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Resident Evil: Umbrella Assault

Should the ammo be represented in gold or item charges?

  • Gold

    Votes: 25 37.9%
  • Item Charges

    Votes: 41 62.1%

  • Total voters
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Level 34
Jul 4, 2007

- Protect the convoy from point A to B.
Info:One truck contains a small nuclear warhead and it's enough to blow up the city.
-- Ending #1: The convoy reaches safely it's destination. (Figures)
-- Ending #2: The convoy got destroyed but the warhead is still intact.
____________Use it or safe it for next time for desperate situations.

- T-Virus Spreaders.
Info: There's a rumor that certain undead have mutated to a T-Virus producing creature. Destroy all these Spreaders to keep the T-Virus concentration controlled, but beware: They affect surrounded undead in the area with good effects.
-- Ending #1: You've killed them all like good soldiers do.
-- Ending #2: You've let them mutate so many other undead that other ____________types of breed appear. More types of undead spawns.
____________Including the toxic, berserk and 'armored' undead.

- (Small one) Find the merchants.

Info: These mutated humans who have kept their mind are somewhere in the area, hiding. It seems to be that they sell kinds of goods and weapons.

-Destroy the Jamming Devices.
Info: Umbrella has kept those jammers still online and disrupt your minimap screen. Take them out for better visual.
-- Ending #1: You took them out good now you got no interference anymore.
-- Ending #2: You didn't take them out, getting interference still. (Can still take them _____________out and finish quest.)

- Collecting Train Parts:
Info: Since the train has broken down, the engine needs replaceable parts to fix it.
Collect them and evacuate immediatly.
Part one: It's locateable in the old factory (if not a other building) but unfortunatly it's a camp with rogue soldiers stationed there. (Medium)
Part two: There's a generator somewhere in town which contains a part of the train.
_________But be weary: There are sort of elektroshock undead there. (Hard)
Part three: In the hospital there's a emergencygenerator which has a part, but rumors say that some creature smashed it and ate the whole machine. (Medium)
Part four: Some rogue soldiers have a part stolen from the train and using for their jeep, bring it back. They drive around too. (Medium)
Part five: The last part is in the train next to yours. (Newb easy)

--Ending #1: You've got all parts and you're driving your way out. Good ending.
--Ending #2: You've got all parts but the train isn't working! You've got to find a other ____________way to escape. No ending.
--Ending #3: You've collect all parts and drive your way home but a creature was on ____________board and has killed you all! Bad Ending.
--Ending #4: You've haven't collected the parts, nothing will happen.

(Boss level) Behemoth Rampage:
Info: Take down the big behemoth before he escapes the city and causes severe chaos and bloodshed outside Racoon City.
--Ending #1: You've killed him and the world is saved.
--Ending #2: You haven't killed him and he has escaped, he's now pwning a other city ___________and giving it the same fate as Racoon City. (Maybe come a minigame?)

Will edit it later for more.
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Lol, how about some quests, or alternative winning, which we have a few ideas already, for example, you need to find parts to rebuild the train, and can make your escape sooner than expected.

Lol that would be cool, but I think if you then escaped that way it should end up with you fataly dying because of... something, dunno what, but something that stops the train and kills all. Better ending than actually succeding with the escape.
Level 20
May 26, 2006
I would like to keep it similar to the game story , so i dont like the rebels idea , small warhead in truck and mutaded humans with mind > Rest of ideas sem to be fine we will definitly consider them.

Raging all die xd? wouldnt that be annoying? Maybe we will make 20% chance of train to stop after some time but not killing anyone xd
Level 34
Jul 4, 2007
Maybe to put some humor in it by putting some easter eggs. Like

''D.I.V.I.N.E.D.I.L.D.O, you don't know the use of it since you don't know what it is.'' A item.

''Being epic is good for you and your health, eat Epic-O's.'' Specially for Elenai^^

Or some other funny sentences.^^
Level 34
Jul 4, 2007
Don't overexatorate will you? =P There are kids playing this. :grin:
Maybe a Shaun walking around with a bat (Shaun of the Dead ftw!!!!) :D
Level 8
Aug 29, 2007
Easter eggs are fun but don't put in too many or it'll get too wierd... My best idea for the map is that one or more of the police force is bitten and goes insane but still can use guns and has intelligence and about 100 times the power of a normal zombie and starts interfearing with your plan like stealing a few train parts and throwing zombies at you...
Level 34
Jul 4, 2007
Let's go on ideahunt. Cold Fear (yes a horror game) has some nice ideas with zombies and shit. Silent Hill, the RE's, Alone in the Dark (The New Nightmare), we need more ideas people. :pir:

