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Making Signatures

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Level 6
Apr 26, 2007
You are surely right.. but i prefer wait to know if he wan to do it, i wont PM him after posting here... it would be near of spaming anyway i got all my time.
Level 8
Mar 6, 2007
Ick, finally, sorry about the horrendous wait muffin, school is now OVER!

Level 8
Mar 6, 2007
Well... it's not like we are competing or anything... more like fufilling mass orders...

But I understand, I am just really helping out with the easier ones anyway.
Level 5
Jun 3, 2007
i ment no offense by that =D
i knew u werent competeing but more like just helping lol
and thats kind of you guys to do so. obviously even u like herios stuff better by looking at ur sig =P(imo i dont like how it sticks out so much i think that should have taken lasson tool around it and and clicked "delete 3 or 4 times" but thats just my opinion. and its ur sig =D)
Level 2
Jun 16, 2007
hi can i get a sig to if u could could you make 1 with a Half-Kender (from the dragonlance book series go to kencyclopedia.com to see more on kender) with a pair of white robes on thick but short blonde hair, blue eyes and a fireball in his hand (possibly flickering around similar to how u did the sword on ur sig except more animated) and holding a staff with a dragon claw holding a diamond shaped crystal in a forest with small river on the visual left and the gates of a giant enchanted tower in the backround
Level 5
Jun 3, 2007
I WANT TO SEE NORAVA'S!!!! I am a big fan of Dragonlance and on the kendermore book part 2 of the preluds series has a wonderful picture of tas a hero of the lance. ow ow i got so excited to see another fan i jumped up 2 run to book on table behind me hit corner of table and got a gash in my knee.. ouch.

But I never seen a kender in white robes...or a kender thats a mage for that matter... better still have the damn hoopak!!!

also guessing tower is a tower of high sorcery near kendermore? in those ruins?
Level 7
Feb 19, 2005

i do stamp my signatures with a size-6 font [fits theme] in the bottom left corner with the text "Kal" where its small enuff to not be seen but if u where to zoom in u could read it [the text is also dark enough so its aswell hidden] here a few ive done before for myself. in the signature preview you can see the "Kal" in the bottom left corner but u hafta look for it :) also itd blend more but it was my own sig so i didnt care [its just a preview]


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Level 5
Jun 3, 2007
kalbintion, but not to be rude thats not that great. the avatars are just plain text and simple patterns with a paint bucket tool 3 or 4 layers and a couple designs just on layers. and ur sig is just a croped picture for size of sig with plain, very plain text with just a different font and i don't think you did anything with signature but that. I'm not the greatest but atleast put effort into it, not 10 minutes, or 2 minutes of cheap tutorials that don't help.

edit: sorry im just a very blunt person.
Level 8
Jan 18, 2007
kalbintion, but not to be rude thats not that great. the avatars are just plain text and simple patterns with a paint bucket tool 3 or 4 layers and a couple designs just on layers. and ur sig is just a croped picture for size of sig with plain, very plain text with just a different font and i don't think you did anything with signature but that. I'm not the greatest but atleast put effort into it, not 10 minutes, or 2 minutes of cheap tutorials that don't help.

edit: sorry im just a very blunt person.

well dont be that harsh against other site visitors/members! it can damage your rep, cus you ARE able to report any reply that makes the persion it was directed to sad/angry, and id like to see any of thos sigs youv been doin!! dont be that harsh.
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Level 5
Jun 3, 2007
imo it wasnt that "harsh" i was trying to be nice and say what i was thinking at same time, and u can -rep me dont care i've never got the reason why to care about it. Last forums owner rejected rep system because it makes people want to be competitive over pointless stuff when forums aren't supposed to be competitive unless its a battles section or a competition.
2 r listed heres a few more of my earlier works which r on photoshop. some of my works were only on the site and it shut down sadly made me very dissapointed ='( it's affiliate is still on my rp myspace.
(faded render to much on that one made it 2 faded ='(
messed up his right leg only 3d sig ever did
Level 45
Jun 3, 2005
Saying your honest opinion WITHOUT evidence AND being insultive is reportable.

BUT don't compare people though in this case, they are doing their helping hand, as for those suggesting to help Herio, i suggest you pm so he can notify you people instead of dumping your work in this thread, your just making it crowded where i can barely keep up.
Level 8
Jan 18, 2007
okok, well i dont say that im better than anyone ells (i can barley draw a stick man in paint), werewulf, i understand that you got a hard time checking all thos ppls replys... il try to not tellanyone wath they shuldent do, I DONT got a mod job in this site...=)
Level 7
Feb 19, 2005
Palin: i dont spend much time on my OWN signatures because i can always go back and change when i need to and if i need to. For "dissing" my work and that post i did report, i dont like ppl who insult especially if uve never even seen what ive done. im not going to flame, this is prolly last post and ill update my other post with some minor changes in whats being shown to help show my work, for my avatars being plain, thats the point, i dont like "in ur face" avatars, signature pictures yes, avatars not. Simple is good and if it fits the forum, itll look nice, thats all i care about, not effects, not hard-core graphics... i can spend time and make ones that herio can make but it would take alot longer, what i look for palin, is simple [for mine]

Matching with the forum
Theme fits with the forum
Colors blend-somewhat

other than this i do not care. others [if requested] i will spend more time on and do more work. mine i dont care like i said i can easily mod when need be or change something if i want to

Werewolf: will do. I may if u read above, just have one sig and one avatar display to show what ive done to help lower the post size, and also remove some un-needed text and send that un-neded text to herio.
Level 8
Mar 6, 2007
People, people, calm down. I mean any more hostile posts and the mods may be compelled to close Herio's productive and helpfull thread! Can we all just... withhold opinions at the moment?

