
"Get use to it, Kara'mos has been work-" Leover stopped only to realise that he was going down the wrong road.
"Nothing. Just drink your wine."
"Somethings going on, you were saying that he was busy." Leover blew out a candle."
"It's just that, i made a mistake, i was meant to say that he was working on a plan to get us out of here."
Leover sat back down and took another sip of the wine. The feel in the room was so uncomftibal that Alexzander knew something was wrong, that wasn't what Kara'mos was up to. Alex downed the wine.
"You know, i know when you're liying to me. I can feel that you are. Why won't you tell me the truth?"
"Look, lets get some sleep, we'll talk in the morning-"
"No, tell me now, i didn't just walk for the past two days for nothing you know!" Alexzander's face was begining to turn red, Leover blew out all the candles.
"We'll talk in the morning. OK?" Leover was hopin that Alex would forget the whole thing the next day.
"Fine, but i won't forget about this. I know what you're like, always trying to get away rom what is really true. Arn't you? Eh?"
"Look, i'm tired. let's get some sleep and i'll take a fast spounge bath, i can't stand the smell."
"You're fault you didn't fix that chariet i kept telling you to fix." Leover started to smile in delight, he knows that he's going to enjoy the compny of Alex. "I'll see you in the morning."
"Yeah, sleep tight." repliyed Alex.

Stage: Two of The Which Doctor.
Phase one

After fighting your way past more monsters you will find your self facing: "High Arch Doctor." You will face on going waves of Mini-Skeletons, each time one spawns you will notice their HP and Attack Speed increases. There is also a chance for their Attack Power to increase, this is on-going for each Phase.

For now the: High Doctor stands upon a pedestal, this makes him unavailable to normal attacks, your task is to keep fighting off the on-going waves of Mini-Skeletons, you will find they drop "Power" (This is a 25% chance to drop, you need: Five.) Once you place these into a storage device they will fire, this targets the pedestal and causes it to be destroyed, unfortunately for you, the boss casts a bubble upon him self, this will causes him to be immune to all damage for the next 15 seconds. He will cast the following in order, the casting will stop when the bubble effect is no more:

Cone of Ice: Causes you to take extra lightning damage and puts you to a complete stop for the next ten seconds.
Once again, a sound plays and he says "Freeze!"

Lightning Risk: The High Doctor RAPIDLY casts lightning charges at you causing you to take medium amounts of damage. This causes 75% of your maximum HP by the time High Doctor stops casting. Each time a lightning bolt hit, it creates a small lightning ball surrounding you.
Sounds effect plays and he says "Swim around the evil one!"

You are now free to run around! The only problem is: You have Lightning balls surrounding you...

Lightning bolts: The High Doctor casts two Lightning balls at you, (2.5 second cast) This deals 5%- 10% HP loss. The: High Doctor makes a sound effect and says "Feel my wrath!"

Lightning Charge: At the same time hes casting Lightning bolts at you, the lightning bolts surrounding you will attack, the effects is like the Chain lightning effect, the bolts deal small amounts of damage, however each one adds up.

IMPORTANT: When you're in the Cone of Ice the Mini-Skeletons will not spawn and the remanding Mini-Skeletons are killed, they carry on spawning when you're out of the Cone Of Ice!

The High Doctor is now out of his bubble and you can run up to him to attack! The Lightning bolts around you will last ten more seconds!

Phase: Two

As soon as you get up to the boss, what does he do? Blinks to the other side! He makes a moaning sound effect and says: "Get away from me!" He blinks towards the experiment table and your job is too: Destroy it! However. He says the following: "Stay away from my experiments!" A message will also appear so that you know to attempt to destroy it.

Note; The mini-Skeletons will still spawn, just not as fast.

Note; When ever you get towards attacking range he blinks away. However the: High Doctor will always be within casting range.

Note; High Doctor will take no damage and will heal him self back to 100% HP and 100% MP when ever he is attacked/takes damage.

The High Doctor will cast the following spells:

Ice - You move 25% Slower, the boss says "Get away from them!" You don't take any direct damage, just damage over time.

Slowing Well - The High Doctor creates two wells beside you, it's your job to move away from them, one of the wells will slow your movement speed and attack speed by 10% Where as the other well will causes your HP regain to be no more and will drain your mana and HP, these can't be killed until this phase ends.

