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===[NEW] Spell Workshop [NEW]===

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Name : Acid Damage
Levels : 1
Type : Item ability , Passive
Description : Decreses the armor by 3 for 2 seconds, and slowing Movement Speed and Attackseed by 25% for 3 Seconds.
Name : Electrical Charge
Levels : 1
Type : Item ability , Active + Passive
Cooldown : 2 Seconds
Manacost : 70
Description : Charges the electric by 1 per hit maximum charge 12 .
1 = 25 Damage
2 = 30 Damage
3 = 35 Damage , .5 Sec Stun
4 = 40 Damage , .5 Sec Stun
5 = 45 Damage , 1 Sec Stun , Movement Speed Slow by 5 % for 2 Sec
6 = 50 Damage , 1 Sec Stun , Movement Speed Slow by 5 % for 2 Sec
7 = 55 Damage , 1.5 Sec Stun , Movement Speed Slow by 6 % for 2.5 Sec
8 = 60 Damage , 1.5 Sec Stun , Movement Speed Slow by 6 % for 2.5 Sec
9 = 65 Damage , 2 Sec Stun , Movement Speed Slow by 7 % for 3 Sec
10 = 70 Damage , 2 Sec Stun , Movement Speed Slow by 7 % for 3 Sec
11 = 75 Damage , 2 Sec Stun , Movement Speed Slow by 7 % for 3 Sec
12 = 100 Damage , 3 Sec Stun , Movement Speed Slow by 10 % for 5 Sec
1 = + 2 Damage
2 = + 4 Damage
3 = + 6 Damage , + 1 Allstats , + 1% Movement Speed
4 = + 8 Damage , + 2 Allstats , + 1% Movement Speed
5 = + 10 Damage , + 3 Allstats , + 2% Movement Speed
6 = + 12 Damage , + 4 Allstats , + 2% Movement Speed
7 = + 14 Damage , + 5 Allstats , + 3% Movement Speed
8 = + 16 Damage , + 6 Allstats , + 3% Movement Speed
9 = + 18 Damage , + 7 Allstats , + 4% Movement Speed
10 = + 20 Damage , + 8 Allstats , + 4% Movement Speed
11 = + 22 Damage , + 9 Allstats , + 5% Movement Speed
12 = + 25 Damage , + 10 Allstats , + 10% Movement Speed

Name : Electrical Titanium
Type : Item ability , Passive
Desctription : 20% chance Stuns the enemy for 2 seconds and cause to -22 hp per seconds lasts for 5 seconds . increases attackspeed by 40%. adds allstats by 5 . increases damage by 25

Name : Acid Damage
Levels : 1
Type : Item ability , Passive
Description : Decreses the armor by 4 for 2 seconds, and slowing Movement Speed and Attackseed by 25% for 4 Seconds.
Name : Electrical Charge
Levels : 1
Type : Item ability , Active + Passive
Cooldown : 2 Seconds
Manacost : 70
Description : Charges the electric by 1 per 3 hits maximum charge 12 .
1 = 25 Damage
2 = 30 Damage
3 = 35 Damage , .5 Sec Stun
4 = 40 Damage , .5 Sec Stun
5 = 45 Damage , 1 Sec Stun , Movement Speed Slow by 5 % for 2 Sec
6 = 50 Damage , 1 Sec Stun , Movement Speed Slow by 5 % for 2 Sec
7 = 55 Damage , 1.5 Sec Stun , Movement Speed Slow by 6 % for 2.5 Sec
8 = 60 Damage , 1.5 Sec Stun , Movement Speed Slow by 6 % for 2.5 Sec
9 = 65 Damage , 2 Sec Stun , Movement Speed Slow by 7 % for 3 Sec
10 = 70 Damage , 2 Sec Stun , Movement Speed Slow by 7 % for 3 Sec
11 = 75 Damage , 2 Sec Stun , Movement Speed Slow by 7 % for 3 Sec
12 = 100 Damage , 3 Sec Stun , Movement Speed Slow by 10 % for 5 Sec
1 = + 2 Damage
2 = + 4 Damage
3 = + 6 Damage , + 1 Allstats , + 1% Movement Speed
4 = + 8 Damage , + 2 Allstats , + 1% Movement Speed
5 = + 10 Damage , + 3 Allstats , + 2% Movement Speed
6 = + 12 Damage , + 4 Allstats , + 2% Movement Speed
7 = + 14 Damage , + 5 Allstats , + 3% Movement Speed
8 = + 16 Damage , + 6 Allstats , + 3% Movement Speed
9 = + 18 Damage , + 7 Allstats , + 4% Movement Speed
10 = + 20 Damage , + 8 Allstats , + 4% Movement Speed
11 = + 22 Damage , + 9 Allstats , + 6% Movement Speed
12 = + 25 Damage , + 10 Allstats , + 10% Movement Speed