And now to be on-topic: Vergil, here are the base images, I am actualy going to go folow a few brush tutorials, as I have not yet discovered that part of Photoshop (sadly), I hope you don't mind if I try a few on your sig.


  • reckoning_day.jpg
    216 KB · Views: 377
  • ss477.jpg
    99.5 KB · Views: 126
  • ___Shadowplay_01___Battle___.jpg
    97.7 KB · Views: 85
Level 7
Feb 19, 2005
Ratherion, i was calm, and if u didnt read my entire message i said this in about the 3rd line... "im not going to flame" -- simply a reply to the hostile comment from him, nothing more.

and those base images are pretty nice, where did u findem? [dont tell me, google?]
Level 2
Jun 25, 2007

Hey could i possibly get a sig that has a picture of a bloody knuckle with the words KnucklesMahone on it. I would find a base picture but i cant seem to find any. If they're are any cool details you feel that would make this sig unique i would really appreciate it. Thank you
Level 2
Jun 16, 2007
holy crap more people who no about dragonlance? well that rocks :D u guys r gonna love my loap if i ever get it done lol its gonna have kender as a race if some1 can make the models 4 them lol

also i mean just a mage tower no specific one just a tower that looks magical next to a river stream lol if this is good enough it may become my wallpaper lol
Level 5
Jun 3, 2007
well norava this isn't really the place to continue talking about dragonlance in but if you wanna talk more about it rpm me i love to talk about dragonlance.

Also I never insulted anyone. Thats what makes me annoyed about people today, if you state your opinion they get mad,insulted, and defensive honestly the work i showed you guys tell me it sucks and you hate it and ill just say" ok thats your opinion." I'm sorry if i hate america, but even though i hate it i still got a freedom i do not hate. Freedom of speech

I'm sorry if i did insult you but thats just the way you perceive (probly typo) things, I don't. In fact When I first started my work was way worse than yours So your doing better than I did. Thumbs up on making progress. Also why not spend time on them? isn't it more rewarding to yourself to strive and try hard and when its done you feel proud of your finished work?
Level 7
Feb 19, 2005
Palin, yes, this is true, and i suppose i am going against what i said in my post about continuing to post now. Listen, if i came into a hostile maner, im sry aswell. as for "perceive" that is not a typo. Why not spend more time on them? Because, ive said this before, if i find something that can be changed ill go ahead and do it, i have a no signature now that i spent 3 hrs on cus i couldnt get it the way i liked to start with. The starting point is the base image, changing comes along the ways, im sure herio's signatures dont get 100% right away, nor anyone else who makes them. They have to get it to a starting point, right? thats what i do with my signatures i make for myself, not for others who request [which btw ill attempt the signature knuckles, just to give me a challenge n prove on what i can do if i try] My signatures are starting point, when i feel like something needs changing to fit the theme better, make it look cooler, or done differently, ill change it then other than that, its fine the way it is for me until i want it differently. [check my signature for the new one ive done]
Level 5
Jun 3, 2007
i like this one better =D border is very unique and cartoony wc3 characters are along that too =P font fits with them perfectly. i'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot, truely.
Level 7
Feb 19, 2005
eh true but i feel like i should re-do the boarder, more and more i look at it the more and more i wanna go and do it right this second [reason being: non-symetrical, like i was trying to be, was using an eclipse select so it had the bubble effect in it but it didnt turn out 100% symmetrical like i hoped but looked good when i was done with the image XD] also i may re-set the infernal character, ifu notice the area gets dark and then light when it gets near him, its a bad mod on the color, i had modded it but if i left the black out on the original base image, it looked as if he had no feet! it was floating their lol...which okay it is but i fixxed it now so all i hafta do is replace the image n it should hopefully appear fine. may get to that after im done with knuckles when and if he reponds about the fist