Freak Out - Slows your movement speed by 10%, this does not cause direct damage however it does damage over time.

Devastating Blows - Again, doesn't cause direct damage, but causes your mana to rapidly disappear, as soon as your MP is at 0, your HP will be drained converting your HP to Mana, again, the converting will happen over time. Also you take 5% extra damage by the mini-skeletons and you move 1% slower when attacked by them.

NOTICE THIS: The four spells above do not cause any damage (Apart from damage over time...) This is too apply pressure to the player They won't ever go away from you until the end of this phase, also the damage will show up on the screen so when you look at it it will make you worried, this is a lot of pressure!

Mr: Frosty Causes you to move 25% slower and small amounts of damage over time, again, this shows up on your screen, a sound effect plays and the boss says "Get away!"

Icy attacks: Just like ice bolts, he attacks you, this is the only direct damage spell, it also slows you down by 5% This stacks up to 15%.

Note: You will not be able to use any type of teleport spells in this phase.

If that wasn't enough already!!!! The experiment table will cast the following spells:

Flaming Pillar- This deals Fire damage to you dealing damage over time and some direct damage, this shows how much damage its doing to you.

Nova -Causes flames around you making you unable to have any magic resit and your armor is decreased too: 0, your attack speed slowed by 10% and movement speed slowed by another 5% It also deals damage over time if you're within the flames.

You're unable to go immune within this phase.

Once you have destroyed the table a cinematic will appear:
Story Line Part: Three
Alexzander wakes up, only to find an absent Leover, Alex wasn't surprised, he stands up on both feet, walks towards a small window on the other side of the room and opens it. Alex looked left, right and left again, only to notice that something was different, he notices a woman slowly moving a cross the window. Sights like these are normal for the remaining survivors, but something about this woman reminded Alexzander about something, but he couldn't put his finger on the right button.
"Hey!" Shouted Alexzander, the woman looked, titled her head up to Alexzander and smiled.
"Alexzander, is that you, is that really you?" The woman dropped a bag and started to run up to the house. Alexzander released who it was from the bag, Alexzander started to cry in joy and ran outside to meet her.
"Ava, i thought you were dead, i thought they got you, how on earth did you manage to escape? I already planted a grave in memory of you west of here by the lake and the trees." Alexzander helped Ava in and opened up a bottle of wine, talking all night about the things they've seen and what to do next.
Morning shortly came, Ava walked up to where Alexzander was sleeping and kissed Alexzander on the head.
"I must leave you now..." Ava slowly walked out side to meet up with a tall and dark man.
"I want Alex dead by sunset, there after we will hold a service for him at the Royal stadium, there his body will be lowered in the crypt never to be seen again."
"But, Ava, he is your husband---"
"If this task does not get done, i will send spies to kill you, fast but painful." Ava slowly raised her eyebrow
"Yes Ma'am."

Working in the rest soon
"This text the: High doctor will say, this is related to the part: 3 story line."
After completing his speech he will start to manically blink around the room, he will blink as far away as possible however always be in casting range.

Ever played 100 rounds? You're job is to avoid his missiles he casts, each time he blinks: one-five fire bolts are shot, each one in different directions. Each time a Fire bolt hits the ground (Or player) it will explode over time damage as well as slowing your movement speed by 5% (Can stack up to 20 times.) It will also deal direct damage.

Each time: A fire bolt hits you he will say "Don't fear the fire!" The High Doctor will now cast Arcane bolts (20 times) at you, each Arcane bolt has a 0.5 second delay in between. The bolts always hits and deals 1% of your HP (20%)

After he has repeated blinking 26 times, you will finally be able to hit him for once within this battle, however you have to be fast, it's no easy task...

Dash -This spell makes The High Doctor dash up to the player, stunning the player for two seconds.

Blink -The High Doctor Blinks around you, each blink he does will send another Fire Bolt at you. after he has blinked four times he will blink away from you. (But facing you) and charge up to you, dust appears behind him as an effect, he will also say: "Arrrgh!" This is also played as a sound and continues until he has reached you. The High Doctor will then attack you with a flamed spear/staff, he has increased attack speed each time he attacks by 2%. This effect stacks when it hits 42%, you should still be stunned, however when he reaches the 42%, you're now able to move around (I recommend healing...) You have five seconds to heal as The: high Doctor will jump over your head (You're unable to target him) As he comes down he will say "Die, fool!" causing him to land next to you dealing a huge amount of damage. (75% of your max HP.)

