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Reviving. Can it even be possible?

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Level 78
Oct 6, 2004
I have now tried many things. First I tried to move all the wc3s files onto my server. But Darkys scripts are so bad. His syntax is not supported by never versions of PHP which means I would have to rewrite everything.
Then I tried to host his files on my server. I am ATM hosting all the maps.
Well then I actually hacked me into this webserver to find out who is owning it and got to the email for support. I contacted them about quota and they said they didn't know why Darky was using 7-8 GB when he is only allowed 500 mb. This brings us to a new problem. Either we will need Darky to tell them what his deal is. IF there is one? So let's say I was hosting all the resources. Then there would be around 100 mb space left. The database is 200-300 MB and this site also hosts other sites as wowledgebase etc. And even the resource images breaks the quota, there are around 1000 MB of images.

So now I just want to know what you want?
I am able to import the forum database onto the hive workshop: http://hiveworkshop.com so all the topics and users can work from there. I also have a resource section which I am improving every day to match wc3s.
I only need two sections, spells and scripts.
But importing all the resources of this site would probably not be that clever. So maybe you could re-submit your resources if that's what you want..

I just want to know what you want?
Level 2
Feb 13, 2005
Mmmh... If I understood correctly, there are way too many ressources hosted on this site for the space allowed, is that it ?

Well I suggest get rid of all crappy stuff like the 5987th remade of a DOTA or the skins that look like the creator spit on the original texture... maybe to decide what's worth keeping, sort by downloads, the most downloaded must surely be the best/more useful ressources :wink:
Level 3
Aug 10, 2004
It would be good if you could submit some resources, because some models/skins/map/etc. will not be uploaded by their authors because they are no longer interested in warcraft. (I know that it is too much work to submit again all files)

If you have enough free space on your web you could try to host temporary all(or at least some) wc3s files.

To do this you maybe could download all the wc3s web side (with HTTrack Website Copier tool, or something like that)

Everything would be saved as html, and there wouldn`t been a need to rewrite scripts.

//I hope it is possible to understand what I mean :D

@armelior: I guess it is impossible because then they would have to remove almost everything (about 90% of resources)
Re-submitting all the resources won't work, even if all the users were still all active, not all would take the time to re-submit all their work.

I say temp host of resources and pics and mass purge of useless and bad resources and maps

But even if the space problem is solved, then it will still be ffing slow and have way too many bugs in the scripts
Level 7
May 1, 2005
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My pride!
My gope!

All is lost... forever...
Level 3
Aug 19, 2006
Well I think that wc3 is at its final push.My opinion is that if tou want to keep some memory of this site alive in the future, submit your resources to the hive workshop to help ralle out in making an even better resource selection than the one here!
Level 29
Sep 28, 2004
Two reasons why I came here:

1.The vast amount of ressources.
2.the upload-system/the information about a map that is shown when it is extracted from a map. you don't need anything but the map itself and optionally a readme.txt

Continue with the purge. Have around 50%-75% of all files deleted leaving only the best of the best and then let people upload again like with the old wc3search
Level 10
Jul 14, 2004
Hm. Resubmitting is really not a good solution, probably you get nearly all new maps, no matter if they are good or bad quality and nearly no older ones, even if they are very nice ones.
My idea was that you just leave the code on this site's server and host all files, including the preview images and all submittable stuff on your server. I don't know, is this possible or not?

The script of this site might be old and lame, but it's just extremely powerful - I did not see anywhere else a script that extracts all the informations directly from the ressources themselves like here. It would be very sad to see it gone.
The forums may be moved - forum is forum, the only special about one might be its community but I think HiveWorkshop's and Wc3sear.ch's communities are compatible. :wink:
Level 2
Sep 11, 2006
Well if its the only way to go and it would make the system better i can agree... but else... naah i love the art here and i cant let it be romoved
(what will happen to all the butiful naga models) :(

Level 15
Nov 1, 2004
As Ralle pointed out, the site database already occupies 200-300MB of the 500MB quota. That leaves only around 200MB remaining. If wc3s wanted to stay within the quota, it would have to purge over 95% of the maps/models/tools/jass/icons/etc. And even then, there would be no room left for anything new.

