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Particles in Magos Editor

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Deleted member 126647


Deleted member 126647

In Magos:

Help --> Help --> TUTORIALS (omg really? O.O) --> Burning Mountain King

Simple particle emitter tutorial, then just play around with settings and teach yourself.
Level 1
Apr 16, 2007
i have it hard to see how i put the fire in the hands or on the head i rly wanna know how to do that (pm me)

Deleted member 126647


Deleted member 126647

Burning Mountain King


In this tutorial we will add a fire particle emitter to the Mountain King so he will appear to be burning.

First we have to load the model into the editor. We'll use the Mountain King but of course that's just a suggestion, you can use whatever model you want. We'll use 2 emitters for a better fire effect. One concentrated in the center of the fire and one emitting flames further away.
  • Open up War 3 Model Editor
  • Open the MPQ Browser from the menu Windows -> MPQ Browser
  • Open War3.mpq from the menu File -> War3.mpq
  • Find the Mountain King model under Units\Human\HeroMountainKing
  • Double-click on HeroMountainKing.mdx to load it
Now the Mountain King model is loaded. Before we create the particle emitter we'll import a texture to use for it. Enter the MPQ browser and find the Textures\CloudSingle.blp and ReplaceableTextures\Weather\Clouds8x8.blp textures. It may be easier to find if you set the filters to only show images. Note that the Mountain King already uses the CloudSingle.blp texture so you may not need to add it.
  • Find the Textures\CloudSingle.blp texture in the MPQ Browser
  • Right-click the texture and select Use As Texture (unless it already exists).
  • Find the ReplaceableTextures\Weather\Clouds8x8.blp texture in the MPQ Browser
  • Right-click the texture and select Use As Texture.
The texture is now in the Texture Manager. Adding new particle emitters are done in the Node Manager. Create a new particle emitter (particle emitter 2). The particle emitter will be created at different locations in the node hiearchy depending on where you right-clicked to open the popup-menu. Clicking on an item will create it as a child to that item. Clicking outside of any item will create it as a child to the root.
  • Enter the Node Manager from the menu Windows -> Node Manager
  • Right-click outside any item and select Create Particle Emitter 2
  • A new particle emitter will be create d at the bottom of the list
  • Right-click the created particle emitter and select Edit Node
  • Give it a suitable name, like "Fire Emitter"
  • Press OK
Create another particle emitter the same way you did above.
  • Right-click outside any item and select Create Particle Emitter 2
  • A new particle emitter will be create d at the bottom of the list
  • Right-click the created particle emitter and select Edit Node
  • Give it a suitable name, like "Fire Emitter 2"
  • Press OK
Now let's edit the first emitter to be a concentrated heat emitter.
  • Right-click the "Fire EMitter" particle emitter and select Edit
  • Set the Visibility to 1
  • Set the Emission Rate to 10
  • Set the Speed to 40
  • Set the Variation to 0.02
  • Set the Latitude to 90
  • Set the Width to 20
  • Set the Length to 20
  • Set the Gravity to 0
  • Set the Texture to Textures\CloudSingle.blp
  • Set the Filter Mode to Additive
  • Set the Segment 1 color to dark yellow (RGB: 237 200 54)
  • Set the Segment 2 color to red (RGB: 200 47 0)
  • Set the Segment 3 color to dark red (RGB: 117 0 21)
  • Set the Segment Alpha values to 100, 255 and 100
  • Set the Segment Scaling values to 20, 40 and 20
  • Set all Start and End to 0
  • Set all Repeat to 1
  • Set the Rows to 1
  • Set the Columns to 1
  • Set the Life Span to 1
  • Set the Tail Length to 1
  • Set the Priority Plane to 0
  • Set the Replaceable ID to 0
  • Set the Time to 0.3
  • Check the flags Unshaded, Sort Primitives Far Z and Head
  • Press OK
Now let's edit the second emitter to be a flame emitter.
  • Right-click the "Fire EMitter 2" particle emitter and select Edit
  • Set the Visibility to 1
  • Set the Emission Rate to 10
  • Set the Speed to 200
  • Set the Variation to 0.02
  • Set the Latitude to 0
  • Set the Width to 20
  • Set the Length to 20
  • Set the Gravity to 0
  • Set the Texture to ReplaceableTextures\Weather\Clouds8x8.blp
  • Set the Filter Mode to Additive
  • Set the Segment 1 color to dark yellow (RGB: 237 200 54)
  • Set the Segment 2 color to red (RGB: 214 0 0)
  • Set the Segment 3 color to dark red (RGB: 117 0 21)
  • Set the Segment Alpha values to 100, 255 and 0
  • Set the Segment Scaling values to 40, 40 and 4
  • Set the Head (Life Span) Start to 0
  • Set the Head (Life Span) End to 30
  • Set the Head (Life Span) Repeat to 1
  • Set the Head (Decay) Start to 31
  • Set the Head (Decay) End to 50
  • Set the Head (Decay) Repeat to 1
  • Set the rest of the Start and End to 0
  • Set the rest of the Repeat to 1
  • Set the Rows to 8
  • Set the Columns to 8
  • Set the Life Span to 1.2
  • Set the Tail Length to 1
  • Set the Priority Plane to 0
  • Set the Replaceable ID to 0
  • Set the Time to 0.35
  • Check the flags Unshaded, Sort Primitives Far Z and Head
  • Press OK
If we want to we can animate the visibility to only make him burning at specific times. You could also place the emitters at a different location in the node hiearchy to make the flames emit from say his hands. I'll leave this up to you to explore!

Taken from Magos Model Editor.
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