Hey if you finish this one, you can try to make a REAL horror map :pir: Just like the Silent Hill map. :grin:
Level 34
Jul 4, 2007
Smart zombies are unreal, strong zombies are real. It's a zombie with no brains and superstrenght or no brains and super strenght. That's it, keep it simple.
Level 8
Aug 29, 2007
Going back more on topic I think because the weapon ammo system is going to be item based that there should be a use for the gold/wood like score keeping, buying items or possibly special attacks. (Even though it's really late to bring this up I think you should still have the click attack system still in.)
Level 8
Aug 29, 2007
I agree with ragingspeedhorn about the kills thing. But I personly think that we don't need 2 reminders of how much ammo we have at the same time and that the gold should be used for for something else. (Also I still think the click system should be in... Just with a bonus for usuing it.)
Level 20
May 26, 2006
Oh i didnt know its so Easy you are so Pro WurCrofter 0.o
I know how to make that trigg -.-

Click system is hard to make , if you are so pro make 2 systems in one map...
one like in Rual zombie onslaught (our current one) and click-shoot system.
I dont say its imposible but i have no 16h of free time per day.
Level 18
May 27, 2007
First off, the redundancy is due to the fact that I first represented the ammo as gold, and then kofi wanted it in item charges so I never took it out, not only that but ragingspeedhorn, nobody ever said that representing kills as lumber was hard, so I am not sure why you kept saying how easy it was, it was a good idea and you should just leave it at that
Level 5
Mar 31, 2005
I don't even know rual zombie :B

thats probably something to do with the mass of zombie maps lately lol

id have to say this one looks more promising than alot of the others, though

btw about the kill count thing, wont there be any room in some multiboard?(assuming your using one) theyr always useful..
i find using gold and lumber is a bit.. simple? i mean it looks much better made and quality when you use something else.. just my opinion that anyway =]
First off, the redundancy is due to the fact that I first represented the ammo as gold, and then kofi wanted it in item charges so I never took it out, not only that but ragingspeedhorn, nobody ever said that representing kills as lumber was hard, so I am not sure why you kept saying how easy it was, it was a good idea and you should just leave it at that

I took this..

Its not that simple to have 2 system same time... we have enough problems with one. We dunt want to submit it in 2009 i guess :d

...As a reply to me.
Level 18
May 27, 2007
Well, I believe it was pretty clearly stated about the click shooting system, that moontraveler was talking about, but anyway, I think that a multiboard is something that I will soon create, because the gold and lumber was a bit cheesy, compared to all of the other things in the map, but it will be quite easy to represent kills and ammo on a multiboard or anywhere else
Level 19
Jul 19, 2006
Seems like you need to work on your skins. BIG TIME.

1. You're not using any custom tiles, download some and use them then it'll look much better and more professional.

2. Your skins/portraits are lacking in any quality, fix them up.

3. I don't like your terrain, to be honest. It lacks in complexity, and it's lacking in a fun environment. Do not try to clash a custom enviroment with a Warcraft environment, doesn't work.
Level 5
Jan 11, 2006
the poll is a tough call... each have pros and cons.

easier to trigger
saves an inventory space
different guns will have the same amount of ammo
Allows guns to have more sophisticated reloading and ammo capacity
more realistic
Harder to trigger
wastes inventory

i think ill go with Item though
Level 5
Jan 11, 2006
i dont particularily care for your choice of model for the "Umbrella Mercenary" either, the robot doesnt fit right, id say go with the weaponless marine model and have gun attachments (Marine is the first attatched file)

I gave all the guns i have, youll have to sort them out yourself if you use them

I was looking through my models and now i realised that cmz isnt a weapon. sorry for any inconvenience


  • Konstrukt_AdvancedLightMarine.MDX
    96.4 KB · Views: 59
  • Chaingun.mdx
    10.7 KB · Views: 96
  • cmz.mdx
    275.7 KB · Views: 99
  • Konstrukt_FlameThrowerAttachment.MDX
    9.7 KB · Views: 52
  • HeavyCannon.MDX
    20.4 KB · Views: 59
  • Konstrukt_AssaultRifleAttachment.MDX
    7.5 KB · Views: 53
  • Konstrukt_GaussRifleAttachment.MDX
    3.5 KB · Views: 45
  • Konstrukt_MinigunAttachment.MDX
    10.8 KB · Views: 51
  • Konstrukt_ShotgunAttachment.MDX
    5.6 KB · Views: 59
  • Konstrukt_SniperAttachment.MDX
    14.5 KB · Views: 90
  • Konstrukt_SubmachinegunAttachment.MDX
    6.8 KB · Views: 80
  • pistol2.MDX
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  • RDZEnergyThrower3.mdx
    20 KB · Views: 96
  • RocketLauncher.mdx
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  • Shotgun1.mdx
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  • sniperrifle.mdx
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  • sentrygun.mdx
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