Thus, purging 50-75% of things will not work and is not an option. :(
Level 5
Jan 25, 2006
this website as we know it should be deleted.
I sugest to you ralle if you have enough webspace to move the maps, icons, skins, textures, spells and tool's
to your website and practicly make your website hiveworkshop what wc3sear.ch was!
Though if this solution seems good i urge you change your website from forum like website to a normal website.

Thing that will need to be left of deleted:
-these forums as well as the website should be just left empty or deleted
-AI, JASS, art, the oldest wc3 maps, stupid low quality models and useless tools should be deleted also!

The maps, skins, icons, models, spells and tools are maximum 5GB, the rest 3BG are actuall taken out by the forum, other websites darky's hosting and small amount from AI, JASS and surley 1GB from art!

Now if you only take the things i've writen and delete the old maps and low-quality models as well as the ridicilous 1.5mb models taken from WOW the size would be reduced to 4GB most and i believe you could host all that stuff!
with all the comunity from wc3sear.ch coming to your website you could add some google ads and paid links so it will ease you the hosting!
AND BTW where is Darky?
Level 7
Apr 1, 2005
Hmm could anyone that got all the files pack it into 1 folder and perhaps do a torren-T file or put it on a ftp or something :eek: and then we could share it ? Then not all the stuff would be killed off..
But still i find it impressive that there has been
5148289 hits on this site ...
Well gg..


Level 78
Oct 6, 2004
moving everything will still make the site need space.

moving all files and set it up with the resource section hive has, IS possible. However there are so many resources that suck and so many that doesn't work. But it is possible to import them and let them require validation.

I can actually save anything but Darkys crappy scripts.

I can save the topics, posts, users, pms, etc.. But i will have to make an import script for resources.

I am trying to make my resource section like wc3s' look for your self

Last edited:
Level 12
Mar 28, 2005
I think the best thing to do would be to have a few people go through all the resources

delete all the poo, which would include OLD maps that have no been updated in X time, dozens of repeats of maps, just leave the newest, shitty skins/models, and overly large 1.5mb ones, old outdated tools, etc.

I am sure it would not take a few ppl too long(as in a few days of hard work) to purge all the crap resources

this would clear out a good bit I think

for example, say I wanted an ice mage skin, so I search for "Ice" or something like that

I am sure a good 50 skins would come up, 45 of which are just terrible, and 5 good ones that i can choose from

then later down the road, once all the remaining resources are put at the hive, have a submission system, where everyday a mod goes through the resources, and accepts them, or sends a pm to the creator y it was not accepted, and this could keep crap out, as well as when a new version .455c us uploaded, the old version .455b can be removed, and so forth

this would keep everything to a minimum, and I am sure a lot of crap could be removed, while still keeping the good stuff

cuz lets face it, there is a lot of crap, a lot more crap then there is good stuff, from years of recolors, etc.

I think this can be done, but it will take a lot of work, gl, cheers

*the one thing I don't like about the hive is there is no place to upload spells :(
Level 45
Jun 3, 2005
i would be willing to help undergo purging of the bad resources here...but just the models...but im an asshole...

thus id delete peoples work only relying on my view and not respecting others...which is horrible...

i honestly thing if you are going to purge you hire up some respectable people who KNOW the model rules or other areas to clean.

people like olofmoleman for model section..

and..well..a whole lot of other people.. but most of them dwell at wc3c.
Level 2
Apr 2, 2004
honestly i love this website but its time to let it die, wc3 is at its final stages in the modding community with so little new thing sbeing introduced the point of this site has totally been lost... i say take it for what it was appreciate what it has done and let it go lets move on to something new now...i mean unless we see some great push to resuurect this game from a newly reformed modding community this site is pointless sad to say

great efforts, great work lets move on now kiddies a new age has started and new rts's are here
Level 27
Feb 22, 2006
well... damn, nice work Ralle, but I'm gonna miss this site...
And get rid of all my models... I hate them now lol...
Iunno, I might just do private projects from now on...
I'm not sure what happens now, I think I'll visit the Hive from time to time, but I may not post...

I think I'm done for a while though, so I probably won't see a lot of you here for a bit...