The High Doctor is now stunned for 10 seconds. You should heal up to at least 80-100% HP. You will be able to attack him for 2% of his HP. (At least four - seven attacks will be needed for this, he has increased armor when stunned. He will go into a bubble when he is at 98% HP, 96% HP, 94% HP and 92% HP. (I know, this seems almost impossible....)

Sonic Boom - He will still be in the bubble when casting this spell... He lashes out at you dealing 5% Hp as he attacks, he will blink up to you if you get out of attacking range, causing the ground to slam dealing another 5% HP to you, a message will appear telling you not too move, if you do move and he blinks up to you he will say: "That's it, move." He will keep using this skill each time he attacks (He normal attack damage is NOT added towards this spell, he will be unable to attack you normally when activated.)

Blood Rage -When The: High Doctor uses this skill, you have increased movement speed, his movement speed is slowed, however when he blinks it won't deal 5%, instead it will cause him to stun you, a timer will appear telling you too heal up, for the last X seconds of the timer he will not use: Sonic Boom, this gives you a chance to heal up to 100% HP. When the timer reaches 0 he will say: "Die you fool!" a sound track is also played, each attack he does with sonic boom is 6% HP, he casts this: five times (30% max HP loss.) As he is Sonic Boom he will cast at the same time: Fire Nova dealing 2%HP for each second you stand in it, this lasts for seven seconds (14% of your max HP loss.) after he has finished casting his Sonic Boom he will now cast: "Death Wish" This effect is just a dark line (Like chain lightning) that flys into you dealing 50% of your max hp.) After he has finished casting this he will reduce your armor too: Negative 50 for the next 15 seconds.

You will have five seconds to heal up fast, The: Which Doctor will be able to attack you again after the five seconds.

After he has finished Blood Rage you're now able to hit him, don't forget that he will repeat these skills in order for each 2% of his HP loss, this phase will stop once The: Which Doctor is at: 92% HP.

Phase: Four.

OK, now that The: High Doctor is at 92% HP, it's time to start a new phase...

At the start of this phase his blinks away from you, increasing his movement speed by 10% and his attack speed by 50%, he starts to shoot at you with, also he has an increased attack speed. You'll notice a timer saying: "Anger blow." This timer has a 30 second repeating count down, when the timer gets to 0 he will blink up to you and stun you:

Anger Blow - Causes The; High Doctor, to blink up to you and stun you for five seconds, this will deal 37% of your current HP loss on impact, The; High Doctor will then go into a rage increasing his attack speed by 77%, movement speed by 80% and attack damage by 35%, once you're able to run around (Stun effect is gone) he will try to finish you off by charging at you and attacking you.

You will notice when he does cast blink another timer will show saying: "Adrenaline Rush" This has a 10 second countdown.

Adrenaline Rush - Increases the attack speed of, The; High Doctor by 90% increases his attack damage by 120% however slows his movement speed by 10%, The; High Doctor will be able to cast ranged spells and close combat spells. After two seconds, The; High Doctor casts an ice bolt dealing 5% of your current HP and slows your movement speed by 50%. This will last for 10 seconds.

Once the Adrenaline Rush effect's are over you will see that the Anger Blow Timer has 10 seconds left until he starts to cast it again, you have ten seconds to heal and do damage to, The; High Doctor.

Flame Strike - Causes a flame strike at five random locations, you you step in it you will be delt damage over time and your movement speed is slowed by 25%.

This Phase ends when, The; High Doctor is at 87% HP, The; High Doctor has +5% armor whilst in this phase.
A cinimatic plays, you see, The; high Doctor backing into a wall.
Story Line Part: 4

(Back at the main castle Ava sits in her room brushing her hair and getting ready for the big ball, soldiers of the Castle are yet notified about the camps and Ava's orders a soldier walks in the room)
"Ava, I'm sorry to disturb you, however the kind has requested to do your act at the main opening." Ava stands up and walks around the soldier, he simply stays there, not moving an inch.
"And, what do i get in return?" Replied Ava. The soldier waits a few seconds before speaking.
"Fame, Ava, glammer, everyone will be watching your every move, they will adore you." Ava slowly smiled. That's not what i want, i want Alexanders head, before the week has died out...

