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Round Table of Arkain

Level 10
Jun 8, 2015
Some, like Genethas, most likely joined willingly due to the promise of power and being spared.

However, I think that the majority endured brainwash by dreadlords.

Considering the average intelligence of medieval peasant... dont think that brainwashing was a big deal, maybe something like "go with us and you wont starve"

We should keep in mind that kingdoms at that time probably didnt really have anything like professional army.
Level 5
Mar 24, 2017
woa I thought Shar Dundred got kidnapped by the Bavarian illuminati or something last time he dissapeared, glad to know he's safe and still making his campaign
Level 10
Jun 8, 2015
woa I thought Shar Dundred got kidnapped by the Bavarian illuminati or something last time he dissapeared, glad to know he's safe and still making his campaign

Now that would actually explain his thirst for the blood of the innocent... :D
Level 10
Jun 8, 2015
Shar, I have to ask. Are you planning on changing unit roster for demons? Maybe throw in some super cheap swarm units?
It would fit the lore you have devised for them. Super-high speed of reproduction would make them scrap (maybe 100 hp?) but they would swarm you big time. It would also negate mass tower tactics as they would swarm the towers while stronger units do damage.




Why swarm us with lesser units, when you can simply send endless waves of infernals, fel reavers, doomguards etc. This is arkain, baby.

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Shar, I have to ask. Are you planning on changing unit roster for demons?
In the future, yes.
Maybe throw in some super cheap swarm units?
It would really fit them. Tho I get the feeling Shar isnt really gonna hear our prayers here :D
True, I am not.
Why swarm us with lesser units, when you can simply send endless waves of infernals, fel reavers, doomguards etc. This is arkain, baby.

Those of you who are into swarming, though, will L-O-V-E the next chapter.
If you enjoy being surrounded, outnumbered and constantly under attack that is.
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
Those of you who are into swarming, though, will L-O-V-E the next chapter.
If you enjoy being surrounded, outnumbered and constantly under attack that is.

Then we will LOVE it until we HATE it... that will certainly take like two seconds:D

Legends of Arkain are basically the Dark Souls version of a Warcraft 3 campaign:)
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
Once, just once, i'd wish you'd try making a easy chapter in these campaigns... :(

That would most likely appear at the start of the book...at the end that is very unlikely.

Though, since this is Arkain we are talking about, chances of an easy mission are like us surviving in space without air:D Just kidding.




Well, first human book was easy. Except for the dwarven mission, it was rather complicated. Orc book seemed pretty tough to me, and undead book felt like a mixture of semi-hard-but-time-consuming chapters. Yeah, my words are definetly punishable, but if we want an easy campaign, I dare say we already have one. And by saying "easy" I dont mean lowkey easy A-click gameplay, but for a seasoned veteran of wc3 won't be much trouble accomplishing it.
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
Well, first human book was easy. Except for the dwarven mission, it was rather complicated. Orc book seemed pretty tough to me, and undead book felt like a mixture of semi-hard-but-time-consuming chapters. Yeah, my words are definetly punishable, but if we want an easy campaign, I dare say we already have one. And by saying "easy" I dont mean lowkey easy A-click gameplay, but for a seasoned veteran of wc3 won't be much trouble accomplishing it.

I had difficulty facing most of the enemies in the human book...

The orc book was tough, except the first mission...

The first two missions of the undead book were the easiest, then it went all downhill from there...
Level 10
Jun 8, 2015
Sooo since Shar is here exciting us again I presume the chapter is to be released within a week?

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Level 6
Jul 15, 2017
Normally i would just play this campaign over and over when the next update is release but i would prefer wait ... IN PAIN AND TORMENT. and i just being a spectator/ Aridion The Watcher mode ;), and see what people are talking about in Arkain universe not only that this thread is well over 200 plus

i would guess this will get another 100s more pages

now enough me being off topic

so let's talk about arkain eh? well
this campaign is really I N T E R E S T I N G, L A D D I E A N D L A S S. and so much choices to pick
and btw is this compatible in 1.27b version in warcraft or not :/ :( ?.

and lastly Shar if people telling you make the campaign easy this time again? Well

D O N ' T G I V E T H E M. but i already know that.
Level 3
Nov 3, 2017
@Shar Dundred , there is few things I would love to see change.

