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Lord of the Archers 1.31

----------L30NLuzifer Presents----------

Lord of the Archers
Created by L30NLuzifer & DatnessXhttp://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/members/datnessx/http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/members/datnessx/http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/members/datnessx/

Map Info:

Hey everyone! This is my first public map, which i basicly created by improving DatnessXs first Ashenvale Archers map.
I added much more features, bows and stuff like that!
You play as an Archer, shooting Arrows all around, trying to kill enemies and get stronger.
At the start you vote to set the required amount of kills to win. The first team who gets to this amount wins.


The arrows you shoot are skillshots. They will travel around the map until they reach their maximum range. If an enemy is hit he'll take damage and get some knockback.
Damagecalculation is Attack*Damagemultiplier*[rnd number from 0.75 to 1]/(1/Defense/10)

You'll be able to buy a bow during the game. This bow gives you extremely strong bonuses such as aoe attack, the ability to create an illusion of yourself and much more stuff!

There are 55 different items in the game (66 with upgrades) so different tactics in your itembuild are possible!

Also there is a runespot with some nice little bonuses for you and your team. Dont overrate it, but also dont let runes fall into the hands of your opponent!

Try the map out by yourself and discover some more Features!

Features - Detailed:

Gameplay Features:
-Skillshot Arena
-Rune spot
-More gold for killing sprees
-Many items

-11 permanent items + 11 upgrades
-11 consumable items
-11 different arrows
-22 Bows

Screenshots and Videos:

Image Description:
Full Map


Image Description:
Archer shooting an arrow


Image Description:
Training Menu


Image Description:
Vision at the rune spot from outside


Image Description:
Vision at the rune spot from inside


Change Log:

-Changing some cosmetic stuff.
-fixed some hud errors

-Changing Bowmodels
-Essences now float around you
-Fixed some AI leaks

-Added a AI system. It's still in a beta-version tho.

-Added a votesystem for required kills to win
-Made Magicpower scale with 3 points per skill instead of 2
-Fixed the tooltip of Accuracy, Firepower and Poison; they were still in german ._.

Initial Version


Special Thanks:
  • Rjâk
  • DatnessX
  • Meatfactory
  • Asusbreaker
  • Jivua
  • Leprechaun
  • Vermillion

  • Models by: R.A.N.G.I.T. (Archer skin)
  • RED BARON (RedZappMissile)
  • WILL THE ALMIGHTY (Poison Cloud)
  • Tenebrae (Nightelf dagger)
  • funkid2 (Flame Arrow)
  • JesusHipster (Lightning Arrow)
  • Hexus (Elune Dryad Arrow)
  • Epsilon (Water Arrow)
  • nGy (Blue Arrow)
  • CakeMaster (Spirit Arrow)
  • Champara Bros (Royal Arrow)
  • Thrikodius (Dark Blade)
  • Em! (Arrow Volley)
  • 00110000 (Pestilence Arrow)
  • Gamegear (Liquid Arrow)
  • Bows by:
  • Wood Bow by Kitabatake
  • WoodenBow by Forgotton_Warlord
  • Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury by chilla_killa
  • ElvenRangerBow by Uncle Fester
  • LethalBow by Gottfrei
  • Runestone Longbow by Blood Raven
  • Hell Shot by Teaspoon
  • wowbow by black_stan
  • Basic Bow by KayS
  • Horde Fire Bow by Forgotten_Warlord
  • Copper Bow by Kitabatake
  • CheapStandardBow by Uncle Fester
  • Incendiary Longbow by Crimson-Guard
  • Doomshooter by Boneknight
  • Metal Bow by Kitabatake
  • Voodoo Bow by Misha
  • Troll Hunting Bow by TheWhiteWolf
  • Bow of the avenging eagle by ikillforeyou

  • Icons by: Army-of-Pandas
  • Palaslayer
  • Mc!
  • Garthok
  • Lightskin
  • Hellx-Magnus
  • D.ee
  • PeeKay
  • bananaHUNT
  • nemezys12
  • R.A.N.G.I.T.
  • Diablo-dk - Recipe System
  • DatnessX - Ashenvale Archers Map
  • meatfactory - Basic AI System
  • Coneefly
  • Slayergantar