CLIFF HANGER! : O (^^)(o_O)(^^)


Phase: 5

OK, after you've got past the story line The: High Doctor teleports you and him up to a high & large pedestal, there are three monsters you have to take out:

Reaver - Basic, slow attack, lots of HP and lots of damage. The Reaver is easy to take out, recommended to take out last as he takes longer to kill, it's easy to avoid his attacks, once the Reaver is under 50% HP he has increased armor and slows your movement speed at the same time, once the Reaver dies The: High Doctor blasts a fire ball at you dealing lots of damage.

Voider - This is a dark monster, it has low armor and HP, however he does blink away from you (This has a cool down) the blink does damage to you if you're near by him. He will blast Shadow balls at you and his range attack is normal, fast, low damage and has dark shadow effects to his attacks. Once he is under 60% HP he will blast an ultra Shadow bolt at you, once he is under 45% he will do Shadow Nova at your location dealing damage over time and slowing your movement speed by 35%.

Roaster - Fast attacking mage, with medium damage, it's important to take him down fist, every second this Roaster is living, is every second you can't waste, he may not have any any cool moves, but deadly.

After you've taken down the three adds, the: High Doctor will teleport to you, causing the sky to fall, half the the pedestal is filled with fire shooting down & the other half is shooting down with ice bolts.


Phase: 6

OK, so now the sky is falling with some crazy effects, what else could go wrong? Only the fact that The: high Doctor has increased movement speed! (+70%)

Ice Bolt side - For every second you're within the Ice bolt side you take Icy damage, it will also slow your movement speed by 30% and will start to drain your mana, also each second you're in the ice side you take damage.

Fire Side - For every second you're within the Fire bolt side you take Fire damage[/B, it will also slow your attack speed by 27% and drain your HP, you also take damage.

On each side of the pedestal there are two orbs, one ice orb and one fire orb When you attack the Ice orb (Ice orb is over the Fire bolt side.) you take 55% less damage from the ice side, however you take 70% more damage on the fire side. The same is with the Fire Orb, however it's reversed, the fire orb is on the ice side.

The boss will also cast the following (Each one has a cool down and a timer will appear, The: High doctor will also say something appropriate when he casts a spell.)

Fire Ball - This is your basic fire ball, just has huge amount of damage.

Fire Nutter - This will cast Fire orbs around you, each fire orb will cast Fire Nova and fire bolts.

Random Blows - This will cast random bolts at you, each bolt contains a fire bolt, ice bolt, lightning bolt or death blow, each one does damage over time, and an added ability. Fire bolt does damage over time and impact damage, ice bolt slows you down and does impact damage, lightning bolt and stuns you for 3.5 seconds & the death bolt does major damage to you and slows your attack speed by 20% for 10 seconds.

Increased Armor - Pay close attention when this starts and ends, when he casts it on him, it increases The: High Doctor's armor to 95% damage reduction and grants him immunity to spells, when it ends he gains a debuff for 5 seconds causing his armor to be at -20, however he gains a 50% chance to stun you for 0.5 seconds (Stacking) each time he attacks when the debuff effect is over, it's important to heal up and make sure your spells aren't on a cool down when he does cast this, thus meaning you could do some major damage to him when he has the debuff.

Rapid blows - When he does have the chance to do the stacking stuns he has increased attack damage (+90%) and +47% attack speed. When this buff ends (After 7 seconds) The High Doctor is stunned.

Raiding bats - This has a longer cool down, however when he does start to cast this, he will be immune to all attacks, he can't attack for 6 seconds and it has a ten second cast time. When it's cast he summons bats to deal 75% of your max HP. When this phase ends he will summon them again, however they will deal 90% of your max HP.

This phase ends when The: High Doctor is at 80% HP, The: High Doctor has 80% damage reduction when he's in this phase.

Phase: 7

OK, you won't be teleported down from the petistal, however, you will have slowed speed in your movement (10%) in exchange for +25% attack speed (It's not much but may make a big difference.) When fighting, The: High Doctor, you will notice him looping his spells making it easyer to counter them, however, each time he does cast his spells, the spells cool-down are reduced by 0.010 seconds and increased damage by +2.5%, each nagitive buff from the spell you have on you are increased by 1%. EG: slows you for 10%, you manage to evoid the next spell (With the same name) however the next time, The: High Doctor casts it and you can't evoid it it will slow you for 12% (+2%.) Also the damage is increased.