//ends final post at wc3s...?
Level 5
Jan 25, 2006
this website end was writen long ago, hosting 7GB on 500mb available webspace is just crazy, this website and darky were lucky enough to have it exist so long!
It's time as i've said in my previous post to move the new and good resources except AI, JASS, Art to the hive website and just let this website die! The only way this website (wc3sear.ch)could possibly revive other way is for Darky to pay for an additional 7GB web space which considering Darky absence and the cost for such big webspace is to put it easy not possible!
So the way it should be is to transfer all the new and quality resources to the hive and delete the crazy 1.5mb models, crappy models, skins and icons as well as delete the old and crappy maps!
Level 16
Oct 30, 2004
What ever happens this site name must stay (www.wc3sear.ch). A lot of people have added it to their maps and a lot of newbs want to start modding after they see all the cool stuff you can do. Suddenly changing the addres to hiveworkshopresourceshiveshop.....what.com? is a bad idea. Or then have the wc3sear.ch work as a redirecter to the hive site, which i must admit looks nice.
Level 9
Apr 2, 2005
I think we should only keep the Director's choice recourses. That way we can have a clean site full of blizzard quality recourses and we can save up on space.
Level 7
Oct 26, 2005
The new site example looks very nice, I prefer it than this. And I agree to take only icons, models and skins, like dark_nite said they're the most used and maps/spells can be downloaded from their website or something.
Level 8
Nov 5, 2005
Id cast my vote on keep the models and (maybe) skins. Maps can be resubmitted if the makers wish it, and the GOOD maps can be DLed by whoever wants them, and possibly submitted later.
Icons are so-so, useful but pretty expendible in most cases.
As for art, i havent been a fan of much art on this site so i cant really talk either way.
Level 2
Jan 1, 2005
Sigh, I haven't been here in a while, but I read every post in this thread. I thought the point was to let anyone submit their resources - good or bad. So that they may learn and improve! I agree people don't want the bad ones, but rejecting to host them isn't helping either.
I myself learned a lot from this site in the few times I've been here. I'm sorry that it dies, but really, you can't just make a 'verteran only' playing field. Eveyrone has submitted crappy work at one point or another.
Plus you cannot judge good or bad. Everyone has their own opinions, I'm sure everyone takes pride in their own work, if not they wouldn't submit it. Don't delete pride, please. I know my map is gone, which is basically the only thing I ever submitted besides a crappy spell or two. But trust me, those two crappy spells made me happy.
At least die in an honorable way instead of saying "oh who cares, just leave, blah blah blah"

My two, and final two cents.
The DC system doesn't work because it's not propperly moderated.

That resource section on the Hive does look quite good, maybe I'll start uploading stuff there, maybe not.

Though, This site got me in to Wc3 modding, and it has without any doupt the biggest resource database of all wc3 sites.

I still like this site very much, and I wouldn't liek to see it go down, but I fear there is no hope at all for it...
Level 3
Feb 7, 2006
I don't see why there is a "space" issue. I have three hard drives each which holds 200GB, and thats not particularly unusual these days.. what kind of kiddie hosting situation has this site been on?
(then again with a head admin called Darky1029131 its hardly suprising)

It should all be about BANDWIDTH.

If there are bandwidth issues, share the bandwidth between current users - it regulates itself.

If the #1 site for custom stuff for the #1 most popular/currently-played RTS cannot afford a #1Site's bandwidth, give ownership to someone who can.

Anyway, ads often make sites pay for themselves. Get some adds plastered up. This is a popular site! Right?
Level 15
Nov 1, 2004
Leon_the_Great said:
I don't see why there is a "space" issue. I have three hard drives each which holds 200GB, and thats not particularly unusual these days.. what kind of kiddie hosting situation has this site been on?
Welcome to the world of shared hosting. :) The only way a site could get 200GB or more of dedicated storage space would be by paying for a dedicated server. Paying for hard drives for a personal computer is cheap compared to paying for server-grade drives and RAID arrays.
It should all be about BANDWIDTH.
It is. All the large warcraft sites on the internet use massive amounts of bandwidth. This site uses a terabyte a of bandwdith a month; other sites like warcraft.org, worldofwar.net, epicwar.com, wc3campaigns.net, and many others use immense amounts of bandwidth as well.
If the #1 site for custom stuff for the #1 most popular/currently-played RTS cannot afford a #1Site's bandwidth, give ownership to someone who can.