Author's notes:
Well, if you're reading the map description up to this point you seem really interested in the map! Feel free to give me suggestions how to improve the map. Also my english is not the best, so if you find any grammar- or spelling mistakes please report them to me with the exact position of it! :) But most important: have fun with this map! :)

Map Protection: NO

Archer, Arena, Arena Map, Skillshot, Ashenvale, Archers, Lord, of, the, DatnessX, L30NLuzifer

Lord of the Archers 1.31 (Map)

16:02, 27th Oct 2014 Orcnet: The game's mechanics is given a strong impact to butcher your enemies with the strength of the bow and eyes of strategy, this map is at best when played at full house. The level up abilities where a great use...




16:02, 27th Oct 2014


The game's mechanics is given a strong impact to butcher your enemies with the strength of the bow and eyes of strategy, this map is at best when played at full house.

The level up abilities where a great use and balanced out for the hero to excel in, the use of the attack ability in replace for an arrow hit is quite a nice and unique use for an hero arena, as well as that 1 hit melee damage ability which is like a mainstream to FPS games nowadays.

The terrain is beautiful, using the Sunken Ruins theme never disappoint due to the wonderful design its made for the game, as well on using it for a tactical route to hunt or kill enemies.

Overall, this map is must for players either in LAN or online playing.
Level 3
Jul 28, 2013
Well I took it for a spin on single play but it doesn't support bots (maybe work on that).
Terrain is good 3.5~4/5 (could use some better looking doodads (HQ textures/models).
The map feels enjoyable. You can add some events that activate from time to time.

Thanks for the help :p
I dont know how to create AIs... maybe someone can help me or link a tutorial or something? :p
for the events... I'll think about that :)
Level 3
Jul 28, 2013
Looking forward to download the new version :)

AI is in beta-test now :)
I'll test the AI with a friend tomorrow and see if he has any suggestions... after that it'll be released.
There is only one item-set the bots buy, but i'll add some more if that's boring. Also I'll make bots use activate items like the teleport staff then... just imagine how overpowered it would be if you get in range for a teleport/stab attack and it gets casted instant! :D

Thanks for your help! I'll give you credits ;)
Cloak of Shadows doesn't work when playing against AI.
AI has good aim (when target is moving), but tends to attack without actually seeing the player which is rather annoying.
There is some sort of bug with the "Cease arrow" portal does not disappear.
Knockback is a bit too much, maybe reduce it... after all you do get hit with an arrow not a wrecking ball.
At times arrows just flew trough me or the bots and did not do anything.
Map could use some more space.

Why do you have pathing blockers near shrubs lane in the upper-right-center part of the isle?
In the trigger "learning improved bow" it is normal to subtract accuracy? (I didn't bother to look up the accuracy variables so I'm asking)
Spawn protection should be a bit longer, but should be canceled when exiting the spawn area.
Level 3
Jul 28, 2013
Cloak of Shadows doesn't work when playing against AI.

Oh yeah! I made a buff-condition where the AI dont shoots you when you've the 'invisible' buffs, but since Cloak of Shadows gives you another Buff, they are still shooting you! thanks!

AI has good aim (when target is moving), but tends to attack without actually seeing the player which is rather annoying.

I'll change that, so AI will shoot Arrows randomly over the map, if they haven't seen you for some seconds. But right after they've spottet you, they'll keep shooting you even if they have no vision. I just was kinda lazy and wanted the AI to be hard :p

There is some sort of bug with the "Cease arrow" portal does not disappear.

Cease Arrow Portal? There is only one Portal in the game, and thats when you have the dimensional bow. can you explain me that a bit more detailed?

Knockback is a bit too much, maybe reduce it... after all you do get hit with an arrow not a wrecking ball.

I'll think about that... maybe I'll change the knockback distance, but not the knockback time. I personally like it the way it is, at least for the knockback time :p

At times arrows just flew trough me or the bots and did not do anything.