Name : Electrical Titanium
Type : Item ability , Passive
Desctription : 20% chance Stuns the enemy for 2 seconds and cause to -20 hp per seconds lasts for 5 seconds . increases attackspeed by 40%. adds allstats by 5 . increases damage by 25
Level 2
Sep 5, 2012
Lightning Slash
Description: Turns hero into pure lightning and goes around slicing enemies :D
Additional Information:Just like omnislash of yurnero from dota but the effects in like raijins ball of lightning :D
thanks in advance
Level 4
May 27, 2012
-Demonic Duo-
[B]Description[/B]: Makes a duplicate of the Demonic Knight and both of the heroes slash in an "X" type at the targeted location damaging everything in there path and applying a "poison" or preferably "bleed" effect on all of the monsters hit. I would prefer if the damage was strength or agility based, or if I could edit it my self.
There will be 5 levels.
[B]Target[/B]: Ground
[B]Initial slash damage[/B]: 5x Strength
[B]Secondary slash damage[/B] ([I]if made[/I]): 5x Strength
[B]Bleed damage[/B]: 1x strength per second for 10 seconds.
Also, after the X is done, I want them to slash back to the original positions, dealing damage once again (sorta like a boomerang effect) IF possible, then I want the extra "dummy hero" to be removed. again, IF possible if not its okay

I'm hoping you can make this ability to finish off this hero for me.
Thanks in advanced

If you need, I hope this can help anybody who wants to try this.

Everything within the X is damaged, and a bleed effect is applied.
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Level 13
Aug 4, 2012
Shoting Star
Calls a star from skyes at ( Area ), ( Damage ) unit on there. And give you an ability called ( Star Hope )
Star Hope: Give you and your ally at 1200 area from the casted area of star 100% Evasion. Last ( Time )

Additional Information:
That ( Blah Blah ) is the value ;) ;)
Hehe Hope you can as there are shoting star
Earth Clasm
( Damage/Time ) Enemies on ( Area ) Stuning then for ( Time ) After stun, Slow them for ( Time )

Additional Information:
The Damage per second are still damaging even the stun duration is over.
Death Fear
Making the unit lose control, if you control or click the unit soon ( mean it's controled quickly after the spell cast ) the damage are bigger, if you control it late ( mean it's controled laters after the spell cast ) the damage dealt are small. The value are indexed.
Making the unit run away and lose control ( Can control again but deals damage as the duration ), From ( Damage ( Mean Bigger ) ) to ( Damage ( Mean Smaller ) ) If the targeted unit not clicked. If clicked or controled by the owner, will deals damage that as the damage are mathed.

Additional Information:
This is so very hard to understand for you :/ :/
Level 10
Mar 19, 2010
You need to clarify something, FRENGERS.

First, do the AoE evasion effect's central point changes everytime you re-cast the Shooting Starts? or the old are persists and adds new area? But if so eventually the whole map will get the 100% evasion.

Second, means fore example, 2 sec stun, 2 sec slow, and it damages for 4 seconds in total? What happend if they get outta range?

Third, is there two separate effect? Lose control if cast on ally and lost control + run away if casted on enemy?

When you make request please describes it properly. Thanks, this really make the triggering work easier.
Level 13
Aug 4, 2012
1. Unit in 1200 area at the star falling or it mean the affected unit is render from dead ( like Shallow Grave on DotA )

2. 2 second stun, after stuns, slow for 2 second, and the damage duration are like the total ( 4 ) -..- If out of range from the area, the slow and damage buff will removed -..- Mean you create a corrupted earth on there....

3. Can't target to ally, the unit can't attack, from e.g: 400 at first second from casting ( Value will deal if controled ) then the value will reduced 50 damage per second, so it will reduced up to 0 damage. If 0 damage, the duration are done.
Level 10
Mar 19, 2010
1. Yep, but not limited to spell damage. Unit still takes damage from spells. But will ignore that if you're trying to make it takes 100% less damage from any source instead.
and my question are not answered. Do the amount of area covered increases with every cast, or it's just one area covered for each caster?