1. ) Elites are too expensive. 7 cost of foods per unit is too much. Look at 7 food wc3 units like frost wrms , those are OP. Elites are great but 7 food consumption is too much over the top. Either give them more hp and damage or cost then 5 food max.

2.) In the mission where shades helps to bypass city defense, give us a hero like lord thanok( preferably an elite unit hero) . Make him agility or strength based. possible abilities are bash, critical strike , stomp and avatar as ultimate. In the same mission let us build some knights.

3. ) In the mission where we play as van druce, give us paladins instead of 4 food lieutenants. 4 foods pikes are great so I think 750hp footie with thrones aura is useless. And please cut down the food cost of aerial ships, 12 food is too much.

4.) Creep items drops are disappointing. Replace health gems with belt of giant strength or something custom made ( +6/8 all stats for example). Come on, we are beating 3 3000hp OP doom guards, give us some reward.
Level 10
Jun 8, 2015
@Shar Dundred , there is few things I would love to see change.

1. ) Elites are too expensive. 7 cost of foods per unit is too much. Look at 7 food wc3 units like frost wrms , those are OP. Elites are great but 7 food consumption is too much over the top. Either give them more hp and damage or cost then 5 food max.
Keep dreaming, man.

2.) In the mission where shades helps to bypass city defense, give us a hero like lord thanok( preferably an elite unit hero) . Make him agility or strength based. possible abilities are bash, critical strike , stomp and avatar as ultimate. In the same mission let us build some knights.
Why? Coordinate your attacks with Thanok and its easy winning.

3. ) In the mission where we play as van druce, give us paladins instead of 4 food lietenants. 4 foods pikes are great so I think 750hp footies with thrones aura is useless. And please cut down the food cost of aerial ships, 12 food is too much.
Nope. Believe me, we tried everything to make these missions a bit easier on us. Not happening. Besides, you got food cap raised. And with 4 destructors you can do so much damage you basically need nothing else to win.
Level 3
Nov 3, 2017
The 2nd one won't be done. There won't be hero on the first part of the chapter.

I recall many has ask for that but it won't change.

That's unfortunate man, I always to play an "elite" as an hero. I wish he can allow us play as "elite" hero somewhere.
Level 22
Apr 9, 2017
3. ) In the mission where we play as van druce, give us paladins instead of 4 food lieutenants. 4 foods pikes are great so I think 750hp footie with thrones aura is useless. And please cut down the food cost of aerial ships, 12 food is too much.
We will get paladins in chapter 9( the chapter where we play as van Durce) in a later version.
The rest won't happen sadly.
Level 3
Nov 3, 2017
Keep dreaming, man.

Why? Coordinate your attacks with Thanok and its easy winning.

Nope. Believe me, we tried everything to make these missions a bit easier on us. Not happening. Besides, you got food cap raised. And with 4 destructors you can do so much damage you basically need nothing else to win.

@Boriss , I want more wc3 feel that's it.

1. elites are too expensive compare to any 7 food unit in wc3.

2. Elites are badass. I would love to play thanok as hero.

3. Yes, destructors are great but current tech tree only offers few strategies to win. If we had more powerful unit, gameplay will be much more enjoyble.

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Some more information for the next update

The Paladin unit will join the Golden Guard from Chapter Nine on.
The Paladins start out with the Holy Light ability which will become even more effective once you
have researched the new Legacy of Salomar upgrade.
The Order of the Holy Bastion upgrade will furthermore improve their overall effectiveness in battle.
Level 10
Jun 8, 2015
please give us an "elite" as a hero. Like pleaseeeeeeee

See this young, naive man, Shar? He hopes for a hero he will play with and love forever.
One small hero, thats all he asks. He will feel so much joy if you give him his hero.
Crush his hopes, drain his joy and burn his heart :D :D
Level 3
Nov 3, 2017
See this young, naive man, Shar? He hopes for a hero he will play with and love forever.
One small hero, thats all he asks. He will feel so much joy if you give him his hero.
Crush his hopes, drain his joy and burn his heart :D :D

haha.. But seriously I want an "elite" hero and great item drops