Anyway, ads often make sites pay for themselves. Get some adds plastered up. This is a popular site!
This site already uses ads. Apparently they don't make enough money. (I honestly don't know, but based on events it seems that way)
Level 5
Jan 25, 2006
Leon_the_Great said:
I don't see why there is a "space" issue. I have three hard drives each which holds 200GB, and thats not particularly unusual these days.. what kind of kiddie hosting situation has this site been on?
(then again with a head admin called Darky1029131 its hardly suprising)

It should all be about BANDWIDTH.

If there are bandwidth issues, share the bandwidth between current users - it regulates itself.

If the #1 site for custom stuff for the #1 most popular/currently-played RTS cannot afford a #1Site's bandwidth, give ownership to someone who can.

Anyway, ads often make sites pay for themselves. Get some adds plastered up. This is a popular site! Right?
One thing is 200GB hard-drive space another thing is web-space, practicly web-space is given by web hosting companies, the chipest web-hosting will give you around 300-500mb, one of the more expensive web-hosting choices gives you 2GB of web-space but even then this website is 4GB over the limit so paying for 6-7GB web-space is expensive as hell!
And to clear things even better for you, you canot have downloads directly from your HDD, at least not in any practical way i know of! mauby we can ask NASA for such thing! :wink:
Level 12
Aug 3, 2005
Ok Ralle,

If you want to save this site, or pretty much maintain the big community and bring it over to the Hive, so a large portion of wc3 modding doesnt die>

Simply prioritise.
Out of all the resources, what does this site have that others doesnt.
Its is mainly:

- Models
- Skins
- Icons

Id strongly recommend just bringing them over to the database ASAP!!!!!!!!!!.


Sacrifices have to be made

- Maps are pretty much irrelevant.
Give it 1 week and ull have another new 100 uploaded.
Anyone can upload any maps they like, not made by them if need be.

- Tools the real important ones are on wc3camp.
If need be transfer them as well

- Spells, most of them are pretty crap as well.
There are a few cool ones in there. But just like maps, give it a week and it will flourish once more.


My conlusion, theres no need to talk talk and talk more.

- Just take the top 3 resource types, dump them on the Hive.
- Do what you said with forums, transfer all topics/posts etc. and users.


Lastly, one of the most important things.

- Hack into wc3sear.ch make it auto re-direct to the hive.
AND / Or
- VG make a news announcement telling everyone gogo to Hive.


There we go done and dusted.
May not be perfect but oh well.

So Ralle if you want Hive to be the new main wc3 modding site, hurry hurry hurry :D
Level 2
Sep 18, 2006
Fulla said:
Ok Ralle,

If you want to save this site, or pretty much maintain the big community and bring it over to the Hive, so a large portion of wc3 modding doesnt die>

Simply prioritise.
Out of all the resources, what does this site have that others doesnt.
Its is mainly:

- Models
- Skins
- Icons

Id strongly recommend just bringing them over to the database ASAP!!!!!!!!!!.


Sacrifices have to be made

- Maps are pretty much irrelevant.
Give it 1 week and ull have another new 100 uploaded.
Anyone can upload any maps they like, not made by them if need be.

- Tools the real important ones are on wc3camp.
If need be transfer them as well

- Spells, most of them are pretty crap as well.
There are a few cool ones in there. But just like maps, give it a week and it will flourish once more.


My conlusion, theres no need to talk talk and talk more.

- Just take the top 3 resource types, dump them on the Hive.
- Do what you said with forums, transfer all topics/posts etc. and users.


Lastly, one of the most important things.

- Hack into wc3sear.ch make it auto re-direct to the hive.
AND / Or
- VG make a news announcement telling everyone gogo to Hive.


There we go done and dusted.
May not be perfect but oh well.

So Ralle if you want Hive to be the new main wc3 modding site, hurry hurry hurry :D

I pretty much agree with Fulla, those are the things WC3S is unike on... Like she said Maps and Spells will come back very fast.
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