2. This should make things easier for triggerer.

3. You mean, like the example below? :

I cast on enemy

from now on if enemy click his unit the unit will take X damage.

Then the X damage slowly decrease as the time goes.

Then when the debuff fade, clicking will do no damage.

Am I right?
Level 7
Oct 16, 2010
I need a spell done please.

Smoke Screen
Description: The unit will shoot a missile to a target point and create a smoke screen when it explodes. The smoke screen will make units within a 250 aoe invisible. Units who leave the aoe will be visible.
Additional Information: -The spell lasts for 8 seconds.
-The smokescreen can be the Cloud model.
-It has to be MUI
Thx if you can help me.
PS. I would be rarely seen online on THW untill after 14 Oct(Because i have exams from the 9-14).
Level 33
Mar 27, 2008
Thread Policy has been changed, read the post #1.

Sorry all for I have absent from this thread long enough, I'll try to complete the spells as soon as possible.

REMEMBER: Only the request that follows the thread template will be approved (this only applies to request after this post - post #3073 and beyond).
Level 13
Aug 4, 2012
Shoting Star
Calls a star from skyes at ( Area ), ( Damage ) unit on there. And give you an ability called ( Star Hope )
Star Hope: Give you and your ally at 1200 area from the casted area of star 100% Evasion. Last ( Time )

Additional Information:
That ( Blah Blah ) is the value ;) ;)
Hehe Hope you can as there are shoting star
Earth Clasm
( Damage/Time ) Enemies on ( Area ) Stuning then for ( Time ) After stun, Slow them for ( Time )

Additional Information:
The Damage per second are still damaging even the stun duration is over.
Death Fear
Making the unit lose control, if you control or click the unit soon ( mean it's controled quickly after the spell cast ) the damage are bigger, if you control it late ( mean it's controled laters after the spell cast ) the damage dealt are small. The value are indexed.
Making the unit run away and lose control ( Can control again but deals damage as the duration ), From ( Damage ( Mean Bigger ) ) to ( Damage ( Mean Smaller ) ) If the targeted unit not clicked. If clicked or controled by the owner, will deals damage that as the damage are mathed.

Additional Information:
This is so very hard to understand for you :/ :/

I use da Template -..-
Description: Fires elemental powers on 1st attack the hero attacks with
Chain Lightning that deals 5 Damage [+5 Per Level] +20% of intelligence , then on the 2nd attack the hero attacks with Fire thats deals 2 Damage[+3 Per Level] +20% of intelligence , and on the 3rd attack the hero attacks with air deals 3 Damage[+2 per Level][+20% of intelligence]
Levels: 10

Additional Information
- Lightning - Chain Lightning Up to 3 units
- Fire - deals 2 damage per sec +10% of intelligence and deals 150 AoE Splash Damage
- Air - Has a 15% Chance to do 2x Crtitical Strike and has a 35% chance to slows the enemy's movement speed and attack speed by 10% for 3 seconds
- Do this in Gui :D if can
======== - ABILITY MISSILES - ========
- Lightning - Missle : http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/zap-missile-106932/?prev=search%3DLightning%26d%3Dlist%26r%3D20%26t%3D10
- Fire - Missle : http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/fireball-221485/?prev=search%3Dfire%26d%3Dlist%26r%3D20%26t%3D10
- Air - Missle : http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/tornadomissile-53070/?prev=search%3Dwind%26d%3Dlist%26r%3D20%26t%3D10
- Passive
Description: Fires elemental powers on 1st attack the hero attacks with
Chain Lightning that deals 5 Damage [+5 Per Level] +20% of intelligence , then on the 2nd attack the hero attacks with Fire thats deals 2 Damage[+3 Per Level] +20% of intelligence , and on the 3rd attack the hero attacks with air deals 3 Damage[+2 per Level][+20% of intelligence]
Levels: 10

Additional Information
- Lightning - Chain Lightning Up to 3 units
- Fire - deals 2 damage per sec +10% of intelligence and deals 150 AoE Splash Damage
- Air - Has a 15% Chance to do 2x Crtitical Strike and has a 35% chance to slows the enemy's movement speed and attack speed by 10% for 3 seconds
- Do this in Gui :D if can
======== - ABILITY MISSILES - ========
- Lightning - Missle : http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/zap-missile-106932/?prev=search%3DLightning%26d%3Dlist%26r%3D20%26t%3D10
- Fire - Missle : http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/fireball-221485/?prev=search%3Dfire%26d%3Dlist%26r%3D20%26t%3D10
- Air - Missle : http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/tornadomissile-53070/?prev=search%3Dwind%26d%3Dlist%26r%3D20%26t%3D10
- Passive

are you kidding?..
Level 1
Oct 19, 2012
[levelup animation]Description:

can u make lvlup animation.mdx for dota exactly like of dota 2 when a hero levels up??