The: high Doctor will casts these spells in the following order:

Ice Spike - summons 17 Icy spikes around the pedistal, these spikes can be killed, after six seconds these spikes explode dealing X damage and slowing you by 10% (Non-stacking) - A timmer shows and The: High doctor says something sutibal so you know when its coming and when it is coming.

Ground `n` Pound - The: High Doctor summons shock waves to travel under ground at your direction (One left of The: High Doctor, right and in front.) Once these hit they deal a lot of damage, however they have no negitive effects, if the damage on this spell increases too much then it could deal too much damage for you to handle. - A timmer shows and The: High doctor says something sutibal so you know when its coming and when it is coming.

Mega Swipe - The; High Doctor teleports too you giving you 1.5 seconds to escape, The: High Doctor deals a huge amount of damage to you if you are within range of the semi circle. (Not 360) The: High Doctor has increased attack speed and movement speed for X seconds when The: High Doctor has finished casting this ability, this skill also poisons you dealing X damage over time. - The: High doctor says something sutibal so you know when it is coming.

This Phase ends when The: High Doctor reaches 75% HP, The: High Doctor has increased armor so that he can loop the spell move then at least four times. (Seeing as you only need to take 5% of his HP away.)

Phase 8

OK, now, this is the last phase on this pedistal, however he summons another one by it, when he is on this new pedistal (Code name P2) You will not be able to attack him/deal damage to him.

On P2 he will summon mininons on P2 Whislt you are on P1 (The original Pedistal) These mininons can not be attacked for now, at wave one he summons 5, wave two he and finally wave 3 he summons 15 and one mini-boss, these mininons must be attacked in the order he shows them, they all spawn one by one on P2 When they have finished spawning it gives you time to remeber the order, The High Doctor will start a summoning effect too so that he is not just standing around (Making it look bad.) Once the time has past for you to look at them then he will jumble the mininons up in different orders and summon them at P1. If you kill a minon in the wrong order The High Doctor says summonthing casting eaither:

Fire Bolt -Takes away 5% of your HP and adds an additinal X damage over time for X seconds.
Ice Bolt -Takes away 5% of your HP and slows movement speed by X.
Thunder Bolt -Takes away 5% of your HP and makes you less likely to score a critical hit and a normal hit by X%.
Nature Bolt -Takes away %% of your HP and causes you to stop for one-two seconds. (Random.)
Each time The High Doctor casts a Bolt then he says something suitibal and a message will show saying which bolt it is, you can evoid this bolt by making yourself immune, this gives the player the opitunity to evoide the bolts that he wants to.

The minons are:

Heavey Skeleton Warrior -A basic unit skeleton type not to big, flashes from red to blue to help the player remeber the orders. However, this may mix things up.
Attack: Med
Speed: Med
Hp: Med
Spell Power: None
Spells: Heavey Blows: Deals an additinal 50% to the skeletons attacks for 5 seconds.

Light Skeleton Warrior -Has little HP changes his colors now and then, looks like the Heavey Skeleton Warrior however the time he changes color is longer to confuse the player.
Attack: Low
Speed: Med
Hp: Med+
Spell Power: Low
Spells: Finisher: Deals an additinal X damage and causes a bleed effect dealing X damage over time, can only be cast once, uses this skill when the player is under 50% HP. Area Chill: Causes a small area to rot for three seconds healing all Skeleton types and dealing damage over time if the player is within that area.

Dark KnightA slightly stronger unit, this knight is ion a horse and deals much damage, normaly summoned 1st,2nd or 3rd within the summoning order.
Attack: High
Speed: Med--
HP: High+
Spell Power: Med+
Spells: Dark Coruption: A timer will show tellnig the player to move, the player has X seconds to move, this deals the curront amount of mana the player has X2 take away currunt HP of player, this deals damage to the player's HP, if it will ensure an instant death then it will deal X damage to the players mana EG: Player has 500/1000 mana and 400/1200 HP, 500 X 2 = 1000 - 400 = 600, this will kill the player (600-400 = -200 HP) this will then convert the damage into taking away MP, so, 500 - 600 = 100, this will leave 100 left over so it deals 100 damage leading into a debistating attack; Power Drain: Heals a random near by ally with under 50% HP for 10% HP, this has a longer Cool down.

