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[Role Playing Game] ORPG Template

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Level 17
Nov 13, 2006
(since all other thread was closed where i posted, i open this one, if this also will be closed then i guess i dont waste the time for post here if allways i get closes)

Its a orpg map template for beginners like me.
Warning: attachments not mine, please if u want use them then give credit to creators (you can find them in hive if u search after model name), i used only for demonstration so this not a completed rpg just example to peoples.

everybody free to use/improve it if want and like the ideeas in map

**84 is beta** dont download it yet - unequip bugg/sell repair bug

map included:

Current Updates:

- Equipment duratibility
- Charms (7-8 type[critical/attack spd/mov.speed/reflect/increase exp gain/decrease exp loss/increase dealt damage/increase gold drop] and each got 3 version - small/medium/great) - similiar like in diable, items what give stat if u let them in inventory and u can hold more from same type
- introduced the increase gold rate from creep drops and decrease experience loss if you die.

- New Shop/Craft system: - ofc with multiboard, what can handle alot item, just a example, if you want make a npc what can sell 10 dummy item then with multiboard it could be 10*24*24 item :p, multiboard show the item stat, price and craft materia what needed for craft and allow buy/craft it if u got the requiment (gold for buy or materia for craft). Crafting work with progressbar! (atm i added ~every custom item into shop :p)

- Added new items: Bag (for increase the backpack size-buyable in shop and useable max 4 times), Tokens (later for special craft)

- equipments dont stacking anymore in inventory: it is needed for make new item stat system later

-Backpack system: don't have enough space in inventory? no problem, put items to backpack then restore when u needed with 1 single ESC via multiboard inventory. (atm the backpack size is: (Hero level / 20 + 1 + Bags)*10 item slot).

Backpack - without extension at 99 level is 5 bag (5*10 slot), at lv100 with full extention it is 10 bag (*10 slot)

multiboard equipment handleing

this pic from demo map, so in this template you see normal item name and descriptions :p

- Multiboards reworked, now not exist 2 multiboard same time (1 show and 1 hidded) just 1, if u switch multiboard then its destroy the current and create a new one, so not update now the hidden multiboards.
- Multiboard turn on/off feature
- Attachment bug fixed (somehow in last posted map the attachments stacked each time when u equipped a new item)
- Difficulty reworked, dont need anymore abilities for make the computer player stronger
(creeps now more stronger and have more chance for special enhancment on monsters like bonus crit rate/defence/attack etc and ofc for high exp reward when u kill them)
- Exp system reworked, more exp in low level and at time by time harder to level a bit
- Repeateable quest: you can pick up a quest for kill a random mob type on map (-+lv 5 than you) when u are done you can report it at quest giver npc and get gold & exp reward (quest also have a level requiment :p). (its create quest, change quest giver npc special effect over his head, allways update the quest when u kill a quest mob and u can know how many left)
- Scan reworked, show new additional stuffs also its show in multiboard
Current scanning detect more thing and in multiboard
- item stats dont use anymore 20+ variable array just 1 hashtable
- added few materia
- item & gold drop reworked (if mob drop gold coin then it is random when u pick up, ofc with floating text)
- unequip/item info via arrow key+escape

- Highest damage showing, exp rate depend on dealed damage on target
- Scan: u can check the enemy unit stat and exp rate
- Unequip the equiped gears
- Experience system (float text and exp depend on difficulty/ mob level/ mob special stat)
- Creeps got 10% chance for be stronger (increased attack, life steal, increased critical chance, etc)
- Units can be buffed (like critical chance, reflect, life steal)
- New harvestable items for craft
- Neutral harvester bots, you can buy items what they already harvested
- Crafting system: atm only for potions (11 special potion)
- Save/Load (ITS SAVE THE: hero lv, class, str/agi/int,items with stones and refine level, ability levels, gold, lumber)