Additional Information
- i seem to be getting no animation of a lvl up when i place lvl animation from wardota2 when i place it on my own war3patch.mpq at Abilities\Spells\Other\lvl animation\lvlanimation.mdx
Level 2
Jul 30, 2007

I have 3 spell requests.
Water Shield
A mana shield, which will absorb some mana from the building when attacked and also gives a small amount of extra armor.When the building does not have mana, the mana shield will not work.
Additional Information
-Will be used by a building
-Passive skill
Mine Protection
The building will summon max 3 goblin mines around him in a random position and a small radius. The mines cannot be selected (controlled) by the owner of the building. The mines will explode if the enemy gets near. When a mine exploded, a new one will be summoned shortly.
Additional Information
-Will be used by a building
-Passive skill
Winged Guardians
The building will summon max 5 birds (those creeps from the game) and will fly (wander) randomly around the building in a small radius. When an enemy gets near the building, the birds will attack the enemy. The birds cannot be selected (controlled) by the owner of the building. When a bird is killed, a new one will be summoned shortly.
Additional Information
-Will be used by a building
-Passive skill
Passive Request:
Every 50 seconds, 5 souls are summoned around the wielder of the [item] ability that will use the ability "Omnislash" nearby enemies.

Omnislash is an ability that when you target it to a unit, you become invisible and invulnerable and fastly move to nearby enemies, damaging them upon contact and bouncing to the next. Up to 5 enemies each.

Damage: (Configurable, but 0 for now)
Level 4
May 18, 2011
Description: Calls down stars to deal damage to enemy

Levels: 5

Additional Information

can i ask to make it non-channeling meaning it will create a dummy unit to cast the starfall, i dont have any idea how to make it i dont even know how to create its variable sorry im new to triggering so if its ok sir can i please ask for this spell thank you...

Level 2
Aug 20, 2012
Well,if you guys got time,i have a nice request for you.

Volcanic Crush

Description: Strikes the ground,sending a wave of fire that deals X damage and leaves a track of fire that deals X damage every second.
The fire stays for 5 seconds.

Levels: 1

Additional Information
-The wave is similar to "Shockwave" of the "Tauren Chieftain".
-Basicly its the "Sockwave",but with a fire track that deals damage too.
-The range of the fire track should be the same as the "Shockwave"
Level 13
Aug 4, 2012
Holy Fragment



Channel the light to strike enemy near you.

Damage enemy near you on 300/400/500/600 area for 10/20/30/40 damage every 0.10 second. Also blinding ( Always miss on every attack
) the affected enemies for 2 second afterward. Last 4 second.

Cooldown: 80
Manacost: 200/300/400/500
Casting Range: -
Casting Time: -
Level 15
Jul 9, 2008
i could maybe help people out with some spells here.

ill start with junius619 since its so basic. um does it constantly have the stars falling over x time like the original but just not channeled?
while i wait for the reply ill do stonneash's shoot ability

EDIT: well the shoot ability is done i hope its how u wanted it. just copy and past the triggers + the dummy units


  • shoot.w3x
    20.3 KB · Views: 53
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i could maybe help people out with some spells here.

ill start with junius619 since its so basic. um does it constantly have the stars falling over x time like the original but just not channeled?
while i wait for the reply ill do stonneash's shoot ability

EDIT: well the shoot ability is done i hope its how u wanted it. just copy and past the triggers + the dummy units

Thanks A lot but your System have a Bug i dint know Why, Sometimes when i shoot the missile stops and don't move

Well,if you guys got time,i have a nice request for you.

Volcanic Crush

Description: Strikes the ground,sending a wave of fire that deals X damage and leaves a track of fire that deals X damage every second.
The fire stays for 5 seconds.

Levels: 1

Additional Information
-The wave is similar to "Shockwave" of the "Tauren Chieftain".
-Basicly its the "Sockwave",but with a fire track that deals damage too.
-The range of the fire track should be the same as the "Shockwave"

I Will Doing It For You Just need time
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