Demon WizardThis looks like the Dark Knight, has more spells however less Attack power/HP and Armor.
Attack: Low
Speed: Low
Hp: Med--
Spll Power: High
Spells: Fire Bolt, deals X damage has X cast time and X cool down. Frezzer deals X damage and slows movement speed by 5% (Stacking, cant go over 75%. The more stacks the player has on him the more damage this spell does) Life Drain, Basic Life drain ability Long CD, however drains life MUCH faster. BloodLust, casuses a unit to change color and increase its attack speed and movement speed by X.

Archer Read the units name!
Attack: Low--
Speed: Low
HP: High++
Spell Power: (All spells do 100% damage.) Ultra D:
Spells: Target, each time this unit attacks, increases all stats of the unit by 1; Insure, this increases the health regain of the Archer when he is on low HP taking extra time to take him out, this is very frustrating; Speed blows, The archer shoots two arrows at the same time dealing +50% damage; Fire Arrows, For X seconds the Archer deals + X damage. True Hunter; When the Player is under 5% HP the Archer attacks (Slow projecitle, sends out five at once, can be evoided) This deals +900% damage and an extra +1% of players curront HP, also slows the movement speed of the player by 50% for 30 seconds, increases the attack speed of the player by 110%, however, frants all units around the player throns dealing 110% damage back to the player and each time the player attacks it heals 100% back to the Archer; Deadly arrow, last, but not least for X seconds the damage the player does heals the caster 90% of the damage delt for 25 seconds.

(Will work on the rest later, thanks!)

(Will work on the rest later, thanks.)


Phase: 8

OK, every X seconds a cinimatic will display, this will show the pedistal beging lowerd by The High, a board will display saying "Shield" this is set to X% of the current HP of the boss. If this does not get to 0 by the time the pedistal is lowerd, The High Doctor will deal a huge amount of damage to you and will spawn two Archers and the mini boss from: wave 8 every X seconds (Should be done at two times before the next cinimatic displays) he will cast the following spell:

Mega rush - Increases attack speed by: HUGE MASSIVE amount and attack damage by: HOLY CRAP this is very difficult to stay alive when he is within this mega rush, it is possible to stay alive, it displays a timmer to show the player when he casts this spell. THe High Doctor will also same something epic and a sound plays.

Phase: 9

In this Phase, a damage counter shows, if this damage counter goes past X (Twice as mush as shield, explained later.) The High Doctor deals huge damages to you and stuns you for 2.75 seconds. After the stun he will cast flame spirit.

Flame Spirit: - Deals a moderate amount of damage over time to the player for 12 seconds, in addition, slows player's movement speed by 35%.

The shield:
When The High doctor has the shield on he can not be:
*Targeted with any item spells.
*His HP can not be damaged.
*Any debuffs on him will reflect on to the player.

When the High Doctor has the shield on his HP regain is increased by + 35%. movement speed by + 15% and attack speed by an additinal +5%. When the shield has been killed the player will have five seconds to move from the High doctor as The high doctor will deal an amazing amount of damage in AoE around him, The High Doctor can NOT move when this is being cast.

After the shield has been destoyed The High Doctor will cast:

Increased attack speed-Grants the high doctor increased attack speed by + 90% however, damage is reduced by a small amount, in addition to this, The High Doctor deals more damage with critical hits and is also more liekly to land a crit.

Brake down - (Passive) Each time the high doctor attacks it reduces the targets armor by 0.1.

Flame wall - Creates walls of fire that when the player walks into them it burns the player and deals X impact damage and X damage over time, also slows movement speed by 90% the impact damage will be delt each four seconds the player remains within the fire wall. In addition to this, the High Doctor has increased armor and deals damage to anyone around him for X seconds and time.

The high doctors shield regain is at a huge rate, so impact damage may not be as effective as rapid attacks. This means that it is likely you will deal at least X4 damage then you should to the shield meaning you won't stand much of a chance.

Phase 10

Will work on this soon! : D
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
ugh thats allot of text oO. i read the first part and witch doctor fight and then i quit since i was tired, and my eyes were heavy. anyhow, looking good. will read on tomorrow.
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