- Multiboard inventory with 10 equipable item (helmet, armor, weapon, boots, shield, 2 ring, amulet, wings, special tome)
- Attachment for weapons/helmet/armor/boots/shield/wings
- ~300 new item
- Ally system
- Pet's for 2 class, tame and pet heal for earth guard class
- Add refine, max lv10(everything exclude tomes :D)
- You can put stones into gear for make them stronger
- Physical / Magical defence
- New stats like: Critical Strike, Critical Strike Damage, Vigor, Exp rate, Reflect Damage, Accurancy, Evansion, Attack Level, Defence Level, Life Steal, Mana Steal, Hp/Mp regen, Armor Break, Physical & Magical defence.
- Hidden stats: Increased Damage on target, Damage reduction, Damage increase
- 8 different class
- Unique abilities: non wc3 based abilities (each class got 12 ability)
- Ultimate abilities are vigor depend (vigor reiciveable with attack/spell cast etc)
- Each ability got max 5 level and each levelable (with dialog) and for level it have level requiment
- Stat and Restat system: u get 5 point/level what u spend manually and can decrease with restat scroll.
- Spelcial buff's

Old updates
- Updates:
- Item refine is fixed (now at lv10 u can double equipment damage from weapon)
- Item socketing added (you can put gems to weapon/armor/wing what make the item more powerfull, if u replace the item u get back the used gems)
- Restat with scroll (example if u stated to wrong attribute then with scroll u can remove the point and add to another attribute)
- Ally system (You can declare war vs another player or make peace with him, another player can reply to your war/peace if he dont use dialog atm, else he get a message from that)
- Defense/Damage system reworked (if u do creeps then at lv100 creep must have atleast 1000-3000 damage )
- Difficulty reworked a bit (creep/player 11 get aura what increase their damage/attack speed/movment speed depend on difficultity, hp settings also but that with hp handicap)
- Item drop is dying unit level depend mobs drop only that item what got +-10 level requiment than mob level, mobs drop only normal equipments, heroes can drop excelent items too
- +1 Equipable item: Tome
- Tome upgrade with upgrader scroll
- Percentage HP buff (+ 30% hp buff for limited time)
- Critical strike buff (+22% critical strike for limited time)
- Ability depend from weapon for demonstration flame strike useable only with magic weapon
- Ability depend from level and vigor (you gain vigor if you attack/cast or reicive hit when u got lower hp than 20%)
- Fixed melee -> Ranged

- added item refine system (with item u can make your equipment more stronger/ weapon refine=+dmg,armor/helmet/boot=+hp,amulet+shield=+pdef,rings=+mdef,wings=+att lv/def lv)

From start:

stat system: you add manually (each lv=5point)
-agility give attack speed, critical chance, evasion chance
-strength give hp and a bit damage
-intelligence give mana, spell power

3 armor type(top/helmet/boot) exist: Heavy (3str/lv and 1 agi/lv), Light (3agi/lv & 1str/lv) and Mage/robe armor (3 int/lv & 1str/lv)

weapons also stat depend:
-axe/hammer/long sword=4str 1agi
-short sword/shield=3str 2agi
-bow/dagger=4agi 1 str
-wand/staff=4int 1str

non stat depend items:
-wings (kinda ultimate items)
-rings (2x)

when you wear bow then hero is ranged

you can set manualy what item what bonus could give or what level/stat need for it

every item customizable with stats like: pdef/mdef/hp/mp/hp regen/mp regen/attack level/defence level/damage/attack speed/movement speed/monus experience rate/block chance/life steal/mana steal/reflect damage/evansion/critical chance/critical damage chance/experience etc

- 2 multiboard: 1 for stats and 1 for equipments

- Difficulty - dialog with 3 option
- normal 100% exp rate, 5% drop chance
- hard 150% exp, creeps get more hp/ def/ att/ better drop rate
- nightmare more higher exp, creeps get great hp/ def/ att/ good drop rate


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Level 17
Nov 13, 2006
have few problem with that:
1. i dont got a bot program for test the map in lan (so if it work well with 2 player too without waiting allways somebody and login to a private bnet server :/)
2. my english is sucks, so nearly everywhere need a bit correction on text
3. my terrain skill is below 0
4. i am antitalent in make story/skill/balance (i made buff system and work well but i am not sure the skills dont will be boreing after a time)

etc and etc

thats why i just think about ideas and tweak the project instead start personalize for a rpg
Level 17
Nov 13, 2006
bump, i must rework the whole system what related with items:
charms/equip/stat+gear multiboard/refine/socket/restat/save load etc

basically if i know then they work well but i want make something more complicated later so that will be surprise (if maybe somebody interested thats why i update slowly)
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