Perspective, thats all I guess^^. I've experienced it so often with my friends, that arrows wouldn't hit, even if it flew right through my enemy. I checked the trigger so often, that i can say it's error-free.^^

Map could use some more space.

I like that its that small. It would be more snipe-based if I'd make it larger. I want this map to be a fast action arena, not some hide n seek :p

Why do you have pathing blockers near shrubs lane in the upper-right-center part of the isle?

That's a plateau...^^ i'll edit the terrain there a bit to make it more clearly^^

In the trigger "learning improved bow" it is normal to subtract accuracy? (I didn't bother to look up the accuracy variables so I'm asking)

When you shoot, the game takes your angle +- a random number of "x" to "y". when you put a skillpoint into your "Accuracy" ability, "y" gets decreased, so you're more accurate. Lets say your accuracy is at level 0, and you level it up to level 1, you'll be more accurate by exactly one degree. imagine your accuracy as a cone. the middle of that cone is where you really click, but your archer shoots to a random point inside that cone. if you level up your accuracy that cone gets smaller. :)

Spawn protection should be a bit longer, but should be canceled when exiting the spawn area.

I'll think about that... i remember having hard times buying, while getting sieged from across the map^^

Thanks for your help dude! :)
About the portal bug - yes it was from the dimensional bow (portal stays open and multiple portals appear).
Knockback - I meant knockback distance yes.
And thanks for other info.

btw, ever thought about removing the bow from the elven ranger model and adding attachable bows that change with items?

Some stuff that you might find interesting:
Bow 1
Bow 2
Bow 3

Male Ranger
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Level 3
Jul 28, 2013
About the portal bug - yes it was from the dimensional bow (portal stays open and multiple portals appear).

I'll look after that... that seems a bit weird. when i tested it, it worked perfectly... :/

btw, ever thought about removing the bow from the elven ranger model and adding attachable bows that change with items?

Some stuff that you might find interesting:
Bow 1
Bow 2
Bow 3

Male Ranger

That's an Idea i've had a few weeks ago... i'd like to do that, but i need a model without an bow for that with a nice attack-animation for that^^ i'm not into modelling, but if someone made me a good one, i'd add it :)
I'll look after that... that seems a bit weird. when i tested it, it worked perfectly... :/

That's an Idea i've had a few weeks ago... i'd like to do that, but i need a model without an bow for that with a nice attack-animation for that^^ i'm not into modelling, but if someone made me a good one, i'd add it :)

I can remove the bow from any archer model you want. Select model and pm.
Level 3
Jul 28, 2013
thank you! :) after i've had some issues with my computer and very little time I've gone back to work and will release a newer version with changing bow models... so when you buy a bow you'll look awesome! :D i had a hard time looking for nice bow models, so some of them dont look that good, but after all i think thats a nice little change :)

also i've fixed some leaks in my AI
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Hotkey problem: the shoot button gets shifted around the card when you learn new abilities, and since the hotkey doesn't work (attack-move overrides it) it creates problems.

You should put the conditions for getting a bow in the menu instead of a random tip.

I occasionally got a "You have no arrows" message despite having fifty of them, they might have been in a slot other than the first though.

The Ranger bow makes arrows explode at the target, they don't keep going.
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Level 3
Jul 28, 2013
Hotkey problem: the shoot button gets shifted around the card when you learn new abilities, and since the hotkey doesn't work (attack-move overrides it) it creates problems.

You should put the conditions for getting a bow in the menu instead of a random tip.

I occasionally got a "You have no arrows" message despite having fifty of them, they might have been in a slot other than the first though.

The Ranger bow makes arrows explode at the target, they don't keep going.

for the shoot button and the shortcut problem: it never happened to me...

and for the aoe bows: yeah they all explode at the targeted location for better aiming with an aoe
Level 1
Oct 16, 2015
good job!
This is a really fun MP map.

And as deepstrasz mentioned above, later on it becomes unplayable due to low FPS.
Do you still work on it?
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