Edit: hm, apperently ur not the only one else who likes this one better lol. showedem to someone on AIM cus i makem sigs, desktop images, etc for them n he said he liked that one better XD
Level 5
Jun 3, 2007
if its on a seperate layer, the infernal, cant you put the lasso near just the left side and click n drag the line straight up off the sig and go around the infernal, still off the sig, and come from the bottom to connect the lasso chance occupancy to 20% and keep pressing delete till it looks right? or you can just mess with the infernals layer setting till you find one that makes it blend in with it.
Level 7
Feb 19, 2005
i use Paint.Net not photoshop like most of these ppl do here. im unique XD ... and yes i prolly could do that but i used the wand [not sure if its in pshop] and i set it to low enuff setting [on color deciding -- shading really] that i got it right, so ye... and btw every element i use is on a seperate layer - that sig i have on mine is 5 layers, Base [which is the icecrown], Infernal [right image, one i needa fix], [Forgot name, siege something lol, left image], "Kalbintion" [center, gray text], and then the boarder layer

edit: after reading i forgot the boarder layer! lol
Level 5
Jun 3, 2007
oh. does that allow brushes? cause at deviantart.com they got great brushes and I would suggest making a sig with brushes they usually look a little better. Just my opinion im more of a fan of brushes if u saw my sigs only 1(the pink cherry blossom) was only one without a background entirely of brushes. i created the small different shaped blossoms falling on the sig. I never got done my masterpiece sadly(only animated sig i ever worked on and it rocked from what i had done.)
Level 7
Feb 19, 2005
should let me see, btw i did like urs, and by brushes u mean importing brushes and using a custom set brush? never looked at it cus all ive ever needed was the basic tools it comes with;

Rectangle Select; Lasso Select; Eclipse Select; Magic Wand; Paint Bucket; Paintbrush; Pencil; Clonestamp [ive never acually got to use this tool before lol, may hafta figure out 100% what it does soon; assuming tho, it copies XD]; Text; Move Selected Pixels [also does resizing]; Move Selection; Zoom; Pan; Gradient; Eraser; Color Picker; Recolor; Line/Curve; Rectangle; Rounded Rectangle; Eclipse; Freeform Shape

Those are the tools [in the toolbox] that come with paint.net so far, Gradient tool is acually pretty new, it wasnt their a few versions ago.

Edit: Hey knuckles, this is what ive got so far for ur sig, its done pretty quick but i think it looks really nice for a quickie right now...

no blood effects cus im waiting for ur reply to my question

btw i hidden my signature "Kal" in the bottom left corner very well, but it IS their [i suggest saving the picture and zooming in u should see gray pixels that say "Kal" for those who dont beleive its their lol]

Edit2: Hm, in case u want that pic as a signature with no blood effects heres the path

Level 5
Jun 3, 2007
yeah i mean importing like i most commonly use abstract and grunge brushes. they r totally my favorite. wish i had some of my old admin's work he was like god when it came to doing signatures. if i believed in god haha. like better then herio no offense to him but this map was crazy good but for some unknown reason he musta closed the site
Level 5
Jun 3, 2007
o that sucks if u got limewire or ares download a program called paradox, then download photoshop cs2 ($600) program and use paradox for the codes needed 2 use it free.
Level 7
Feb 19, 2005
i never liked photoshop really, so ill decline on that, however if anyone else reads this im sure theyll take it lol... but thxs anyway -- how u like my fix on my signature btw?

edit: quickie, going to sleep, night palin -- btw i added u to yahoo & msn [Kalbintion@MSN/Yahoo.com is mine]
Level 7
Feb 19, 2005
i fixxed the boarder, and change the infernal image so it blended more [btw the boarder and text was apperently on the same layer, the text is on top, then boarder is below, doesnt affect view either way & read my edit on the post above that]
Level 2
Jun 25, 2007
Maybe like 3 knuckles bloody, but possibly a few scratches? I want the feeling that the hand has been through alot and is beaten up (lol). But, just do whatever you want and no matter how it turns out i bet ima love it.
Level 8
Mar 6, 2007
Hehe. Just got into some brushing yesterday. Wanted to get some practise in before I tried Vergil's, here are some new sigs by me

My Girlfriends:

Flame Brushes FTW!

Fractal Brushes FTW!
How am I doing on brushes Palin/Herio?

Deleted member 126647


Deleted member 126647

They look really really messy, Rath.
Level 8
Mar 6, 2007
The messyness is a chaotic theme I was going for. Because hes Hyperion.... Archon of Chaos.... messy=chaos... I think it goes pretty well.
Level 5
Jun 3, 2007
I love them thumbs up for that shit!!!
ur girlfriend's is probly the fav i've seen out of yours so far.

guys r making me wanna make sigs again lol. althought this bad comp cant handle photoshop. good computer broken + I have alot of mapping projects going on.
Level 8
Mar 6, 2007
Question? When using GIMP I keep getting this odd white boader on the side edges of the image. Is that just due to exess of the image that I cannot see due to a white GIMP working backround? Or is it a .png exporting issue? Don't know.
Level 7
Jun 1, 2006
Hay! Have you ever watched madness combat? Could I have a signature of a bunch of madness puppets all dead in a room, and then in the center tricky the clown with his sign? If you youve never watched madness here a link to how they look.
http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f356/young20_Mikey2006/clownkillsu.jpg that ricky the clown :D
those are the madness puppets. also here a link o the series if yuo want to watch it: MAdness combat 1-7 http://www.krinkels.net/index_animations.html
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